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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1907)
THE HJtOGE Favorable Comment On Osteopathy Made By a Leading New York Evening Newspaper. The followiug, relative to Osteo pathy, is taken from the New York Piesa: New York is nearly always behind times in pnblio utilities and science. While the practice of Osteopathy is legalized f ally in over a soore of States, onr smart Legislature is doing its best to kill the bill to regulate and recog nize it in the Empire State. The real charlatans and qnacks are in the halls of the Capitol. After oarefnl investi gation and intimate experience with Osteopathy, the following Governors advooated and signed enabling acts Grout of Vermont, Stevens ot Missouri, Brings of North Dakota, Pingree of Miobigan, Shaw of Iowa, Lee of Sooth Dakota, Altgeld of Illinois. McMillan of Tennessee, Tanner of Illiuois. Beck bam of Kentuoky. Smith and Dilling ham of Vermont, in tbeir respective administrations, approved Osteopathy. The Surgeons Way Here is a boy, we say, with curva ture of the spine a sad case. A great surgeon, whose name is a household word, pot him in plaster jacket for Ave yeuts, changing the jackets twice Biiuually. Being in a vise, (be child oould not grow. He could never be bathed. He conld not stoop down, but bad to squat. He beoame pale almost to emaciation, bad violent head aches, retchings, and pains in his hip joints. One day an old man under Osteopathic treatment for cnrvature of the spine begged that the boy be examined by Lis doctor. After much deliberation the father consented. Off With 1 he Burden I Wild with delight, the boy, now ten years old. hastened borne, borrowed a pair of tinners' shears and worked all day, while his father was at business, trying to out off bis jaoket, which was ' the job when he got borne, and what do you suppose he found? The protu berance of the spine had rubbed so long against the unyielding plaster that an escresoence as big as the thumb nail bad grown there 1 And the spinal column had become so ossified that it was positively rigid 1 There was bad bruises on the hip joints, from f riotion against the plaster. And, worse than all, the little fellow's ribs were lapped over literally grown on top of one an other in a hopeless effort to expand I The first thing the victim did was to plunge into a tnb of water and swim there for three hours bis first real bath in five years 1 He then slept for fifteen hours. " ' With The Osteopath The Osteopath had consented to treat the boy only after a rigid examinaion of bis constiutional condition. A form er surgeon, head of one of onr great hospitals, had deolared his "bony structure brokeu down." A physician said he would die of consumption in three years. (Statement made when the child was just past two years. ) For several weeks after the removal of the plaster jacket the boy was too weak in the back to sit up and would fall . aronnd the bouse like a rag. After the third treatment he was out digging sand. No medicines, mind you 1 Just the firmest, yet the teuderest manipu lation. The vertibrae, the gristle hardened by disuse, had to be broken apart gradually, but the boy suffered little or no pain. His head ached no more. He soon began to grow fast, His chest filled out, the ribs getting in place. After One Year The treatment was begun in May, 1804. The child started to school in the fall and has been going regularly ever since . He travels alone every Sunday a distance of twenty miles to visit his doctor, a young woman of Borne 23 years, and returns late in the afternoon for a romp till bedtime. He turns somersaults, stands on his head, runs like a soared deer, eats everything in sight, plays tag, and is generally full of all sorts of devilment. He has grown in height nearly three inohes sinue the jaoket was cut off. The aharo protuberance of his spine has assumed a gentle curvature, which cannot be noticed when he stands ereot If the improvement oontinues, he will be as straight as an arrow in twelve months more. The Skeptios When Dr. heard that this boy was going to take the Osteopathic treatment, he threw up bis bands in holy honor. "My Godl Don't, don't anHect him to that awfnl ordeal 1 It is worse than death I" When he saw the boy a month ago he could soaroely hnlieve his eves. But the evidence had to be accepted, and when an ex amination had been made, he again threw nn his hands, saying: "It is like a miracle. I take back every thing I said against it." Other skep tics were convinced. What The Jaoket Does Surgeons are not in business for their health alone; nor for the Dealt n or tneir patients. They need a little money for automobiles, fast horses, etc I fail to see where we are under so great obligations to them that we should make tbem public pets. Lord knows, nnouch for tbeir services. It aaftma to me that the only object in locking a child with curvature of the spine in a plaster jacket is to prevent th nnrvatnie from becoming more ' mi A. n A -mvilA Tironouuoeu. xuhi iimo ""i1" As far as straightening the spinal nnlnmn iii concerned, no sort of effort can be made, when the victim is not ' seen again for six months, and no treatment can be offered. Our streets are filled with hunohbaoks, simply be cause our surgeons allow backbones to harden", with the knowledge that once completely ossified, they will bend no further. Osteopathy Not Massage The only thing that I am afraid of in Osteopathy is that too broad claims are made. On the other band, some folk, silly-willies, contend that it is merely massage Folderoll It is as far f torn massage, as massage is under stood, as bloodless surgery is from vivisection. 1'be massner merely soratche9 the giound, tickles tbe euti cle. Tbe Ostoepatb is obliged to know tbe struoture and function of tbe tis sues, organs and working systems of tbe human body. His prinoipal work is the harmonious adjustment of all parts of the body. If there be charla tanism, it will expose itself. Tbe bill of Albany provides such control as is had over other branches of tbe medi cal and surgical professions, with tbe customary board of examiners and tbe usual licenses, etc As to the old school some other tales I conld unfold. This article was printed May 2nd 1905 and since that time Osteopathy has been legally recognized in tbe em pire state after a hard fought battle with tbe medics. Dr. Heisley & Heisley. Church of Christ V. E. Hoven, Minister. HINDRANCES TO UNION. One of tbe common excuses for our divided condition is, "All can not think alike." Is that true? God made man and the Book man is to live by. He so made both that there should be no conflict between the two. If he did not understand bis business on this point, then we may logically and le gitimately charge Him with an un pardonable blunder. He is, then, re sponsible for these divisions. But who dares make that charge? Again,, if we cannot think alike with God nor fellow men. and are justified in doing we think, whiob means we have a right to do as we please, then tbe evil doers of every description will have no oharges to face in tbe day of judg ment, for neither the laws of God nor of man can touch him. The oburob of Christ stood united for three hundred years after it was founded. Dnring that time men conld and did think alike. What hinders them from doing the same now? If men were monkeys then, and all those monkeys could think alike; now that they are fully developed men, ought there not to be some improvement? Another exonse is that, "tbe Bible is of private interpretation." In one sense, the Bible is of private interpre tation in that the Church has no an thority to interpret it for me and force that interpretation upon me. In an other sense, it is not of private inter pretation in that I must intrepret one portion of that book in the light and harmony of all the rest of it. I must allow God to think and speak. Here is our trouble. We are asked to think with God, bnt we assert our indepen denoe. We ate told to speak as tbe Oracles of God speak, but we think that tbe 6peecb of a Oonncil or a Synod or a Conference will do just as well. The real hmdrauoe to union is the Creeds made by men. Tbey have human oreed in 325 at Nicea. I de clared against the Arians, hence sepa ration. Tbe Roman Catbolio church is founded on that creod. Tbe Lutheran church has an artiole in her creed de daring against the Anabaptists, there for that creed caused division. Calvin had a notion about the decrees of God, that a certain-number, determined from eternity, would be saved and a oertain number lost. He made a creed embodying that and other things, and because of that oreed, the Presbyterians are separated from their brethren. It is the same story about every denomi nation down tbe ages to the present Leaders in religion have taken scraps of Soriptures, formed opinions on those soraps and then made a oreed on those opinions. These creeds make void tbe wora of God. The traditions of the Elders in tbe days of Christ had the same effect'upon'God's word, and He swept forever away human systems on divine things when He said : "In vain do tbey worship me. teaching as their dootnnes the preoepts ot men." Matt. 15:9 Every denomination is compelled to read the Bible through her creed. If a minister is chosen by any of these ohurohes, he must pledge himself to preach the Bible as that particular ohuroh interprets it by her oreed ; if he will not, out he goes. Not only does tbe individual lose bis liberty, but tbe gospel has lost its power upon tbe masses. Why does tbe Sword of the Spirit seem so dull? Because teachers of human systems have so long hacked it against their traditions, wrapped it about with their oreeds and disciplines until tbe sinner can feel neither edge nor point. After all, where can human oreeds take a person? They are made for tbe purpose of taking men to heaven, if obeyed. But how can any human be ing make a creed that will take any body to heaven, since tbe antbor ol it bas never been there himself? On the other band, Jesus said, "I am tbe way," "follow me," "No one cometh to the Father but by me." We are ever aeked to believe in Him and fol low his teachings, not those of men. Appendicitis Is due in a large measure to abuse of the bowels, by employing drastio pur gatives. To avoid all danger, use only Dr. King's New Life Fills, tbe sale gentle cleansers 1 and invigorators. Guaranteed for headaobe, biliousness, maleria and jauodioe, at Wm. Mo Bride's drug store. 25c Nursing mothers and Orer-burdencd Women In all (stations of life, whose vigor and vitality may have been undermined and brokon-ilown by over -work, exacting social duties, the too frequent bearing of children, or ot'.icr causes, will find in Dr. Plprce's Favorito Prescription the most potent, invifjining restorative strength giver ever !cv!$cd for their special bene f t. Kurslnsr.iothers wiHfind it especial ly valuables i,v sustaining belr strength and promo ingn;ikundant nourishment for the child. txpVctantfcotfefirs too will find it a priccleAHtiTO pftpam the system (or baby's coming and relxjclng the ordeal comparatively painless rnn n pn hrrrr if) ,my State, or condition pt the female system. ' ix-iicatc imtvouj, weak women, who suffer from frequent headaches, back ache, distress low down in the alxinmcn. or from painful or irreg ular monthly iriods, gnawing or dis tressed sensr tion in stomach, dizzy or faint spells, see imaginary specks or spots Boating Nfn-o eyes, have disagreeable, pelvic catarrhal drain, prolapsus, ante version or retro-version or other displace ment of womanly organs from weakness of parts will, wlietlier they experience many or only a lew oi mo aoove symp toms, Ihirt relief and a jiermanent cure by using faithfully end fairly persistently Dr. Pierce's Fnvorito Prescription. This world-famed specific for woman's weaknesses and peculiar ailments is a puro glyceric extract of tho choicest na tive, medicinal roots without a drop of alcohol in its innkc-iip. All Its ingredi ents printed in plain English on its bottlo wrapicr and attested under oath. Dr. Picrco thus invites tbo fullest investiga tion of his formula knowing that it will be found to contain only tho best agents known to the most advanced medical science of nil tho different schools of prac- tico fiir tho cure el woman's peculiar weaknesses and ailments. If you want to know more about the composition and professional endorse ment of tho " l uvorito rroscriptton," sena postal card request to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for his free booklet treat ing of same. You can't afford to accept as a substi tute for this remedy (ifknoirnatmpmUion a secret nostrum or unnnown oompow tion. Don't do it. Dr. O. F. Heisley Dr. S. Etta Heisley Graduates Am. School Osteopathy, jf Kirksville, Mo., Dr A. T. Still, President, Founder. Elrs. HEISLEY HEISLEY OSTEOPTHIC PHYSICIANS Office and Residence Cor. 5th and Ad ams St. opposite Chrtstian church. Days in Athena: Monday, Wednesday, Friday-. On Savings We Pay 4 On the Quarterly Balance or 3 On the Monthly Balance BLACKSMITH REPAIRING SHOP A. H. LUNA, Proprietor. Shon West of King's Barn, Athena THE ! ST. NICHOLS HOTEL i. E. FROOME, prop. Only First-class Hotel in i the City. Iff THE ST. HICHOLS is tbe only one that can accommodate commercial travelers. ft? Wanted A woman to live on ranch and care for children. Apply at this office. I fJ J ifiiHg m&- t Can beiecomended for Its clean and f well ventilated rooms. a rnn. Maih andThibd. Atbiha, Or. For First Class HORSESHOEING And BLACKSMITHINC Call at the Brick Shop, oppo- site Commercial Stable. TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY KEENE, Agent. Athena. Oregon. ID, endDeton At r- ' Big tore Making Room for a Record Breaking Holiday Trade. Our already Low Prices Further Reduced. On November 7th will open on the second Floor. Bring the Children to to see the largest and best assortment of Toys ever seen in Eastern Oregon. Trains, fire engines, hose carts, autos, Teddy bears by the hundreds. Attached to these are Department Store prices, which mean a saving to you of 25 per cent and sometimes, 50 per cent. & Biggest Assortment and Biggest Varieties Lowest Prices on all Lines f Dependable Merchandise Sayc All Your Cupons The Peoples Warehouse Pendleton, Oregon Where it Pays you to Trade 8 I IN I imm vmvmmmtmt ''M'l.TOffiffW'y4'WH'ai:l'f;wr follows a cold, but never follows the use of i i a a It stops the cough and heals the lungs and prevents a cold from settling on your lungs and resulting in Pneumonia, Pleurisy, or Consumption. You are in no danger of serious results if FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is taken, as it soothes and heals the inflamed air pas sages and the cough disappears. Be sure and get FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, as preparations containing opiates stop the cough temporarily by paralyzing the nerves in the throat and leave the germs of serious lung trouble and you get one cold on another because the first one was not cured perfectly. Saved Her W.o Fr:n Pneumonia. Cured When Very Low With Pneumonia. "My wife had a severe attack or Pneumonia which J. W. Bryan, of Lowder, III., writes: "My little followed a severe attack of La Grippe and I believe boy was very low with Pneumonia. Unknown to that FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAK saved her life," the doctor we gave him FOLEY'S HONEY AND writes James Coffee, of Raymond, Missouri. TAR. The result was magical and puzzled the . ,. . .. ... . doctor, as it Immediately stopped the ricking cough Dr. C. J. Bishop. Aenew, Mich., writes: "I have ,nd he 0ulcklv recovered " ed FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR in three very nd he quickly recovered. ;re cases of Pneumonia with good results in every . rt A m . as Three Sizes, 25c, 50o and $1.00 The 50-cent size contains 21-2 times as much as the small size, and the $ size almost 6 times as much.