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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1907)
Press Paragraphs Miss Ada Ely was over from Weston Sunday. Miss Gertie Burden visited frieuds iu Athena tbis week. D. B. Jarmau made a business trip to Portland tbis week. Jorry St. Dennis baa been under the weather the past week. Win. Shaffer was down trout Waits burg the first of the week. Don't fail to see big city show at opera bouse Monday night. A rare treat to Atheua theater goers Tho All Star Vaudeville Co. Miss Georgie Hansell is iu I'endlo tou atteuding the institute. D. Herrick, the Walla Walla piano mau. was iu the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Maroellus Bryson, of Weston, were iu the city Wednesday. Alius Clara Walrus was iu the city yesterday from her home near Adams. Jerry Stoue and A. M. Gillis were Pendleton visitors the first of the weok. Wautod A woman to live on raucb und care for children. Apply at this office. Jus. Piice and Gooigo Staggs, Wes ton business inou, were iu the city Tuesday. J. M. Bates, representing Buffalo Pitts Co. was iu tho city Tuesday and Weduesday. Two hours of solid fan, a laugh every minute ut the opera house Mon day night. f Miss Loota Cannon came in from her sohool and left Tuesday to attend the institute. Wanted A girl to do house work in a family of three Call at residence of Dr. Heisley. J Orville Boohor returned Monday thorn Ritzville, whore he has worked during harvest. Mrs. Riohaid Morrison, who re sides east of Weston was shopping in Athena yesterday. , Will Jamiesou, ouo"of the proprie tors of the Weston meat market, was iu town yesterday. Mrs. Luoretia Malouoy, of Weston, was iu tho city yesterday visiting hot son, John Rothrook. Miss Ethel jO'Harra was in the city Weduesday, visiting hor oousius, Mr. and Mrs. L. I. O'Harra. Goo. Brutchor bad on exhibition Koine enormous cabbages fiom his mountain ranch Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker visited this wook et the homo of I'rauk Sny der aud fumily noar Peudletou. All kuowiug thonisolvos indebted to W. S. Buol, tbe blacksmith are ro qiuiHtod to call at onco and settle. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley were guests ut the Petersou-Robey wedding in Walla Wulla Tuesday evening. Miss Mnttio Januaii and brother, re cent arrivals from Chicago are in tho city visiting at tho Jarmau home. Born Bannistor aud wife were guests ut tho homo of Mrs. Bannister's moth er in Milton, tho first of the week. Miss Jessie MoEweu ciuuo homo Tuosday evening to spend the vaca tion, mado by the teachers' institute. Mrs. I. M. Kemp and daughter Ln cillo visited at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Bort MoKnight iu Milton Suuday. MisB Bernioo Curry was visiting friends in this city Sunday from Wes ton, wherosho is attending the Normal. Uncle John Cullomlor roturuod from "Wulla Wttllu Tuosday morniug, haviug enjoyed his vacation to the last niiu uto. Mr. and Mrs. Zopb Lookwood uro now settled in tbe Colborn home, where they will rouiain duriug the winter. Mrs. M. J. Mays is expoctetl iu a few days from Taconia where sue has been visiting hor daughter Mrs. J. M. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cutou moved into their .town propel ty on Fifth f street Wednesday, from tho dairy farm south ot town. y Boru, on Monday, October 31, 1907, Mo Mr. and Mrs.' James Bell, at their homo on Jefferson street, a boy, weight 10,l8' pounds. Tho members of tho Robecoa Lodge will meet at the Lodgu hull on Tuos day ovoning, Oct. 2i). By request of Noblo Grand. Mr. and Mis. Win. Tompkins aud childreu went up to Waitsburg, Wash,, yostorday, where they will visit friends for a few days. J. B. Duffy aud family moved last weok f loin the turin on tho reservation to Walla Walla, where they will le- sido during tho wiuter. i Tho school children are enjoying their vacation to tho full this week, aud tho skating rink is patronized each night to its oapaoity. j Miss Laura Mclntyro was tho guest Af Miss Zelina DePeatt at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gross iu 'Walla Walla Saturday aud Sunday. Sueiiff T. D. Taylor has beeu a coustant visitor to Athena during tbe illuess of his brother, W. R.ti who is now ou the fair road to recovery. X Ed Barrett cuiuo in from Taoomu, Wednesday ou u short business visit to Athena. He says tbe famuy are well, and pleased with tbe Sound city. Messrs. S. J. Cully, F. F. Humeston and Win. MoKeuzie. of Weston passed through in an auto Wednesday, on their way to Arlington, for a goose bunt. Mr. Leo Gholson of Albiu, Iowa, who has been visiting iu Walla Walla for some time, spent Sunday with tbe Gholson's and Mrs. A. A. Fcss in tbis city. I Six work hoisos will be sold at auc tion tomorrow afternoon at McBride's livery stable. Ben Hasbrook owner, aud J. C. Stamper auctioneer. XAttorney Wilson went over to Walia Walla Tuosday evening, where he at teuded the wedding of his law partner, S. D. Peterson, and MissLuella Robey. Thoro will bo a publio sale and auc tion of work horses and farm imple ments at McBride's livery stable tomor row afternoon, commencing at 2 o'clock. Harry Roseuzweig was dowu from the farm near Ellopia, Wash., Tuesday shaking hands with old friends. Ho was on business and did not tarry loug, returning tbe same day. jMis. Elmer Couuick and children Frotuiued home from Waitsburg Mon day, where sho had beeu in attendance npou her mother, who recently under went a surgical operation. H. C. Wbitemau was over from Walla Walla Monday, visiting bis son Otis, ou tho farm. Mr. aud Mrs. Wbitemao left Walla Walla Tuesday for an extended trip through tbe Al berta country. Principal Watts with his full corps of teachers is iu Pendleton this week enjoying '.be splendid program pre pared for tbe edifictaion of tbe teachers of theoounty the past three days at the county institute. Mrs. Wiseman, who resides on tbe Ira McDonald place was taken very soriously ill Sunday nigbt, aud a phy sician summoned. She was able to drive to town however, ou Tuesday to see hor physician. J Friday the LaBrnohe Brothors went "7 . t T T i I I A 1 M : . I ,1 to waiisuurg, wuere luey lurujsupu inusio tor a ball. These young men are justly famed for their excellent or chestra music, as these calls from out side towns will testify. Bert Dan tier the O. R. & N. conduc tor spent Suuday with his parents iu tbis oity. He was accompanied ou his return to Walla Walla by his sis ter, Miss Delia Dannor, who returned home ou the next train. John Diokensou had tbe misfortune 1 1 I 1 . ; II.' I M - - io lose a vuiuuuiu cow, tuis wook iiouj founder. However, Unole Dick says philosophically, that the loss of a cow is nothing, as at about tho same time he gained a daugbter-in-law. y Tuesday tho infant daugLter of Mr. And Mrs. D. B. Jarman fell from her go-cart, causing painful bruises and scratches about tho little face. Dr. Sharp was summoned, and tho little one was soou made oonirortuuie. Y Miss Velma Wilkinson caino dowu iroin hor mountain school Friday, having olosod the school for a couple of wooks on account of a casu of scar let fever iu the neighborhood. Miss Wilkinson is attending the institute. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Huiisoom wore up Sunday irom tue rarm una spent the day at tho Foss home. Mr. Ilaus- oom,. tho elder, father of Claud, is at presout iu tho hospital at Pendleton, being affliotod with a case of typhoid fever. Jamos Henderson will leave soou for a visit of sovoral weeks duration at his former homo iu New York state. Mr. Heudorsou will visit relatives of Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Betts, who re side iu the vioiuity of his home, wbilo absent. Dr. S. Etta Hoisley and daughter are visiting her paronts this week at their homo iu Walla Walla. She was advised by phone that an auut from Prossor was also visiting there, so the visit is iu tbe nature of a family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sboard are home from Hot Lake sanitarium, whoro they have been for several mouths in tbe hope of benefitting Mr. Sheard's health. He is somewhat im proved, but is still far from being a well man. Weduesday a team drivou by Ed Kidder took a spin from tbe corner of First and Madison streets to tbe Pres-ton-Parton Mill, ou their own respon sibility. .No damage resulted bnt a brokeu tougue, double-trees aud a few minor breakages. Barrott aud Earl, refined siugeis, dancers aud whistlers is one of the best aots of its kind ou the Vaude ville stage. Mr. Barrett is holder of tbe Police Gazette niedul for the ohanipiou whistler of the world. Opera house Monday night. Mrs. O. M. Cnstlomau Jolt Wedues day after a couple of woeks with her parents aud sisters in Athoua. She will visit n few days with frieuds iu Pendleton, lonviug thero tomorrow to join her husuand, who is in the drug business in Portlaud. K" There is quite a deal of sickness uioug the little folks iu town tbis week, though nothing of a contagious nature has beeu reported. Merna De Peatt, Hazel Sanders, Ferol McBride aud Velum Kiug were detained from school the first of tbe week. Mrs. L. Jackson, of Pendleton, is visiting her daughter, Miss Stella Jacksiu nt tbe Jones homo this week. Miss Jackson, who is head milliner at Mrs. Junes' millinery store, will prob ably accompany her mother borne to-inou-ow, for a few weeks etay. Weston oouooilmen are discussing the ad visibility of purchasing a chem ical engine to subdue small blazes. Tbe engine deemed suitable for Wes tou's use is a new band power design weighing 800 ponnds when loaded ready for action aud costs 1275. yMra. Delia Harden was iu town yes fsrdoy for a few hours. Mrs. Burdou was on ber way to her borne iu La Crof, Wasb., from North Powder, wbei 9 she attended the wedding of her daughter, Miss Ruty Burden, who was married Sunday, Oct. 20, to a Mr. Shaw. An erroueous statement appeared in the Pendleton papers tbe first of tbe weok in regard to Mr. T. M. Taggart, Athena's progressive groooryman. It was stated that Mr. Taggnrt intended goiug iuto business in that city, but this ia-a mistake, as be assures bis friends and patrons here be bos no such intention. Do you know that Pinesalve Carbol ized acts like a poultioe in drawing out inflammation and poison? It is antiseptic For cuts, bnrns, eczema, cracked hands it is immediate relief. Sold Dy Pioneer Drug Store. " It is a well known fact that persons living iu the Pine forests do not suffer from kidney diseases. One dose of Pmenles at night usually rolieves back ache. 30 days' treatment, $1.00. Your money refunded if not satisfied. Sold by Pioneer Drug Score. Rings Dyspepsia Tablets do the work. Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, indigestiou, bloating, etc, yield quick ly. Two days treatment free. Ask your druggist for a free trial. Sold by Pioneer Drug Store. We are selling Real Estate and want to list your property. It doesn't cost you anything to list with us, and we don't ask for commssiou nnless we make a sale. If yon have anything to sell Bend description and your price, aud we will sell it for you. If you want to invest don't fail to see us. Kendall & Fugate, 6 East Main St., Walla Walla. Wn., over Hockett's Drug Store. During October the O. R. & N. Co. are naming special colonist rates from Eastern points, and will soil you pre paid orders and deliver tickets where and to whom yon wish. Fare, New York to Athena $17.50, Chicago to Athena $30.50, Kansas City or Omaha to Athena $22.50. For rates from other points enquire at O. R. &N, de pot. " The Opera House manager is to be congratulated on securing an attrac tion like Beeober & Stanley's Big East Lynne Co. An ideal "productiorrof tbis universally admired dramatio masterpiece Each character is in tbe hands of a capable artist. Will be with us one night only. Get reserved seats early. Opera House, Wednesday Oot. '30. Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents. The most read novel evor published. You have read the book; now see the play. Beecher & Stanley present a company of first olass artists, eaoh lady and gentleman being especially fitted for the character assigned them. You will see the best production of tbis famous drama ever presented in your city. At Opera Houso, Wednesday Oot. 30. One nigbt only. Prices 25. 35, and 50 cents. Reserved seats on salo at Dell Bros. Pendleton Defeats Weston. A One game of football was witness ed, by an enthusiastic crowd at the Nor mal grounds at Weston Saturday after noon, between tbe Pendleton High Sohool league and tbe Normal Pedago gues. Tbe sooro was 16 to 17 iu favor of Pendleton. Dr. O. F. Heisley Dr. S. Etta Heisley Graduates Am. School if Osteopathy, f Kirksville, Mo., Dr A. T. Still, President, Founder. Drs. HEISLEY & HEISLEY OSTEOPTHIC PHYSICIANS Office and Residence Cor. 5th and Ad ams St. opposite Chrtstian church. Days in Athena: Monday, Wednesday, Friday". . Weaknesses. . . . : t,i .: boon io'wcak, nervous, ; tt-:-.icrt known as Dr. Piorco'S Favorif rljithm.- Dr. .lolm l'yfe one of tho Editorial Staff of Tim Uoixmo Mr.nic.u. Kkvikw says of Unicom root (Hclv.U Violin) will- h Is ono of tlio ohir-f ingredients of tho "Fa vorite PrtsnriDtion": A ivnv.t'.v wiili'li invarlalily acts as autor Ino InvUron-. or nui::t's for normal ac tivity of ll:-" pntro irtt" ..firt ivo system." Ilo continii'-. 'in iiclo!Ht ' haveamwHca hifiit wlifli rwrn inlly k'-.swt is the above purpose ,; :n m:y ((;: tin.; .'''(.' irMrh I am umuainij d. l.-.'ilio 1 n-atrr.ein of diseases pe culiar to wonn'ii it is svklom that a rase ia seen which iK not present some, indication for this remedial atrenU" Dr. Tyfe further says: "The following arc amone the leading Indications Corllelouias (Unicorn rout). I'ain or aching in the back, with i leucorrhcra ; atonic weak)condltl.,itf the reproductive oruans of Vmien, mentiM depression and Ir ritability, associated vrittfchronlc disease or the reproductive organs of women; constant sensation A heat In tho ration of the kid? neys; nien)rriiaid (flooding), due to a weak ened condition ofthe reproductive system: amenoriiry.urresed or absent monthly IH?riodf.aKSirf't'row or accompanying aq abnosavnl condition of tho digestive organs and Ajfiemle (thin blood) habit: dragging sensMons In the extreme lower part of tlio atxknnen." ... If morci or less of thr abovft symptoms arTyigstui I. 'no invalid . '"r'jl"J'aP tw'TT.-r !Tiii Juki; )r. I ici ecTa Tjavpnu? lTtTTHCoTITriir liigredi entsof wlTOii is Unicorn root, or Helonias, ami the medical properties of which i most faithfully repri'sotit-s. Of Golden Seal root, another prominent Ingrediont of "Favorite Prescription," Prof. Fiulev Ellingwnod, M. D.. of Hen nott Medical College, Chicago, says: H Is an important remedy in disorders of tho womb. In all catarrhal conditions and general entablement, it is useful." Prof. John M. Sciuider, M. D., late of Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal root : "In relation to Its "cncral effects on tho system, there i nn n;A?; itir 111 ure uhich the re w jusc'i (jrumtj iiMidintit ,' wrtu'ork It Ls wnicirsci'i; rvganled as fi tonic useful In all doS'ilitateil states. ; , . IVof. U. lUrtholow, M. D.. of JelTcrson Medical 04li;t,e, says of Golden Seal : "Valuable in uteris licn:vrthuge, menor rhagta at.'d congestive dywuenor rluea (jiaintul menstrua 1101O." llr. Pierce's Far?; : 1 e Inscription faith fully represent nil tho a iwve. named In gredients ami euros tho diseases for which tuoy ar recouioiendod. 1 rf!! Mosgrove fall and Winter everything in the Dry Goods and Clothing line that you need for the coming sea son. We guarantee our prices lower than either Walla Walla or Pendleton. The reason why, we do not pay six or seven hundred per month rent. We own I our building and haye no rent to pay. We purchase goods for three stores. This enables us to buy goods in large quantities from first hands. We pay cash for everything, thus securing all the discounts. We sell at the smallest possible margin, and the economical buyer saves money by purchasing of us. JfJHCESiJIiiy Xun runiAN ruaun CO. If you are ready for an over coat your coat is ready for you. Tbe finest fit and workmanship that first class tailors can. turn out. Prices 1 $6.50 to $25 THE CELEBRATED 6 8 1 On Savings j We Pay o 0 On the Quarterly Balance or J f On the oWonthly Balance BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP l A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West ot King's Barn, Athena TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY KEENE, Agent, Athena. - - Oregon. i""1"" ' i MHHMMM m Ml. lull I I I . 4 Pimetiles 30 days' treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Mlii,,, jH,Jhl A Mercantile ISew goods in every department. Come early before the assortment is brooken. We can furnish vou NEW SUITS brimful of style. Permanent shapes and tbe best of band tail oring. Ultra styles for tbe younger set. Dignified, conser vative styles for tbe dignified men. We hope yon will remem ber that tbis store bas earned its leadership by virtue of merit in valno and fair prices. We have tbe finest selection ever shown by ns. Prices. $8.50 to $22.50 H GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EVERY CASH PURCHASE ) ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton Flour is made iu Athena, by Atheua labor, in the latest and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected ; . Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronizo borne 5 industry. Your grooer sells Atnerioan Beauty for 5 Merchant Millers Athena, Oregon. case before B : vT St -J SOLD IN ATHENA AT HAWK'S PIONEER Co., Athena a A We are sole agents for the perfect fitting popular priced MUNCING UNDERWEAR We carry a full line of Ladies' Misses' and Children's in union or two piece suits all grades. More satisfaction for less money in Mousing underwear than in any other make yon can buy. They fit like a glove and are so elastio that the body has absolute freedom, of motion. The most Substantial Drill on the market. With the Saucer Feed, there is no cracked seed Planted A J C. L Barrett Company Athena, - - Oregon 81 0 Milling Company g er Sack.! and Grain Buyers : Waitsburg, Wash. S MONITOR DRILLS R. J. BQDDY WHOLESALE BUTCHER Makes a Specialty of furnishing Meat in Large Quantities. First-class stock, Reasonable price A dose at bed time usual ly relieves the most severe morning. BACK-ACHE DRUG STORE. 19 B O