The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 25, 1907, Image 5

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. 1
Corporations Assessed on a Seventy,
five Per Cent Valuation-Rail-road
Taxes Increased.
Besides more tbau doubling tbe
assessment of tbe railroads in Mult
nomah county, Assessor h. D. Sigler
bas assessed these corporations on a
75 per cent valuation for all bills re
ceivable. This is tbe first time in
tbe history of the country that this
asset has been considered taxable, and
means tbat tbe Oregon Railroad &
Navigation company will contribute
taxes to tbe county on an item of $16,
180,000 tbat bas heretofore esoaped
taxation. All other corporations have
been assessed on the same plan, ty
which bas been added several millions
of dollars of valuation to tbe county
assessment roll.
In 1906 tbe Oregon Railroad &
Navigation company was assessed
$17,000 a mile for its roadbed
and 13000 a mile for its rolling stook,
on the main line, or a total assessment
of $20,000 per mile. This year the
company has been assessed $17,000 a
mile for its roadbed and rolling stock.
Tbis estimate for assessing this corpo
ration was based ou its earnings of
the corporation in Multnomah county
for tbe last five years was computed
and considered 10 per cent of the capi
talization of the company. Tbe capi
tal stock of the corporation having
been tbns estimated tbe valueof$17,
000 a mile was determined by the num
ber of miles of railway in operation.
By tbe last report filed ty the Oregob
Railroad & Navigation company with
the state tax commission it was report
ed to have cash on hand to tbe amount
of $425,000 and bills receivable aggre
gating $21,013,000. Assessor Sigler
contended tbat tbis asset should be
assessed as other accounts are assessed,
and listed these evidences of wealth at
three fourths the sum total or $16,
180,000. The assessment of the roadbod and
rolling stook of tbe Northern PaciBo
Railway company was also increased
this year to $47,000 a mile. For its
main line the Southern PaciBo will
pay taxes tbis year ou a valuation of
$30,000 a mile for rolling stook. For
its branch lines, the Fourth-street and
Jeffersou-street divisions, tbe company
bas been assessed $20,000 a mile for
roadbed and $2000 a mile for rolling
Tbe items referred to herein include
only roadbed, rolling stock and bills
receivable of tbe different companies,
and in addition to whiob the railroads
are also assessed for all other property
they own in tbe county. All other
traUBDOrtation cornoratinna onnratinir
in f ha flAnnfv hava hoan liafjut af !
portionately high valuations, with tbe
result that the aggregate of this y ear's
assessment roll for Multnomah (oounty
will exceed $200,000,000 as bas been
Estimating the inoome In taxes from
tbe item of $16,180,000 of bills re
ceivable, with whiob the Oregon Rail
road & Navigation oompady has been
assessed this year on the same tax levy
tbat was made in 1906 and amounting
to 16 mills, the county will receive
from this one item the sum of $256,000.
A Most Worthy Article.
When an artiole bas been on tbe
market for yeare and gains friends
every year, it is safe to call tbis medi
cine a worthy one. Suoh is Ballard's
Horehound Syrup. It positively cares
ocngbs and all Pulmonary diseases.
One of tbe best known merchants in
Mobile, Ala., says:
"For five years my family has not
been troubled with tbe winter congbs
we owe tbis to Ballard's Horehound
Syrup. I know it bas saved my children-
from many sick spells." Sold by
Wm. MoBride. v
Tbe old remedies are tbe best Hick
ory Bark Cough Remedy has been in
nse for over one hundred years by tbe
old Dutch Dnnkards of Pennsylvania,
and is still in use by all the old families
of Western Pennsylvania. Is abso
lutely pure; made from the bark of tbe
white or shell bark hickory tree. Tbe
bark is shipped from the east, and
manufactured in Walla Walla, Wash.
For sale by Palace Drug Store.
A Criminal Attack
on an inoffensive citizen is frequently
made in tbat apparently useless little
tube called the "appendix." It's gen
erally tbe result of protracted oonsti
pation, following liver torpor. Dr.
King's New Life Pills regulate tbe
liver, prevent appendicitis, and estab
lish regular habits of the bowels. 25a
at Wm. McBride's, Drug Store.
Church of Christ
V. K Hoven, Minister.
tril r
mi CTin
flLL Uinil Jk
mm ni
DGT. 28 I
Eight big Feature Act
Pretty Girls. Funny Comedians
Prices 25c and 50c.
Curtain raises at 8:15
Standard Sewing Machines
Standard Sewing Machines have been in use for 25 years and during
that time have given oomplete satisfaction to operators in all parts of tbe
world. Tbis is due to their tborongbly soientiQo construction, aoonrate
fitting, easy aotion and great strength and also tbe superior quality of
r.jetal used in them, which makes tbe "Standard" more durable than any
other machine. Every part is accurately made and interchangeable and
can be replaced, if necessary, at any time, which means the "Standard"
machine will last forever; there is no wear out to it Each maobine is
given a practical sewing test, and is properly adjusted by experienced op
erators before leaving tbe factory. The machine is then ready for imme
diate use, and our complete Book of Instructions tells tbe purohaser how
all kinds of up-to-date sewing can be perfectly and quickly doue on the
"Standaid." Tbe "Standard" is not a cbeap maobine, n dither in quality
or price. It is made especially for those who demand tbe highest quality
from the very best materials obtainable. No machine is cheap that is not
durable; to tbe cost of repairs on an inferior machine will soon double tbe
original price, not counting the wear and tear on nerves and patience; and
nojmachine is durable unless planned upon correct mechanical principles,
and made of tbe very test materials, fitted and furnished by competent
workmen. We are General Agents for Eastern Washington and Oregon,
and have a complete line ot "Standards" on our floor.
use THE DAVIS-K4 SER 0. Make
0x3X1 , Everything to Furnish the Your
Rest Home. appointments
D ma " 1214-16-18 20 22 Alder Street, tt-
Acta 8:26-28.
We have in these days two classes of
examples of conversions, and we are to
choose which of these shall guide us.
One class is written down in tbe book
of Acts, tbe other is recited by mod
ern evangelists about modern conver
sions. The aocount of the one is in
spired, tbat of tbe other not We now
propose to study tbe inspired account
of a case of conversion as recorded by
Luke in tbe book of Acts.
I. Tbe Eunuoh'a condition before
1. fie was treasurer of tjueen Can-
dace, and very likely a proselyte to
tbe Jewish faith. He had worked up
to tbe chief treasurer of tbe Etheopian
kingdom, so be was a trusted man.
2. He was a good moral man, yet
unsaved. He had been to Jerusalem
to worship a journey of more than a
thousand miles and was returning
home ' when Philip, tbe evangelist,
found bim.
3. He was reading tbe Bible. In
tbis he differed from most of people,
even our so oalled church members.
They will rather read newspapers and
paper o wered books. When a man
wants to become a Christian and stay
a Christian, it is always a good symp
tom to see bim read and study tbe
4. He was ignorant of tbe Gospel
plan of salvation. He was reading
from Isaiah 53rd chapter and did not
understand it "Of whom epeaketh
the prophet this? of himself, or of
some other?" Having lived so far
from Jerusalem, he bad not learned of
tbe Christ who bad. oome and had al
ready fulfilled this prophecy in person,
hence oould not understand this pass
II. How he was converted.
1. The work of the angel, v. 26.
The angel came to Samaria and told
tbe preacher where to go ; that was
all he did; never said what be wanted
done. This shows us that man bas a
part in tbe salvation of rnao.
2. The work of the Holy Spirit, v.
29. He does not go to work in tbe
heart of tbe sinner. He does not say a
word to him, but speaks to Philip,
sayiDg: "Go near, and join thyself to
this chariot" That was alL Tbe
angel showed the preaober whiob way
to take; the Holy Spirit told him what
person he should speak to. If the
actions of the angel and the Holy
Spirit are to have any effect upon the
sinner, it will be through the words
of tbe preacher.
8. The greeting, vv. 80, 81. "Un
derstandest thou what thou readest?
Tbis amounted to tbe same as our
"How do you do," and gave him a
chanoe to approach tbe Eunuob at
once on what be must do to be saved,
for be responded "How can I exoept
some one guide me?"
4. Philip "preaohed unto bim
Jesus," v. 85. The results of preaching
Jesus, in tbis case, were tbe following :
First, "they both went down into tbe
water," water was not brought ; seo
ond, "be baptized bim," and bo did
not take tbe Eunuch into tbe church
by tbis ceremony but it was unto sal
vation ; third, the Eunuob "went on
his way rejoicing. " He has now had
religions experience by obeying tbe
Savior, and he feels happy. He feels
happy because he knows he is a Chris
tian, hot beoause be feels be is a
Christian; be bas God's Word for
every step be has taken. It is a muti
lated Gospel that leaves out baptism
in a sermon to sinners. Baptism is
mentioned early in the Story of Jesus,
for He was baptized by John in Jordan ;
and at tbe end of the Story, for He
commanded His Disciples, "Go ye in
to all tbe world and preach tbe gcspel
to tbe whole creation. He that be
lie veth and is baptized shall be saved."
Mk. 16:15, 16.
V. E. Hoven.
An old Pennsylvania Dutch Dunkard
recommends "Hickory Bark Cough
Remedy." Guaranteed to cure your
cougb, and guaranteed to be pure.
Made from the bark of the shell bark
or white hickory tree. For sale ty
Palace Drug Store and all dealers
Estray Notice.
Holstein cow, brand V on right hip
abont 12 years old. Has been at my
plaoe since December. 1906.
S. .S. Parris.
Mothers with little children need no
longer fear croup, colds or whooping
cough. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup
tastes good. It works off tbe cold
through the bowels, clears the bead.
Guaranteed. Sold by Pioneer Drug
ITORS. In tbe County Court of tbe State of
Oregon for Umatilla County. -
In tbe matter of tbe estate of Ann
Kirk, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that Marion Jack bas
qualified as exeocutor of tbe last will
ana testament, and estate, of Ann
Kirk, deeased. All persons having
claims against tbe said estate are re
quired to present tbem together witb
proper voncbers aa by law required to
the said Marion Jack at tbe office of
his attorneys, Peterson, Peterson &
Wilson, in Pendleton, Oregon, with
in six months from tbe first publica
tion of tbis notice. '
Tbe first publication hereof will be
made in the Athena Press on Friday
tbe 18th day of October, 1907, and
successively thereafter eacb week for
six weeks, tbe last publication appear
ing on Friday, 29tb day of Nov. 1907.
Marion Jack, Executor;
Peterson, Peterson & Wilson, Attya.
o4nother month ef sharp selling of matchless Merchan
dise. Matchless in quality, matchless in styles,
matchless in assortments.
So successful has been the past month of this Great Bargain sale that we have de
cided to continue it during the month of October. The qualities are above
question, the prices beyond competition. You are absolutely
sure of securing the best in quality and value.
Pendleton's Biggest Store celebrates its majority in be
coming fashion, offering to its patrons real bar
gains of merit in all kinds of high
grade Fall Merchandise.
A Great
With Greater Stocks and Greater Values
Lay in your winter supply of Merchandise during the 21st Anniversary ale, dur
ing the month of eptember. Write for samples. Get prices and compare .
qualities. Buy where you can buy cheapest and best.
All Your Cupons
The Peoples Warehouse a
Pendleton, Oregon
Where it
you to Trade
J J. E. FROOME, prop.
I m
1 Only First-class Hotel in ?
the Citv.
tuc ct umuni c
In the only cue that can accommoOHH
commercial traveler.
II Hllrt T
Can bf lecomended for Its clea
well ventilated rooms
Cob. Maim and Third, Athena, Or.
For First Class
Call at the Brick Shop, oppo
site Commercial Stable.
J. II. STONE, Proprietor
The place to get the best cTWeat that
money can buy, at lowest prices. Fish
and Oysters in season. Highest cash
price paid for poultry.
Skillful Workmen and first-class Material mean satis
faction in Paiting and Decorating. I have both
Blood Poisoning is liable to re
sult when corn is cut with a
knife or a raror. Cutting or trim
ming a corn affords but temporary
relief because the corn comes
back. The only safe nd sure
way to be free from corns and
bunions is by using
This mBic leaf applied to the
corn eases the pain instantly after
which the corn is removed easily,
permitting the foot to remain its
natural shape. Recommended by
all who have tested its merits.
Send 20c for large package and
obtain free our booklet "How to
Treat the Feet." If troubled with
piles, send 50c for "Indian Pile
Ointment." Send stamps. Agents
make money selling these guaran
teed remedies. Write for terms to
Bond Bldg., Washington, D. C.
-1 j- ' tjf i p ' v '
everything First
Clnnn - BIo;d trn
nnil Up-to -data
ti most hoallna mIv in tha world.
Durability Covering
Capacity Economy
are the points of superiority of.
Roof and Bridge Paint
Where a strong red or brown can be used to advantage,
no more economical paint can be found for roofs,
bridges, barns, fences, etc. Besides having great
durability and covering capacity, it works freely and
easily under the brush. Sure to give satisfaction in
every way. Prepared ready for use.
Wc cU it
Umatilla Lumber Yard