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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1907)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Six and Eight Pages Every Friday. F. 13. Kyo, I'tuLiniiER. Application for entrance as'-'nd class matter iiiaaeon juiy o, 107 at the postofflce at Athena, Oregon Under an Actot tJongresa or March 3, 1878 Subscription Katst i n - -"ar, in advanct 12.00 Single copies In wrappers, 5c, ATHENA. ORE.. OCT. 18. 1907 GETTING CLOSE TO NATURE. Years ago the good old grandmoth ers and grandfathers were guided iu planting crops and gardens, settiDg hens, taking spring medicine and hundreds of other things which they did, by the planets. They planted potatoes "in the moon," set out cab bage plants "in the moon,", weaned babies "iu the moou" and watched the almanacs religiously and kept in touch with the planets, and especially with tho world's little sister and com panion, the moon. Perhaps this faithful following of the zodiao acoounts for the health aud longevity and sturdy sense of the gen erations wbiob have passed away and wbiob are now passing. But as tho world grew "smarter" it scorned the almanao and the "oldfasb ioned" ways ot tho grandmothers; more educated young men and women laughed at the "foolish notions" of the old folks, and tboso of the youngor generations who planted or raised crops or had ohargo of stock, were guided solely by their own ripe judg ments and not by the moon. They be came extremoly "worldly" aud turned up the almanac. Now, however, the world is turning back to the old notions of the grand mothers. Highly educated men, col lege professors, erudite thinkers and writers are grasping the full knowledge of which tuo struggling, uneducated pioneers hnd but; a smattoring, aud are loaming that various influeucos act upon the earth and its plant and aui mal life. The substantial era of New Thought which is sweeping over the world roo ognizes that astrology, astronomy and other of the scienoos are directly con nected with the dovolopment of life upou the earth. It is admitted and demonstrated tbut tho position of the planets, tho atti tude of the heavens at the timo of birth have much to do iu the forming the disposition, intellectual oapioity aud talouls of tho child as well as forming tho characteristics of the plaut and tho animal. The world is not a lonely und iso lated plauet, sot beyond the bouoflcout influence of other planets, but it is a nioniborof the torrestrial household, iu clouo touch with others whoso kiudly or evil influeuoes Joave imprint upou tho emth's life aud thought. Mankind is gotting closor to naturo yeur by yoar. Tho truth is dawning that things do not huppou, but that there is a marvelous and splendid design iu life; that naturo is a work shop, thrilling with dynuiuio forces for good or evil, as man directs thoui and that tho human mind is muster if it will but ascend above Solf and. Big otry and occupy its destined place iu dominion over the world. East Ore gouian. NEW ERA FOR FILIPINOS. Little can bo judged as to tho prob able outcomo of tho first session of tho Filipiuo legislature from the opening coremonios, but the indications, such as they wro soom to tio fairly promis ing. Souor Gomez, from whom trouble has boon anticipated, is reported to have ji veil commendable advice to the delegates to logislato for tho benefit of the Filipino poople. Whether this advice should bo taken at its face value, or whothor there is boneath it n pur pose to urge radical legislation of a kind that tho Filipinos may deoru to bo for their bouollt but whioh would bo too natioualistio iu tendency to bo Now in Full Blast We must have room to display our X mas .stock and have moved $1000 worth of Fall and Winter Mer chandise to our new basement, and will close out the entire lot. In this sale you will find something from every department and at Great Money Saving Prices You can save your railroad fare many times by at tending this sale. Come early and get first choice. A A TEN'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE The fastest growiug Store in Eastern Oregon. approved by the governor and council, remains to be seen. It is uot surprising that the delegates have no understanding of parliamen tary law and procednre. This ignor auce will uot be a serious defect if they have a dispositiou to learn and to abide by tales recognized as essoutlal to the proper conduct ct Lusioess in a legislative body. The knowledge will come to them gradually, together with a correct idea as to their duties aud privileges. The members of the legislature are like children entering school. Every thing is novel to them. They have a small measure of power placed in their bauds. As soon as they make suffi cient and satisfactory progress their power will be enlarged, but it is neo esasry that they first prove themselves capable. It is gratifying that at the beginning of the new era ou which they are eutering they have th pres ence and advice of Secretary Tuft, in whom they have great confidence as a true and wise friend. Spokesman-Review. LABOR LESS EFFICIENT. The gravest evil from which this country is now suffering, graver by far than the exaggerated dangers from monopolies or from freight rebates, is tho docline in the efficiency of labor. It finds expression iu slouchy work on the part of those who know bow to do better, aud poor work ou the part of those who have never been taught or are incapable of learning. To the more serious defect of lowered quality is added the troublesome feature of lessened quantity. It is a enrious fact that the one question above all which is uppermost in the minds of manufac turers and othor employers of labor, and which is privately discussed by them with helpless iteration, is so rarely touohed upon in publio utter ances. The hope of developing some remedy is the only consolation to em ployers when they face the prospeot of a deoliue in the volume of business. Tbore has beon au extraordinary de maud for labor of all kinds. So far as that has raised wages and directly in creased the cost of production employ ers have bad no grievance, although it is a troublesome aud diffioult matter to carry them back to the normal lev el. Manufacturers know that their prices for their products usually de cline more rapidly thau the labor cost, aud must be willing to face that con tingency. The laws of supply aud demand uever oporate so promptly in the one case as they do in the other. As for the quantity of output of la bor, that, too, responds fairly well, wheu the domaud for labor decliues. ihe process of weeding out the lazy aud the inofticiout bogius promptly and it may be accepted as a general faot that few managers have not thoroughly examined their rolls with a view to ward making their selections. Tho poicoutago usually will be small, but the moral efloot is quite out of propor tion to the numbers. During the past two years tho knowledge thut a job was waiting for any man who was willing to take it has had a demoraliz ing effect upou all labor throughout the country. The faot will be firmly realized soon that steadiness, reason able industry and acquiesetioe iu neo eHsary moasures of discipline are pri mary conditions for employment, and that simple application for work is uot tho only qualillatiou. Iron Age.' THE GRIDIRON HARVEST. Ihe gridiron harvest of death has begun even earlier than usual. One issue of an easteru uewspaper contains the accounts of three football acci dents, two fatal, the third serious. About this time lust year the public prints wero full of the crusade for football reform aud much was prom ised. It was not proposed that foot ball, either Rugby or association, should be made us iuauo ns tiddledy wiuks or as harmless as'oroquet, but it was desired that mothers might see their lads buckle on their ebiu and ear guards without having to follow tho examplo of the oldtimo Spartan moth ers and, bunding the shield to their battling sons, declare, "With it or up- Bargain Base ment Sale! 1 gal. can Towles Top Syrup $1, now 75c 1-2 gal can Towels Top Syrup 60c, now 45c 1 gal. can Longs Saratoga Drips 95c, now 75c 1-2 gal. can Longs Saratoga Drips 55c, now 45c 1 gal. can Woodlawn Maple $1.50, now 1.20 CASH WILL SAVE YOU CASH WORTHINGTON SPOT CASH GROCERY 'OREGON Shot Line 4hd Union Pacific Through Pullman standard and sleeping cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist Bleeping car dally to Kansas Citys through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining cha'.r cars, seats free, to the east dally irom Pendleton. ARRIVE TIME SCHEDULES J1KPART Dally. ATHENA, ORE. Dally. Walla Walla, Day ton, Pomeroy, Lew iston, Colfax, PuLl- .,, ,,. 1"'25 p. m. man, Moscow, the J-: P rn Couer d'Alene dis trict, Hpokane and all points north. Wnlla Walla - Pen 12:25 p m dleton Mixed 12:25 p. m. Fast Mall for Pen dleton, LaUrande, Baker City, and all points eist via Hun tington, Ore., Also for Umatilla, Hepp 3:40 p in ner The Dalles, &J0p. m Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley Points, California. Taooma, Seattle, all Hound Points. 8:15 ) m. Pendleton . Walla " (j:J5 p m Walla Mixed E. M. Smith Agent, Alliens, on it." It is highly probable tbat uo person who knows anything about the gamo really desires that it should be doue away with altogether. All that is asked is tbat it shall be toned down so as to be a trifle less gory thau bull fighting or railroad surgery aud still have enough excitement to cause the ordinary business man to lock his door on a busy day and stands on a totter ing plank yelling at the top of his voice as the alma mater' team makes a touchdown. Just what bas resulted from the crusade of a year ago it would be diffi oult to say. The football reformers are a good deal like tbeartioal press agents; probably they should not be held to all they promised. But early reports of praotioe sorlmmages indi cate that the liberal amount of salt which must aooompany their promis es could not be couliued in anything smaller than a big barrel. Spokesman-Review. Hard Times in Kansas. The old days of grasshoppers aud drouth are almost forgotten in the prosperous Kansas of today; although a citizen of Codell, Earl Sham burg, bas not yet forgotten a bard time be enoouutered. He says: "I was worn out aud discouraged by coughing night and day, and could find no relief till I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. I took less tbau one bottle to completely cure me." The safest and most reli able cough and cold remedy and lung aud thioat healer ever discovered. Guaranteed by Wm. McBride, Drug gist. r0o and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Napoleon Bonaparte showed, at the battle of Austorlitz. he was the greatest Leader in the world. Ballaid's Snow Liuimout bas shown the publio it is the best' Liniment in the world. A quick cure for Rheuma tism. Sprains, Burus, Cuts, etc., A. C. ricts, Rodeasa, La. says: "I use Ballard's Snow Liuiment in my family aud find it unexcelled for sore chest, headache, corns, in faot for anything tbat can be reached by a liniment." old by Wm. MoBrido. Out of Sight. "Out of sight, out of mind," is an old saying whioh applies with special force to a sore, burn or wound that's been treated with Botklen's Ainioa Salve. It's out of sight, out of mind aud out of existence. Piles too and chilblains disappear under its healing iuflueuce. Guaranteed by Win. Mc Bride, Druggist. 85o. Fohyfs Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. mm w tljkksm mm Witm- w www wrm. CLOSING OUT PRICES iaaaaaaau'j3aiaa3gguaaaaoaaaaBaBaoa4 CTJE.E33 Coughs,Colds, . CROUP, fhoopingCoui .This remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take.. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confi dently to a baby as to an adult. Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents. Sold in Athena by McBride. The Crackers with a flavor INLAND CRACKERS Are not made by the Trust All Grocers Sell Them L2L LARGEST ADVERTISERS REAL ESTATE IN THE UNITED STATES WE will soil your farm, home, or business properly wherever situated. Send fpr oup blank to give description of same and have it listed with us. We have buyers for property all ovor the United State . and your farm, home or business property i. .y bo just what our customers want. If yo'j want to buy a farm, home or business prop Hy, write us to-day what you want and in what state, county, or town you want to We Issue a new booklet of farms, home s and business property that we have for sale ev'-ry month and sent on request. You had bett -r have your farm, home or business property li. led with us for our next issue If you need tl-T service of an attorney before the Patent Off co or other branches of the Government in t' ! city, we will srive you the name of a reliable firm. Write today. Ad.:r ss E. J. TOTTEN & CO. 3ond Building Washington, D. C Foley's Honey and Tar for chlldren,safe,sure. No opiates. THE Eagle Bar BERT CAUTAJsO, Prop, COOD LIQUORS A SPECIALTY Hourhonnd Rock and Bye Holly Tom Gin Three Star Cognao Blue Stem Whisky Famous Pilsuer Beer Bust Biands of Cigars. C Blue Stem Whisky i Famous Pilsuer Beer c Best Biands of Cigars. ll'irsisiwi '1 AT THE ELECTRIC SIGN 3; From fBHD!I( 1-2 gal can Woodlawn Maple 80c, now 1 quart Woodlawn Maple 50c, now 1 2 1-2 gal. kit Target $1.75, now 1 4 gal. kit Target $2.75, now 1 2 1-2 gal. kit Towles Top $2.25, now First National of Athena CAPITAL STOCK $50,000 SURPLUS,.. 20,000 I 4 MODERN OFFICERS 1 . H. C. ADAMS, President, T. J. KIRK, Vice President, F. S. Le GROW, Cashier, I. M. KEMP, Ass't Cashier. CENT I THE TUSVI-A-LUM LUMBER CO. H. O. Mansfield, Manager . Athena, BUILDING AND Yards at Walla Walla, Toubhet and Lowden, Wash. Athena, Adams and Freewater, Oregon. JOB PRINTING sore throat is 1 A dangerous malady buliyou donU need to tie a sock around your neck to cure it BALLARD'S1 SMOW LINIMENT Will cure thr-ft tlironr. in cKntt uuvlv Ballard's Snow IJnlmnf- ing free circulation, giving tho VUK WOUNDS, OU SORES, STIFF JOm, SURN3 AND AUl, PAINS. GAVE INSTANT RELIEF. tTAnrv jESfnno Pmw TTtK anrfi... i.-r i II Snow Linlmonfe for Keuralgia, mum uu wpi itMuon gave me instant relief. I f ji - - - mend it as beans; the boat Liniment I have ever iae pain caused from Neuralgia, etc." " PRICE 25c, 50c AND $1.00 Ballard Snow 500-502 North ST LOtKS, - Sold and Reecmmnded by W. McBRIDE, PALACE DRUG STORE ATJIENA, OR. 60c 40c 1.25 1.85 1.65 '1 I BANKING FACILITIES DIRECTORS H. a ADAMS, T. J. KIRK, F. S. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, P. E. COLBERN. Oregon MATERIAL FUEL Neat Workmen Past, Modern Presses High Grade Stock a VSl. II IU I muscles more elcjty, Tooth-ache and 8cx.?L : ; Liniment &. Second Street, - MISSOURI. Bank DEPOSITS fe Hi