Jlj. JUL) laJ follows a cold, but never follows the use of 1S1EY AM TADS It stops the cough and heals the lungs and prevents a cold from settling on your lungs and resulting in Pneumonia, Pleurisy, or Consumption. You are in no danger of serious results if FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is taken, as it soothes and heals the inflamed air pas sages and the cough disappears. Be sure and get FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, as preparations containing opiates stop the cough temporarily by paralyzing the nerves in the throat and leave the germs of serious lung trouble and you get one cold on another because the first one was not cured perfectly. Saved Ker LIfo From Pneumonia. "My wife had a severe attack of Pneumonia which followed a severe attack cf La Grippe and I believe that FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR saved her life," writes James Coffee, of Raymond, Missouri. Dr. C. J. Bishop, Aenew, Mich., writes: "I have used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR in three very severe cases of Pneumonia with good results in every Cured When Very Low With Pneumonia. J. W. Bryan, of Lowder, III., writes: "My little boy was very low with Pneumonia. Unknown to the doctor we gave him FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. The result was magical and puzzled the doctor, as it immediately stopped the racking cough and he quickly recovered." Three Sizes, 25c, 50o and $1.00 The 50-cent size contains 21-2 times as much as the small size, and the $i,co size almost 6 times as much. --Mi-li.-,Ai-i.-, m .t.v-,.u- . HEdSTON CONTEST IS ENDED Swayze Is Victor Over J. R. Means in Election Case. After two days of wrangling over the law points iuvolved. the flooding of the records with teobnioal objec tions interposed and the befuddling of the five weary jurors with learned dis quisitions with and recitations of the authorities, says Wednesdays' Tribune, the Hermiston eleotiotftase was decid ed iu the circuit court Tuesday after noon by Judge Bean instructing the jury to return a verdict for the defend ant, F. B. Swayze and against the plaintiff, J. ft. Means. Notice of appeal was immediately giveu by the attorneys for Means. During the trial of the case both sides praotically admitted that the election was illegally held, but as this was not the point at issue the court did not pass upon it. The oourt sustained the returns of theoanvassing board which held one ballot, tha would have elected Meaus, to be defective. This left 47 votes to each candidate for councilman. The county board in canvassiug the returns considered tbe tie and, with the power vested under the law, obose Swayze, as councilman. This obo'ee was upheld by the interactions to the jury which returned a verdict with out leaving tbe jury box. Another councilmanio election is to be held iu Hermiston in December and there are deep mutteriugs as to what either side is going to do to tbe other at that time. His Dear Old Mother. "My dear old mother, who is now eighty three years old, thrives on Eleotrio Bitters," writes W. B. Bruu son, of Dublin, Ga. "She baa taken them for about "two years and enjoys an excellent appetite, feels strong aud sleeps well." That's the way Electrio Bitters affect the aged, and tbe same happy results follow iu all oases of fe male weakness and general debility. Weak, puny children too are greatly strengthened by them. Guaranteed also for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, by Wm. McBride, Druggist. 60o. CLAIMS HE IS NOT GUILTY ing checks against bis account even after he had overdrawn. Finally, Brown says, Harras per suaded bim to loan him (180 and later this was increased to $265. Harras was to bare given him a note for this amount, but did not do so, saying, ac cording to Brown, that as he (Brown) had tbe company's money in charge, he conld pay himself at any time. This, Blown says, he finally did aud he was later arrested for embezzle ment. Brown says be only took the money when he learned that Harras' numer ous ireditors were to come down on tbe plant and attach everything. Going in for Poultry. Milt Swaggart, who finds much profit iu hog-raising at bis plaoe on Lamar Gulch, and realizes 15 ponuds of good pork from one bushel of wheat, has gone into poultry as a side issue. He makes a specialty of Barred Ply-' mouth Bocks, and will raise tbe most aristooratio stock ot this particular breed of foul that be can get. He has just completed a chicken house that is a model iu its way. It is a veritable lit liu mansion, consisting of three rooms 12x14 feet in size, arranged as i.esting, roosting aud feeding rooms. Exoept tbe feeding room they have beon neatly papered, and Milt would not have besittted at laying brussels carpot or installing a grand piano bad the Plymouth Bocks expressed any de sire in this direotion. Those who have seen this establishment class it aa the most oomplete, reoberobe and conven ient poultry palace in the East End. G. W. Baker was superintendent of construction. Leader. business to Bert Kirby and J. E. Owens, of Adams, who now have charge of the business. Mr. Richard son bas not decided upon any plana for tbe future, but talks of going into business again elsewhere. It comes put up in a collapsible tnbe with a nozzle, easy to apply to the soreness and inflammaton, for any fotin of Piles; it soothes and heals, re lieves the pain, itching and burning. Man Zan Pile Remedy. Price 60 cts. Guaranteed. Sold by Pioneer Drag Store. Opera House Beecher & Stanley's Big Reproduction of EAST LYNNE Young Man Under Arrest Blames His Employer. Willard Brown, under arrest at Pendleton, charged with embezzle ment from the Garden City Packing Company, accuses Rein bold Harras, proprietor of the plant, and formerly of Walla Walla, as being tbe crooked one. According to Brown's atory, ho was employed as a bookkeeper for Harras, who was in the habit of issu- Barley Brings High Price. S. A. Barnes of Weston bas again made an important deal with farmers, in tbe interest of tbe Pacific Coast Elevator company. This time it is barley at $25 a ton, tbe highest price roaohed for that cereal for many years at least, iu this viaiuity. 1201 sacks were bought of W. A. Barnes, 713 sacks of Lewis MoMorris, 870 sacks of Smock, a Briggson farmer. So profitable has been this cereal ot late years that farmers aro annually in creasing tbe average of its production. Pabpon)He.IAm Madame stl t Much Wheat at Eltopia. An even 100 cars of wheat have been shipped from Eltopia, Wash., already agaiust 105 as a total for last yoar. Two warehouses are completely filled with grain, and the Interior peo ple have 5000 sacks piled on tbe ground. It is safe to say that only about one half of the grain bas been shipped. This compares very favorably with 1003, wbeu but live oars of wheat were shipped from this point. Disposes of Holdings at Adams. H. A. Richardson of Adams, who for three years past bas been mauager of tbe Iuland Mercantile company at Adams, bas sold bis interest in tbe A Superb Revival of this Famous Dramatic Gem A Drama endorsed by the Press, Clergy and all the Christian People ONE NIGHT ONLY IIESDM OCT. 30 Get Reserved Seats Early Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents ajy, iLTtra vana 'jj ' Where are you going my pretty maid? 1 jss? Vjtriit i'.i 3 ill i We are doing more business than ever during our Red Tag sale. Buy before the time is up, October 16, 1907 We are selling more shoes than any firm in town. Why? Because Foot Schulze shoes are the only kind that fit right and have the quality in them besides. You get 25c discount on any pair ot shoes or gloves during this sale, besides getting a big reduction on other goods. Just opened a new line of gents' Wool Underwear. Look at them. Gents' Furnishings, Rubber Goods, Shoes, Gloves, Overalls and Groceries, PTE TAGKtART & COIPASY 1 CASE STORE The Place that Saves you loney i i