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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1907)
MAN-A-L1N Copyright lo, by Th itaoaOa Oft MAN - A - LIN Is An Excellent Remedy for Constipation There are many ailments directly dependent upon con stipation, such as biliousness, discolored and pimpled skin, inactive liver, dyspepsia, over worked kidneys and headache Remove constipation and ad of these ailments disappear. MAN -A-LIN can be relied upon to produce a gentle ac tion of the bowels, making pills and drastic cathartics en tirely unnecessary. A dose or two of Man-a-lin is advisable in slight febrile attacks, la grippe, colds and influenza. THE MAN-A-LIN CO. COLUMBUS, OHIO, U. S. A. Parlor Sfagie. Mr. Kybosh, who was in search of a late copy of a monthly magazine, absent mindedly stepped into the parlor. He was just in time to see the young man hastily remove his arm from the beck of the chair in which Miss Kitty was sitting. "Pressed 1 O t Change !" he muttered, tnstantly stepping back into the sitting room. For Mr. Kybosh remembered that he was a joung man himself many years ago. Wladom and Valor. 'It takes a wise man to know when to change his mind," said one states man. "Yes," answered the other, "and a! brave one to own up to it when It is accomplished." Washington Star. ' The Hlta and Ihe Hlaaea. ""What are the requisites of a suc cessful musical comedy?" "Oh, about a dozen song hits." "Yes?" "And twice that many attractive misses." Washington Herald. The Premature Preaa. First Reporter I see by the last edi tion that our old schoolmate, Jones, has committed suicide. Second Reporter nurry down and fou may be In time to prevent his do ing It Smart set Don't Grow Stalel Many a man bewails his lack of suc cess In life after he has permitted htm' elf to get Into a rut. While dreaming of success he has been as blind as a bat and slower than two snails. He blocked his own way. Manchester Union. Odd Cotncldenee. Not many years since a pastor In New York State read In his pulpit this portion of a hymn: Well, the delightful day will come When my dear Lord shall take m home. And I shall see his face Just then he was Btrlcken with paral ysls and died In a few moments. Thirty-three years before In the same pul- llt another pastor was reading the very same stanza when he, too, was stricken and died. Scran Book. Buy Hair at Auction? At any rate, you seem to be getting rid of It on auction-sale principles: "going, going, g-o-n-el" Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It checksfallinghair, and always restores color to gray hair. A splendid dressing also. Sold for over sixty years. 1 Mt htr em out to btdlr I BMrlv loat It It. I bad htanl so aiuch about anr's Hair Vigor I thoucht I would (in H a trial. I did so and It oomplstalj (topped tha falling, and ffi bmt btr arow T.rT rapidly." aUai H. FllLD, fiorthnaia, Mat. A' bj J. O. Ayvt Co.. Lowall, aoao auaufaottMar f liter's 8ARSAPABLU. PILLS. CttUV reCTWWL "When I was your age I wasn't going around In baggy clothes and yellow shoes with butterfly bows," said the man with the stubby gray mustache, severely. "I wasn't any butterfly, I can tell you." "I'll bet you weren't, uncle," agreed the young man with the tan footgear. "No, sir," said the senior. "I was a grub and did grubby work. What s more, I earned my grub." "I hope It was good grub," said the young man, politely. "Well, It wasn't It was darned poor, and there wasn't any too much of It at that." "You shouldn't have done It," said the young man. "Why did you?" "Why did I?" echoed the man with the stubby gray mustache. "By George ! I was glad of the chance to do It. I didn't have any foolish father putting up for me. It was root little hog or die, and I rooted." "I see," said the young man, reflec tively. "You did It because you had to. Well, of course you weren't so much to blame In that ease" "0, I wasn't to blame, eh? Well, It's nice to think that you don't blame me for earning an honest living. Huh ! Not to blame !" "No. I wouldn't blame you," said the young man, equably. "If I was In the same kind of a hole I'd do the same thing myself, most likely." "I'd like to see you?" sneered the elder. "I'd like to see you getting up at 5 o'clock In the morning and going down to sweep out the store and scrub bing floors and washing windows and rolling barrels and Shouldering sacks till 8 or 9 o'clock sometimes. That's what I did." "You wouldn't have to now," said A grasshopper can Jump 200 times Its own length. The world's population Is estimated at 1,480,000,000 persons. The fastest elevators run at a speed equal to about seventeen miles an hour. The county of London covers 75,442 acres, but the London police area is 443,421 acres. Great Britain is rich in mosses. There pre 290 varieties found on the British islands. Black oDals of great beauty are found In Queensland, Australia, besides nriy- x other kinds of precious stones. Tt costs $100,000,000 a year to main tain the army in British India, an in crease of $40,000,000 a year In thirty five years. Janan is DerhapB the only country in the world where the fashions in wom- s dress have not changed materially In 2,500 years. Th African possessions of the French government amount to 3,806,000 square miles, and those of great Brit ain 2,714.000, including Egypt A company has been formed to pro duce alcohol from currants in Greece. The spirit has proved of great use as an lllumlnant for heating ana ior un.- ing small engines. Knra. savs Professor Ladd of Yale nniversltv. after a recent two months- stay there, Is now free from Intrigues and commotions, ana is reapm benefit of the agricultural and other re forms Introduced In the last ten years. Manufacturing Is Increasing In New South Wales. Figures ror iw Increases of 128 factories and 55,83 anruora. The Increase Is most marked In the building trades, In metal works and In establishments using raw ma terlala. niassless goggles for drivers of motor vehicles have thin steel plates In place of the usual lenses. There is notning hrittle to break endangering me eyes, and three ingeniously arranged slits en able the wearer to see everything In front of him. The only woman who ever ruled for an American colony was Lady Carteret Lord Carteret married ror nis second rife a New York widow, Mrs. unani i . A a- v aflnriB Lawrence, one was a numuu i -"""a character, and was appointed regent Ani-ina- his absences from the colony, Many documents are extant signed by her as regent unicngo " Fortunately the dark days when Cor- tc resembled a huge battlefield sur vive only as a terrible memory or tne naat To-day we can hardly credit the iron fact that between me years na nu 1729 800,000 people were murdered out of revenge, and that during thirty-one years of last century from 1S21 to 1852 the number of murders was es timated at 4.300.-Wide World Maga tine. The London Statist says that the to tal value of the exports of Australasia la the period from 1900 to 1910. inclu slve. apart from any further expansion after the end of 1907, will' amount to about $1,875,000,000, or, if no drought probably non than $2,000,000,000, la the young man. "You could Join a roustabouts' union and strike for an eight-hour day. Honest, you didn't like working like that, did you, uncle?" "I had to like It. and It was good ma It taueht me habits of Indus- try. That', something you need, young . fellow. Tf a a-nnd fcahlt to eet Into Indus- ' o - try," admitted tne young man. out I don't think it's a gooa ruing wnen it's carried to excess. Excess Is some- thing I'm going to try to avoid. Tf T " caugni mjsen geiuug im rolling barrels fourteen hours out of twenty-rour i d swear on. "No danger," said the elderly man. "Another thing I saved money. I earned $4.50 a week and I lived on $3.50 and saved a dollar. What d'ye think of thatr "Might Just as well have. ,You couldn't have a particularly giddy time with a dollar, anyway. I don't think a dollar would ever be much of a temptation to me to go out and paint the town crimson. I don't see what else you could have done with it un less you had tipped the waitress at the place where you were boarding." "Some of these days you may learn the value of a dollar," said the senior. 1TI1 i.ll . T 0 rA.. nrA1A tVTT hnV TM i ii ni you. , vu . - turn you loose without a cent and let xnn hustle for yourself. That's the education that would make a man of you. You're handicapped by your father and mother and this college business." "It might make a bum of me," said the young man. "The municipal lodging house Is full of men with your kind of education. I guess I'll have to try and rub along with the handicap." Chicago Dally News. contrast to only $805,000,000 In the five years from 1886 to 1890. a growth in only twenty years of from 150 to 180 per cent A woman who once wore a pedom eter to find out how much walking she did In the house discovered that under the most favorable conditions she trav eled 7.38 miles dally In her household tasks. If the thirty-three and a third per cent of unnecessary steps, or 2.46 miles of dally travel, had been added, calculates the Delineator, Bhe would have walked In one year In doing her housework more than thirty-five hun dred miles. "Fakera" and "Faklre." "I notice that In all this talk and discussion recently stirred up by Presi dent Roosevelt concerning the writers of pseudo-nature stories there is some confusion as to the use of the words fakir and 'faker," said the man who Is fond of being exact. "One person writes 'nature fakir' and another 'nat ure faker,' as If fakir and faker were Interchangeable and meant the same thing. Such Is not the case. The word fakir Is of Eastern origin, and was originally applied to the Hindoo ascetic or mendicant Then It was applied to the peoplo who make their living by street entertainments, such as snake charming, tumbling, Juggling, and so on. Since many of these people were not always honest In their dealings with the public, gradually the word came to be applied to the street hawk ers and booth-keepers who are engaged In gulling the public. , "But a 'faker Is simply a man who fakes, whether he Is telling a story, writing an article, or manufacturing a piece of goods. Hence In writing of the gentlemen who have been charged with deviating from the truth in their nature narratives the proper term to use is 'nature faker,' not 'fakir.'" Chicago Inter Ocean. It Far e Be Careful. The spirit of cheerfulness Is some times the result of a happy tempera ment whose nerves have never been disturbed by loss, sickness or calamity, Sometimes It Is the abundance of youth still finding a surplus of vigor after the tolls of the day. Sometimes it Is the expression of character which from the reserves of Its own nature and ex perience Is able to preserve a cheerful disposition under even the most dis couraging circumstances; and face life always with hope, and good cheer. Such a character Is a strength and a defense not only to hlm'who has It, but to all his associates Tnaio all who feel his Influence. They artiAie watch towers of humanity, whose lights shine through the dark night of human strug gle and whose word Is an inspiration of hope and encouragement The Geatlenaaa, "Supposing I decide to let yon have the money, how do I know that I shall get It back at the time you mention?" asked Brown. "I promise It, my boy, on the word of a gentleman," replied Moore. "Ah! In that case I may think bet ter of It Come around this evening and bring him with you." When a man is compelled to eat his words he finds It difficult to swallow his Indignation. It's useless to try to establish ttnl versa I peace as long as people will get married. WEALTH FROM THE PACIFIC. . Valuable Prodaeta from Sea Water j on Oar Westera Coast. ! Callfornlans have solved the prob lem of tbe alchemists and are making gold out of sea water. The Golden 5 State has taken golden treasure out ojj,! free from blemishes, but when some acid humor takes root ia the circa of her mountains, has made her val-.jation its presence is manifested by a skin, eruption or. disease. These leys yield millions of dollars' worth of humors get into the blood, generally because of an inactive or sluggish golden fruit, has amassed tourist gold condition of the members of the body whose duty it is to collect and carry in exchange for her sunshine, and now off the waste and refuse matter of the system. This unhealthy matter is left turns to the great lazy Pacific ocean to sour and ferment and soon the circulation becomes charged with the acid and ransacks Its coffers. . poison. The blood begins to throw off the humors and acids through the There Is no rush of prospectors to pores and gland3 of the skin, producing Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis, the new field, however, as the gold la Salt Rheum and skin eruptions of various kinds. Eczema appears, usually coming out of the sea In the form of & a jeM ot Oit skin followed by pustules from which there ...... . .i mo,Mim o,i Kiv- flows a sticky fluid that dries and forms crust, and the itching is intense. Dili U vi. yuioooiuiu, ujuai,diuu mu mld. wLIen .ould elude Dan and ' .... nm, I nature ' r.n t least Is active and rjrosDerous ' m.. i". " Tt. it fill UliC 19 nyyi. WLumg avuTiLjt X uu I gan Pedro galt company, which recent-1 ,y entered lnto the fleid, n manufacturing a quai has succeeded mnniifflohirlne- a nuantitv-and niml- " . . tt nf nnlt which has found a readv market and has already assumed a Dlace among the exports of the port of , place among San Pedro. The fact that San Pedro Is a lively and thriving port, with almost no out going' cargoes, makes the development of this trade both easy and important. Since the first of last year the coast ing schooners returning to the north ern coast have taken away over a thousand tons of this sea salt Elsie Why do they say grandpa Is In h,8 cnIldh0(d? Tommyi guess u.. t wu it's because he is bald like the baby, Elmer Papa, did you go to Sunday school every day when you were a boy? Papa Of course I did. Why do you ask? Elmer Oh, I thought maybe you only went on Sundays. Little Johnny Mamma, Tommy Brown's mother makes him go to Sun day school every Sunday morning. Mamma How do yoa know she makes him go? Little Johnny Because he goes. "Johnny, what were you saying to the dog just now?" assed a North Side mother. "I was Just telling him how happy he ought to be," explained John ny, "cause he don't have to wash his neck, comb his hair or go to school." There had been blackberry pie for ' dessert and 6-year-old Tommy had been sent upstairs to brush his teeth. "Mam ma," he called down a few moments later, "I can't find my toothbrush. I must have left it at grandpa's last month." Small Freddie found a stray dog on the street one day and brought it home. 'Papa," he asked, "what kind of a dog Is this?" "He's a bird dog, my son," was the reply. "Oh, then I'll get a cage for him and perhaps he'll sing for us," said the boy. Little Harry was a mischievous chap and one evening when his father was trying to read he said : "Come, Harry, can't you be a good boy just for once?" "I'd rather not papa," replied the strenuous youngster. "I'm afraid I might get Into a habit of It" Story Geta Him Hta Dinner. A good story Is told of a couple, of farmers living a few miles apart One day one called on the other, happening around at dinner time. The person called upon, by the way, was rather a penurious old fellow. The visitor drew toward the table, expecting the old farmer to invite him to dine. The old farmer kept on eating. "What's the news up your way, neighbor? No news, eh?' ' Presently a thought struck the vis itor. "Well, yes, friend ; I did hear or one item of news worth mentioning." "Ha t what is it?" "Neighbor John has a cow that has five calves." "Is that so? Good gracious! What In thunder does the fifth calf do when the others are feeding?" "Why, he stands and looks on, Just as I do, like a dumb fool." "Mary, put on another plate," drawl ed the farmer, as he caught the point. Judge. Color and Light. The peculiar simplicity of the coun try darky In the south Is illustrated by a story told by a congressman. An old negro had gone to a post office in Mississippi and offered for the mall a letter that was over the weight specified for a single stamp. "This Is too heavy," said the post master. "You will have to put another stamp on It." The old darky's eyes widened In as tonishment "Will anudd stamp make it any lighter, boss?" he askeu. Harper'a Weekly. She Didn't Do It. The family jar waxed fiercer. 'Ton talk about my being to blame for our marrying!" shrilly exclaimed Mrs. Vlck-Senn. "John Henry, did I hunt you out and make love to you? "No!" he snorted. "But you could have given me the glassy eye and sent mo about my business, and you didn't do It, madam you didn't do It!" Chi cago Tribune. Snffera for It. Tess Well, there's one thing about May Stiles. She has the courage of her convictions, jess Indeed, now do you mean? Tess She's convinced that she can wear a No. 4 shoe. Philadelphia Press. Falling In love Is almost as easy as , falling out again. ECWIMSEA: HUMORS IN When the blood is cure, fresh and . . , . , It is generally on me Dacic, Dreasi, iace, tne body may De auectea. in a ewer natural . . i , 1 7. , Baru ieaiaery appcuiaaw. form 1 aunerea vrm lioaewia ror rorry ptvc;, - va iffor. inn ma until I tried H. S. S. I frit sunerea intensely witntne xtcn. in ana Burning; pustules wouia form from which there flowed a lift theskiai aid when ,0Tatohed off smetime9catlsinS baldness. Poison UaK the skin was left as raw m apiece and Ivy are also disagreeable types of skin of beef. Z suffered, arpny la tne lour reus l was amiotea, out when I need B.S. 8. 1 found a per- lies ears I was afflicted, Das - feet cure. There baa never teea any return of the trouble. O. II. EVANS, Stockman, Neb. VEGETABE PURELY because they do not reach the blood. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation and forces out every particle of foreign matter and restores the blood to ita normal, pure condition, thereby permanently curing every form of skin affection. Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired sent treo to all who write. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA Tlaaa Tablee for Clothe. "I was walking on Pennsylvania avenue in Washington one day at high noon when a 'nigger' loomed up on my horizon coming rapidly toward me," said a well-known negro comedian. "He was wearing the most outlandish outfit I ever saw on a human being, on or off the stage,. His trousers were frayed and torn above his shoetops. He wore a musk-colored woolen shirt, a celluloid collar and a tattered sack coat On his bead was a sombrero which looked as If several dogs had been trying to pull It to pieces. But the crowning effort was a new and Im maculate full dress vest' He had pull ed back his coat and shoved bis thumbs Into the armboles of that vest. As he came sailing before the wlud be certainly was the most comical fig urs I ever saw. I couldn't resist the temptation to stop him. " 'L'i I said, 'what do you mean bv t this time of day von know that la such a you're de t. "'De wha "'Don't yol trop?' I repeau slble to appear o'clock In the evt "The darky dre proudly. "'Look heah,' he s: to know that I don' make time tables foi Kansas City Times. CASTOi lor Infants and Chi The Kind You Have Always Bears the Signature of rrecaatlone of Old Time Doet , It was formerly the practice physicians to carry a cane havi j hollow head, the top of which was Void pierced with holes like a pepper box. The top . contained a small amount of aromatic powder or of snuff, and on entering tbe house or room where, a disease supposed to be infectious pre vailed the doctor would strike his cane on the floor to agitate the powder and then apply It to his aose; hence all the old prints of physicians represent them with canes to their noses. Ijfntfcara nrlll Snri Mrs. WlnslOW'S SOOthln Syrup the best remedy to use tor (heir children luring the teething period. The Word Etlqnette. The very high sour " word eti quette had a very Mn, for etiquette meant si- re ceived its prer the fact that u6 for the ade laid out V . Louis " COl pati : - " ' . to lm ; first ti. but a hi future the ; be within the . was promptly attw.... wlthlm the etiquettes becara. rect thing. The meaning of the p. was afterward widened. '. s W. L. DOUGLAS S3.00 & $050 SHOES fP8HOE8 FOR EVERY MEMBER OF-je, THE FAMILY. AT ALL PRICES. Jii,UUU)DoioiBm doa not maim A mrnil SriufliMf )mnrm Mew's $3 A $.3.60 aAoes saMf e if nan mnj Mttmr THK SEASON T. I Douglas shoes are worn by more people In all Talk of life than any other make, is because or their excellent style, easy-fitting, and superior wearing qualities. Tbe selection of the leathers and other materials for each part of the shoe, and every detail of the making is looked after by the most eompleraorganizatlonof superintendents, foremenana killed shoemakers, a ho receive the highest wages paid la tbe ahne lndustrr. and Whose workman shiD cannot baezeelled. If I eould take yoa into my large factories at Broekton.Maa., and show yoa how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes are made, yoa would then anderstond why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer and are of greater value than any other make. 14 FMt F rfawafMf MS Bold Bataef v. 1 L euciea aiaape nis nam aaa price ud inferior shoe. Take No Sabstitnte. Sold by the best sbo deafsre ererywaere. ft Csew MftitU awe awaawsaaj. Ctatof asliasr, W.X AOt,JLAa, Bntalia, lataae. THE BLOOD healthv. the skla will be soft smooth - - , . arms ana legs, tnouga oiner parts me stm ones, cracks ana oieeas; &JttiA .iJl.. ii- ? i of pimples and black heads, while rarts of th hrAv On r,f t1ii worst ci.; tr.t.i. ia e-if- Brimim - - . . tawnnr Tw-rtrir: rf nfrarV 14 th Srnln. T V,,- Ar, V, trr.K1 " t dormant in. the blood through the v.. ..g, ... va Winter to break out and torment the) sufferer with the return of Spring. The best treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S. It neutralizes the acid3 and. removes the humors so that the skin instead of being Irritated and diseased, is nourished by a supply of fresh, healthy blood. External applications of salves, washes, lotions, etc, while they soothe the itching caused by skin affections, can never cure the trouble The Pfanir Cattle of Samoa. The Samoan islands are the natural habitat of the most diminutive species of variety of the genus bos now known to the naturalist The average weight of tbe males of these lillputian cattle seldom exceeds 200 pounds, the aver age being not greater' than 150 pounds. Tbe females usually average about a hundred pounds larger and are very "stocky" built, seldom being taller than a Merino sheep. These dwarf cattle are nearly all of the same color reddish mouse color, marked with white. They have large heads as compared with their bodies, and their horns are of exceptional length. riTO St. Vitas' Dance ana all Nervous Dtatase ll I O permanently cored br Dr. Kline's Orea Serve Beaiorer. Semi for FBKK2 trial bottle and treatise. Dr. B. H.KlLte,LcL. Wl Arch Bt., Phaa,,Pe Paaalve. Bill Did you say he has horse sense? Jill No ; why. he hasn't even got mule sense. I never knew him to kick ia his life! Tonkerv Statesman. "OUBlfS to us v-re. Oregon, T j. anxxa -jtroys all tbe .lies and afforde comfort to ever? home in dlnine n room, sleeping room ana ev-r I are troubleau'me. Clean, neat ana will not soli or injure anythlne. Try thorn once and yoa will never be without them. ix not kep' By aeaien, sens prepaia xor wo. BAX0LO 80UESS, 1M StXalb At., Brooklyn, St. T. stThelen'S hall PORTLAND, OREGON A Girls' School of the highest class. CollegW ate department. Music. Art. Elocution. Gym nasium. Fall term opens September 16. . SEND TOR CATALOGUE , mm DUSMESS COLLEGE. aWffliiili n i T'ii miKi TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREQON A. P. ARMSTRONG, IX. B., PRINCIPAL ; Quality is our motto. We educate for raceeaa, and tend each student to a position when com. . petent many more calls for help than we can, meet. Individual instruction Insures rapid proa -ran. All modern methods of bookkeeping era taught; alio rapid calculations, correspondence, commercial law, office work, etc. Chart ier ia c .' -A easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful '-'..sinew forma and' penmanship free. ' "7 Ne. 3J-OT writing to advertiser pleaae I entioa this paper. I mmnvtaotm SJsaaa aaaiaaf ta " - mt . on the bottom to nrotect too avaiast huh nTiaaa A v