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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1907)
A 17.00GACRE FRAUD Government Charges Senator Borah of Idaho, With Using Dummy Land Entrymen. The government has revealed the charge in the case of United States Soaator Borab, at Boise, Idaho, charg ed with timber land fraud. The jury was completed at the Tuesday morning session and daring the afternoon Judge M. C. Burch of Detroit, Mich., special assistant to the attorney genet al, made the opening statement for the prosecu tion. Judge Burch arraigned the late Gov. Frank Steunenberg as the central figure iu the alleged conspiracy by whioh it is claimed that more than 17,000 aores of virgin forest lands, thickly covered with towering pines, came fraudulent ly into the possession of the Barber Lumber company, a corporation oper ating a plant in this city. Senator Borab was couneoted with land frauds with Steunenberg, acting for the lum ber conoern. He deolared that Sena tor Borab interested himself in all matters having an outward bearing on tho lands claimed by dummy entry men, turned over to dummy trustees aud by them deeded over to the Barber Lumber company. All or the deeds went through Sena tor Borah's office and stand in the county clerk's office as being recorded at his request. It is claimed Senator Borab approached the register of the laud oflloe with regard to several claims whioh were held up aud was warned by that official that the claims were fraudulent and should be let alono. THE OPEN RIVER ASSOCIATION 'An Open River From British Colum bia and Lewiston to the Sea. A mooting of the members of the Open River Association 'and of all others interested in the improvement of the waterways of the Northwest will be held in the rooms of the Com meroial Club in the oity of The Dalles, on Wednesday, October 9, 1907, at two o'clock p. in. Tho afternoon meeting will be followed by an even ing session at eight o'clock. The ob joots aud purposes of the meeting are: To boar aud pass upon the reports of tbo Exeoutive Committee and officers of the uHHSooiution. lo eleot au oxecutivo committoe and officers. To consider ways and moans to pro vide for the exteuHions of the Portage Railway from the Big Eddy to The Dalles. To emphasize tbo necessity for plao ing the building of the Colilo Canal on a continuing coutruct basis, aud to unite all interests In the Northwest to further this objeot. "It wculd hardly soom nooessary to do moro tlmu stiito the purpose of the mooting to sooure a full attendance from all parts of the Inland Empire. The true f uuotions of our mighty river are at last being recognized, and it is uow realized that Divine Providence has plaood within our reaob the three great faotors iu development and pro gress, transportation, powor aud irriga tion," writes J. A. Smith, President of the association. The Canul, if placed upon a contin uing contract basis, can bo oompleted within three years, it is estimated. Wbou oompleted it means a free river, followed by continued improvement, nutil from British Columbia aud from . Lowiston to tho Sea, tbo people of the Inland Empiro will be forever protect ed from exoonsive freight rates by na t ure's owu groat regulator of tariffs. Set Fire to Jail. Jack Gabbait, a uotroious char uotor who has resided iu this neighbor hood tho past few years, aud who has just returned irora a trip to the peni tentiary, whore he was sent for two years for stealing a saddle aud bridle from J. O. Sbockley, proceeded to Ull up ou "rod eyo" lust MoDday aud puiut the town red but he had not prooooded very far lieforo he was over taken by the law aud placed iu the "coop" for safe keeping. About 8 :30 be thought be would make a gateway by setting fire to the jail, but tbe smoke got too hot for him so he had to cry for help. Elgin Reoorder. A Humane Appeal. A humane citizen of Richmond, Ind. Mr. U. D. Williams, 107 West Main St, says: "I appeal to all perrons with weak lungs to take Dr. King's New Discovery, the only remedy that has helped me and fully comes up to the proprietor's recommendation." It saves more lives than all other throat and lung remedies put together. Used as a cough and cold cure tbe world over. Cures asthma, bronobitis, croup, whonninir coueb. auinsv. hemorrhages of tbe lungs and builds them up. Guaranteed at wm. wouriae s arug store. 50o. and 11.00. Trial bottle free. Can you afford to trifle with so serious a matter as to neglect bad cold or cough, when for a trifling amount you can seoure a bottle 'of "Hickory Bark Cough Remedy," that is guaran teed to cure or money refunded. Price 25o, 50o and $1.00. per bottle. For sale by Palace Drug Store and dealers everywhere; Tbe bites and stings of insects, sun burn, outs, burns and bruises relieved at once with Piuesalve Carbolized. Acts like a poultice. Draws out in flamation. Try it. Price 25o. Pio neer Drug Store. Health in the Canal Zone. The highest wages paid make it a mighty temptatiou to our young arti sans to join tbe force of skilled work men needed to construct tbe Panama Canal. Many are restrained however by tbe fear of fevers and malaria. It is tbe knowing ones those who have used Electrio Bitters, who go there without this fear, well knowing they are safe from malarious influence with Electrio Bitters on band. Cures blood poison too, biliousness, weakness and all stomach, liver and kidney troubles Guaranteed by Wm. McBride druggist Man Zan Pile remedy comes put up in a collapsible tube with a nozzle. Easy to apply right where tbe soreness and inflammation exists. It relieves at once blind bleeding, itching or pro truding piles. Guaranteed. Pioneer Drug Store. The Touch That Heals Is the touch of Buoklen's Arnica Salve. It's the happiest combination of Arnica flowers and healing balsams ever com pounded. No matter how old the sore or ulcer is, this Salve will oure it. For burns, eoalds, outs, wounds or piles, it has no equal. Guaranteed by Wm. McBride druggist. 25o. Dades Little Liver Pills keep tbe system clean, tbe stomach sweet. Prompt relief for headaohe and bil liousuess. Good for all tbe family, Pioneer Drug Store. Estray Notice. Holstein cow, brand V ou right hip about 12 yoars old. Has been at my place since December, 1906. S. S. Parris. Pineules are for the Kidneys and Bladder. They bring quick relief to baokaohe, rheumatism, lumbago, tired worn out feeling. They produce natu ral aotion of tbe kidneys. 80 days treatment $1.00. Money refunded if Pineules are not satisfactory. Pioneer Drug Store. Why Fret and Worry when your child has a severe cold. You need not fear pneumouia or other pulmonary diseases. Keep supplied with Ballard's Horehound Syrup a positive cure for Colds, Coughs, Whooping Cough and Bronobitis. Mrs. Hall, of Sioux Falls, S. D., writes: "I have used your wonderful Ballard's Horehound Syrup, on my children for five years. Its results have been wonderful." Sold by Wm. MoBride. . Au old Pennsylvania Dutch Duukard recommends "Hickory Bark Cough Remedy." Guarauteed to cure your cough, and guaranteed to be pure. Made from the bark of the shell bark or white hickory tree. For sale by Pulaoo Drug Store and all dealers everywhere. Moderate Priced Furniture Wunt'do wo moan by "every day" or moderate priood furniture? We moan furniture of utility, neat design and substantial construction at prices within the means of those that want tbe best that medium prices nan buy. While we bundle the very finest grades of furniture, we wish to be thoroughly understood as dealers iu the moderate priced also. We, however, keep away from the trashy or inferior grades. No low prices or other induoomeut can tempt us to enter suoh goods on our well bal anced, always reliable stock. Our reputation would suffer if we did. We never fail, wheu it comes to a comparison, to prove that our values exoeed'auy moderate priced goods. It is as easy to be misled iu furniture as iu cloth. There is quite a difference and you cannot be too carefnll. Phone, write or call ou us and you will reoeive the same oraefal at tention. We pay tho freight wnen the bill amounts to, or over $10.00. Use Our Rest Rooms TIIEDAVIS-K ASER 0. Everything to Furnish the Home. 12-14-16.1830-22 Alder Street, WALLA WALLA, -:- WASH Make Your appointments Here Church of Christ . V. E. Hoven, Minister. I llfcll ,lu0 ''Mil' Ml' THE PRAYERS. Acts 2:42. , This item completes tbe program of pubilo worship as observed by tbe first Christians. "Prayer is the direct communication of the spirit of man with tbe spiritual and unseen Creator," so that by this exercise their intimaoy with God is determined. We shall now briefly note their prayer-life as recorded in the book of Acts. I. They prayed before great events, 1:14. Some conditions calling for prayer at this time. (1) Loneliness. Jesus had just left them (1:11) never to return before tbe end of tbe world, so we may expect them to spend these ten days that intervened between His ascension and tbe day of Pentecost in just suoh a manner (2.) The Holy Spirit was to be given and the Churoh to be founded. It was Jesus' custom to pray before great events. He prayed before choosing tbe Twelve, before preaobing the Sermon on tbe Mount, before Peter's great confession of Christ etc. They bad this habit of His in mind. On this memorable Pen tecost, they were to lay down laws by which the world should be saved (John 20:23; Acts 2:38) and what a tremen dous responsibility ! (3) They were all of one aooord. That is, they had tbe work at heart as one man and believed that they would sucoeed. Not one of them said, "I don't believe that we can make this thing go." (4) They ohose helpers by prayer, 1:23, 24; 6:6; 13:3. How many churches select ministers, officers and teaohers that way? Is it not by outward appearanoe ratber'than by prayer? II. They had a time and place for prayer. ( 1 ) Three times a day, 8:1, see also Ps. 55:17; Dan. 6:10. This was tbe custom among the Jews and it seems that the first Christians observ ed it. Their regular hours were at 9 a. m., 12 m. and 3 p.m. (2) A place for prayer. The Temple, 3:1. Tbe house top, 10 :9. Peter was up there at noon. He bad a full view of heaven where God was to whom he prayed, and of the oity and country for which he prayed. What a setting 1 God a mighty aid and before him a needy world 1 The riverside, 16:13. This habit of finding a place for prayer they had learned of Jesus, Matt 6 :6. There is, then, a time and place for prayer. That is why every true Chris tian ought to be at the Lord's house for prayer on the Lord s day aud at tbe mid-week prayermeeting. HI. They were living and dying in prayer. ( 1 ) Steadfastly in prayer and ministry of the Word, 6:4. Tbe King dom of Christ is advanced by these two means Prayer and preaohing tbe Word. We must prophesy or speak the Word upon tbe dry bones around us and then pray for life from God to enter into them. (2) They parted in waver. 20:36: 21:5. Here are two most touohing soenes and no one can read the account without being deeply moved. (3) Thoy died praying, 7:59, 60. Stephen did not care how they used his body just so the spirit was safe. We worry, about the. body and spend our whole time in making a soft plaoe for it, while tbe spirit is in pain. IV. Power of their prayer, (l) un tbe preaobers, 2:1-41. Peter was the only preacher on the day of Pentecost, but tack of him were tbe prayers oi one hundred and nineteen earnest Christians and in him was the Spirit of God. No wonder he could preach and have suoh wonderful results. (2) On the dead, 9:40. Today there are many who used to be aotive workers in tbe church but are now dead spirit ually. To resurrect them, we must use the same means Peter used ou this occasion. First, pray for them ; sec ond, speak to them of their lost condi tion ; third, give them a helping band. (3) On the sick. 28:8, see Jas. 5:14, 15. In praying for health we must not forget that the Apostolic age was an age of special miracles, and things were done then that are not done now. The instruction of James was written in that age and for that people. It seems that tbe apostles and others who had the miraoulous "gift of healing" were led by the Holy Spirit in using this gift, and that they did not use it on anybody and everybody. That would have been to abolish death in the Churoh. They knew when they could expeot an answer to this prayer, otherwise Paul would not have left Trophimus sick at Miletus, 2 Tim. 4: 20. However, I believe that we have the privilege to pray for recovery, but submitting the oase to the divine will. yet at the same time believe that it can and will be done for us. (4) On shaokles and prison doors, 12:5; 16:25. They did notjdo like perhaps we would have done, get np a committee of rep resentative men like Nioodemus, Joseph of Arimatbea and Gamaliel who wonld go to Herod and have Peter pardoned out. They did not look to men but to God. Mary, Queen of Sootts, said: "I fear the prayers of John Knox more than I do an army of ten thousand men." In these four studies of their pro gram of publio worship tbe Apostles' teaching, the fellowship, the breaking of bread and the prayers we have bad a glimpse of that simple yet powerful life of the early Christians. It all de pended on their adherence to the di vine program in doctrine and life. "ihe multitude of them that believ ed were of one heart and soul," 4:33. The c&urches of this community can. if they will, lay down the imaginary differ euces that now separate us and thus ieproduoe that beautiful life of the first church. Jesus prayed to Bis Father that it may be so, "that tbe world may believe that thou didst send eoplesWareliioiise 2lst Anniversary Sale Peendleton's Biggest Store celebrates its majority in coming fashion, offering to its patrons real bar gains of merit in all kinds of high grade Fall Merchandise. be- A Great Store With Greater Stocks and Greater Values Lay in your winter supply of Merchandise during the 21st Anniversary Sale, ing the month of September. Write for samples. Get prices and compare qualities. Buy where you can buy cheapest and best. dur- Save All Your Cupons The Peoples Warehouse Pendleton, Oregon Where it Pays you to Trade w THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, pbop. Iff Only First-class Hotel in the City. Iff THE ST. NICHOLS : Is the only one that can accommodate commercial travelers. k ff if Iff Can beieoomended for its clean and well ventilated rooms. Cob. Maim and Third, ATHiBA.Or. For First Class HORSESHOEING And BLACKSMITHINC Call at the Brick Shop, oppo site Commercial Stable. THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET J. H. STONE, Proprietor The place to get the best cTVleat that money can buy, at lowest prices. Fish ' and Oysters in season. Highest cash price paid for poultry. B O !KIDD2H HOUSE CARRIAGE AND SIGN PAINTING Skillful Workmen and first-class Material mean satis faction in Paiting and Decorating. I have both SHOP ON 3RD STREET, - - - ATHENA, OREGON DON'T CUT A CORN Blood Poisoning is liable to ft suit when a corn is cut with a knife or a razor. Cutting or trim ming a corn affords but temporary relief because the corn comes back. The only safe and sure way to be free from corns and bunions is by using INDIAN CORN LEAF This magic leaf applied to the corn eases the pain instantly after which the corn is removed easily, permitting the foot to remain its natural shape. Recommended by all who have tested its merits. Send 20e for large package and obtain free our boeklet "How to Treat the Feet." If troubled with piles, send 30c for "Indian Pil Ointment." Send stamps. Agents make money selling these guaran teed remedies. Write for terms to THE BOND SUPPLY CO. Bond Bldg., Washington, D. C. Y it A. J. PARKER'S II IP Everything- First Class - Modern and Up-to-date Durability Covering Capacity E conomy are the points of superiority of . StiEMSWU'lViLUAMS Roof and Bridge Paint Where a strong red or brown can be used to advantage, no more economical paint can be found for roofs, bridges, barns, fences, etc. Besides having great durability and covering capacity, it works freely and ejisjly under the brush. Sure to give satisfaction in every way. Prepared ready for psa, DAMNER 8 A LVE tfta most hna mIvo In th writf. Umatilla Lumber Yard M -V,SS0N- me," John 17:31. V. , Hoven.