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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1907)
Wit Jettons f wss. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Six and Eight Pages Every Friday. F. B. Boyu, Pubuhheb. Application for entrance ax 2nd class matter made on July 5, I1KI7 at the pogtofflce at Athena, Oregon Under an Actol ;onKres of March 8, IS78 Subscription Hats l p vHHr, In advance 12.00 Single copies in wrappers, 5c, ATHENA. ORE.. SEPT. 27 1907 ATHENA AND FAIRS. Pendleton is entertaining hundreds of poople this week at the Umatilla Morrow county fair. The second an nual fair ia vastly snperior to the one of last year, and every distriot of con sequence except Athena ia represented by attractive displays of products, sotting forth in vivid, impressive man ner the bountiful wealth of resources. Assisted ty a proliflo production thia year of grains, grasses, fruits, veget ables in fact the cream of the best that is produced in the best section of the county, Athena could have gone to the county fair with a superlative exhibit. That she is not in competi tive exhibition with other towns and districts of the oounty at the fair, is a conspicuous faot indelibly impressed on the minds of fair visitors by her absence. And it falls far short of an advertisement to the town for individ ual mouthpieces, on returning from the fair to announce that "Athena products can excel anything I saw there." Evidontly Athena does not take to fairs. Lust year she had an ex hibit at the oounty fair. It was made through virtue of loyalty to the town ty the Preston-Parton Milling company wbioh furnished the products, paid for tho exhibit space, and two business men who paid $10 for labor in arranging the display. Another and more pronounced faot that Athena doesn't espouse the osten tatious practice of exhibiting to out siders her marvelous resources in a manner that may be in any way con strued as meaning a fair, is cited looally, in the organization of the "Athena Agricultural and Live Stook Fair Association. " Committees were appointed; dates named for holding the fair j grounds seleoted and concessions obtained from the city council. The committee on ilnauoe secured funds aggregating over 700 and endeavored to make a report but was unable to sooure a meeting for a bearng. There, the Athena fair proposition, "born with a whoop," died in a whisper and dropped out of the publio mind. Bnt it is occasionally resurrected and talk ed about these days wben many people go to Pendleton and spend money that should be spent at home. humming to keep np with faim ; be is hustle from bis feet up and from bis bead down ; be is not only in the push, but be is the pu?h the whole tbing; and say, the way he makes things oome and business hum is a caution: the way the world takes that fellow op and is good to bim makes yonr heart glad; he's all right, be is; he greases the wheels of progress and keeps the world spinning 'round. Of all the vainglorious creatures who pose for tbe admiration of their fellows through tbe performance of some useless physical feat, tbe gastro nomio braggart is the cheapest and most disgusting speoimen, says the Oregonian. Now we have one of these human bogs who oan eat two or three dozen eggs without stopping; again comns one with an appetite who will drink twenty schooners of beer in proof of his poi cine pedigree; yet an other will eat a peck of peaohes or a fifteen pound watermelon at a sittiug, and so on. The latest human bog that has posed for admiration for pure, un adulterated gluttony hails from Al bany. His proud claim to gluttony distinction rests upon the reoord-break-ing gastronomic feat of eating a dozen large bananas on a wager, without stopping. Here's hoping that colio found him and piuohed him well be fore his gluttonous wager was disposed of. Say, do you know the kind of fellow who's just to the world's mind? says an exohange. The kind that folks en thuse over and take their bats off to? Why, it's the man-wbo-does. He's the fellow I Not the follow whose grandpa got there; nor tbe fellow who would if ho could; not tbe gentleman who's going to some day; but the man-wbo-does, now, today. No sitting around waiting, about bim; no expect ing somothiug to happou; no looking for Fomothiug to turu up. No sir! He calls the turu and turns 'em ; he takes off his coat and doesn't care if he starts a little sweat; he doesn't nood a big, brass-buttoned copper to toll him to niovo ou; ho koops tbo procession Tbe following, where a moral is clearly shown, is taken from an ex ohange: Heoently a church congre gation in a little Kansas town built a now ohuroh. To pay for it they were obliged to oall on tbe merchants of the community for donations. The mer chants responded liberally, and $300 xvai raised from this source. The last man asked to subscribe was John Smith a jeweler. "I will give you $20 if you will let me add something to the subscription liBt," be said. The permission was aocorded bim, and he wrote at the foot of the list : John Smith, jeweler - - $20 00 Sears, Roebuck & Co - 00 00 Montgomery Ward & Co - - 00 00 The churoh people saw the point when the minister read from the pul pit the list of donors to the building fund, and since the dedication of the church, (there have been no mail or ders sent from that Kansas town. Speaking of the new road down Snake river, the Union Scout says: One has only to go and take a look at the start on the new road down Snake river to know that there will be no more through trafflo along tbe Blue mountain route when the Snake river route is completed. They are begin ning the road with the heaviest steel and when it is completed the O. R. & N. oan make time with the best of them. The two big pulls from Snake river to the summit and then again to Kamela are a great handicap these days when all of the roads are bent ou making time. The O. R. & N. is not going to put up with this handicap a day longer than necessary and it will not be surprising if within two years there will be nothing through here but local traffic. GRADUATED LAND TAX. Governor Chamberlain's advocacy at the natioual irrigation congress at Sacramento of a graduated land tax has aroused a good deal of comment, much of it favorable. It is discussed in some prominent journalistic quarters as if it were an entirely new proposi tion ; but it is not. No suoh law is in force in this country, tut one is in New Zealand where it has apparently Free Round Trip Fare to MP mm During fair week, Sept. 23 to 28 Teutsch's Department Store will refund your Fare with every purchase of $10.00. Make our new store your headquarters. Our Fall and Winter stock is by far larger than ever before, Every department is brim full of good thinRs for you. LADIES' SUITS, GOATS, SKIRTS AND WAISTS by the hundred, and prices you will find right. Make our Store your headquarters. TEUTSCH'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE The fastest growing Store in Eastern Oregon. t xx a mm rom BBflSBuTKBSS My $3,000 Stock of Groceries Will be Sold Regardless of Cost This is not a Clearance Sale, nor a Mid-summer Sale; I am positively going out gf Business and my prices will convince you of the fact that I am going to quit. So now is your opportunity to get Harvest Sup plies cheaper than you ever did before. Stock is complete now. & CASH WILL SAVE YOU CASH WORTHINGTON SPOT CASH GROCERY Oregon Shorj line Union Pacific Thwinirh Pnllninn Ktandard and Hleenlns ear dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally cunuumcu, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining chair cars, seats free, to tbe east daily iron) Pendleton. ABBOT Dally. TIKB SCHEDULES ATHENA, ORE. 12:25 p. m. Walla Walla. Day ton, Pomeroy, Lew- iston. couax. rmi- man, Moscow, the Couer d'Alene dis trict, Spokane and an points nortn. 12:23 p to 8:10 p m 6:15 p- m. Walla Walla -Pen Clcton Mixed Fast Mail for Pen. Baker City, and all polntseutviaHun tington, Ore., Also ror u nmiiiittriepp ner, The Dalles, Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley Tftooma, Seattle, all ouna roims. Pendleton - Walla Walla Mixed DEPABT Dally. 12:25 p. m. 12:25 p. tn, 8:40 p. m :15 p m HM.1BERUK LUUbil teaoiiBtiBnuaaBaaoBaaagaa: OTTBUQ Coughs,Colds, CROUP, WhoopingCoui This remedy tin always be depended upon and Is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other harmfe! drug and may be given as confi dently to a baby as to an adult Price 25 cents, large size SO cents. First "1 National Bank of Athena CAPITAL STOCK $50,000 SURPLUS, 20,000 i Zl PER CENT INTEREST PI OM Til DEPOSITS k 1 MODERN BANKING FACILITIES fl Sold in Athena by McBride. E. M. Smith Agent. Athena. worked very satisfactorily. .The Jour nal has repeatedly advocated snob a measure as have a few other progres sive papers. Bat when it is presented at an imtxirtant national meeting by a governor, it is treated with more consideration than it has received hitherto, so Governor Chamberlain did the publio a good servioe by mention ing it The St. Paul Pioneer-Press a very oniMnrvative newsuaiier that apparent ly had never heard of tbe proposition before, says: "On its eoonomio side a good deal mioht ha anid in favor of Qovemor nhnmhnrlain'fl snocAstlnn. If it were possible to prevent evasion tbe imposi tion ol a tax growing Heavier una heavier on each additional acre or ten acres in exoess'of a reasonable mini mnm wnnld tend to discourage tbe holding in an unproductive sate of large blocks of land. But it would oian fnrn nntn the market in many states, if tbe graduated tax became common, a large quantity ox i&na. Thn Avnmffn vnlnfi of land would suffer unless the natural demand for land could be stimulated. It is doubtrul in thn nrosnn t relation of the copula tion to the land whether a law levying a tax serious enough to aooomptisn f nnmnan conld be put into effeot without a more or less violent distur- hanon of values, which would atreot even small holder of rural land." This objection, insofar as it is not fanciful, is really an argument in favor nf armn a avfltem of taxation. A neat problem of the country is to bring un populated land ana ianaiess peopie to oothi.iv Millions of people need land whooan'tget it oeoause it M too high. If lands became cheaper more people nnnirf a t land. Moreover, "with a far larger proportion of the people on land and producing necessaries inereirou, nnnld be in a sreat measure gradually shifted to land, or to land values, resulting in a lar more equu- nhla and annnntninal STstam of taxation. But this last would not be a necessary consequence; the direct consequences would be wholly and clearly benefloial to the great majority or people. rors iaua journal. Napoleon Bonaparte showed, at the battle of Austerlitz, he was tbe greatest Leader in tbe world. Ballard's Snow Liniment baa abown the publio. it is tbe best Liniment in the world. A quick cure for Rheuma tism. Sprains, Burns, Cuts, eto., A. a Pitta, Rodessa, La. says: "I use Ballard's Snow Liniment in my family and find it unexcelled for sore chest. headache, corns, in faot for anything that oan be reached by a liniment." Sold by Wm, MoDiide. The Crackers with a flavor INLAND CRACKERS Are not made by the Trust All Grocers Sell Them OFFICERS B H. C. ADAMS, President, r T. J. KIRK, Vice President, II F. S. Le GROW, Cashier, U I. M. KEMP, Ass't Cashier. DIRECTORS H. C. ADAMS, T. J. KIRK, F. S. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, P. E. COLBERN. L. THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE GOOD HORSES AND filCS. REASONABLE PRICES ORIVERIFURNISHEO WHEN DESIRED Horses boarded by the day. week or month 8tableion2nd street, South of Main street J. F. Wrliht. - Proprietor' THE Eagle Bar BERT CARTAXO, Prop, GOOD LIQUORSA SPECIALTY Hourhound Rock and Rye ffolly Tom Gin Thre Star Cognao Blue Stem Whufc? Famous Pilsner Beer Best Brands of Cigars. AT THE ELECTRIC SIGN THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER GO. H. O. Mansfield, Manager Athena, Oregon BUILDING MATERIAL AND FUEL Yards at Walla Walla, Toubhet and Lowden, Wash. Athena, Adams and Free water, Oregon. JOB PRINTING-' I" Neat Workmen Fast, Modern Preaaea High Grade Stock If A Stitch in lime saves nine Save many a sick ispell hy giving the child BALLARD S HOREHOUND SYRUP EVERY MOTHER should keep supplied with Ballard's Horehound Syrup, if sha wishes to Bare her children from Berioua sick apells. It con tains absolutely nothing injurious, does not constipate. Good for children as well as adults. A cough often leads to consumption and should be checked Immediately. A Hpaschold Necessity, &&Nj'Jnn?P' Texas, writesj "I have used Ballard's fffiMbpqnd Byrup in my family for the past few years, and find n far superior to any other cough medicine we have tried. Every household should bo implied with this worthy remedy." The Delight of Children. Cimm eeueHs, colds, whooping COUGH, SORE THROAT, BRONCHI US AND ALL LL'NQ TROUBLES. PRICE 25c, 50c, and $1.00 AVOID ALL SUBSTITUTES. Ballard Snow Liniment Co, 500-5021 flprtj. Second Street, ST. LOUIS, f ir in i . i At-' - Sold and Recommended by W. McBRIDE, PALACE DRUG STORE ATHENA, OR.