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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1907)
I Press Paragraphs A. J. Willaby and wife were fair visitors yesterday. Frank Coolidge spent the first of the j week in Pendleton. " Mrs. Cbas. Norris was a visitor to the county fair Tuesday. ' Mrs. I. M. Kemp and daughter La dle were in Pendleton yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kilgore, of Weston, were in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Jane Watts is ill at her home in this oity, with indications of fever. Miss Eva Eider is expected home from her visit to Lewiston tomorrow. Miss Myrtle DeFreece has matricu lated with the E. O. S. N. 8.' at Wes ton. Wanted A woman to live on ranch and care for children. Apply at this office. , Mr. and Mrs. Hngn Bell were in town Tuesday from their home, near Myrick. Miss Lorenz was a gnest of Miss Jeannette Manasse Saturday night and Sunday. -. Miss Kittle Sharp has commenced , 7 teaching in the Cannon district north of town. . .Wanted A girl to do bouse work in a family of three . Call at residenoe of Dr. Heisley. Rev. and Mrs. V. E. Hoven and son, Ard, were among the visitors' to Pen dleton yesterday. Mrs. Gould and Mrs. Beathe, from Weston mountain were shopping in the oity Wednesday. All knowing themeelves indebted to W. S. Buel, the blaoksmith are re quested to call at once and settle. - Dr. S. F. Sharp takes this means of uotifyiug all who are indebted to him to oonie forward at onoe and settle. Moses Taylor has purchased 160 aor es of reservation land from Jerry St. Dennis for $12.000, $80 per acre. J. A. Kirk baa brought suit in Jus tice Riobard's oonrt to. recover $19 front Jerry St. Dennis, money loaned. Douglas Ball, traveling representa tive for Blake, MoFall Co. paper deal ers of Portland, was in the city. Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Neri Aokles returned Monday to their home in La Grande. Miss Elsa remaining for a visit with relatives here. Mrs. Elizabeth Kees, of Walla Walla, returned to her borne Sunday evening, after attending the funeral of beg sisterTbeveV 2 ' L- Mri J. D. Plamondon won the hon or of best lady rider at trie Pendleton fair, Wednesday. She rode "Burke," Henry Barrett's fine saddle horse. At Tekoa, Wasb., last Sunday, the unique distinction of a thoroughly closed town was en joyed(?) even the cburohes not teing allowed to ring a bell. Oliver Diokenson, wbo recently leased the Tbos. DeFreece place, north of. Atbena, offers the DeFreece dairy herd of 10 cows for sale at a reason able price. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Stine of Spokane, were in the city a few days this week visiting relatives. Dr. Stine and wife contemplate going to Florida to spend the winter. Cbas. ; Pierce is visiting old-time friends in this county, being on bis vaoation from bis duties as manager of the Balloon route enterprise at Los Angeles, Calif. P. D. Mann, Athena's skating rink magnate, has recently added 20 pairs of new skates to his equipment and promises a new floor at the link in tbe near future. ,; Mrs. John Smith returned this week from Cambridge, Idaho, bringing with her her son, Roy, who recently underwent an operation there. Tbe boy is very muoh improved. A large number of Weston people were in attendance upon tbe last fun eral obsequies of tbe late Mrs. Ann Kirk, she counting among her friends ; many throughout tbe county. Cbas. Brown came np from Pendle ton yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will leave for California about tbe 10th of October. They will remain in California during the winter. Mrs. Lucinda Courtney, who at tended the remains of ber sister, Mrs. Ann Kirk, from California, left Wed nesday for a visit with friends in Wes ton, before returning to ber borne. Mr. Daley, wbo has been assisting in Manasse's Up to Date store for several . weeks, left yesterday for his home in Pendleton, from whence be will ao company bis wife to Portland soon. Jr Al Johnson has left at the Press office a sample of bis 40-bushel-to the acre corn crop. Tbe corn is of tbe yellow dent variety and would make a splendid exhibition asset at tbe fair. Mrs. Frank Simpson and ber mother, Mrs. Rush, are over from their home in Walla Walla and are spending tbe week on tbe farm. They will visit friends to town the last of tbe week. Arthur Coppook bas leased tbe ' farm of Wm. Kilgore adjoining town, and with Mrs. Coppock bas taken possession of the valnable property, where tbey intend to make their borne. Jack Weir was down from bis Ad ams nounty ranch this week. Mr. Weir informed the Press that spring sown blue stem wheat averaged from SO to 40 bushels per acre. Consider able rain fell daring harvest, and when nnable'to cut with bis combine, Mr. Weir put bis teams to seedins summer fallow. This grain is now four inobes bigb. "Jap" Marcus returned yesterday morning from Walla Walla. "Jap" promised to bring home a bride, bnt in lien thereof be was aocompanied by a phonograph, horn, records and all. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kirk will leave today for LaQrande, where tbey will spend several days with relatives. On their return home, tbey will leave for California, tbe latter part of next week. Mr. and Mrs. George Carmioheal, acoompanied by their son George, were in the city Tuesday. The son will attend college at Corvallis uutif June, when he will take a oorse at Berkeley. , The Press acknowledges a box of enormous Indian peaches from Pine Creek ranob, whioh uow grace our larder as "pickled peaches." Thanks, Henry, may you flourish as your de lirious fruit. B. O. Worthington, who is closing out bis grooery stock in Athena, has purchased tbe Hastings mountain ranob. Mr. Worthington paid $2,500 for tbe place and will soon begin tbe work of improving it. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Leach were down from the mountain Wednesday and went to Pendleton to attend tbe fair, Tney leave soon for Portland, whore tbey again expect to spend tbe winter with their daughters. LThe poroh entrance to the Baptist church is in coarse of construction this week and promises to add muoh to the appearance and convenience of the structure. Fred Gross sr. and Rev. Ellis are chief carpenters. Attorney Will M. Peterson was in ,town Wednesday. Mr. Peterson was returning from Presoott Wash., 'where he successfully defended a trio of Greeks, arrested on a grand larceny charge. He freed his clients on a technicality. Mrs. Minnie Leonard and children came down from Dayton this week and are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Leonard and Mrs. Geo. Bannister went down to Pendleton yesterday and were tbe guests of their sister, Mrs. W. S. Perry. W. R. Taylor is impiovlng slowly from a three-weeks siege of fever. "Jinks' " reoovery bas been greatly retarded by a hurt received in tbe side during tbe summer. However, bis fever bas been broken and his physi cians hope for an early recovery. - Gus Sohubert has purchased tbe Hamp Booher property in tbe north part of town, paying therefor" $1,300. Mr. Sohubert will move in from the ranch at once, so that bis obildren will have tbe advantage of attending Atbena s excellent pubho school. Tribune: Mrs. J. D. Plamondon came down from Atbena Tuesday, took part in tbe parade in tbe after noon and as the wife of the mayor of that city was a member of tbe commit tee Having in charge tne arrange ments for tbe baby show Wednesday. Drs. Heisley & Heisley find their professional services so extensively demanded in Athena that tbey are forced to dieoontiue their Weeton visits on the afternoons of Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Hereaf ter'all patients will receive treatment at the dootor's Athena offices. For rent: M. E. parsonage. One of best residences in city, six nice rooms, three large closets, city and well water, good shade, two blooks north of Main street and near the church; good cellar, outbuildings etc. Call on or write Israel Putnam, Pas tor, Atheqa, Oregon. Charley Powers, the old-time printer and Mere, expert, is spending bis an nual vaoation with relatives in Wes ton. Mr. Powers has been employed on tbe San Francisco Call for many years, and never fails to come onoe a year to renew acquaintance with old time friends in Eastern Oregon. A number of Atbena people attend ed the fair in Pendleton this week Monday was Peudleton day ; Wednes day. Morrow county day, and yester day, Elks day. Appropriate programs were in order. The exhioits are su perior to those made last year, and in every way the second annual district fair is all that could reasonably be ex peoted. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sherad ar rived borne this, week from Hot Lake, where Mr. Sherad has been receiving treatment for rheumatism for tbe past 12 weeks. He considers himself some what improved, as be can manage to walk a little, but will return in a day or two to the lake to remain until thnrouzhlv oured. Mrs. Sherad will accompany him. A. L. Swaccart easily oaptured first Vnminm on his bocs at the fair this week. Henry uarreu won nrss pnzo in the roadster class, with his single driver "Ag." Otba Reeder's 3-year ftlrl Del Norte colt won first in tbe nnn-Htntidard bred stallion class, and to "Burke". Henry Barrett's fine ead die entry .went first prize in the saddle borae class. Quarterly meeting services at M. E. church Saturday and Sunday Sept. 28-29. Quarterly conference 2:30 p. m. Saturday 28th in basement of tbe church, Sunday 29tb preaching 11 a. m. followed by Holy Communion. At 7:30 n. m. same day preaching at Adams. Rev. Gabriel Sykes, Presid ing Elder, will e present and con- id act tbe set vices. Although Athena's products were not exploited at the Umatilla-Morrow county fair, tbey shall not go unsung in the Press. Samples of apples, squashes and cabbage from the Taylor borne in tbe south part of town on tbe creek bottom show a prodigious growth. Two heads of cabbage, when converted into Bauer kraut almost filled a three gallon jar. The ladies of the Aid Society of the M. E. ohurch annonnoe that tbey will hold their 4th annual fair, on Satur day, December 14. , Donations of ar ticles suitable for sale will be thank fully received by tbe society. Tbe fairs held by the society in the past bave been well patronized, and excep tional effort will be put forth to make this superior to former ones. Last Friday at the home of Mr. and M IT TT f7..MkUA - n n elaborate dinner was served by the hostess in honor of the Lieuallen sisters, inoluding Mrs. H. MoArthur of Port laud, Mrs. H. Catou, Mrs. Geo. ' Ban nister and Mrs. John Bannister, with their respective husbands. Mr. . Rob ert Coppock and Miss Mattie Coppock were also honored guests. Herbert Manasse arrived home Wed nesday evening from Stockton, Calif., where he has been for several weeks. It was found that Herbert's services in tbe store could not be dispensed with just at present, so be postponed en tering school in Stookton, with the intention of putting in all bis time in the Up to Date store. His many friends are glad to welcome him home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller were in Pendleton Wednesday, and arrived too late to euter the name of tbeir little son, Conxad, in tbe baby show. It was conoeded by many who saw tbe baby, and even. by those interested in the ohow that had they been present a little earlier be wonld certainly have taken a prize. He attracted much at tention by , tbe beauty of bis face and hair. Rev. Morton Gregory,, pastor, of the Central Christian church in Walla Walla, where be has served with great success for the past three years, announces that he will resign bis pastorate there and will enter tbe in surance business. Rev. Gregory states that he is enable to stand thestraiu of arduous duties as heretofore, , and thinks it best for the congregation to seonre a new man, who will take up his work with fresh vigor. He does not intend to withdraw entirely from the ministry. Wednesday was the 20th anniver sary of the wedding ol mr. ana ivirs. Frank Mansfield, and a sumptuous dinner in honor of the oooaiion was served by the "20 year old" bride. ! A number of presents were received by the couple, among whioh might be mentioned a full dinner set of Havi land china presented by McTbomaa Mansfield on leaving here some days ago, in anticipation or tne event. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Harris of Weston, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones. Miss Jackson, "Doo" Mansfield and tbe bride and groom. Card of Thanks. We take this method of thanking tbe people of Athena for their many kind offloes during our recent bereave ment, in the death of our dear mother and sister, Mrs. Ann Kirk. May your sorrows be lightened for you in like manner when affliction comes. Mrs. Alice Aokles, Mrs. Alma Koontz, Mrs. Luoinda Courtney Mrs. Elizabeth K6S. Dr. O. F. Heisley Dr. S. Etta Heisley Graduates Am. School if Osteopathy, jf Kirksville, Mo., Dr A. T. Still, President, Founder. Drs. HEISLEY HEISLEY OSTEOPTHIC PHYSICIANS Office and Residence Cor. 5th and Ad ams St. opposite Chrtstian church. Days in Athena: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. If Twcarl This " I Vw to I'iih i t'snt the leading medl ciU ".Titers and tcacners oi an ino several schools of jirnclico recommend, in the strongest terms possible, euctt ana every ingredient entering into tno composition of Dr. Pierce's Gulden Medical Discovery for the euro of weak stomacn, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint" tr.M liver, or biliousness, chronic bowel afleetions, and all catarrhal diseases of Whatever Tn.on, iwmu or namre. xn a also a specific' remody for all such chronic or lousr standing c-ses of catarrhal affec tions and their n;.-ultant3, as bronchial, throat and lun,.; dis ! (except consump tion) accompanied with severe coughs. It Is not so euoa ior acuw cuius mm cuuku-, hut for linirerinir. or chronic cases it Is especially euicacious in producing per fect cures, it coniai n mat viici i j uu n, Golden Scab root, Bloodroot, Stone root. Mandrake root and Queen's root all of which are highly praised as remedies for all the above mentionea aiieciions oy sucn -minr-nt medical writers and teachers as Prof. Bartholow, of Jefferson Med. Col- 1 n . Dnl the Univ. of Pa.i Prof. Finle ood. M. D.. of Ben rtett Med. Chicago; Prof. John Klnz. M. Cincinnati ; Prof. John M. Scuddei ..of Cincinnati; Prof. M. D.. of Hahnemann Edwin M Med. ome Chicago, and scores of otherVcoera eminent in tneir several tcbrfiirot practice. h"ioi(ien flieqicai inscovpry-jt; mw pi Or u nut nn"Tnr salr Uft EC is ior iikc Sue Ytrrn endorsement' woi imlMT f,f nrdinarr teslf- dlO'hJMs. Open publicity ol its formula U the best possible guaranty of Its merits. a .1mm at this published formula will show that "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no poisonous, harmful or hablt- formingdrngs ana nu aicuiuu cikuiiu7 pare, triple-refined glycerine being used Instead. Glycerine rs entirely unobjec tionable and besides is a most useful agent in the cure of all atonWch as well as bron chial, throat and lung affections. There Is the highest medical authority for Its use in alfsuch case. The " Discovery" is a concentrated glyceric Retract of native, medicinal roots and isfcafe and reliable. A booklet of -racuf(from eminent, medical aiiti.oritU. endorsing It ingre dients mailfd free on rrxniett. Address Dr. B. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. College IT. of Iff. uy is mi big ide mm You are all iuvited to attend. We ttffitfLdlff ( are showing tbe largest and most care- GORDON. J L fully seleoted line of up to date Mer- I f tf ,1- chandise ever displayed in this oity. j V tA Tbe latest productions from tbe For- f )F l V''7 eign and Domestio Markets in Every ' (I '"'-Vl jl I I Department. f ''AftiVl If 7V JlJ We are making this a special dis- f 'ft'I J iT'K' play day and shall take great pleasure j ''r'y3s 1 K;'"V Q BaowinK you through the different yZ J ) ? i lines. Come aud examine for Your- Pl'mm i I selves. ' BlCM ' 1 I - y a No matter whether you wish to pur- lr W If Is s ; I chase or not. We bave tbe best aud tvI a )J Jf Ki'l most reliabla goods in all lines that "f 111 Cl" I &m&: Money can purchase. W I B. & II. TRADING STAMPS ((Llf (I Given With Cash Purchases. ' I I ';-ifeB 1SER0VE MERCANT1E COM'Y On Savings We Pay 4' On the Quarterly Balance or 3 . On the cJWonthly Balance BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Atbena TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY KEENE, Agent, Athena. - - Oregon. Pineules 30 days' treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction puaranteed or money refunded.- j ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton AMERICAN Flour is made in Athena, by Atbena labor, in tbe latest and best equipped mill in the west, of tbo best seleoted Blnestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize borne industry. Yonr grooer sells American Beanty for Per : Merchant Millers I Athena, Oregon. case before SOLD IN ATHENA AT HAWK'S PIONEER MONITOR DRILLS The most Substantial Drill on the market. With the Saucer Feed, there is no cracked seed Planted. A A" C. A. Barrett Company Athena, - - Oregon Milling Company and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. R. J. BODDY WHOLESALE BUTCHER Makes a Specialty of furnishing Meat in Large Quantities. First-class stock, Reasonable price A dose at bed time usual ly relieves the most severe morning. DRUG STORE.