Press Paragraphs 1 T. J. Kirk was ia Pendleton Monday on business. Mrs. I. J. Kirk ia repotted ill at ber borne on Fifth street. Miss Ruth Dickenson visited friends in Freewater Wednesday. Miss Carlstrom, of Adams, was shopping in the city Wednesday. Mrs. Victor McDonald is over from Walla Walla visiting relatives. Miss Elua Kimberk of Adams was a, guest of the Misses Tharp Sunday. Born recently in Boise, to Mr. and Mrs. Brace Wallace, a 9-pound daugh ter. Mrs. Lester O'Harra and Miss Lula Tuarp drove over to Pea Ridge yester day. Miss Greta Molntyre left yesterday tor a visit with friends in Washington state. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cartano were Pendleton visitors the first of the week. Mis. Lazier of Weston and her mo ther were trading with Athena mer chants yesterday. X Miss Lela Garfield, of Walla Walla, is visited her grandmother, Mrs. J. Nelson this week. Miss Cecile Boyd visited Miss Leta Edington at her home in Helix the first of the week. Mrs. Charles Keen was over from Walla Walla the first of the week vis iting relatives in this oity. XTom Taggart, the grooeryman, was Pendleton visitor yesterday, where he went to meet his brother. '1 he infant of Mrs. John King has been qnite severely ill this week, with an ailment peculiar to children. Any one wishing a good wall map can seoure one without cost by apply ing to the office of the O. R. & N. Mis. O. 0. Tnrner, of Weston, was a gnest over Sunday of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Douglas iu this city. Arthur Donglas, is laid up with sickness at the home of his parents on Fourth street. Fever is the trouble. Mrs. Theo. Danner, Miss Danner and Mrs. Wall were visitors to the Freewater peach festival Wednesday. Mrs Jaokson Nelson returned Satnr day from a week's visit with ber daughtors at Dixie and Walla Walla. V Born, on August 20, 1907, to Mr. hnd Mrs. Clyde Willaty, at the Owens home near the state line, a daughter. Reoeived today by express, at Ma uasse's Up-to-Dato store, an elegant line of silk waists. Come in and see them. D. M. Taggart, of the Empire Lum ber company, at Nyssa, Ore., is iu the city visiting bis brother, T. M. Tag gart. Mis. Wm. MoBride and her com pany drove to Westou Wednesday, where they visited at the parental home. Until further notice, the Sunday evening service at the Baptist ohuroh will commence promptly at 7:30 o' clock. V Harry Leedy, who has beeu clerking aTMauasso's Up to-Date store for sev eral weeks, left Monday for Walla Walla. Mrs. Master Mrs. ' her daughter, Siting the hnma. Mr. Mnskat'a AxnarienAA an a salesman of drygoods and clothing exj tends over a long period of years, and be comes into the employ of Mr. Jai man with high recommendations. Dades Little Liver Pills keep the system clean, the stomach sweet. Prompt relief for headache and bil liousness. Good for all the family. Pinnnnr Hrn a Hfnrn. 1 Miss Ruby Douglas, who has spent Ahe past month with ber sister, Mrs. Turner, in Westcn, was at home Sun day. Miss Ruby will come home soon to be ready for sobooL ljr Mr. and Mrs. J. M. O'Harra were M II ! - ft A. - ' A juver iron iuuii uume east oi w esiou Wednesday, buying furniture and carpets for their fine new house re cently erected on Pea Ridge Mrs. William Dobeon returned Sat urday from a summer's visit with her parents at St, John, near Portland Mrs. Dobeon was very ill during ber stay there with tonsilitia. At the home of Mr. aid , Mrs. John Geiss, on August 25, James R. Nuna maker of Hood River and Miss Martha L. Llenallen of Adams, were married, Rev. P. S. Rogers officiating. Mrs Llllie Miller has a fine line of fall street hats on display and tuore arriving direct from New York and nkinonn Mra MUln. wilt annnnnna her grand opening of fall styles a little later. Walter S. Ely, a former Athena business man, arrived in the city from Boise, Sunday. Mr. Ely is employed in a creamery in the Idaho capital, and is pleased with Boise as a business center. The ladies of the Christian church will hold their annual fair and sale this fall as usual. The exact date will be given soon, so that all who are in terested may begin preparations for the event. tWhile in the country last week on Wffioial business, Constable John Smith met witn an aooident tnrougn tne running of bis team, whereby he was thrown to the ground and consider ably brnised. The series of Sunday evening union services of the Methodist Episcopal and Baptist churches closed with last Sunday night's meeting at the Bap tist oburoh. These meetings were well attended. Tbe bites and stings of insects, sun burn, outs, burns and bruises relieved at once with Pinesalve Carbolized. Acts like a poultioe. Draws out in flamation. Try it. Price 25o. Pio neer Drug Store. Mrs. Sewell and baby will leave Sunday for a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Stone, at Thorn ton, Wash. She will be accompanied I y her sister, Miss Lois Stone who has been visiting her here. X'harles Norris is repotted to have refused an offer of $500 for bis driv ing horse, "Carl." The offer was made by J. Jeuson, agent for tbe Na- 4-imial r.ltTnafnnlr A aanniaf inn tvhA was on tne lookout tor a norse ior a Portland friend. Ibe Press learns from Director Watts that should tbe weather con tinue cool, tbe Athena publio sobool will open one week from next Mon day, September 9th. Otherwise, tbe opening of school may be deferred a week or two later. Mrs. M. A. Lawrence, sister of William Tompkins, who left for ber home in Calgary, B. C, last week, intends, so the Press is informed, to return to Athena for the purpose of re siding here, after disposing of her property in the Alberta oity. ts v Over 250. (MW hnnhelfl nf whnat was slid to Athena buyers Saturday. The bulk of the grain bronghLSOo per bu she!, though several lots changed at 71 cents. The market this week has been varying from 68 to 69 cents, and the Praeton-Parton company yes terday paid 70 cents. Mrs. J. W. Smith was in town Tues day and Wednesday from Helix, ren ovating ber residenoe property on Fifth street preparatory to the oooupancy of Dr. Heisley and wife, the new osteo pathic physicians. The Heisleys will assume the praotice of Dr. Van Hal ter en, who goes east. M. M. Johns left Saturday morning for Portland and Vanoonver, where be joined bis family, who have been vis iting there for several weeks. From Portland Mr. Johns and family leave soon for southern California, where they expect to remain for some years, placing their sons in sobool. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Barrett left last vening for Sacramento, where Mr. Barrett will attend the National Irri gation congress as a delegate from this connty. At Walla Walla Mr. and Mrs. Barrett took the Garden oity speoial oar wbioh will be attached to tbe Sacramento speoial train at Port land this evening. Va member of the hobo fraternity was caught by Bert Cartano in the aot of relieving an inebriated individual of a $20 gold piece. The light-fingered gent was made to disgorge . by Mr. Cartano, who reported tbe matter to Offioer Gbolson. The yegg spent tbe night in jail and tbe district attor ney has been notified. "Jap" Marquis is having a peok of trouble. He announces that this week he espoused a widow in Walla Walla, and that on the return rip, having business in Pendleton, his newly wed ded wife passed on through, promising to return on the next train. He has met all trains, but still she comes not. "Jap" is very muoh puzzled over ber non appearance. W Rev. Geo. T. Ellis is better than ever prepared to tie the marriage knot. The venerable clergyman has received a ohoioe lot of blank marriage cerifl- cates beautifully set in embossed lea ther binding. Iu the upper country Rev. Ellis held tbe reoord for tbe number of marriages performed, and next week goes to Baker City, where his servioes are required at two wed d ings. Tbe girls of tbe Baptist Sunday sobool will give a sale of useful arti cles, and also a food sale everything in the line of eatables, Saturday, Sep tember 7, in R. J. Boddy's building, north side of Main street, beginning at 2 o'clock. Everybody is cordially in vit ed to inspect their wares, whether you purchase or not but, don't fail to l patronize tbe girls, who have worked bard all summer with this fair in view. Anything contributed for tbe sale will be thankfully leceived. J VFreewater's Peaob day, wbioh was Jhld Wednesday of this week, was an event of considerable importance to the progressive little fruit town. The day's exercises were attended by large and well pleased crowds from other places. Weston, Atbena and Pendle ton people were greatly disappointed with tbe railroad company's inability to run a special train, the result being that but few citizens from these towns had an opportunity to eat free peaches at Freewater. Estray Notice. Holstein cow, brand V on right hip about 12 years old. Has been at my place sinoe December, 1906. S. S. Parris. T. M. TAGQART a. Coffee You Seal Blend I It) Cans, 45 cents Package Coffee is the best to buy and the best to drink. We have the agency. Sold only by Up-to-date Grocers. T. M. TAGGART & COMPANY, 5 South Side Main Street On Savings i On the Quarterly Balance or 3 On the c7Vfonthly Balance BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY KEENE, Agent, Athena. - Oregon 16 Pounds for $1 We Pay 4o Ouriirst importation of French and Ger man fine dress goods has arrived. Come ear ly and make your selection before the assort ment is broken. In the fine novelty goods we have only one dress pattern of a kind, so no lady need be afraid ot their becoming a livery. Wool taffetas in black, reds, browns, greens and London smoke. Panama in all the new colorings. Prunella cloths in all the popular fall colors. Fancy neutral shaded checks, stripes and plaids in great variety. Silk pop lins, the latest fad for waists and evening wear, all colors, also cream and black. Crepe de Paree, Mohairs, Sicillians and Albatross in creams and evening shades. We still give B. & H. Trading Stamps with all Cash Purchases. Ug- osgrove Mercantile Co. SOUTH SIDE MAIN ST., Pineules 30 days treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. (SUCCESSORS TO ELY & SCOTT) Drink Should Chase X Sanborn's ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton Flour is made in Atbena, by Atbeua labor, in the latest and best equipped mill iu the west, of the best selected Bluestem .wheat grown anywhere. Patronize borne industry. Yonr grooer sells American Beauty for $1.20 Merchant Millers S Athena, Oregon. 7: J SUGAR case before morning. SOLD IN ATHENA AT HAWK'S PIONEER DRUG STORE. Be the Best Circle Blend l ib Bags, 25 cents Milling Company Per Sack.! and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. J A. J. PARKER'S Everything; First . Clasii - Ho dern and Up-to-date SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ATHENA 8 Pounds for 50c ATHENAJOREGON A dose at bed time usual ly relieves the most severe BACK-ACHE J I!