AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Six and Eight Pages Every Friday. F. B. Boyd, Publishes Application for entrance as 2nd clas matter mariA nn ft 1907 at tha tmMtnfnM t Attiona rtMimn Under an Actot Congress of March 8, 1879 Subscription Hatat : p i year. In advanct . 12.00 Single copies In wrappers, 5c, ATHENA. ORE., AUGUST 30 1907 la the Pilot Book Keoord, John P. MoManus gives answer to the ques tion, 'What is a demoorat," by say ing : Io Oregon he is elected to office by those who, enraged over their own defeat or the defeat of their friends in the primary, oan think of no great er punishment to inflict upon the whole people. He thrives on dissen sion. He is to the republican party what the divorce lawyer is to the home." Just so. No more salient and comprehensive answer has ap peared than this from the pen of the suave John. In it he deftly hides the gross misrule cf his party in this state and with his fine Italian hand spreads a coat of whitewash over the party's prize land thieves, grafters and brib era, plaoing the blame of party defeat on the heads of voters who are deter mined to mop up the corruption mess this misrule has brought upon the state. If it takes a demoorat in office to do this, republicans who voted for him are to be commended, and "Mc's" definition of "what is a demoorat may be taken tor granted For the first time in the history of Pilot Book wheat is being hauled into town and stored in a warehouse, from whiob it will be sold to the highest bidder, says the Becord. The amount of grain that will be stored there this year will indioate in small part the possibilities of that region. Without a railroad it is not to be wondered at that no attempt has been made in the past to test the productiveness of sage brush soil, but promised a railroad, though late in the season last year, enough ground was planted to wheat and barley to satisfy the owners of the land that not only wheat could be grown, but a very superior quality at that. Next season the acreage will be considerably increased and the prospeots are that Pilot Bock will soon be known as one of the important shipping points in this county. Cattle are now commencing to move from the northwestern ranges to mar ket and they are selling at about one dollar a hundred more than last year. The range man is finally sharing in the almost universal prosperity. Market receipts at all points indioate that there is a shortage of cattle in the country, and probably the present good prices will continue for some time. The sheep man is still enjoying excellent prices for his sheep and lambs, and, on the whole, the outlook for the raisers of livestock is very rosy. At last the people in the central and eastern states are awakening to thefaot that they will be "a long time dead" and that while they live, they had just as well enjoy the lux uries that nature has provided in the way of climate, pure water, grand soenery and at the same time make good money, rather than wear out their lives in a country where it is barely possible to realize a very small profit on their hard labor. Last year more than 200,000 people from the East purchased homes in the West and this year the number will be doubled. The National Irrigation Congress at Sacramento September 2-7. is attract ing muoh attention. A rate of one fare for the round trip has been made from Portland and all points House Cleaning Time the back-breaking time for the cle nly house-wife, is made easier by the use of The Sherwin-Williams Paints. Paint saves half the labor of house cleaning. Painted wood-work is easier to clean than unpainted wood-work. It doesn't collect as much dirt, and what dirt it does collect comes off easier. Paint this year and you'll have less work next year. . Tho Shtrwin-Williams Family Paint in small cans meets the hundred and one demands for a little paint about the house. Dries quickly. The girls can apply it. Can be scrubbed. Color card3 for the asking. SOLO Umatilla Lumber south, and a fare and a third into Portland from the East. Stop-over privilege without extra cost will be allowed for the Oregon Irrigation meeting at Grants Pass, September 10. 11 and 12. Governor Chamberlain is president of the National Association and the state will send a splendid delegation. The Portland Commercial club onoe circulated 237,000 leaflets in thirty days. The club will begiu soon the circulation of 400,000 some what similar priuta in twenty days. The central feature in this leaflet, a copy of which it is desired shall acoompany every letter that goes ont of Portland and vioinity, is the colo nist rates wbioh shall begin September 1st and continue until October 31, and should by this time be familiar to our Teaders. The East uaed to make fun of the West because it was neoessary for vigilant committees to occasionally remove a criminal, but now there is talk of organizing vigilantes in New York to check the wave of crime that is sweeping over that great metropo lis. , A Linooln preacher delivered a strong sermon upou the necessity of mortals living lives of purity. A lady of his oburoh gave him away as being no Joseph and he was bounced from the pulpit. He p'erhaps did not count himself among the mortals. Saturday approximately 200,000 bu shels of wheat was sold in Athena. Not a bushel brought less than 70 cents and some of it was sold for 70g cents per bushel, and money aggre gating $140,000 was distributed among the farmers. A peouliar disease has been killing tens of thousands of sheep in Wyo ming this summer. The disease has baffled the best efforts of the veterin arians who are now trying to prevent the spread of the plague. The Charming Woman is not necessarily one of perfeot form and features. Many a plain woman who could never serve as an artist's model, possesses those rare qualities that all the world admires: neatness, clear eyes, olean smooth skin and that sprightliness of step and action that accompany good health. A physically weak woman is never attractive, not even to herself. Electric Bitters re store weak women, give strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth velvety skin, beau tifnl complexion. Guaranteed at Wm. MoBrides, Druggist, 60c. REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA No. 4516. AT Athena, in the State of Oregon, at the Close of Business, Aug. 22, 1907 RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 8203 634 17 Overdrafts secured and unsecursd 8 331 1)7 U 8 bonds to secure circulation . 12 500 00 Bonds, securities, etc. 2 493 58 Banking-house furniture fixtures 10 000 00 Due irom mac. .Banks, not reserve aeents 107 64 Due from State Banks and Bankers 1008187 Due from apr'v'd reserve aeents. 80 721 20 Checks and other cash Items Hi!) 12 Notes of other National Banks 300 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents. 3 70 Specie 13 MO 00 Kea'irrn runa witn u s Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 625 00 Total 3 352 461 25 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $50 000 00 Surplus fund 20 000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 1 921 50 National bank notes outstanding 12 500 00 Due to other National Banks 1 765 17 Due to Trust Companies and Savings Banks 1 (KM"5 Individual deposits subject to check 183 516 33 Demand certificates of deposit 81 754 70 Total $ 352 461 25 State of Oregon, I County of Unial .una)' I. r . b. ia urow. cashier or above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. r. S. L (irow. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 80th day of A must, 1007. S. F. Wilson, Notary ruonc. Correct Attest: T. J. Kirk, V. K. Colbern, Directors BY Yard M. A. JOHNSON, Manager Mm! This is not a Clearance Sale, nor a Mid-summer Sale; I am positively going out Business and my prices will convince you of the fact that I am going to quit So now is your opportunity to get Harvest Sup plies cheaper than you ever did before. Stock is complete now. CASH WILL SAVE YOU CASH WORTHINGTON SPOT CASH GROCERY Oregon SlIOTLlNE Mm Union Pacific Through Pullman standard and sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining chair cars, seats free, to the east dally irom Peudleton. ABRtVK Daily. TIMS SCHEDULES DEPART Dally. ATHENA, ORE, Walla Walla. Dav- wra, romeroy, ljew' iston. uouax. rait 12:25 p. m. man, Moscow, the 12:23 p.m. uouer u Aiene ais trict, Spokane and an points north. Walla Wnlia-Pen 12:23 p m dleton Mixed 12:25 p. m. Fast Mail for Pen Baker City, and all pointsestsi via Hun tlngton, Ore., Also for Umatilla, Hepp- 8:10 p m ner, The Dalles, Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley 3:10 p. m Points. California, Tacoma. Seattle, all ouunu roinus. 6:15 p1 m. Pendleton - Walla 6:15 pm Walla Mixed K. M. Smith Agent, Athena. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF FI NAL ACCOUNT AND REPORT. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern : That W. M. Winship, administrator of the estate of Chester Post, deceased, filed his final account and report, Aug. 6, A. D. 1907; that Hon. T. P.. Gilli land. county judo', has appointed Monday, the 9th day of September, A. D. 1907, as the time, and the oounty court bouse at Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, as the plaoe, where any and all objections and exceptions to said final account will be heard and the settlement thereof made This no tice will appear in the Athena Press, by order of said county judge, onoe a week for four suooeseive weeks. Dated this the 9th day of August, A. D. 1907. W. M. Winship, Administrator; Peterson, Peterson & Wilson, Attys. A Memorable Day. One of the days we remember with i pleasure, as well as with profit to our health, is the one on which we became acquainted with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the painless purifiers that cure headache and billiousness, and keei the bowels right. 25o. at Palace Drui Store. . Pineules are for the Kidneys an Bladder. They bring quick relief i backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tire worn out feeling. They produce nati ral action of the kidneys. 30 da; treatment $1.00. Mouey refunded Pineules are not satisfactory. Pione Drug Store. A Happy Man Is Amos F. King, of Port Byron, Y., (85 years of age); since a sore his leg, which bad troubled him ' greater part of his life, has been tirely healed by Bucklen's Am Salve; the world's great healer Sores, Burns, Cuts, Wounds and Pi Guaranteed by Wm. McBride Dt gist Price 25o. All the World is a stage, and Ballard's Snow Lini ment plays a most prominent part. It has no superior for Rheumatism, stiff joints, cuts, sprains, and all pains. Buy it, try it and you will always use it Anybody who has used Ballard's Snow Liniment is a living proof of what it does. Buy a trial bottle. 25c, 50o and $1.00. t Sold by W. McBride. Man Zao Pile remedy comes put up in a collapsible tube with a nozzle. Easy to apply right where the soreness and inflammation exists. It relieves at once blind bleeding, itching or pro truding piles. Guaranteed. Pioneer Drug Store. From My $3,000 Stock of Groceries Will be Sold Regardless of Cost PHAMBERLAIH A few dopes of this remedy will in variably cure an ordinary attack of diarrhoea. It can always be depended upon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colic and cholera morbus. It is equally successful for summer diarrhoea and cholera infantum in children, and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home. Buy it now. Price, 25c. Large Size, 50c. Sold in Athena by McBride. The Crackers with a flavor INLAND CRACKERS Are not made by the Trust All Grocers Sell Them THE WRICHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE sSFB First National s of Athena CA PITAL STOCK. $50,000 SURPLUS, 20,000 l, PER GENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS g S MODERN i OFFICERS 1 H. C. ADAMS, President, T T. J. KIRK, Vice President, R F. S. Le GROW, Cashier, U I. M. KEMP, Ass't Cashier. THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER GO. H. O. Mansfield, Manager Athena, Oregon BUILDING AND Yards at Walla Walla, Toubhet and Lowdn, Wash. Athena, Adams and Freewar V v '1 Bank BANKING FACILITIES DIRECTORS H. C. ATI A MS T. .T. KIRK. F. S. Le GROW, D. II. PRESTON, P. E. I COLBERN. MATERIAL FUEL