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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1907)
When the Hair Falls Then It's time to acti No time to wudy, to read, to experi ment! You want to save your hair, and save It quickly, too! $o make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any thins else. It's nature's way. The best kind of a testimonial ' 'Bold for over sixty years." trjj.u. Ay.r Co., IMWU, Also aunuCMturen of 7 IACSAPjUULIjL yers PILLS. COEKBT PECTOBAt. A Dangerous Variety. . She may be a gossip," said the wom an, yith thin lips, "but X believe she ieJIs the truth." , t'Mr dear," answered Miss Cayenne, Jthe truth Is frequently the worst form of " gossip lmaginabla" Washington At Cheap u Cm U Bouehl In thi East OslivBrr Mycb Quicker WiitiUtTodai Tiuttntly kllla lice on Poultry by Its fames. It Is rerr powerful the strong, est of all lice killers. It Is s neceaeary remedy, because Uce-lnfected poultry cn-' not lay or thrive. Bold by dealers. Made only by Chas. H. Lilly Co., Seattls, Fort land, San Francisco. C. Gee Wo The Well-Known Reliable CHINESE Root and Herb DOCTOR Has made a life study of roots and herbs, and In that ludy discovered and la giving to the world, his won derful remedies. Ho Mercury, Poisons or Drugs Used Ha Cures Without Operation, or Without tbs Aid of a knife. He guarantees to Cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Nervous Debil ity, Stomach, Liver, Kidney Troubles: slso Lost Manhood. Female Weakness snd All Privste Dlseaaes A SURE CANCER CURE fast Received from Peking, China Safe, Sura and Reliable. IF YOU ARE AFLICTED. DONT DELAY. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. If you cannot call, write for aympton blank and circu lar. Incloae 4 centa in stamps. CONSULTATION FREE THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 162jt First St.. Cor. Morrison, Portland, Oregon Please Mention This Paper. MAKE YOUR HOME TIES HAPPIER THE REMEDY i sit A Jtade A A. B, CHASE PLAYER-PIANO ....... . Dost not ' enlarge the Instrument or ehehre atyleof case; mechanism alt below keyboard: operates ptaa eetioa aaatraot direct, and precisely as regular pleao keys do, securing toe same expression as the artist eaa hy hand : eaa he eaUrely reaaered trok the plane In' Sre njlnutes's lav ead that without Ue ase ei a screw Arlr, ' " ' Wilt for Free Booklet SHERMAN, tmm KITTLS, MtTXrWi, Rapid Urewta. The most remarkable Instance of rap- Id growth was recorded by the French academy In 1729. It was a boy 6 years of age, 5 feet 6 Inches in height. At the age of 5 his voice changed; at 6 bla beard had grown and be appeared a man of 30. He possessed great phyal cal strength and could easily lift to bis shoulders and carry bags of grains . weighing 200 pounds. His decline was ! ' t it, A. O K I - li. I. as rapia as Ills growiu. ai a m. ua and beard were gray, at 10 he tottered In his walk, his teeth fell out and his bands became palsied; at 12 be died with every outward alga of extreme old age. ' Two Hsadrcl Specie eI Rosea. There are 200 species of roses In ex istence, though perhaps not more than fifty clearly defined families. Of these families only two are of - American birth. There are thousands of varie ties, however, and of these our enter prising rose growers have contributed by far the largest proportion. The eagerly sought black rose Is still un produced, though a New York florist has a dark-red one which In some lights has the appearance of black vel vet. ' . Freaks of Fate. , Many wonderful things happen In this country. One of them Is the recent election to the United States Senate from a Western State of the son of an Immigrant who came to this country In the steerage In the middle of the last century and later married a fellow steerage passenger. But this la not so wonderful as the presence In the Sen ate of another man who came over In the steerage himself and has risen to a position of power and Influence. DeSnltlon. Tommy (looking up from the paper he Is reading) Pa, what Is a finan cier T Pa (proudly) A financier. Tommy, Is a man who understands the art of getting other people's money. Somer vllle Journal. POLAND CHINA HOGS Plga old enough to wean to bred sows of up. to-date breeding. Pedigree furnished with every pig sold. Write me your wants. A. L. SWAGGART, . ATHENA. OREGON PAINLESS TENTISTRY Set Ui Before ale Yw Ge EUawiars examinations me Gold Crowne, S3; Bridge Work, per tooth, S3: Plates, 8; Silver Fillings, SOo Oold rulings, fl. YALE DENTISTS W First Street tOKXLANU, ORKQOK 20-MULE-TEAF.l BORAX Softens Water, makes the Skin Clear, removes ' Pimples and Blackheads, Whitens the Hands, frees the Scalp from Dandruff and makes Beautiful Hair. All dealers, s-MMoepkgs. Bam pie and soare nlr ploiure and booklet ft ota. FAOITIO COAST BORAX CO., Oakland. CaL wmj. Y'.-Tl'lll IfJLY Meens cash In your pocket, because com fortable cowe mean more milk, more cream and more money. Aak for Lilly's Best Fly Killer; It coats less end doee more. Sold by dealers. Qt., 35 cts.; gals., (1.00. Made by Chas. H. Lilly Go,, Seattle, Portland. San Francisco. Outside Buying N mm Ness, Martin Hfu-genson, Charles Oleson and John Oleaon, all from EUGENE, OREGON, one lot each; Grant Wade, Olex, Oregon, four lots; CW. SKurte, T. R Richardson, George A. Qough and E. J. Nitschke, ALL FROM ARLINGTON, OREGON, two lots each; M. O. CUre, Condc4w Oregon, one lot;, J.' "K lenclan, 5etdH ottt)' fetvTHEY KNOW-A 'GOOD -THING' 'AND KNOW-' TifcY SOON TREB THE SMWTOK G01FAMY Opposite Chamber ol Commcrco Nothing I Ate Agreed With Me IK ' ' yti f 1 ' ft'? 'fil fill mm MRS. LtNOHA BODENHAMER. Mrs. Lenora Bodenhamer, K. F. D. 1, Box 99, Kernersvllle, N. C, writes: "I suffered with stomach trouble and indigestion for some time, and nothing that I ate agreed with me. I was very nervous and experienced a oontinual feeling of uneasiness and fear. I took medicine from the doctor, but it did me no good. "I found in one of your Peruna books a description of my symptoms. I then wrote to Dr. Hartman for advice. He said I had catarrh of the stomach. ' I took Peruna and Manalin and followed his directions and can now say that I 'eel as well as I ever did. "Ihope that all who are afflicted with the Fame symptoms will take Peruna. as it has certainly cured me." ine aoove is oniy one oi nunareas who have written similar letters to Dr. Hartman. Just one sncL case as this en titles Peruna to the candid consideration of every one similarly afflicted. If this be true of thetestimony of one person, what ought to be the testimony of hundreds, yes thousands, of honest, sin cere people. We have in cur. files a great many other testimonials. Getting; Round It. A famous mountaineer said of moun tain climbing at a dinner In Brooklyn : "Peaks that seem Inaccessible may be climbed by turns and twists.' ' Mountain climbing is a question of getting around the bad places. Getting around your difficulty that Is the secret of moun tain climbing." Marital Philosophy. She (after a vivacious discussion) Ah, you dare to look me In the face. He (philosophically) Good ' heav ens 1 In this world one becomes accus tomed to everything. Translated for Transatlantic Tales from II Motto per Bldere. Samad Khan, the recently accredited Persian minister at Paris, Is known throughout Persia as a lyrical poet and a nracticed Dlaver on te accordion. The Portland Tile and Mantel Co. Will be glad to give you particulars about Its beautiful Ceramic, Iiloaaie, Enameled and Encaustlo Tile, wholesale and retail. Write today. ' JAMES E. BARKER. Prop: 217 Marquam Bldg. Portland, Oregon Don't Push J The horse can draw the load without help, if you reduce friction to almost nothing by applying rMifeaAxU to the wheels. No other lubri cant ever made . wears so long and saves so much horsepower. Next time try Mica Axle Griask. Standard OH Co. P. N.U. Ne. 22-07 I TTTHKlf Writ: I If mention Htlnaj to ad Tert leers plei snia paper. f People are "TERRACE JAEK" Lots O HIGHER COMPLIMENT to 'Terrace Park" could U asked than the FACT that outside people are buying lots in Portland's most beautiful and beat new residence section.' Here "are the' people wbo bare bought the past few days; Peter Ophusi T. Dta4 Steer Drewas Farmer. Thrown from the track by the en gine of a fast freight train, the body of a steer struck R. J. Goodwin of MIddleboro, Ky., who was on a bone close by, and knocked him and the horse Into the waters of Cannon Creek. Goodwin and the horse both were drowned. Goodwin was driving several bead of cattle to bis farm near Four Mile. As he reached the railroad crossing near Ferndale the train approached at a rapid rate of speed. The cattle were on the track and the train plowed its way through the bunch. Mr. Goodwin was not on the track and seemed to be out of barm's way. The heavy engine picked up one of the steers, however, and threw it blgb into the air. It fell against the horse en which Mr. Goodwin was riding and both were thrown over a high embank ment Into the creek, which was swollen from rain. Wet Vp te Sxpeetattoaa. Aunt Jeruiha Ann bad just returned from a trip to Egypt, where she bad gone as the chaperon of a pair' of wealthy nieces.' ' '' ' "Did yon see the sphinx, auntie?" ask ed her neighbors. "Land, yes!" she said, "and between yea and me I was dretful disapp'inted. It's the ugliest, orneriest lookln' thing I ever set eyes on. It hain't got no nose, and Its ears is great three cornered slabs stickin' out from the sides of its head. I used to think old Phip Van Awsdall was the humbliest critter the Lord' ever made, but he's an Apollo Bullvidere long side of that there spinks. If the ugly thing was on my land I'd sell out and move away, jist to get shut of lt"-CbJ-cago Tribune. : '"' " Dorre Drivers Carry Candles. In Mexico all vehicles, be they handcart, automobile or anything be tween, ' must carry a light at night. This rule or law Is rigidly enforced. Even the drivers of the poor little bur ro or mule carts, on their two wheels, must carry a light So' rather than buy lanterns, which cost money, they take a dip candle and, wrapping it In a bit of newspaper to shield it from the wind, carry It In their left hand as they drive along homeward from work After evening has fallen. The ef fect Is striking as the light, falling on the Indian driver, throws the face of the man Into strong relief against tbs darkness. --: After washing and drying bed com fortables' and quilts, fold them evenly in a third of their width, roll as tight ly as possible and then beat them with a stick a piece of a broomstick Is good for this and the batting will soon be light and fluffy like hew. Never Iron quilts, as the heat from the Iron will "kill" the batting. Not Sappoaed to Know. Reporter (whipping out note book) There's one or two things I'd like to find out 'about the case now on trial. Do you - - Dignified Party I don't know any thing, sir. I'm one of the experts. . AU bat That. Mr. Ferguson That's the new girl singing In the kitchen, is it? She's a regular cuckoo. ' Mrs. Ferguson Yes, except that she can't cook. CLASSIFIED ADS NOTICE The following announcements are from leading business men and firms, and are well worthy your careful reading. The list may contain juit the proposition you are look. ing ior. c...i,. .... ..... ,, REAL ESTATE f 10.00 DOWN $10.00 MONTHLY ' Send In for booklet describing our guaranteed investment at Jamleson Park, a suburb of Spokane.' .: ; ; An investment here enjoys all the security and protection offered by a savings bank or life insurance company, but the returns will net from 60 per cent to 100 per cent : on the In vestment. . ! '' ';. ..' " Let us nail you full particulars: a postal card wlU bring them. , BABCOCK A- MOS3 ' Belling Agents Spokane, Washington ' National Bank, Bet EAST CREENACRE3 The only tracts on the market where yon ean contract to seU your croo. Ten trains a day. Abundance of water. Price 1160.00 per acre- easy payments come In or write lor partiou lars. BEECHER A THOMPSON Spokane, Washington. 110 Stevens WE BUT Timber Lands from owners - " SPARKS BRO., 14 Bernard, Spokane, Wash. Coeur d'Alene Reservation will open soon; choice land 2b miles from Spokane. Coeur d'Alene Reservation Agenoy, 17-18 Exchange building, Spokane. Waafi. . . - lor Ezettensemt Dae. While excitement regarding the Hobenlohe memoirs Is still rife In Eu--rope, there Is subdued talk in British military circles regarding the forthcom ing appearance of a book which will contain some of the Jate Duke of Cam bridge's voluminous correspondence. A diary kept 'by "Emperor Frederick of Germany Is In safe keeping In England, and the day may not be far distant when It will also be published. Correct answers to numerous historical enig mas may be expected from such a pub lication. v Mothers wfU find Mrs. Wlns1ows Soothing By rap the best remedy to use tot their children dulng the teething period. , Sere Vm fro as Oar Friends. "Double bought ft horse the ether day " ' " "Tea, and be was horribly stuck, wasn't her "Oh I you've seen the horse then?" "No, but be told me be was going to buy one from 'a friend wbo Is in the business.' "Philadelphia Press. HOWARD B. BTJRTOH. Assayer ana Chemist, LeadvUla, Colorado, Specimen prlceet Gold, SUTor,Iad,Jl I Oold, BOTer.T&ci Oold, toe; Zlneor Copper, SL Cyanide tcata. Mailing enrelopss and full price list eenton application. . Control and Um pire work aoUol ted. fiefereaoai Carbonate Mae faooalUaak. ;.-..( - - . mmm A Permanent Inatltatlea. Cousin Belle And Is your new sweet heart light or dark? '! 11 "' Cousin Tom Maud la a decided blonde. " - " "' ' ' Cousin Belle I'm glad she's decided about It' ' I bate those girls who are blonde one time and brunette another. Boston Transcript :" " Shake tote Year Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder. It makes tight or new snoes ieei easy, ji is a certain cure lor Sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Sold by all DrngrlsU. Price 26e. Trialpaok age mailed FREE. Address Allen B. Olmsted, LeBoy, New York. : i i ! ( ,.' The orange production of California amounts to about $18,000,000 in value and the gold production' about $17,000, 000. " --' -T. ....... The French government employs 17, 148 people in its State tobacco factories. The great majority are women.' ' Don't swelter this summer with the tem perature at 110. Get a New Perfection Wiclc Blue Flame Oil Stove and have a cool kitchen. The - .i;- f?'"i p.'.! A Summer VaeSfion pur fitchen w ' 'mi.ljJJWiP' niiijimaa B2a NEW PERFEClie Wick Dlue Flame Oil Cook-SSove produces a working flame instantly. Blue flame means highly concentrated heat, no soot, no dirt Oil is always at a maintained level, ensuring a uniform flame. Made in three sizes. Every stove warranted. If not at your dealer's write to our nearest agency for. descriptive circular. The J4Wa. I u of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly constructed; absolutely safe ; unexcelled in light-giving power; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's write to our nearest agency. STMDASD Oil COMPANY, INCORPOBATXO 2 Are always reported when Seeds are planted. Why ? best on this Coast Our Annual tells all about Fertilizers. Incubators. A toBoek Ne. el Tnwa, Samba. I PORTL-AN D SEED CO. Portland. Oregon A70 Starfc See-Ps Banking by Mail WE PAY INTEREST On savings deposits of a dollar . or more, compounded, twice every year. It is Just" as easy to open a Sayings Account with us by Mail as if yon lived next ' ' door. Send for our free book let, "Banking by Mail and , learn full particulars. Address Oregon Trust Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth and Washington Sts. Chinese tagarnakert, The Chinese, who invented almost everything before anybody else heard of It, claim to be the original discov erers of the process of sugar-making, and It is said that sugar was used In China as long ago as 3,000 years. This Is misty, but the fact Is well established that It was manufactured In' China under the Tain dynasty, 200' years at least before the Christian era began. ' .) .::, . - ' i. - ' ' T .i. ... Newspapers hereabouts hardly mention the mere centenarians, but when a patri arch or a matriarch gets to 120, then com ment begins: Mexican Herald. ' r m.'nr all-round house hold use. Made The Finest , Gardens Portland Seed Co.s "Diamond Brand" Because we sell you the kinds that grow handsomely Illustrated and descriptive our Seeds, Plants, Roses, Spray Pumps. Brooders, Ppultry and Bee Supplies. 260 Wa ata ban a tpaclal eataleg lie". Beak Na 261 ea SpoKane. Wash. AT COL Portland Property WUlSoon . Treble In Value .