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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1907)
m i Railway Drawn on Paper That is to Enter City of Walla Walla Two Directions. Another railioad on paper is being built. This time the road centers at Walla Walla, reports giving two ter minals to the garden city. The Union says one of them to be known as the Walla Walla-Spokane branch and the other as the Walla WaJla-Pnget Sonnd Branch. This information has only recently beeu gleaned by the Walla Walla paper through a newspaper in terview with President Robert E. Strahorn. of the North Coast road, who is quoted as follows in this regard : "At suitable piouts in the Big Bend what oonntry.the North Coast is pro jecting branches which will insure it a fair share of the great traffic of that section. Our engineers ate now at work on a new branch in this region on which the company has but recent ly decided. This line will be about CO miles long and is planned to leave the main line at a point some miles south of EitzviUe, passing through that place, and on through Harrington to Davenport. This branch is not as yet entirely surveyed. "The North Coast is scouring a short line from a point near EitzviUe on the Spokane-Columbia river division, south to Walla Walla. And not only does this line furnish a Walla Walla-Spokane route about 40 miles shorter than any existing rnte but has the same high standard of light grades and curvature whiob has been adhered to on the main lines. The great attention being given at the engineering and right-of-way work on the Spokane Walla Walla line, as well as on the Walla Walla Pnget sound line. "The Spokane and Palouse branch of the North Coast, following the easy grades and very direct route almost a straight line f nrnshed by Hangman creek, gives it an ideal line into the Palouse country for example, some eight miles shorter between Spokane and Tekoa than existing lines, with a maximum grade of six-tenths per cent against grades of over two per oent on the others." In case the plans as announced by President Strahorn are carried out, Walla Walla will be given better rail road service than had been expected, one branch of the new transportation line entering from the west and the Spo kane branoh from the north. The sur vey of this road, as first completed, shows the proposel line to Walla Walla from Fuget Sonnd, but the proposed extension from Kitzville to Walla Walla is not given ou late railroad maps, showing the action of the officials to have been an afterthought. Work on the entire system is being carried ou satisfactorily, and every effort is being put forth to eliminate heavy grades which have proved to be undesirable in roads already iu opera tion in southeastern Washington. PLAGES A BAN OK CORSETS First Lady of the Land Opposes Gar ment for Hygienic Reasons. Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt bus essayed the role of reformer. It is not the railroads, the corporations nor the nature fakirs that have fallou under the ban of the first lady of the laud. Aooordiug to friends, the president's wife has decided to disoard her corsets. All 'he feminine instruments of tor ture in her wardrobe will be thrown into the garbage heap and she will hereafter wage unoeasing warfare against them." If Mrs. Roosevelt is suooessful in her crusade, the corset will be relegated to the limbo of anti quity, along with the hoop-skirt and the bustle. As a result, the wusp-like waists bids fair to go out of fashion, and the Venus form, long admired, but seldom emulated, is to have its inning. Airs. Roosevelt's aotion as a sartorial reformer is not without precedent. When Mrs. Cleveland was America's first lady, she placed an eternal taboo on the bustle and put the ban of official displeasure on that hideous in strument of deformity. At that time the bustle had grown to enormous size and caused the American woman to assume a resemblance to the hump backed ship of the desert. Mrs. Clev eland's example was speedily followed by the nation's femininity and the bustle became a baok number. The oposition of Mrs. Roosevelt to the coreetis based on hygienic faots not unrelated to the subject of race suicide. She believes that the com pressing of vital organs by means of stays has become a positive menace and a crime against future genera tions. Such a crusade will not be without its effect on the financial world, since millions of dollars are in vested in corset manufacture in this country, and any attempt to bring these articles of feminine attire into disrepute will not be accomplished without a determined fight on part of the vested or "corseted" interests of the nation. Bickers Receives Appointment. The appointment of Harry E. Bickers as superintendent of the state reform school has been announoed. ' Mr. Bickers was appointed to this position during the administration of Governor Geer and began the administration of bis duties in the early part of 1899. At the end of his term' be was superced ed by N. H. Loonev, of Marion county, and his re-appointment after an interim of four years is a splendid testimonial to good service performed. Rev. Bard Resigns. Rev. Andreas Bard has resigned as principal of St. Pauls school at Walla Walla, and the prinoipalsbip has been aooepted by Miss Anna E. Plympton, M. A., who comes from a prominent position in Miss Porter's famous school at Farmington, Conn. Miss Plympton declined a flattering offer of a profes sorship at Wellesley College in order to take charge of the garden city school. Long Live The King! is the popular cry throughout European countries; while in America, the cry of the present day is "Long live Dr. King's New Discovery, King of Throat and Luig Remedies 1" of which Mrs. Julia Rydre Paine, Truro, Mass., says: "It never fails to give immediate re lief and to quickly cure a cough or cold." Mrs. Paine's opinion is shared by a majority of the inhabitants of this country. New discovery cures weak lungs and sore throats after all other remedies have failed; and for coughs and colds it's the proven reme dy. Guaranteed by Wm. MoBride. Druggist. 50o and $1.00. Trial bot tle free. '"' Lumber Mills Burned. The entire plant of the Wind River Lumber company' at Cascade Locks, including lumber in pile was burned to the ground, Friday morning, involving a loss of over $150,000, and throwing out of employment 125 men. Fire broke out in the boiler room of the planer at 7 o'clock, and there being a high wind it rapidly spread to the saw mill and in 15 minutes every struoture between the railroad and the river was enveloped iu flames. No one was in juerd. All the World is a stage, aud Ballard's Snow Lini ment plays a most prominent part. It has uo superior for Rheumatism, stiff joints, cuts, sprains, and all naius. Buy it, try it and you will always use it. Anybody who has used Ballard's Snow Liniment is a living proof of what it does. Buy a trial bottle. 25c, 50o and $1.00. Sold ty W. MoBride. Your Harvest Supplies We're prepared to supply your Harvest needs as never before. Immense assortments of just about everything you are likely to need are here uo need of taking Hopsou's Choice at Davis-Kaser's. Prioes are right, the same to all, and qualities are above suspioiou. We've plenty of clerks to insure prompt aud satisfactory service, and we're anxions for a chance to prove our statements. How about the cook house cooking utensils and white Enameled Dishes, eto? How about your Knives, Forks, Spoous, Pails, eto? How about your Oils, Axle Grease, Oilers, Wrouohes, Forks, Sooops, Lanterns aud other tools; Your Bolts, Rivets. Lnoe Leather, Field Kegs, Water Bags, Wagon Covers and Tents. How about a Stove or Range? This is The Stove Store you kuow. Then too, our Exobange Department, on the 3rd floor, otters some excep tional values Second Hand Stoves aud Ranges. We can surely do you good ou your Harvest Supplies, and we'd litce a chanoe to try. Yours for quiok servioe aud a square deal. Use Our Rest Rooms THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. 12-14-16-18 20 22 Alder Street, WALLA WALLA, : WASH Make Your appointments Here r-n C. II. SHER3IAN. Proprietor Nothing too good for our patrons. We cut the best meat money can buv. Fih and oyster in season. Give us a trial. RULES FOBSHIPPERS Points Laid Down By Railway Com mission to Be Observed When Ordering Freight Cars. set Below is published rules laid down by tba Oregon Railway Commission to be observed by all freight shippers. These rules became effective July 1st. Shippers are advised to make their application for cars in writing, and to specify in their orders the items letter ed "a" to "f" inclusive in paragraph 1 of the regulations. This will enable complete record to be kept, which will show at all times the actual con dition as to cars ordered and supplied, applications unfilled, and will disclose the presence or absence of discrimina tion in filling shippers' requisitions. The records are to be public: 'Any shipper will be entitled to inspect the reoord at his station or tbedispatoh er's office at any time during business hours. If the reoord is not kept at any station, or if access is denied to bona fide shippers, this Commission will undertake to see the praotioe is cor rected if the faots are reported to it at Salem. l: At any station on every railroad in this state where an agent is main tained, and where freight is received and delivered, there snail be kept and preserved a register or reoord of all applications for cars by shippers, and said register or reoord shall give sub stantially the following information, to-wit: (a) Name and address of applicant for cars. (b) Number of oars applied for. (c) When cars will be required. (d) Kind and size. (e) Kind of freight to be shipped. (f ) Destination of freight. (g) Date oars are furnished and for loading. (h) Number furnished. (i) Kind and size. ( j) Initials and number of oars fur nished. All applications for oars made at any suoh station shall bo immediately and correotly reoorded m suoh register or reoord in oboronologioal order of application. Such record shall be kept in a suitable bound book, and be sub ject to the inspection of any bona fide shipper dnring business hours. 2. A reoord of oar distribution snail be kept at the office of each chief dis patcher of all the railroads doing busi ness in this state, suhjectjtothe inspec tion of any bona flde snipper during business hours. This record shall be made up from daily reports of all station agents on such division, and shall contain the information set forth in thep reoeeding rules. It shall be so kept as to show the shipments of prin cipal commodities. The names of all persons ordering oars on suoh division shall appear in alphabetical order and must show cars loaded for foreign roads, whether on company oars or foreign oars. The Charming Woman is not neoessarily one of perfect form and features. Many a plain woman who could never serve as an artist's model, possesses those rare qualities that all the world admires: neatness, clear eyes, clean smooth skin and that sprigbtliness of step and aotion that accompany good health. A physically weak woman is never attractive, not even to herself. Electrio Bitters re store weak women, give strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth velvety skin, beau tifnl complexion. Guaranteed at Wm. MoBrides, Druggist, 50c. o o t Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves, j Ranges and Harvest Supplies is the Time to Prepare for Harvest. Our stock of Chain Belts Leather Belting Babbitt Metal Halter Chains Chain Snaps Sheet Iron Bar Iron Machine Oils Oil Cups Pipe, all sizes Packing Rope Rivits Stoves -Ranges Tinware Graniteware Tank Pumps Water Bags Valves Lace Leather Etc is now complete, and we can furnish you all are for Harvest at the lowest prices. It will pay you to bring your list of wants to W.-J. CLARK C 211 and 213 EAST COURT STREET, PENDLETON, OREGON ineules A dose at bed time usual ly relieves the most severe case before morning. 30 days' treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction D A lfC A CW F guaranteed or money refunded. MJr JTas Mkbm JT s M. ASmd SOLD IN ATHENA AT HAWK'S PIONEER DRUG STORE. THE tA Meador Park. Meador Park was opened Sunday with an attendauoe of 5,000 Walla Walla, Milton aud Freewater people. The park is located on the Walla Walla Miltou-Freewater mterurban line at the Walla Walla river, and is an at traction behind which is the oar com pany. Balloon ascensions and other attractions were in evidence to enter tain the people. Pineules are for the Kidneys and Bladder. They bring quiok relief to' backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired worn out feeling. They produce natu-l ral aotion of the kidneys. 80 days treatment f 1.00. Money refunded if Pineules are not satisfactory. Pioneer; Drug Store. A Fountain for Milton. The Milton city council has decided? to erect a pnblio drinking fountain at some suitable place in the city. The' W. CI. U. is very active in the! movement and in fact, started the pro position. A committee was sent tcf the council meeting the other eveuing to take the matter up with the council was vrey favorably impressed with th matter and decided to lud the aid an assistance of the city. r j ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. m Only First-class Hotel in the City. Iff.. THE ST. NICHOLS Is the only one that can accommodate oommarelal traveler. Iff' Can beiecomended for Its clean and well ventilntfld rooms. B. C. KIDDER HOUSE CARRIAGE AND SIGN PAINTING Skillful Workmen and first-class Material mean satis faction in Paiting and Decorating. I have both SHOP ON 3RD STREET. - - - ATHENA, OREGON OPTICAL SPECIALISQ DHO5 OFFICE' 355 " RESIDENCE 392 18 EAST MAIN ST. EYES TESTED GLASSES GROUHD-flTTED A Memorable Day. Que of the days we remember with pleasure, as well as with profit to out; health, is the one on which we became acquainted with Dr. King's New Lifif rills, the painless purifiers that cuitl headache and billiousuess, and keey the bowels right. 25c. at Palace Druj. btore. A Happy Man Is Amos P. King, of Port Byron, Kt Y., (85 years of age); since a sore ol his leg, which hod troubled him to greater part of his life, has been en tirely healed by Bucklen'a Arnio.-; Salve; the woild's great healer of Sores, Burns, Cots, Wouuds and Piletf Gnaianteed by Wni. MoBride DrugJ gist Pi ice 25c. f 11 Foley's Honey and Tai for No opiates our Trip Call on the Northern Paoifio Agent and let him help arrange your jour ney, fie will secure any information you want about his own and con necting lines, and will explain why Through Dinning Cars Pullman Standard Sleeping Cars Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars High-back Seat Day Coaches make Northern Paoifio trains so popular with travelers. : He will quote you rates, sell yon tickets, and make your sleeping car reservations. His services are free . Washington & Columbia River Railway S. B. CALDERHEAD, G. P. A., Walla Walla, Wash. A. IL Whitehead, Local Agent, A. D. CHARLTON. A. G. P.'A., Nor. Pao. Ky., Portland, Ore.