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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1907)
Press Paragraphs D. 0. Mclnhye spent Sunday in Pendletoa. T. A. LieualleD, of Weston, was in town yesterday. . B. B. Richards was a Walla Walla visitor yesterday. Noab Remillard was in town from Walla Walla Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dapuis wete in town Monday from Weston. J 13 iss Lela Stamper is visiting her grandparents on Biroh creek. Henry Barrett visited the Walter Adams ranoh Thursday night. Mrs. Margaret Howe and sou visit ed friends in Milton yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. John Van Slyke drove over from Weston Tuesday afternoon. vAunt Jane Watts is spending the 'summer with friends in the moun tains. , - , Mrs. Sellaud, nee Alta Adams, is in the oity from Walla Walla, visiting friends. Mrs. W. J. Gbolson has been con fined to her bome.tbe past week witb sickness. Bergevin Bros, have pnrohased a second hand Case separator from J. G. Bryan. . The delayed car of graiu sacks for MoGormiok station arrived on Thurs days train. J Abe Jones was in the oity yesterday rom Boise. Idaho, shaking bands with ' old friends. Mrs. J. H. Frioe of Weston, was in town Monday, trading with Athena merobants. f Mrs. Agues Ferguson has arrived f from Pomeroy and is the guest of Mrs. Wm. MoBride. Mrs. Masterson is visiting this week at the home of her son, Geo. Thomp son near town. jf Chas. Barrow, of the Mosgrove Mer cantile company, spent Sunday in Walla Walla. Mias Zelma DePeatt is visiting Miss Ada Ely, at the home of ber mother in Weston today. Peterson, Peterson & Wilson have a bargain in Athena residenoe property, if taken at once. tf. Mrs. Henry Keen has been slightly 111 at ber home in the north part of town this week. J. Ralph Adams, the mayor of Wild Horse was trading witb Atbena mer chants Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walker have gone to Grants Pass, where they will cpeud the summer. ; - A new combined harvester was un loaded in Atbena yesterday for deliv ery to Moses Taylor. jSoMiss Ethel Garfield and Miss Ida Gopeland were guests at Weston from "Walla Walla this week. ' H. G. Adams left early this morning for a drive to Columbia Canyon on the W. & C. R. near Eureka. Mrs. Lester O'Harra was in Weston this week with her mother, Mrs. Ger berding, wbo is seriously ill. sC W. P. Leach, a prominent hayman 'of Weston mountain, was trading with Athena merchants Wednesday. Hugh Taylor and Miss Dolly Parka were reoeuly united in marriage. Tbe groom is a son of Mosee Taylor. Chas. Betts and son, Kohler, drove . to Milton yesterday and from there took the trolley to the garden city. Miss Helen Adams of Walla Walla, who is visiting her brother, John, passed through the city yesterday. James Sberrad, who has been afflicted witb rheumatism for some time past, left Monday for Hot Lake. Mrs. Otis Whitemau drove ber aunt, Mrs. Frank Paikyn, yesterday to Wes ton to visit Mrs. J. E. Stanfield in that ' city. ; ,: . Kyle MoDauiel, the well known ;eaoher, has been employed for another year asprincipal of tbe school at Um atilla. Miss Rogers,' a nurse from Walla Walla, is attending Mrs. Alex Moln tyre, who is ill at ber home near town... " : . '.J ,-, :' '- - -A . If yon are going east call on ' O. R. -& N. and learn all about special ex cursions, August 8-9-10, September 11-12-13. Rev. Bracken Kooutz and wife of Bitzville, Wash., are in the city, vis iting at tbe home of Mr. Koontz's mother. , Mrs. Dr. J. A. Moffitt and children are up from California on a visit to Mrs. Moffitfs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Walter. A. L. Douglas went to Pendleton Monday where he met his wife, wbo spent several weeks visiting friends at Hood River. . Hugh Robie recently made a sale of fat steers from his band recently pur chased from tbe Taylor & Le Grow herd of cattle. A. L. Swaggart and family and Mr. and Mrs. Milt Swaggart attended tbd funeral of Mrs. Lester Swaggart in Pendleton, Sunday. Mrs. M. L. Lee per and grand daughter, Lucille Taylor, left Wednes day for a visit with tbe J. W. Smith family at Helix. Theodore Russell left Saturday for Spokane, after several weeks visit at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ban nister in this city. At tbe meeting of the local Rebekab lodge Tuesday evening, installation of officers 'will take plaoe. Ioe cream and oake will be served. . Chas. W. Irwin, proprietor of tbe Delta confectionery store in Pendleton, died Sunday morning, after a brief illness with appendicitis. Richard Wright is employed in Mc Bride's Palace drug store. Mr. Afflick tbe pbarniaoist lately employed has sought another location. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Thomas, wbo have been visiting at tbe Dickenson home, left yesterday for Idaho, wbere they expect to make their home. fMrs. Manasse and daughter, Jean- etfe, drove to Milton Sunday morning and took tbe oar to Walla Walla, wbere they spent tbe day with friends. A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Greg- orry, wbo recently arrived here from Vanoover, Wash., has been quite ill, but at present is much improved. Mrs. B. D. demons and daughter, Miss Kezia, went down to Pendleton, Wednesday and were present at the bed side of tbe Ed aud Leon Kidder. Mrs. F. S Le Grow went over to Walla - Walla Tuesday to visit her mother, Mrs Bowles, who left yester day for a month's stay in Seattle. Many farmers wbo bought grain sacks from Wheat Growers Association were in to receive them this week, the the oar having arrived Wednesday. Percy Wilson, son of Mrs. Jane Carden, has returned to his home from a Pendleton hospital, where be went some time ago for medical treatment. H. H. Hill, Athena's old-time jewel er, is working at toe benon during tne absence of Frank Coolidge, wbo is enjoying the ocean's spray at Long Beach. . . , Geo. Platzoeder, through his attor ney, a. x. Wilson, Das orougnt suit in Justice Richard's court to recover the sum of $97 with interest, from G. B. Kidder. Snbjeots at the Churob of Christ fcr Lord's day : In the morning, "Threshing," illustrated for the young people; evening, "Where Are the Nine?" Mrs. Edward Lafave has returned to her home from Walla Walla, where she was discharged from a hospital, having recently undergone a surgioal operation. Mr. and Mrs. John Rotbrock and family left yesterday for Meaobam, wbere they will camp during the sum mer, in the hope of benefitting Mrs. Rothrock's health. 7 . W. E RuliBon has returned from his Eastern visit. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Rulison and tbe two are residing at Mr. Rulison's residence on the west side. ;;i-ri; : W. K. Wall wbo purchased . the uKis residence property on lnird street some months ago,-will move his family from Pendleton to Athena, where be will reside permanently. 1 At a meeting of the Weston eohool board last week, Miss Anice Barnes was reelected as a teaoher in the pnb lio school. Ibis completes the facul ty in that oity, for tbe coming term. XMrs. Anson Wood, Miss Julia Wood, Miss Irene Dudley and Max and Verne Dudley were in Milton Tuesday, and took tbe iuterurban car and visited friends and relatives in Walla Walla. Newt O'Harra ,a young man resid ing near Weston, took tbe measles while at Bingham springs bathing in tbe swimming pool. Returning to his home, he has been a very sick boy. Marion O'Harra, the sage of Pine creek, was in the city yesterday cir culating among bis many friends, and incidentally visiting with his nephew, Lester, the popular agent for- the Pa cific Coast Elevator Co. . Miss Katie MoEwen and Mrs. Mar garet Howe joined tbe Eastern Star Lodge at Weston, Friday evening, Tbe session of the lodge was more than usually interesting, an ioe cream and cake collation being served. Mr. and Mrs. John Vert, accompa nied by tbe Misses Diana and Jane ' MoLean, arrived in Pendleton Tnes-! day after a three months' absence in ' California, Mexioo, Arizona and other points of internet on the southern coast. r A. L. Swaggart is completing an ad dition to his country house north of town, which will make it one of the most convenient in this vicinity. A new kitchen and dining room are be ing annexed to tbe already large and comfortable domioile. VJimmy Carden came up from Pen dreton Saturday and visited friends in town and vicinity, returning to Pen dleton Wednesday. Mr. Carden is affiliated with tbe order of Eagles in an official capacity, and travels exten sively over tbe Northwest. Mr. Jesse Cohen of Stockton Cali fornia, brother of Mrs. Manasse, now in the east buying goods, will visit at the Manasse borne on his zeturn from the coast Herbert Manasse may de cide to accompany his uncle to Stock-' ton and enter school there. irTom Taggart has made a couple of Valuable acquisitions to his grocery store recently. Master Everett Gillis, a bright toy clerk, assists in keeping tbe store looking spick and span, while a modern, new settee jrraoes a promi nent space in tbe shoe department Tribune: J. W. Maloney and fam ily, A. J. Goodman and wife, and M. A. Rader leave today on a trip to tbe mountains. Tne women of the party will be left at Teei Springs, while to men will push on farther into th mountains in scared of better fishiut and hunting. The bites and stings of insects, sun burn, cuts, burns and bruises relieved at once with Pine slave Carbolized. Aots like a poultice. Draws out in flammation. Try it. Price 25c." Pio neer Drug Store. Mrs. C H. Sherman is expected borne tomorrow from " her extended stay in the east, having left St Paul Wednesday. Mr?. Sherman has been in attendance at tbe bedside of ber mother for several months, that lady having passed away about two weeks ago. SLOne of tbe most beautiful specimens tr oleanders ever seen in Athena is now in full bloom down at Dell Bros, store. Tbe "slio" from which this beautiful flowering shrub originated was brought by Mrs. L. Dell some years ago, from her old home in Sul livan county, Missouri. MTriends of I. H. liedeman, form erly an Athena resident, will be glad to know that be is making extraordi nary success of his business venture in Everett, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Tiede maun are conducting a . penny arcade and general music store in that live Washington town, and on July 4th, the arcade netted them $160. . While endeavoring to mount his pony Tuesday a boy from the reserva tion was vioioutly kicked by tbe ani mal The blow; fortunately a glanc ing one, struck the lad on the shoulder, with suoh force as to send him reeling to the ground. The plucky-little fel low picked himself up and rode away as if nothing had happened. kf arcel Gagnqn evidently has tbe edge roh other fisherman so tar this season. Monday he presented James Henderson with a 26-inch i Dolly Varden trout which tipped the posies at six pounds, after being dressed. The fish was in deed a "speckled beauty," and was tak enf rom tbe waters of tbe Umatilla riv er, near Bingham Springs. James Mitchell, recently while working in bis blacksmith shop at Moro, Sherman county, bad tbe mis fortune to have his foot fractured by a kick from a horse. One bone was b roken and tbe foot is now done up in a plaster oast, necessitating foroed inaotiou on the part of Jimmy during tbe busv season. IXMr. James Fleener, of San Jose, California, and Mrs. Frank Parkyn and daughters, of Lewiston, Idaho are guests of their sister Mrs. H. H. Hill in this city. Mr. Fleener had not seen bis sister for 21 years. He in company with Mrs. Parkyn, has been visiting relatives in Wallowa county for sev eral weeks. Yj. G. Bryan commenced tbreshing hw 400-acre wheat crop in tbe basin north of town, Tuesday. The basin is in the light soil district, and Mr. Bryan believes his crop there will av erage 25 bushels per acre. Tbe grain is.No. 1 in quality. He purchased a new 82-64 all steel, J. I. Case separat or ihiseaiTbo machine is supposed, to be proof against fire resulting from smut explosions. Pobllo Notice.. Notice is hereby given that we will apply to the Mayor and common council of the city of Athena, Oregon, at a meeting thereof to be held on the 27th day of July 1907,. for- a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less quantities than one quart., said liquors to be sold only in a building situated on the east one-half of lot No. 7, In block 6, of said city. C. O. Thomas & U. H. Thomas. Dated June 28, 1907. Applicants DR. G. W. VAN HALTEREN, Osteopathic Physician - Office in Residenoe at second door east Mr. Hiteman's residenoe. Official hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. ex cept Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Graduate American School of Oste opathy, Kirksville, Mo. For First Class HORSESHOEING And ,''.;v:.-,-.i BLAOKSMITHING f f!all at Snencer's Sfinn P.D.MANN V TYM. TAABT Coffee You Seal Blend I lb Cans, 45 cents Package Coffee is the best to buy and the best to drink. We have the agency. Sold only by Up-to-date Grocers. T. M. TAGGART & COMPANY, On Savings We Pay 4' On the Quarterly Balance or On the oMonthly Balance J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Barrett Building, - - Athena, Oregon BLACKSMITH AND ; REPAIRING SHOP : A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena TROY LAUNDRY For GOODJWORK " HENRY KEENE, Agent. .... Athena. Oregon losgwe iercantile Co. Headquarters for Harvest Supplies 0O Grainiiiiilate Fruit Let us Figure with you on your Opening Bill I osgrove Mercantile Co. SOUTH SIDE MAIN (SUCCESSORS TO ELY C5v SCOTT) Drink Should Chase Sanborn's ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton Flour is made in Atbena, by Athena labor, in tbe latest and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells American Beauty for i$1.20 Merchant Millers Athena, Oregon. DXBlf Mgar $6 ST Ss CO. Be the Best Circle Blend 1 lb Bags, 25 cents South Side Main Street Milling Company er Sack. and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. A. J. PARKER'S P Everything- First Clnnn Mo d em anil Up-to-date SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ATHENA 1 "m so ' ,iJt per & ATHENA, OREGON BEAUTY BARBER SHO 11 $wiw