AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Six and Eight Pages Every Friday. F. B. Boyd, Publishes. Application for entrance as 2nd class matter made on July S, IW7at the Dontofflce at Atbma. Oreeon Uuderan Actol (tongreig of March 3, 1879 Subscription Hat-: p r year, in advance 12.00 Hlngle copies in wrappers, 5c, ATHENA. ORE., JULY 19. 1907 If you can invent some way to get rid of rats tbe United States Govern ment stands ready to give yon a for tune. No other patent will pay you so welL Many have tried it on a small scale, but all have failed. "Rough on Bats" did some good in localities, but tbe danger was its poisoning other things besides tbe animals aimed at Tbe thousand and one ingenious traps invented from time to time have caught thousands of the vermin, but tbey could hardly be missed from tbe grand aggregation. Tbe terriers, tbe cats, tbe small boy witb his dog did something to reduoe tbe supply, but apparently as many rats as ever remain to vex humanity. What is needed is a general exterminator, a wholesale destruction, and thus far it has not been forthcoming. The department of Agriculture is muob concerned on tbe subject and declares that an infal lible method of exterminating these rodents would be worth more to tbe peoplo of this country in a single deo ade than tbe department has cost since its establishment. The farmer has no worse enemy than tbe common brown rat. All tbe birds and beasts of prey put together do not do the damage in flicted ty this pestilential pest the long-tailed, sharp-toothed, bewhisker ed nuisance of tbe barn, tbe granary and the poultry-yard. Governor Hughes of New York by vetoiug the reoently-passed two-cent fare law, oalls a bait on the mania for forcibly regulating tbe railroads. He shows that tbe law was passed hastily, without investigation of facts in the case and without understanding of prevailing conditions. While a two cent fare law may be all right in a densely settled section, it would mani festly bo unjust on a line running for many miles through mountains and deserts. . Tbe Governor takes tbe sen sible position that it is the duty of tbe State Kuilroad Commission to look up the prevailing conditions on nil the roads and report to tbe Legislature, so that body can act intelligently. What is needed are laws to abolish unjust discrimination between comiuuuitios and individuals. In six months more the colonistratos to Orogou will be in elt'eot again, con tinuing for sixty days. In order to , get tbe full benefit of them, every uommoroial orguuizutiou should get busy with their correspondence witb prospective settlers. During tbis va cation period tbe boys and girls have tbe time to write their friends "back East" and tell them about the Oregon country. As an illustration of what can be accomplished by tbis means, the school children of a single district iu one of our ooast counties doubled the population of that distriot merely through correspondence, necessitating tbe oonstruotion of an additional school building. Tbey do some things tetter in Wex ioo. The manager of a bull-light iu Monterey advertised that a certain number of bulls would be iu the ring. For producing one bull less than the aunouuood number tbe man was fiued $200 by tbe municipal authorities. Of tbe Congressmen who have served since the f ouudatiou of tbis govern ment, nioro tbau twelve tbousatid in dividuals, ouly thirty-four have served twenty years or more. Tbe longest service was that of John H. Ketcbam of New York, who served thirty-three years, and was a member when be died Mr. Cameron, who comes next, has served tbirtv-two vears. Since he is elected to tbe next Congress, be will, if he lives to tbe end of bia term, take tbe first place in tbe list of veterans. It is such fellows as Harriman who bring discredit upon the railroad busi ness and cause the irritable feeling among the people that leads to hostile legislation. Railroads should be own ed and controlled only by men trained in the business and conducted on legi timate lines as oommon carriers, and not by speculators who are making for tunes by kiting their securities. Bank ers and brokers have no business with railroads and should not be allowed to control them. There is one Orchard which all will admit should be cultivated. This is the one that has been testifying at Boise, Idaho, that for fifteen years he has been a professional murderer, drawing a regular salary for killing people. He confesses to eighteen as sassinations, including that of ex-Governor Steuneuberg, all of tbe most brutal character. It would be diffl cult to parallel this record of horrors in all tbe annals of history. Oklahoma will come into tbe Union witb tbe most drastio prohibition law ever embodied in a constitution for the government of men. It prohibits not only the manufacture and sale of in toxicating liquors, but does not allow them to be brought into the state. The army officers who have been ap pointed to dig the Panama Canal will receive $14,000 a year, in addition to glory and their usual pay. If tbey get the ditob dug tbey will earn every dol lar tbey receive. Good draft horses now briug from $200 to $300. It is little wonder, therefore, that well-advised farmers pay fancy prices for imported brood mares when three-year-olds bring snob prioes. Word comes from Bussia that the government intends to bang 300,000 radicals. We are hardly willing to believe that tbis is a conservative estimate Once it is aroused, there is quite a wholesome sentiment in this country against printing newspapers that have to be hidden from tbe boys and girls at home. A traveler in tbe country can gener ally tell pretty accurately what kind of farmer owns tbe land by tbe ap pearance of tbe buildings and fences. LETTING DOWN THE BARS. Mr. Hairimau has auuouuced bis iuteutiou of following the example set by tbe Government iu shipping coal from the Atlautio to the Pacific Coast. "Tbe bars are down," said Mr. Harri man, "and I am going to ship ooal to tbe Pacific Coast iu foreign vessels." Lawbreaking is never a commendable proceeding, but when the Government takes the initiative and breaks a law, as was quite plainly tbe case when it chartered British steamers to briug coal to the Paoifio Coast, it is hardly clear bow it can prooeed against Mr. Harriman, who follows suit. Tbe sit uation is most interesting, and is fraught with possibilities of a solution of tbe merobant marine problem. Tbe primary cause for charier by the Gov ernment of foreign steamers was the prospective iuoiease in tbe naval fleet on the Pacific Coast. Coal was needed to replenish stooks at Paoifio Coast ports, and the soaroity of the fuel on tbis Coast made it imperative that supplies bo sent from other quarters. But, owing to our venerable naviga tion laws, which prevent Americans from buying ships where they can be bought the cheapest, there was no Amerioan tonnage available for bring ing the coal around tbe Horn. Tbe same ancient laws, while preventing us from owning tonnage ou even terms House Cleaning Time the back-breaking time for the cle nly house-wife, is mad easier by the use of The Sherwin-Williams Paints. Paint saves half the labor of house cleaning. Painted wood-work is easier to clean than unpainted wood-work. It doesn't collect as much dirt, and what dirt it does collect comes off easier. Paint this ear and you'll have less work next year. Th9 Sherwin-Williams Family Paint in small cans meets the hundred and one demands for a little paint about the house. Pries quickly. The girls, can apply it. Can be scrubbed. Color cards for the asking. SOLD BY Umatilla Lumber Yard M. A. JOHNSON, Manager MSrSmjl from Bystoessi it My $3,000 Stock of Groceries Will be Sold Regardless of Cost This is not a Clearance Sale, nor a Mid-summer Sale; I anr positively going out sf Business andmy prices will convince you of the fact that I am going to quit. So now is your opportunity to get Harvest Sup plies cheaper than you ever did before. Stock is complete now. & CASH WILL SAVE YOU CASH WORTHINGTON SPOT CASH GROCERY with the foreigners, also deprive us of tbe right to engage cheap ships iu tbe protected coastwise carrying trade. There was no question about the exis tence of an antiquated emergency in tbis oase, but the antiquated naviga tion laws make no provision for emer gencies. Tbe coal shortage ou the Paoifio Coast has forced Mr. Hairmian to purchase many thousand tons of Australian ooal, which will be brought to tbe Pacific Coast in foreign ships. On that coal the foreigner not only gets tbe freight money, but the oost of the coal. Now that the "bars are down," tbe money for tbe coal will remain in this country. An emergency unquestionably exists. If the Govern ment had failed to violate its own laws and ship coal to tbe Pacific Coast, it would have been obliged on arrival Lere to sieze tbe scanty stocks of ooal now available on tbe Coast, and thus bring shipping to a standstill. Even with tbe relief that is afforded by "charter of a few ships for the Gov ernment there is sitU great necessity for importaion of all of the coal that can be brought iu from the Atlantio seaboard. The letting down of the bars will not only afford relief to every ooal consumer on the Paoifio Coast, but it will bring in plenty of much needed cheap tonnage with wbioh to move our rei-ord-breaking grain crop, as all of the vessels coming here will be available for outward cargoes A few more practical illustrations of the manner in which existing navigation laws hamper the development of our merchant marine may have tbe effect of bringing about long-overdue reform. There would be no necessity for shipping either Government coal or Harriman ooal in foreign ships if we would adopt the simple business meth ods of other countries and welcome these ships under the American flag. Tbe most severe blow yet dealt the theorists who are seeking a hothouse grown, subsidized merobant marine is tbis transaction of tbe Government, for the demonstration tbat we can secure ships without a subsidy is per fect. All that remains is to repeal our ancient laws and give these ships Amerioan registry. Oregonian. OSLER SAYS SOUP MUST GO. Dr. William Osier, who has an opiniou concerning chloroform and men who are 60 years old, is bitterly opposed to the drinking of soup, ac cording to tbe statements of a New York merchant. "My wife was a wreck from nervous dyspepsia," said the merchant. "Sov eral prominent physicians in New York had treated ber without success, and finally I was advised to take her to Baltimore to see Dr. Osier. He in quired carefully about her habits, and particularly ber diet We described it without going into details, but this did not satisfy tbe great pbyiscian. " 'Tell me what you have for din ner, describing the natnre of the courses, their number, and so on,' he insisted. " 'Well, usually we start with some good, nourishing soup,' I began. " 'Stop right there,' interrupted Dr. Osier. 'Soup must go. There is a popular fallacy that soup is nourish ing. Tbat is a mistake. It is one of tbe most harmful things one cau eat It is worse than lobster. Of course, there are times when a simple beef or mutton broth is not to be condemned. But as a rule soup is positively dan gerous It dilutes the gastrio juices and it ferments too rapidly to permit it to be easily digested. It is the greatest cause of dyspepsia and nervous disor ders. Vegetable soup fchould be thrown into the garbage pail, where it be longs, instead of being poured into a delicate stomach. Half the nervous wrecks among society folk who live well are caused by eating soup.' "Dr. Osier gave some other advice, which was followed by my wife in addition to giving up soup. Soup is never served at our table, and has not been for four years. My wife is well and strong today, and she can eat any thing on the nitnm except soup." Dados little Liver Pills keep tbe system clean, the stomach sweet. Prompt relief for headache and bil Housuwsw. Good for all the family. Fioueer Drug Slot. A few doses of this remedy will in variably cure an ordinary attack of diarrhoea. It can always be depended upon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colic and cholera morbus. It is equally successful for summer diarrhoea and cholera infantum in children, and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home. Buy it now. Price, 25c. Large Size, 50c. Sold in Athena by McBride. The Crackers with a flavor iiBBBBSMBI INLAND CRACKERS Are not made by the Trust AH Grocers Sell Them First National Bank of Athena CAPITAL STOCK,. . . ... . . .$50,000 SURPLUS,. . . . . . . 20,000 PER CtHTJNTEMSTPlllD OH TIME MP08ITS MODERN BANKING FACILITIES OFFICERS H. O. ADAMS, President, T. J. KIRK, Vice President, F. S. Le GROW, Cashier, I. M. KEMP, Ass't Cashier. DIRECTORS , H. a ADAMS, T. J. KIRK, F. S. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, P. E. COLBERN. IL .. ' 7 ' " 8 THE WRICHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE COOCh HORSES AND RICS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- Horses boarded by tbe day, week or month Stables on 2nd street, South of Main street J. F. Wright, - - Proprietor THE Eagle Bar BERT CARTANO, Prop. GOOD LIQUORS A SPECIALTY Hourhound Rock and Bye Holly Tom Gin Three Star Cognao Blue Stem Whisky Famous Pilsner Beer Best Brands of Cigars. AT THE ELECTRIC SIGN To Car Coottlpatloa Forer.r. fake Casoarots Candy Catb&rtic. 10a or OA C. C. C. fail to cure, druggist refund noaay THE TUM-A-LUIVl LUMBER GO. H. O. Mansfield, Manager AthenaOregon BUILDING MATERIAL AND FUEL Yards at Walla Walla, Toubhet and Lowden, Wash. Athena, Adams and Free water, Oregon. JOB PRINTING- Neat Workmen Fast, Modern jPressea High Grade Stock Asore throat Ls a dangerous malady buffyou donU need to tie a sock around your neck to cure it BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT will ClirA fhftt. fhrnah In chrrf f-rA Ballard's Snow Liniment penetrates the pores, proraot ing free circulation, giving the muscles more elasticity. V h Un Cures RHEUMATISM, CUTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, WOUNDS, OLD SORES, STIFF JOINTS, BURNS AND ALL PAINS. GAVE INSTANT RELIEF. Henry Stone, Provo, Utah, writes: "I hare usod Ballatil'b I Snow Liniment lor Neuralgia, Tooth-ache and Sore Throat., Which nnnn nnnlii-AHnn mvn -mn nr.i : 1 r mend It as being the best liniment I have ever used in curtiz pain caused Irom Neuralgia, etc.' B PRICE 25C, 50c AND $1.00 Ballard Snow Liniment Co, 500-502 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, - - MISSOURI. Sold and Recommended by W. McBRIDE, PALACE DRLO STORE ATHENA, OR. 1 w