The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 05, 1907, Image 6

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W. H. Black, in Delineator.
Long before the eta of large adver
tising, the greatest philosopher of the
world said: "Be not penny -wise;
riches have wings and sometimes they
fly away of themselves, sometimes they
must be set flying to bring in more."
This is distinctly the era of big ad
vertising and it may be well for us to
clearly understand what we mean by
big advertising. Let ns start with the
knowledge that no advertising is wise
or permanently profitable unless it has
merit behind it Bat having merit
behind it the only advertising that
wins big is big advertising. It is not
as new as it might seem. Every far
sighted man who had something to sell
and was sure of its quality realized
that the quiokest and surest way to
sell it was to catch the public atten
tion and drive home his intentions ty
told words.
If we traoe the history of publicity
for years back we And that the big
winners have invariably been the big
advertisers who had meritorious goods
for the general market
The manufacturer came into the
flald a little later than be should, but
now he is doing what be can to make
up for lost time.
After the manufacturer had . put
niches in bis quality produots he found
that something remained to be done.
He knew that they were in his shop
and beleived he could supply tho mar
ket of the world but the world did
not know. So in order to extend the
benefit of his work and to reoeive pro
fitable returns from his enterprise he
had to give his riches wings and send
them as messeogers to mankind.
The average manufacturer did not
like to advertise. His objections were
natural and easily understood. When
he came into the publioity situation
he found two extremes.
One was the deadly dullness of the
mere business card, a survival of the
days when the important thing was to
let people know the address of the ad
vertiser and the cargo of the latest
ship from Europe.
The other extreme was the wild ex
travaganoe of the foolish advertisers
who fanoied they could make a suc
cess of mere claim and statement full
of vain boasting and double superla
tives and irrespective of the question
of merit in the goods which they bad
to offer. Even today we have persons
otherwise saue who believe that big
advertising can sell anything or make
n sucoess of any proposition, whether
it have quality or not which means
with such that it has no real quality
at all. The shores of publioity are
strewu with the wrecks of this kind of
Gradually the manufacturer came to
see that his salvation was in the wisn
use of this tremendous means of reach
ing and stimulating thejpublio interest.
He saw because someone else might
have misused a good thing there was
no reason why be should not employ
It well and thus make it his chief
agency iu bis work. Thus he began
and today we find that honest adver
tising of meritorious goods has not
only beeu profitable in itself but has
made the exaggerated edvertisiug of
doubtful articles ridiculous. 'I bo ouly
advertising that pays is that which has
u laot behind every assertion ; thut
which can make good every pledge,
every claim. Whether it fill many
pages or a few lines, the rule holds to
the very letter.
So tho men of sense, enterprise and
proportion realize that advertising
was not a mere oirus triok to attraot
the crowd but that rightly used, it was
us much of an investment as their own
inauufaoturiug plants.
The big manufacturer does not keep
running many little plants widely dis
tributed. If he did bo would be bank
'Summer Goods"
If you did not get one of our new "Summer Goods" ontalcgs, kindly
write us aud we will send you one. It will be a great help to you iu
making your summer purchases as it is well illustrated aud prioed. Send
for one whether you are intending to buy auythiug or not
Everything to Furnish the
ia-14-16-18 20 22 Alder Street.
C. 11. SHERMAN. Proprietor
Nothing too good for our patrons. We cut the best meat money
can buy. Fl.-htaud oysters in season. Give us a trial.
rupt in a year. He runs bis plant in
a big way because that is the only
economy. It should be the same with
bis advertising. The great loss in
publicity today is in scattering. It is
as foolish as the scattering of small
plants instead of concentrating in the
big factory. Thus perhaps one may
see wherein lies the wisdom of big ad
vertising done in a big way in the big
advertising mediums that oonoentrate
their energies along the profitable
lines and that reach farther and better
and cheaper than any combination or
chain of little publications could pos
sibly achieve.
Another good thing the manufactur
er has done has been truth making in
advertising. Advertising never could
offer and it never cau offer anything
miraculous. The merit of the thing
advertised must justify the publio test
Otherwise the extraordinary invita
tion must te detrimental. Not only
would the article without merit fail,
but the money spent in advertising
would be a total loss.
The manufacturer got to know these
things and he tried the publio intelli
gence by appeals to reason, by frank
ness of statement, by direct and engag
ing address and by pleasing illustra
tion. In all advertising be did he kept
steadily in view his own responsibility,
so that he might stand ready to back
to the limit every statement he made.
Thus the manufacturer more than
any other user of publioity created
publio confidence in advertising.
By judicious advertising the man
who has created or produced a stan
dard of excellence for publio utility
and general consumption reaches the
whole people at less expense and in the
shortest possible time. If he were to
employ an army of spooial representa
tives be could not reach one-tenth the
number and bis expeuses would be one
hundred times as great, not counting
the enormous loss of time. So when
the manufacturer enters upon a big
advertising campaign those people who
see only surface indications and who
think that he is spending money waste
fnlly make a nuge mistake. He is in
fact practicing the wisest esonomy,
for be is doing in the shortest time and
at tbe smallest expense what might
otherwise take years to accomplish.
Here indeed is the very gist of tbe
whole question. 1'he advertising forms
practically no oharge upos the busi
ness. By tbe increase in trade that
it brings it pays for itself many times
over, so that the advertised article
reaches the customer as though it bad
not keen advertised at ali; that is to
say, the advertising expense, by tbe
extension of the sale, becomes so small
as to be praotioally negligible.
First of all, everlasting credit must
be given to the manufacturer for pro
ducing the artioles of quality. He has
put civilization on a higher plane,
made living happier and added to the
satisfaction and longevity of the race.
Second, the spread of bis good work
has been due to modern advertising.
He made the quality and brought judi
cious publioity. He has raised and
fixed for publio confldenoe the stan
dards. All this is for the good of the
consumer, but it goes further than
that, for it marks new advances iu the
bouor and safety of modern merchan
dise. School District Officials.
At Adams, G, M. Morrison was re
elected director and J. O. Hales, clerk.
At Echo, E. E. Elder was re-eleoted
director and Louis Soboll suooeeds
Elmer Spike as clerk.
At Weston, Frank E. King suooeeds
J. A. Hicks, as director and Paul Bull
finch was re-elooted clerk.
At Helix, W. H. Albee succeeds John
Timmerman as clerk and A. B. Mont
gomery suooeods S. T. Isaao as olerk.
, Make
Dr. Sponogle of This City, Inventor of
Treatment For Diseases of the
Nose, Throat and Lungs.
Dr. J. R. Sponogle, our well known
dentcl Surgeon, formerly of New
York City, is introduoibg tor tbe
first time bis new Inhalers. It is not
bis intention to personally place or
ders throngh retail druggists, but his
sales will be confined to selling direct
ly to the wholesalers. Dr. Sponogle,
tbe originator of this new method
of treating affections of the Nose,
Throat and Lungs, is strictly an Eth
ical practitioner. For several years
the Doctor gave special study to tne
Nose, Throat and Lungs and after ex
haustive experiments with new chemi
cals originated tbe present ' perfect
formula for the Germ destroying and
Healing Inhaler Fluid, now used with
tbe special Inhaler. Tbe fluid has
been tried, tested, and used in numer
ous cases with satisfaction and the
most pleasing results. This new In
haler Treatment is unlike any other on
tbe market, inasmuch as the Inbaier
itself is an original piece of work and
especially constructed to use with tbe
New Inbalent Fluid.
Indications For This New Treatment.
Catarrh, perhaps the most preval
ent common affeotion of tbe air pass
ages, usually starts from an acute at
tack of cold in tbe head, and if not
aborted and left to continue from bad
to worse, goes from a slight irritation
to chronic irritation, then germ for
mation, with presence of pus and
scabby condition of tbe linings of the
nasal passages, it keeps getting worse
and finally the bones oompnsing tbe
inner structure of the nose are eaten
out and the whole system is affected
from tbe direct cause of the hurrible
condition of tbe catarrh. No doubt
thousands of deaths can be traced di-
reotly due to catarrh.
La Grippe.
Tbe most eminent authorities agree
that tills disease, is cased by a germ
which first lodges in the mucous mem
brane of tbe nose.
This most dreaded and considered
incurable disease affecting the human
race is admitted to be due to germs,
which attack and destroy tbe lungs,
many cases of Tuberoulosis cau be
traoed from their commencement to a
cold on tbe lungs, which allowed to
oontinuo results in a defined oase of
consumption. Death is the end in a
short time.
Asthma, Bronchitis, etc.
Mostly come under tbe head of irri
tations and inflamatious, and only in
ohronio cases, germs perhaps are to be
found. At any rate in either case of
irritation or where g6rms are present,
a method of treatment whereby tbe
medicament goes directly to the affect
ed parts, is what is absolutely neoos
sary to effeot a cure. Mediciue inter
nally will not cure these oases.
How to Use the Inhaler.
The best way to do when you get an
Inbaier is just take it all apart and
find out how it works. There are two
separate ends to be used in treatments,
one for nasal conditions to be used by
plaoing in one nostril. The opposite
nostril to be held closed. A separate
end also is provided for treating
Throat aud Lung affections, this end
is similar to a pipe stem mouth piece
and when in use is placed between the
teeth aud lips. Always slightly un
sorew the air inlet plug before using
Inhaler. When parts of Inhaler are
all in plaoo tbe same is air tight and
virtually a corked bottle, and can be
carried in the pocket or elsewhere, and
is always ready for use. When you
first use Inhaler place 15 or 20 drops
of tbe Inbalent Fluid in the medica
ment chamber and thereafter a few
drops eaoh day when same is in use.
In using tbe Inhaler always take long
deep inhalations holding air in lungs
a little time then slowly exhale. This
is a splendid way to develop the lungs.
Duration of Treatment
In aoute oases a short time is only
needed in which to abort an attack.
But in cases of long standing the In
haler should be used twioe a day morn
ing and evoning or more frequently if
desired, and should be continued to
be used some little time after all
symptoms have disappeared to com
pletely rid passages of germs. As long
as any germs are left tbey will multip
ly and increase again. No claim is held
for this new Treatment that it will
cure Consumption when the patient is
at deaths door. But in the first and
second stages while there is yet vitality
and not cyatio condition of the lungs.
Then the germs can be reached, des
troyed and a cure effected.
This Scientific Inhaler
Sold on merit. This Inhaler treat
ment is not sold to the publio by catcby
fake advertisements. Neither by a lot
of worthless testimonials. But they
are sold strictly on their merits, know
iug full well tbey will please aud give
No Drug Forming Habit Drugs used.
Absolutely no drug forming habit drugs
of any kind are used in tbe Formula of
the Inbalent Fluid. Dr. Sponogle's
Inhalers are sold by all first class drag
stores. Price each including one bottle
Fluid $3.50, extra bottle of Iuhaleut
Fluid 60 oents.
A Happy Man
Is Amos F. Kiug. of Port Byrou, N.
Y., (85 years of age); siuce a "sore on
his leg, which bad troubled hiui the
greater part of bis life, has been en
tirely healed by Bucklen's Arnica
Salve; the woild's great healer of
Sores, Burus, Cats. Wounds and Piles.
Guarautewd by Win. JIcBride Drug
gist. Ii ice 23c.
a Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves,
is the Time to
Chain Belts
Leather Belting
Babbitt Metal
Halter Chains
Chain Snaps
Sheet Iron
Bar Iron
is now complete, and we can furnish you air
for Harvest
you to
211 and 213 EAST COURT
LJ fTf
it All KLILIJ) case before morning.
30 days' treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction D A f1 A I-1 17
guaranteed or money refunded. JJ&Illrl VI JliLj
THE ...
J. E. FROOME, prop. I
I W j
t Only First-class Hotel in
J' the City. J
la the only one that can accommodate
commercial travelers.
Jan betecomenderi for 1U clean and
well vontllnted rooma.
and Harvest supplies
Prepare for Harvest. Our stock of
Machine Oils
Oil Cups
Pipe, all sizes
at the lowest prices. It will pay
bring your list of wants to
flAC? m ly
B. C.
Skillful Workmen and first-class Material mean satis
faction in Paiting and Decorating. I have both
OllOl115 opfice'sss
When You
1 od tbe Northern FaoiQo Agent and let him help arrange your jour
'. lie will secure any information "yoa want abont bia own and con
ting linea, and will explain why
Through Dinning Cars
Pullman Standard Sleeping Cars
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
High-hack Seat Day Coaches
ke Northern PaoiQa trains so popular with travelers. He will quote
i rates, sell yoa tickets, and make your sleeping car reservations, Bis
vices are free.
S. B. CALDERHEAD, G. P. A., Walla Walla, Wash.
A. II. Whitehead, Local Agent,
A. D. CHARLION, A. U. P. A., Nor. Pao. Ey., Portlaud, Ore.
Tank Pumps
Water Bags
Lace Leather Etc
dose at bed time usual-
relieves the most severe
II rip
Washington & Columbia
River Railway