The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 07, 1907, Image 2

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Tuesday and Fridays
f. B.BOYD .... Publisher
You wouldn't be stuck up If you
heard all other people say about you.
It la a poor sort of man who would
rather be awakened by an alarm clock
than a robin. '
The new Shah of Persia Is begin
ning to realize that be didn't fall heir
to a path of roses.
Maybe some of those disgruntled Cu
bans have an idea that a declaration of
Independence is simply a permit to con
duct a cock fight
Lota of young men who were babies
when be was President can tell some
bright and Interesting stories about
Abraham Lincoln.
The Panama Canal is such a big un
dertaking that there ought to be glory
enough in it for every man who throws
out a shovelful of dirt
The average $1 bill Is said to last
fifteen months, but we will have to take
It for granted, as we have never been
able to keep one in sight that long.
Harrlman Bays he Is In favor of keep
ing the small stockholders Interested.
Without the small stockholders there
could be little lamb-shearing in Wall
Perhaps If Mr. Rockefeller had soon
er discovered that he is worth only a
paltry 1300,000,000, he would have hes
itated about peeling that $32,000,000
off his roll.
Dr. Funk says that the spirits find
the air of earth hard to breathe. Peo
ple who have met any spirits will
doubtless recall that they looked pale
and unhealthy.
No young man, no matter how bright
he may be, can expect to learn from
Mr. E. H. Harriman's testimony how
to gobble up a railroad every morning
before breakfast
The achievement of Woo Ang, of San
Francisco, who raised a draft of $3 to
$8,000, is a refutation of the statement
that the Chinese cannot adapt them
selves to American ways.
If there is any truth In the statement
that the North Pole Is moving south
ward at the rate of twenty miles a year,
Arctic explorers can save a lot of trou
ble by waiting a few centuries and
meeting it half way.
The Czar has been told that he must
take more outdoor exercise lor tne
benefit of bis health. But the Czar
can recall a number of cases among
the Russian aristocracy where outdoor
exercise proved fatal.
A negro laborer In a Virginia quarry
who was engaged In thawing out dyna
mite noticed that the stuff had caught
fire, and promptly stamped on it to put
It out The surrounding neighborhood
was also put out by what followed.
Dr. Wiley, head of the Bureau of
Chemistry of the Department of Agri
culture, gave the House Committee on
Expenditures an amusing Illustration
of the exacting practices of scientific
research. In fepeaklng of the young
men who are undergoing experiments
In nutrition, Dr. Wiley said, "Nothing
Is wasted. If they trim their finger
nails or have their hair cut, they bring
the trimmings or the hair to me, and It
Is weighed. We keep track of the in
come and outgo Just as you keep a bank
An Eastern newspaper thinks it a
strange thing that many farmers are
trying to sell their farms because they
cannot get men to work them and then
asks what has become of the myriads
of immigrants who have come to us in
late years. Well, most of those who
have not gone Into the coal mines have
been caught In the tremendous con
gestion of slum population in great cit
ies. Maybe this Is because they do not
know any better, and If so they should
be taught better, but never will be
taught while they see the farm owners
Joining In the hegira from country to
Human nature is the same In college
u elsewhere. The man who spends a
treat deal of money gets talked about
to an extent out of all proportion to
bis Influence In the community. The
ixpendltures of rich college men have
been talked about more than those of
their families at home, because spend
ing much money at college Is a new
thing in this country and still a com
paratively rare thing. The talk about
It has tended to create the impression
that the large colleges are no place for
poor boys, which Is very far from the
tact. The colleges are organized to give
ipeclal advantages to manhood and ca
pacity, and that Is quite as true of the
large colleges as of the small ones.
"The greatest thing In the world,"
lays Bishop Woodcock of Kentucky, "Is
be able to He awake at midnight
linking of God and your fellow men
rlthout fear, without shame and with
nit remorse. Cowardice Is the greatest
xagedy in life, and more wrong Is
lone in the world by weak than by
rvtl men," Well said. It Is a great
hlng to be able to look your fellow
nan square In the eye, and that ability
jowea only from your own estimation
of yourself. If your life is the kind
of life that you yourself cannot ad
mire, you need never expect your asso
ciates to take you at any higher valua
tion than you place upon yourself. If
a man carries about with him that con
viction that he is a clean man, a de
cent man and an honest man, every
man he meets will know It If a man
is ashamed of himself, that will be
equally evident There is a homely but
pithy saying, which reads (and It Is
the best sort of advice at that) : "Live
each day so that you can look every
man In the face and tell him to move
King Edward conferred the Order of
Merit upon James Bryce, the new Brit
ish ambassador to this country, on the
eve of his departure from London. This
order Is given to men who have won
conspicuous distinction in the naval or
military service, or In letters, art or
science. Only nineteen persons have
received it sixteen Britons, one of
whom, Sir L. Alma-Tadema, was a nat
uralized subject, and three Japanese.
There Is nothing of the kind in Amer
ica. The Constitution forbids the na
tional Congress and the State Legis
latures to grant titles of nobility, and
the feeling which prompted the prohi
bition has extended to the establish
ment of honorary orders, save those
for military achievement The Medal
of Honor, conferred for acts of con
spicuous valor, and the Diplomatic
Medal, which Is bestowed upon foreign
ministers only, are not properly to be
classed with the honors which Euro
pean governments use to recognize
great achievement There Is not neces
sarily anything undemocratic In orders
of merit or medals of honor for men
in civil life. France, a republic, has
the Legion of Honor, and titles of no
bility survive there much as official
titles survive here, after the service In
which they were won has ceased. In
all the States a man who has been a
Judge or a governor Is "governor" or
"Judge" to the end of his days. The
universities make men doctors of laws
or science or philosophy or letters, and
they are called "doctor ;" but the great
explorer, the great Inventor, the great
painter must remain without official
recognition by the government A re
cent writer in Army and Navy Life has
suggested that something be done to
supply this lack. It is not easy to see
what can be done. We shall surely not
confer knighthood on our men of sci
ence or on our statesmen, although It
Is no more undemocratic to call a man
Sir John Smith than to speak of him as
the Hon. John Smith. It will require
some ingenuity to find a way to confer
upon meritorious persons a distinction
which will be permanently attached to
their names, yet will not offend those
who regard all titles as savoring of an
aristocratic system.
There was never a time when Mr,
Eben Jenkins was not perfectly willing
to give a lift In his wagon to a foot
traveler along the sandy roads of Hlll
ville; but he did not like to have too
much taken for granted.
One day he was accosted by a flash
ily dressed young man who was step
ping along the dusty road with a dis
dainful air.
"Hold on there a minute 1" he called,
as the wagon came abreast of him. "I
believe I'll take a ride, as you're going
my way and 11m In a hurry," and with
out waiting for any response he swung
himself up beside Mr. Jenkins, who
looked at him sharply but made no
The road made many twists and
turns, but although the young man
kept up an Incessant stream of conver
sation, he received only the most la
conic replies from his host
"It's a good deal farther to Hackett
than I thought, from what they told
nie," said the young man at last when
they had been driving more than half
an hour. "How far Is It from here?"
"Um-cn," Bald Mr. Jenkins, deliber
ately, "I'm not a great hand at mathe
matics, but keeping straight on as
we're going now, I should say 'twould
be in the neighborhood o' twenty-five
thousand miles.
"If you've a notion to get out o' this
conveyance o' mine and hoof It back
to the first turn, and take the other
road, 'twon't be more'n a little matter
of seven miles or so."
"He hoofed It" said Mr. Jenkins, re
lating the etory that night with keen
relish, "and It wouldn't surprise me a
mite if the next time he wants a lift
hi addresses the man he expects'll give
It to him some different from what he
did me."
The Start and the Platan.
Why do you fear to become a re
"Because," answered Senator Sor
ghum, "the way of the reformer Is easy
only as long as he Is telling people
what they ought to have. It becomes
difficult when It Is time to apologize for
not giving It to them." Washington
Star. '
Ktw York Aa a Y. SI. C. A. Center.
New York city is the greatest Y. M.
C. A. center In the world. It has more
than forty organizations and 20,000
members; It has 400 secretaries and
employes and 2,800 of Its members are
office holders and committeemen. Its
largest building, the 23d street branch,
coat $1,000,000 and has 8,600 members.
The girl who Is always learning to
play the piano never seems to make
much progress, from the viewpoint of
the critical neighbors who want to rest
i" a i si
La MIlo, the most famous beauty in
Europe, and who artists declare could
have served as a model for Venus de
Mllo, declares that physical culture
threatens to spoil feminine pulcrltude.
"I don't recommend physical culture
which develops muscle and makes one
part of the body abnormal at the ex
pense of the other," says La Milo. "A
woman does not want to have great
muscular limbs. She ought to go to
the famous statues and study them.
The poetic Ideal of the sculptor repre
sents the highest form of feminine
beauty, and all a girl should desire In
the matter of physical loveliness is to
reach, as far as possible, the exquisite
proportions of the graven gems which
are sheltered In our sculpture galleries.
Physical culture Is against all canons
of true art for women. It was never
Intended that a woman should emulate
a man, whose glory lies In his strength."
Particle Not Observed Became Too
Small to Reflect Light.
"A most Interesting study," a prom
inent government scientist recently re
marked, "Is that of what might be
termed the foreign elements of the at
mosphere. The earth's atmosphere
contains an enormous quantity of dust
and It is everywhere, In the country aa
well as In the towns.
"The reason why we do not see It
constantly Is that the particles do not
reflect enough light to make an Impres
sion on the retina. A ray of bright
sunlight in a dark room reveals In
numerable particles, and yet the mil
lions we see are but a small proportion
of the whole, being the larger par
ticles. "It Is not at all difficult to collect
these particles for the purposes of
study. Probably the most successful
way is that first used by Pasteur, who
drew a stream of nir through a tube
containing nitrated cotton. The cot
ton was then dissolved by treating it
with ether and the residue washed and
dried. The particles may be meas
ured by means of a fine micrometer, a
late perfection of which enables meas
urements of as little as one-seventy-mill
Ion th of an inch to be made.
"How these particles are loosed In
the air may be readily seen when It
Is remembered that all mechanical ac
tion has a tendency to reduce to a pow.
der whatever substance Is In fraction
al contact, even the waves beating upon
the shore make a dust Rain In falling
collects considerable quantities of this
dust and snow still larger amounts.
This accounts for the 'red snow' some
times heard of, the color being caused
by mineral particles.
"Of the total weight of the atmos
pheric dust about 65 to 75 per cent Is
Inorganic matter. This portion Is ab
solutely harmless, but In the 25 to 33
per cent of organic matter are to be
found germs of almost every kind, and
particularly In cities Is this percent
age dangerous to humanity.
"In the Inorganic portion have been
found practically all mineral sub
stances. Including the metals sodium,
calcium, magnesium, aluminum, nickel,
cobalt and Iron. Iron appears In much
greater quantity than any other metal,
much of that coming from planetary
space. The rushing of meteorites
through space causes a friction which
gradually reduces them to powder con
taining much iron, some of which Joins
the earth's atmosphere."
Never Fer.aed Her.
"Delia," began Mrs. Newliwed, timid
ly, "I don't suppose er that you
would er object to my getting an
alarm clock Y'
"Not at all, ma'am," replied the
sleepy cook; "them things never dls-'
curb me at all." Philadelphia Press.
Even the bartender has a poor opin
ion of the man who playg cards In the
middle of the day.
S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to , all
calls, both night and day.
CalU promptly answered. Office on Third
Street. Athena, Oregor
I S. E. FROOME. 'pbop.
I . Iff .
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
li the only one that can accommodate
oommarcial traveler.
Can beiecomended for its clean and
well ventilated rooms.
Cob. Maim and Third, ATBiHA.Or.
Best Stock and Rigs in the City.
Competent Drivers,
Stock Boarded by the Day, Week
or Month at Reasonable Rate.
Short line
u Union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and sleeping
cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping
car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman
tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted,
weekly to Chicago, with free reclining
cha'.r cars. Beats free, to the east daily iroui
Walla Walla. Day
ton, romeroy, Lew-
iston. t;ouax. Pul
11:65 a. m.
man. Moscow, the
11:55 a.m.
Couer d'Alene dis
trict. Spokane and
au points north.
Walla Walla - Pen
dieton Mixed
12:30 p rr
Fast Mall for Pen
dleton, LaUrande.
Baker City, and all
tington, Ore., Also
for Umatilla, Hepp
ner, The Dalles,
Portland, Astoria,
Willamette Valley
Points, I'alifomla,
Taooma, Seattle, all
4:53 p m
4:53 p. m
Hound Points.
Pendleton - Walla
6:30 p m
Walla Mlxed
J. 8. Doble Agent,
jSlmVk. a .
The Original Laxative Cough Syrup containing honey and Tar. An Improvement over all Cough.
Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for young and old. All cougrt
syrups containing opiates constipate the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar moves the bowels
and contcln no opiates. Prepared by PINE-ULE MEDICINE COMPANY, CHICAGO. V. S. A.
Sim ' s--
for n& e rn A ap
f!f. (IMS r4 1 k
VVwlalaW sra mr m -far M m
I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that
when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable,
but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am
all sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind.
Price 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Frea
"Saving at the Spigot
Wasting at the Bung"
X Tur RupqwinAVii i urn P&m
It covers more surface, spreads easier, and lasts
longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed
lead and oil.
Umatilla Lumber Yard
Athena, Oregon
Building Material and
Yards at Walla Walla, Touchet and Lowdon, Wash.,
and Athena, Adams and Free water, Oregon.
Preston-Parton Milling Go.
Flour is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest
and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected
.Bluestetn wheat grown any where. Patronize home
industry. Your grocer sells American Beauty for
Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers j
S Waitsburg, Wash. - - - Athena, Oregon g
Oi- fL U
That's 'what buying poor paint
means. . Paint may be low
priced by the gallon and be
extravagant to use owing to
to it's poor covering power
and wearing quality. After
the paint is applied it's too late
to save. Start right and use
per Sack f
1 Ft AND
W E-
H B Wk V