ATHENA PRESS . Twdwi and fridsyi T. B. BOYD Publisher Some men are unable to save money because: they haven't any to practice on. A New York woman caught a burg lar and bugged him until be surren dered. What a chump he wai to sur- renderl ' Berlin la to hare a world's fair In 1913. We get notice In plenty of time so that we can begin saving our money. How many of U8, If our Income amounted to 68 cents a second, like Rockefeller's, would ever forget to wind the clock? Mr. Carneele wants to know why millionaires don't laugh. Probably It Is because they can't see where there Is any money In It There Is some satisfaction to the countrv In bavin a man like Mr. Oar negle who can tell Wall street what he thinks of It without swearing. To the question where the milk came from In the milky way, it mignt ne od served that it probably came from the cow that Jumped over the moon. It Is said that the new portrait of the President is not like him. Notn lng but a moving picture of the Presi dent will look natural to most peopie. Hereafter when some long-winded ire.', ber of the Douma gets the floor bis .-olleuKues will no doubt cast am lous glances at the celling from time to time. Montreal's birth rate is higher than that of any other American city. If tbo President finds It out be is likely to become an advocate of Canadian an Delation. Scientists claim that when the tem perature Is down to lero there la still considerable heat present But, of course, there Is no law compelling you to believe It A Baltimore physician says people may live to be 100 years old by doing away with bats. But so many people, Including Baltimore physicians, find hats convenient to talk through. "When you feel a brainstorm com ing on," advises an exchange, "slip the cartridges out of your gun." That ad rice Is all right for the man who can not conhne himself to shooting off his mouth. In a Vandergrlft (Pa.) skating rink ft 200-pound woman fell on a man and crushed him to death. Even a man who Is so foolish as to spend his time at a skating rink ought to know enough to steer clear of a 200-pound woman. In America the button and In Scot land the "bawbee" have long furnish ed to parsimonious hypocrites a means of defrauding the contribution plate. Now a rival has risen In Edinburgh, In the form of Imitation coins made from pasteboard, and silvered or gilded. They were put out as souvenirs In packages of candy toy money for the children to play store with. Two or more clergymen have written to the newspapers to complain that the prac tice of false giving by means of the toy coins Is becoming common. In this country It Is a legal offense to manu facture Imitations of coins. ' The spreading of disease by Insects Is now proving to be much more com mon than was believed to be the case but a year or two ago or even a few months ago. The greatest attention has hitherto been given to those dis eases wherein the insect acts the part of a secondary host In which the para site undergoes some kind of change not possible In man malaria, yellow fever, fllarla, Texas fever, etc. It Is Interesting to find increasing attention being given to the possibility of the me chanical transmission of infective or ganisms from man to man by means of the commoner Insects, files, bedbugs, roaches and fleas. There Is no reason able doubt that In recent wars flies were responsible for the transfer of ty phoid bacilli to foods which were not screened. There Is a "tainted money" of the church and it Is the kind that Is whee dled out of people through their appe tites and their vanities. Men are the worst offenders In this respect Women will make the little sacrifices that are really great It was a woman, be It remembered, who gave the symbolical mite. But a man who has to have his stomach and his purse appealed to by the thoughts of a "chicken pie dinner In the parlor of the church" at a bar gain, who has to be cajoled Into lay ing bis offering on the altar by a pret ty girl whose finishing coquetry Is a stage soubrette's apron, has little re ligion In bis soul. It Is the women of a church who devise wondrous schemes for making money In which they do many things which are personally re pugnant to their gentle and refined natures. And these schemes are all to "work" man when he will not do his straightforward duty In the matter of religious contributions. Id few respects do Americana seem bore extravagant to the average Eu- ropean than In the large use of tee for cooling purposes in summer, and in the elaborate measures to warm their houses In winter. The Englishman complains that .the buildings In this country are overheated. An American passing a winter In England finds the houses, both In city and In country, un comfortably cold. Habits of long growth, founded on economic condi tions there and here, account for this difference of view. Many of the na tives of Uruguay, In South America, suffer untold discomfort from living up to their belief that the artificial heat ing of houses is Injurious to health. In damp, chilly weather they get along without the relief that a little fire might give. Among the desperately poor In the Northern States of this country cases have been known where a family would remain In bed during an extraordinary cold day, If they had no fuel, or wished to economize the lit tle they had. Good food helps man as well as domestic animals to resist the cold. Substantial clothing and well built houses, carefully protected against the high winds, greatly lessen one's de pendence on fuel. Brisk bodily activ ity also contributes to the same end. Ventilation often becomes a serious matter. Although cold air Is not nec essarily pure, nor warm air necessarily foul, It Is in the main true that fresh, outside air Is cold. Its Introduction under any plan that can be devised lowers the temperature, and to raise It again Involves the use of more fuel. Ventilation is a luxury, but it Is one that adds so mightily to bodily health and mental vigor as to be well worth Its cost We have assigned different offices to the two hands rgreetlnsr. hand-shak ing, writing, drawing, painting etc., to the right; eating, horse-curbing, card playing, gun-holding and certain strict ly "sporting" uses to the left while only piano-playine has offered eaual ex ercise for both hands. The necessity for a new order of thlnes has been emphasized chiefly In the development of art Instruction In the schools. In writing, drawing, painting and model Ing In the German schools the pupils are said to employ the right and left hand alternately. The training la be lieved to be a great boon to all. espe cially to the left-handed child, who Is no longer to be regarded as an ab normal being, forced to do everything clumsily with the left hand. Even with right-handed children the move ment is toward well-rounded, symmet rical development and In the direction of increased control and usefulness of the body. It Is a fact that every part of the body which is not exercised for many generations becomes, through disuse, first Inactive, then useless and finally superfluous. It atrophies and decays. In time, If we persist In the general disuse of the left hand, we must becomes a one-armed race, at least scientists say so. Though we have all the necessary muscles for moving the ears no one who has not acquired this charming faculty In early childhood is able to wiggle them. In the same manner we have become so accustomed to using the right hand and neglecting the left that unless modern pedagogy Interferes, humanity Is in danger of losing Its left hand. Peo ple who have made a close study Into this curious subject declare that the atrophy of the left arm has already made itself clearly manifest In In fants. Right-handedness or left-hand-edness can be detected Immediately af ter birth, proving the tendency to be the result of physiological conditions and hereditary. Ambidexterity is. of course, the Ideal attainment, for many more reasons than one. The keenest mental activity Is as necessary to the skillful use of both hands as the most exact knowledge of the smallest de tails of writing, or drawing, and the moral of the whole matter is that in everything that one does, whether with tue rigut or left hand, mental exercise, the observing eye and the tenacious purposes are ever the most Important things. No old maid ever lived long enough to admit she was. Noise Is very useful for grand opera and political debates. Calomel and spanking are both good for early love affairs. A girl can think she Is In love when It Is nothing but the stomach ache! from cucumbers. The man that puts a 40 h. p. empha sis Into his voice has a vacuum where his Ideas ought to come from. A very good way not to be proud of your dressing Is to have a son who keeps showing you that you are out of style. When a man fteps Into the bathtub full of scalding water and doesnt swear, It's not because he Is a Chris tian, but because he Is speechless. Table t'ork Aared 600 Years. j The six hundredth anniversary of the Invention of the table fork, which was used by King John IV., Duke of Bretagne, to eat fruit with In 1307, will be celebrated In sundry parts of the world. In Farls several banquets will be given In commemoration of th event f OODSTUPTS tS HsXtCO. WUt tk Hui of tae People Have te Eat. In answer to Inquiries from the United States relative to Mexico's meat and dairy product supplies. Consul James A. Le Boy of Durango furnishes the following report, says the Washing ton Star. While the mass of the people of Mex ico subsist primarily on tortillas (corn cake) and beans, It Is significant that In the larger centers of population, wherever the workmen are getting higher wages, as a result of the estab lishment of new industries, they buy fresh meat and flock to the bakeries of wbeaten bread. Indeed, the increased consumption of wheat is one of the signs of the times In Mexico. It has become an article of necessity with families in moderate circumstances, as It always has been with the people of wealth ; and these two classes are also great consumers of meat It may be put down as a rule that while Mexico Is still a country dependent primarily upon corn and beans, all Mexicans who can afford to do so dally eat a large amount of meat It cannot be expected that there will be any market for fresh meats from the United States, as cattle raising Is a pursuit that is followed In nearly all parts of Mexico. There Is also a duty of 10 cents Mexican the net kilo (about 24 cents In United States currency per pound avoirdupois) on fresh meat In the capital and In some of the other cities there are small butcher shops, first started to cater to the trade of American residents, which have facili ties for keeping meat several days on Ice. The Industry of refrigerating beef, as It Is known in the United States, Is practically unknown In Mexico. Lately It has been said that one firm would attempt it in Mexico city; but there will be no shipping of refrigerated beef Into Mexico while freight rates remain as high as they are, or until the taste of nearly all the meat eaters Is edu cated not to demand meat Just killed. There cannot under present condi tions, be a great maiket for canned meats In Mexico. Their price puts them wholly out of the reach of the masses of the people, even If they ever considered their purchase. Fresh meat Is still a luxury with them, and they live In a grazing country. Pork, far more than beef or mutton, Is the poor man's meat In Mexico, though this Is more conspicuously the case In certain regions than in others. Lard Is a lo cal product everywhere, on a small or large scale, and forms one of the items most actively bartered In the town markets. It Is used by all classes In every-day cooking and In the prepara tion of a very large proportion of their dishes, yet lard is Imported from the United States In considerable quantity. Mexico cannot be called a butter-consuming country, as bread Is commonly eaten without butter. Lard Is Its sub stitute to a great extent, where It has a substitute. Nevertheless the use of butter is Increasing among Mexicans themselves, and the foreign population, especially the Americans, constitute a growing demand for butter that does not seem to be met by the starting of small dairy farms near cities, mining camps, etc. More than three-fourths of the butter Imported comes from tho United States, Spain and Denmark sup plying nearly all the remainder. It Is Imported mainly In cans, but the impor tation of fresh butter In rolls from the dairies in the lower Mississippi valley region has been steadily Increasing. The Imports of American cheese and milk show constant gains, but In the nature of things the market for these products cannot greatly increase. False Messiahs. The defense of different persons claiming to be the Messiah has cost the Jews a great expense, both In treasure and human life. One of these, Cozlba, who lived In the second century of our era, put himself at the head of the Jewish nation as their Messiah, and many of that people adhered to and defended him. The Romans made war upon CoElba and his followers, and, according to admissions made by emi nent Jewish authority, they lost some where between 600,000 and 600,000 men in his defense. The last of these Im postors was Mordecal, a German, who first claimed to be of divine origin In the year 1C82. When the authorities threatened to punish him as an Im postor he fled, and his end Is not known. Tombstone Refnare for Cat. One day this week, when the snow was rapidly turning to slush, and when St Paul's churchyard was bereft of its wonted groups of luncheon-hour stroll ers, one of the churchyard cats, an un usually soiled and wild-looking speci men, was seen perched upon the nar row top of a weather-worn headstone. The space was uncomfortably narrow, and, to keep from falling, the animal was forced to clutch unceasingly. But the stone was dry, the churchyard walks were flooded, so the cat stayed, a soiled bit of white and black fur, suspicious but apparently resigned. New York Post English M apoqne. A young woman desired a toque, -But her husband responded, "It's no Joque, It costs so much dough, I'll have to say nough ; If I paid for that thing I'd be broque." Philadelphia Ledger. Poor Papa. Miss Nearslte Isn't that a new bon net on your mother? Miss Wise Well, I really think If s on papa. Philadelphia Ledger. . tf. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGfcON Special attention given to all calls, both eight and day. Call promptly answered. Office on Third Street. Athena. Oregor THE 1ST. NICHOLS HOTEL j t J. E. FROOME, pbop. i . n Only First-class Hotel in the City. THE ST. NICHOLS I la the only one that ean accommodate 4 eommerclal traveler!. : hi : Can beieoomended for lti clean and e well ventilated roomi. Cob. Main and Third, Athena, Or. 4 COMMERCIAL LIVERY STABLE HARRY M'BRIDE, MANAGER Best Stock and Rigs in the City. Competent Drivers. Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month at Reasonable Rate. NORTH SIDE STREET, " ATHEAN. ORE Oregon Shoip Line ism Union Pacific Through Pullman standard and sleeping cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining chair cars, seats free, to the east daily irom Pendleton. ABKIVI Daily. TIME SCHEDULES ATHENA, ORE, DBPAET Daily. Walla Walla. Dav-I ion, romeroy, kew- isun, uoiiax. r un 11:65 a. m. man, Moscow, the 11:55 a.m. Couer d'Alene dis trict. Spokane and an points norm. Walla Walia-Pen 12:80 p n dleton Mixed Fast Mail for Pen ri 1 ainn T .0 Qua nln Baker City, and all points east via Hun tington, Ore., Also 4:53 p m ior umaiuia, Hepp- ner, laei Danes, 4:53 p. m Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley Points. California. TaconiH. Seatt le, all ounu roims. Pendleton - Walla 6:30 pm Walla Mixed J. S. Dobie Agent, Athena FOR COUGHS FOR THROAT FOR JO) LaJLSIjlI LJUSAHJ PREVENTS PNEUL10H1A I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am all sound and well MRS. EYA UKCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Price 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED I TrSa! Bottle Free 3 "Saving at the Spigot Wasting at the Bung" It covers more surface, spreads easier, and lasts longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed lead and oil. CALL ICOLOU Umatilla Lumber Yard THETUM-A-LUM LUiBER GO- jack weir, Manager . Athena, Oregon Building Material and Fuel Yards at Walla Walla, Touchet and Lowdon, Wash., and Athena, Adams and Free water, Oregon. 2 , ESTABLISHED 1S65- Preston-Parton Milling Go. Flour is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown any where. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells American Beauty for fjliLOO Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers i Waitsburg, Wash. - : - - Athena, Oregon 5 CON- TAIN" ING . NO POISONS. CONFORMS 'TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUG LAW. The Original Laxative Cough Syrup containing Honey and Tar. An Improvement over all Cough. Lung and Bronohlal Remedies. Pleasant to the teste and good alike for young and old. All cough syrups containing opiates constipate the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar moves the bowels and contents no opiates. Prepared by P1NE-VLE MEDICINE COMPANY. CHICAGO. V. S. A. SOLD IN ATHENA AT HAWK'S' PIONEER DRUG STORE I THE WONDER WORKER HM. -'KING 'S luwcs COUGHS AND .SOLD AND GUARANTEED W. M. McBAIDE That's what buying poor paint means. Paint may be low priced by the gallon and be extravagant to use owing to to it's poor covering power and wearing quality. After the paint is applied it's too late to save. Start right and use The Sherwin-Williams Paint MADE TO PAINT BUILDINGS WITH, OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. FOR CARDS I CBS rrfwi'-Mtlsntg tWnrrWuinin FOR sj COLDS BY E Sack