The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 31, 1907, Image 5

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    The Evolution of
Household Remedies
The modern patent medicine busi
ness is the natural outgrowth of tke
old-time household remedies.
In the early history of this country,
MADE MEDICINES. Herb teas, bit
ters, laxatives and tonics, were to be
found in almost every house, com
pounded by the housewife, sometimes
assisted by the apothecary or the fam
ily doctor. Such remedies as picra,
which was aloes and quassia, dissolved
in apple brandy. Sometimes a hop
tonic, made of whiskey, hops and bit
ter barks. A score or more of popular,
home-made remedies were thus com
pounded, the formulae for which were
passed along from house to house,
sometimes written, sometimes verbally
The patent medicine business is a
natural outgrowth from this whole
some, old time custom. In the begin
ning, some enterprising doctor, im
pressed by the usefulness of one of
these home-made remedies, would take
It up, improve it in many ways, manu
iacture it on a large scale, advertise it
mainly through almanacs for the home,
and thus it would become used over a
Peiuna was originally one of these
d time remedies. It was used by the
M'ennonites, of Pennsylvania, before it
vas offered to the public for sale. Dr.
nonite origin. First he prescribed it
for his neighbors and his patients. The
sale of it increased, and at last he es
tablished a manufactory and furnished
it to the general drug trade.
Peruna is useful in a great many cli
matic ailments, such as coughs, colds,
Bore throat, bronchitis, and catarrhal
diseases generally. THOUSANDS OF
USE OF PERNUA and its Yalue in
the treatment of these ailments. They
have learned to trust and believe in Dr.
Hartman's judgment, and to rely on
his remedy, Peruna.
Seventeen persons In a hundred in the
State of New York live to be over sev
enty years of age.
Tells a Story of Awful Suffering and
Wonderful Relief.
Mrs. J. D. Johnson, of 603 West
Hickman St., Columbia, Mo., says:
'Following an operation two years
ago, dropsy set in, and
my left side was so
swollen the doctor said
he would have to tap
out the water. There
was constant pain and
a gurgling sensation
around my heart, and
1 could net raise my
arm above my head
The kidney action was
disordered and passag
es of the secretions too frequent. On
the advice of my husband I began using
Doan's Kidney Pills. Since using two
boxes my trouble has not reappeared.
This is wonderful, after suffering two
Sold by' all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Mil burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
When the blood is pure, fresh, and healthy, the skin will be soft, smooth
and free from blemishes, but when some acid humor takes root in the circu
lation its presence is manifested by a skin eruption or disease. These
humors get into the blood, generally because of an inactive of sluggish
condition of the members of the body whose duty it is to collect and carry
off the waste and refuse matter of the system. This unhealthy matter is left
to sour and ferment and soon the circulation becomes charged with the acid
poison. The blood begins to throw off the humors and acids through the
pores and glands of the skin, producing Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis,
Salt Rheum and skin eruptions of various kinds. Eczema appears, usually
with a slight redness of the skin followed by pustules from which there
flows a sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, and the itching is intense.
It is generally on the back, breast, face, arms and legs, though other parts
of the body may be affected. In Tetter the skin dries, cracks and bleeds ;
the acid in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, which are intended
to keep it soft and pliant, causing a dry, feverish condition and giving it a
hard, leathery appearance. Acne makes its appearance on the face in the
(,. , . form of pimples and black heads, while
yllrti7oinlmiiTZ Psoriasis comes in scaly patches on differ
cure me until I tried . s. s. s. I ent parts of the body One of the worst
eUt?vui forms of skin trouble is Salt Rheum;
form from which thero flowed a its favorite point of attack is the scalp,
Bticky fluid; crusts would come on ).,, i , , -o .. rt'
the ekin and when scratched off sometimes causing baldness. Poison Oak
the skin was left as raw as a. piece and Ivy are also disagreeable types of skin
W fear,8 lffwas n&af but ease. The humor producing the trouble
when I used s. s.s.l found a per- lies dormant in the blood through the
i?tSm It the throubfe!erleea Winter to break out and torment the
Stockman, Neb.
because they do not reach the blood. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation
and forces out every particle of foreign matter and restores the blood to its
normal, pure condition, thereby permanently curing every form of skin
affection. Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired sent free
to all who write. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
$3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES THI? WORLD
Men's Shoes, 5 to ! .50. Boy.' Shoes, S3 to SI. 25. Women's
shm. su to a 1-50. Mines' St Children's shoe. .tl5 to S1.00.
W. h. Douglas shoes are recognized by expert judges of footwear"
. . - . i -Si. i .1 . . 1 . u
to be the Desi in Style, n ana wear prouuceuia uu uuuuiry. i.u j
part of the shoe and every detail of the making is looked after '
and watched over by skilled shoemakers, without regard to JT
time or cost. If I could take you Into my lar?e factories atf.,.
Brockton. Mass.. and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas
hoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their saape, i bette
rear longer, and are of greater Yalue than any other makes. . -
VT. L. UonglM im and price If stamped on the bottom, which protwts the witt anfrwt httrb
sna and inferior lio. T.kc K iMbitliat. Hold by tn tw ho dr erry wher.
All UJT Jittuu sua tKHUW. Claleg mmlti Jrm. W. JU 10 1 U lAM, Jsracfciosw Jtaa
Best Ann we.
The meekest kind of a little boy
Joined a Sunday school class In a West
Philadelphia church. He did not know
the other scholars and appeared ner
vous, half-scared and ready to cry at
any second. The teacher, however,
treated him kindly and the lessons pro
ceeded without any outburst After a
short reading from the Bible the teach
er began to question the pupils on tbefr
last lessons and asked:
"Who led the children of Israel Into
As no one answered she looked from
boy to boy. At last her gaze rested on
the new boy. He started guiltily and
said, between sobs :
"It v asn't me, honest, teacher. I
Just moved .here last week from Ohio."
Philadelphia Ledger.
Old eat Home la New York.
The oldest house In New York State
is situated at the lower end of Staten
Island in Tottenvllle. It is known as
the "Billopp house," and was built in
1608. ' The Duke of York presented
Captain Christopher Billopp with a
tract of land on Staten Island, where
on be built this stone mansion, which
still overlooks the waters of Rarltan.
That it was well built Its survival dur
ing 238 years attests. In It have been
'many notable gatherings, and heir was
held the peace conference. During the
revolution Billopp's descendants were
loyalists, and the famous generals of
the British were entertained at the old
riTO St. Vita1 Dance ana all rtervous Diseases
rl I O permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Ureal
Serve Restorer. Send for PBEK 2 trial bottle and
treatise. Dr. H. ILKllne, Ld., Ml Arch SU, Phlla-Pa.
Mexican Church Legend.
Queretaro was a town before the
Spanish conquest and was made a city
In 1655. A legend of Queretaro Is that
an Otomlte chief, Fernando de Tapla
by name, undertook to convert the city
to Christianity in a way that seems
novel to us, but was common enough
to his day. He came from Tula with
a challenge to the people of Queretaro
to a fair stand dp fight If he won,
the people surviving were to be bap
tized. The challenge was accepted, but
while the fight was in progress a dark
cloud came up and the blessed San
tiago was seen in the heavens with a
fiery cross, whereupon the people of
Queretaro gave up and were baptized.
They set up a stone cross to commem
orate the event on the site of the pres
ent church of Santa Cruz. There is
scarcely a church in Mexico which has
not a legent of this kind attached to it
Mothers will find Mrs. Window's Soothlni
Syrup the bcBt remedy to use ior their chlldrei
luring the teething period.
Accounted For.
"Your wife doesn't worry about you
when you are sick nearly so much now
as she did when you were first mar
"Nope." . -
"Hard to account for woman's vaga
ries, Isn't It?" ;
"Not In this case ; I have my life
Insured now and I did not then."
Houston Post
A "Guild of Tubalines" has been form
ed in an English Episcopal church. Its
especial business is to keep bright thi
brass gas fixtures of the church.
At the government station Lulea, In
Sweden, experiments are being made to
secure varieties of plants not likely to be
Injured, by frost. '
sunerer witn me return oi spring, l ne oesr.
treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S.
It neutralizes the acids and removes the
humors so that the skin instead of being
irritated and diseased, is nourished by a
supply of fresh, healthy blood. External
applications of salves, washes, lotions, etc.,
while they soothe the itching caused by
skin affections, can never cure the trouble
Sportsmen Cane from England to
Take Part la Aaaoal Hunt.
The West has one diversion unknown
In the East and one which Englishmen
come across the waters to participate
In. It Is the annual "wolf drive" held
each year on the prairies and which
Is the sole remaining relic of the fam
ous wild hunts of thirty or forty years
ago, say9 the Wichita correspondent of
the New York Herald. While not as
voracious as in former years, the coy
ote, or prairie wolf, is still capable of
doing considerable depredation and is
the worst foe the prairie farmer has
to contend with. The animal still
sneaks into the hen roosts and waylays
lambs and calves In the field. As a
consequence wolf drives are held every
year, a sort of general roundup for the
The biggest wolf drive ever held In
the West was participated In last Sat
urday by over a thousand horsemen
bent upon obtaining the scalp of every
wolf in the territory they covered. It
was held in Sumner county, on the
border line of Oklahoma, and a whole
township was freed from the pest
It was a motley array, farmers and
farmers' boys mingling with hunters
and sportsmen, some of whom had
come from England and Canada to
take part in the sport Each man was
armed with either rifle or revolver and
many with both, while dogs -without
number yelped and raced around.
At the appointed hour the word to
advance was passed along the line, and
the drive begnn from the confines of the
township inward toward the center. As
the lines advanced they routed the ani
mals from their hiding places, and the
gaunt form of the prairie coyote was to
be seen loping in ungainly but swift
fashion far ahead of the horsemen and
out of reach of the swiftness of the
wolf hounds.
As the day progressed and the hol
low square became smaller the wolves
began to realize that their pursuers
were bent upon their destruction, and
they began to try to break through the
ranks. Here was exhibited many an
illustration of the subtlety ot the prai
rie wolf in doubling upon its enemy.
A pack of dogs would be pushing after
its prey too closely, when suddenly the
wolf would disappear. It had used a
device well known to the coyote tribe
and "doubled on its track" turned
square around and raced back along
side of the dogs and before the pack
had discovered what had happened the
coyote would be rods away.
When the lines were within sight of
one another the order to halt was giv
en, and the dogs urged on to the work
of extermination. While every man
was well armed, few shots were fired,
it being the custom of the drive for the
dogs ,to do the killing. But if a wolf
seemed likely to break through the cor
don it was shot
When the last wolf had been killed
the carcasses were gathered In a heap
and skinned. They counted up to four
Christian Nations Rebuked by a
Loral Follower of Confnclns. .
The Chinese have the best food In the
world, rice; the best drink, tea; and
the best clothing, cotton, silk and fur.
In possessing these staples and their
Innumerable native adjuncts, they do
not need to buy a ceni's worth else
where, while their empire Is In Itself
so great and they themselves so nu
merous that sales to each other make
an enormous and sufficient trade, and
export to foreign countries is unneces
sary. Let those who still preach the
gospel of force hear what John China
man says, and which, In the opinion of
a foreign writer (Mohammed Baraka
tullah, In the Forum), Is soon to be
realized; '
"Yes, it is we who do not accept It
that practice the Gospel of Peace ; It is
you who" accept It that trample it under
foot, and irony of ironies! Jt Is the
nations of Christendom who have come
to us to teach us by Bword and fire
that the right in this world is power
less unless It Is supported by Might
"Oh, do not doubt that we shall
learn the lesson. And woe to Europe
when we have acquired it You are'
arming a nation of 400,000,000 a na
tion which, until you came, had no bet
ter wish than to live at peace with it
self and all the world.
"In the name of Christ you have
sounded the call to arms; in the name
of Confucius we respond."
What the Tree Would Say.
Bishop Seymour, of Minnesota, was
very fond of trees, and one day, while
walking with a young lady, he pointed
out to her some of the fine trees In
the neighborhood. She professed great
Interest and delight She cried:
"How the noble aspect of beautiful
trees Etlrs up the keenest emotions of
the soul." Then, patting a great, rough
trunk, she went on, "You superb oak,
what would you say to me If you could
The bishop smiled.
"I believe I can be his Interpreter,"
he murmured. "He would probably
say, 'I beg your pardon, miss; I am a
Not Accurate.
'Terms are sometimes very mislead
ing." "In what way?" '
"For Instance, a bee when it gets
down to business Is by no means a fake,
though It can be truthfully described
as a hum bug." Baltimore American.
A man should have no secrets from
his wife, except the surprise parties he
gets up on her birthdays.
I filfi I
,1 'JACOBS'!
I oil . ; I
The Proved Remedy
, tor Over 50 Years.
Price 25c and 50o
The number of cattle in Argentina is
estimated at 2u,000,000.
Ninety-eight per cent of the 50,000
blind of Japan support themselves by
practicing massage.
Personal knowledge
competitive age and when or ample cnaracier n piaccs us iunuin
the front ranks of .......,.
The Well Informed of the World.
A vast fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of
the highest excellence in any field of human effort.
A Knowledge of Forme. Knowledge of Functlone and
Knowledge of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of
life and health when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remem
bered that Syrup oi Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co, is an ethical product which has met with the approval of the most em.
inent physicians and gives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedy of
Known Quality. Known Excellence and Known Com-
nonent Parts and has
Informed of the world, who
actual use that it is the first and best of family laxatives, for which
Yagant or unreasonable claims are made.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably
known under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to
world-wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. Ae
its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known
to physicians and the Well Informed of the world to be tha
best we have adopted the
Figs and Elixir of Senna ae more fully descnptive or
the remedy, but doubtlessly it will always be called
for by the shortei name of Syrup of Figs and to get
the full name
Syrup Co.
ri4? whether you call for Syrup of tigs
LOUISVILLE, KYi. . lonoon?cngiand.
Color more Roods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colon silk, wool and cotton equally well and Is
Euaranteed to give perfect results. Ask dealer, or we will send post paid at 10c package. Write for free booklet how to dya
leach and mix colors. MONROE DRUG CO.. Unionville, Missouri.
The latest details concerning the construc
tion of the "Chicago- New York Air Line Rail
road" will be found in the '-Air Line News,"
which can be had free of any expense by writ
ing the
Portland, Oregon.
Write Us
Portland Oregon
Set Ui Bdoti
' Yos Go Elsewhere
Gold Crown,3; BrlrtKO Work, per
tooth, 13; PiHtts.fS: Bilver FUllugs.
60c; Gold rulings, fl.
VBX Tint Street VOU.1LAS i, OREGON
F will give you com-
plete protection
emd long service
You can't afford
to buy any other
Every garment
The best dealers sell tt
Coaasensatloa of Health.
Miss Harriet Curtis, the golf cham
pion, at a dinner in Boston praised
golfs effect on the health.
"Many persons," she said, "especial
ly women, have 111 health because thy
never take any exercise, and the'r
nerves weaken, and half their com
plaints are nervous, Imaginary ones,
that hard work would cure, I know
a doctor who has a patient of this type
a big, robust woman, who Is nerer
without a list of ailments as long as
her arm.
"The last time she sent for the doc
tor he lost patience with her. As she
was telling him bow she was suffering
from rheumatism, sore throat, nervous
Indigestion, heartburn, pains In the
back of the bead and what not, he In
terrupted her.
"'Ah,' he said, in an admiring tone,
'what splendid health you must have
In order to be able to stand all these
complaints. "The Washington Star.
Mow the Hna-anreraent Was Broken.
She (having nothing else to say)
It's funny how we vver came to think
so much of each other.
He Funny? It's positively ridicu
lous! The Place to Learn.
"Do you know much about mental
"Yes," answered the expert "by per
sonal experience on the witness stand."
Washington Star.
Personal Knowledgi
is the winning factor in the culminating contests of this
p i i . . i t . - 1
won the vaiuaoie patronage oi mimmiw
know of their own personal knowledge
more elaborate name or oyrup oi
its beneficial effects, always note, when purchasing.
of the Company taUtornia tig
printed on the front of every package.
or by the full name Syrup of Figa
and Elixir of Senna.
A nruarari teed cure for Hen veil. CoutrhR
LUstemper. Jndlffent.lon. Wind Troubles
iaier no emits. Hall oo oeiiti.
PnvHfAN UkvehyCo.. Rt. Paul. Mi inf.
tlAMTPr A jood salesman, (one
Wu I ill with home and biiKKy
'" " e-a jjr(.fern,(i) for good le
gitimate selling article in big uuinand. Will
pay from 1 160 to 1M per month, i'ermanent.
321 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Oregon
la wonderful In removing dirt and grease
spots. It fixes colors, bleaches, and pre
vents cloth from turning yellow.
All dcalern. Sample Borax, Souvenir Picture
in 10 colon and booklet lc. and dealer's name.
Are always reported when
Seeds are planted. Why ?
best on this Coast. Our
Annual tells all about
rertlluers, Incubators,
Aid for Book No.
at Tkm, Shrubt.
v -r A.
v v ' - ; k
Portland, Oregon
Banking by Mail
On savings deposits of a dollar
or more, compounded twice
every year. It is just as easy
to open a Savings Account with
us by Mail as if you lived next
door. Send for our free book
let, "Banking by Mail," and
learn full particulars. Address
Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
od f
no extra-
SI ads in all stylra and aU It1ze. Oct watrr and orl
anywhere, licst Urlllinf Tools made. Uet eaiap
logi and prices. EEALL & CO.
321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Ox.
P. N. U.
No. 17-7
HEN writing to ad vertlacrs plsa I
umuLiou in is paper. I
ui-- TT -fill miiii, i. ,mmtm
The Finest Gardens
Portland Seed Co.'s "Diamond Brand"
Because we sell you the kinds that grow
handsomely Illustrated and descriptive
our beeds. Plants, Roses, Spray Pumps.
Brooders, Poultry and Bee Supplies.
260 w tUo Jyvt t tpuitl eattUf
tic". Sock Na. 261 '' mi rtqixa
SpoKsne, Wash.