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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1907)
I. GOOD WAGON PAINT SAVES WAGONS If you want your wagon to last the longest possible time, keep it in good condition with THE Sherwin-Wiluams Wagon and Implement Paint GOOD SERVICE. GOOD COLORS. EASY TO PUT ON. ' SOLD BY ' Umatilla Lumber AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER TwICE-A-WeEK TOESDAY AND FRIDAY F. B. Boyi, Publisher. Entered as gecond-class matter, March 1, 1904, at the poBtoffice at Athena, Oregon Uuderan Actot Congress of March 3, 1879 Subscription Hatct : per year, in advance - ';. . '.12.00 . Single copies in wrappers, 6c,. , . ATHENA. ORE., cTMAY 31.. . . W. 1907 THE SCHOOL QUESTION, The Press believes the suggestion of a meeting of the tax papers of District No. 29, and the patrons of the Athena putlio sohool, to be held before the electionp directors, with tbo purpose of general disoussion of the eohoo sit' nation, is a pertinent one and should bo noted ou. : , : j : -., The, fact that, the Athena school the past year was a" 'glaring failure'' . is apparent to all, and any attempt to coat the failure with excuse, or white! wash has been effectually brushed aside or washed away in ' the result of the eighth grade examination. This grade completed its course and took final ex amination. " But one, .Miss Sylvia Buel, in he Athena eighth grade, was successful, in the examination. The Athena school cannot claim credit for the suocess and merit, of Miss Eduu Taylor, for the reason that she left the Athena public institution of learning, and took up the eighth grade work in one of the couutry distriot sohools, and to that school bolongs the oredit of graduating her from the grade. Thus it will be seen that the crown ing success of the past year's work in the Athena public school, is resolved in the graduation of one eighth grade pupil. ibe condition of this school cannot be bid under a bushel basket. Something must be done by concert ed action and that at once. Other towns and cities of this and other countries are now electing or have elected, their principals aud corps of teaohers for, the coming year. Salaries in the profession of teaching have advanced in proportion with in creased wage remuneration in other professions and vocations in all com munities except here, and if we are to have a school in Athena that will The E NORTHERN PACIFIC Through Vestibuled Trains, each way between St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutb, and Superior and North Pacifio Coast Points, carry the latest styles of through Pullman Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Dining Cars, and handsome Day Coaches. Dining Cars run through and meals are served at regular hours each da "North Coast Limited" daily in each direction Steam Heated; Electrio Ligh ted; Library, Buffet, Baths and Barber Shop in its unique Observation Co r. Washington & Columbia River fly. S. B. CALDERHEAD, Gl P. A., Walla Walla, Wash. J. F. KERSHAW. Local Agent, . . A. D. CHARLION, . G. P. A, Nor. Pac. Ry.f Portland, Cre. Yard M. A. JOHNSON, Manager stand above the curriculum of the couutry distriot school aud offer edu cational advantages to the farmer as an inducement to bring him to town aud educate his children, we must meet the salaries paid to principals aud teachers in other towns. Fail to do this aud the Athena school remains in its present rut the butt of ridicule; the farmer moves to some other town, where his children are ed ucated, aud where the family will re side permanently. ' Elect 'active, conservative men fr sohool directors, who will employ a skilled, 'competent principal; give him a corps of able assistants, ' which can be obtained only through paying Btaudard salaries, then Athena will have a school aud not until then. ' Now is the time to act What are you going to do about it? THE ATHENA FAIR. ' Genuine Athena spirit has entored into the proposition of holding an agri cultural aud stock fair iu this city this fall. : It will be a 'goS, The handful of business men at an impromptu meeting, held Monday night entered iuto the promotion of the enterprise with a characteristic shoulder-to-sboulder push, aud had other business men aud citizens been there, they, too, would have placed their shoulders to the wheel and added their weight to the first shove. However, their abseuce at this meet ing does not preclude their assistance in the general, long, heaving boot, and to hear the universal seutimeut that is' being expressed in favor of the worthy and commendable project, the only logical conclusion arrived at, is that all are united in one purpose that of making Athena's first fair a success in every conceivable particular. Nothing is to be left undone. Even the name, the "Athena Agricultural and Stock Fair," teems with a scope of moauiug that brews s interest and embraces the principal industries of Umatilla county. This fair is not to be construed as being a oaruival stroet fair. While there will afforded many places of amusement, at which the spender may be parted from ' his slippery shilling ; rollicking eutertai nment f oi the young ; music, concerts,, horse, automobile and bicycle racing eto.,, the fundi . mental objeot should be to hold a tA, genuine old fashioned county fair verythin such as your father and mother attend ed back in the states. The industrial, "agricultural and l-stock products of the Athena district alone, appropriately displayed, ' will foim sufficient basis for holding a good fair, but it is possible to interest Wes to j, with the agricultural, stock and poultry resources; Milton and Free water, with their mammoth supplies of fruits, grains and vegetables, to join us in making the first "East End" fair an unqualified sucoess. ' LITTLE BY LITTLE. The Springfield Republican used an expression the other day which would sound rabid if it appeared in the "Ap peal to Koason." It spoke of "the madness of our individualism. " Hith erto we have wlways supposed that we could not have too much of such an ex cellent thing as individualism; but there are other signs besides the Re publican's phrase which seem to in dicate that the opinion of the public ia changing upon this point In San Franoisoo. for example, they are about to try the effeot of municipal owner ship and operation of one of the stroet railroads. The experiment may turn out badly. It makes the advooate of municipal ownership tremble to see the experi ment tried in a city which has the re putation of being a paradise for graf ters; but the results cannot be worse than those of private ownership, aud they may be better. If the public service of San Franoisoo is corrupt, what is the reason? If its officials are bribe-takers, who has bribed them? Ownership by private oorporations has produced a fruitage of corruption which municipal ownership may possi bly rival but caunot surpass. One perceives everywhere in this country an awakenicsr determination in the people to do things for them selves rather than through interme diaries. Collier's says that the principal- business of the courts just now seems to be to try to suppress this spirit, but it marches on all the same, and by aud by the courts may fall into line with it. In Oregon and several other states the people are trying the experiment ,of making their own laws. They are nominating their candidates for offloe direotly instead of allowing the bosses to do it for them. Little by little they seem to be gaining confi dence to take hold of, some of those business enterprises which the fran chise-grabbers have made inetrumen talities of extortion aud corruption This new movement will meet with incidental disasters, but through ex perience wisdom will come. Amerx cans are as intelligent as any othor community, aud perhaps they are es sentially as honest. There is no good reason why they should not take as complete charge of their own 1 affairs as other people do. Portland Oregon- ian. ' COMING EVENTS. Grand encampment and grand lodge of the I. O. O. F. and Kebekan assem bly, Spokane, June 8-6. Washington State grange, Lynden June 7-8. Pioneers' re anion, Weston, June 7-8. " Oregon Pioneers' association, Port laud, June 19. Summer school of agrioulturo, Mos cow, Idaho, June 15-Julv 27. Teachers' summer sohool Coeur d'AJone, Idaho, July 15-August 27. Postmaster Robbed. G. W. Fonts, Postmaster at River ton, la., nearly lost hia life and was robbed of all comfort, according to bifj letter, which says: "For 20 years I had chronic liver complaint, which l ed to s ach a severe case .of jaundice that even my finger nails turned yel in wjhnn mv jlno.tor tireecribed Elec tric Bitters; which cured me and have kept me we?.l for eleven years. cure cure for Biliousness, Neuralgia, Weak ness and all Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bladder derangements. A won derful Tonio. At Palace Drug store. 50 cents. A Mountain of Gold could not bring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, Wis., as did one 25o box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, when it completely cured a run ning sore on her leg, which had tor tnrpd her 23 lone years. Greatest an tiseptic healer of Piles, Wounds and Sores. 3-fio at Palace Drug store. Piles tare dannerous but do not sub mit to an: operation nntil you have first tried Mrai Zan the Great Pile Remedy it is put up in collapable tubes with a nozzle tiiat allows it to be applied ex actly w here it is needed. If you have itching:, bleeding or protruding piles and M an Zan does not relieve, money refunded. Soothes and co-ols. Relieves at ono 3. Pioneer Drug Sttore. Deaths from Appemicitis decrease in the same ratio .'.hat the nEe of Dr. King's New Life Pill ? increases. They save you from danger nd bring quick and painless release fn consti pation and the ilia growing out of it. Strength and vigor always loll their use. Guaranteed by Wm. 3 tcBride Druggist. 25c. Try them. ; . Go to the Genii Store, the pla ce to save. ' ' . '. ' Fortunate Missourians. -'Wheu I was a druggist, at Li vouia. Mo.." writes T. J. Dwyer, now of Graysville, Mo., "three of my cus tomers were p et maaentl? cured of ?on sampfaon by Dr. King's New Discovi WT, and aie well and strong today. One was trying to sell his property and move to Arizona, but after using New Discovery a short time he found it un necessary to do so. I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as the most wonderful medicine iu existeuce." Surest Cough and Cold cure and Throat 3 t . .. uuu uug neater, uuaruuteea uy Wni. McBride Drucc-ist. SOo and Si- Trial bottle free. It's the highest standard of quality, a natural tonic, cleanses your system, reddens the cheeks,- brightens the eyes, gives flavor to all you eat. Holl- ister'8 Rooky Mountain Tea will do this for you. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. Pioneer Drue Store. Carrie Nation certainly smashed a hole iu the bar rooms of Kansas, but Ballard's Hore houud Syrup has smashed all records as a cure for coughs, Bronchitis, In fluenza and all Pulmonary diseases. T. C. H , Hortou, Kausas, writes: I have never found a medicine that would cure a cough so quickly as Ballard's Horehouud Syrup. I have used it for years." Sold by W. McBride. On Savings We Pay 4' ol 0 . On the Quarterly Balance or 3' 0, 0 On the tTWonthly Balance aiTz-,3i Try The TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY KEENE, Agent, ATHENA, OREGON The Crackers with a flavor INLAND CRACKERS Are not made by the Trust All Grocers Sell Them THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE GOOD HORSES AND RICS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED Horses boarded by the day, week or month Stables on 2nd street, Koulh of Min street r. F. AVrieht. - I'roprlotor I THE 5 -- TJq ryl p BaT BERT CARTANO, Prop. COOD LIQUORS A SPECIALTY Hourhound Bock and Bye Holly Tom Gin Three Star Cognac Blue Stem Whisky Famous Pilsner Beer Best Brands of Cigars. a-t tit P. ELECTRIC SIGN J L3i VV .. It J'. '"'";,' . ..,M Ccragpl! Remedy A Safe Medicine for Children. In buying a cough medicine for children, never be afraid to buy Chamber- rwroTi pprnv Tiinm n no llAUl O VJUUUU . i ,uv - n o t. ta niaAaA ntmoMniiv cough, and is the best medicine in the tJ Tint whon criVfin ftS SOOn 88 IU6 CrOUPV COUKU huiiocm-, U UClbtUU IUIO 1UI www, " " - D - - -i, -VmnnJrKr Annerli is not danererous when this remedy Will UieVCUl l"D s given as directed. It contains no opium or otner, narmiui uruBO , u 'ven as confidently to a baby as to an Sold in Athena DH0,u 0FFIC355 I RESIDEMCE392 I T " W-r '''W-Sl' 'Ww tYE5 TESTED'GLASSES'GRO UM D-f ITTED A tflliMi in lime saves nine Save many a uck tspell hy giving the child BALLARD S H OREHOUND SYRUP .V EVERY nhonld Iceop puppliod with Ballard's Horehound Syrup, if sh wintiuH 1o oavo )io,r children from serious nick epellB. It con tain.) nbHolutfjly nothing injurious, does not constipate. Good for children ns woll as adults. A cough often leads to consumption and Bhould be checked .mincaiateiy. I A Household Necessity. 3; m J. C. Rrhlth, IIouKton, Texas, writes: "I have J. C. Rmlth. IIouKton. Ballard's llorohound Byrup in my family for the past few years, and find it far superior to any other cough medicine wo have triod. Every household should be supplied with this worthy remedy." . The Delight of Children. -rURES COUGHS. COLDS. 8 L COUOH, SORE THROAT, BRONCHI- V nc 1MD A I I lllNin TDOIIKI PS. PRICE 25c, 50c, and $1.00 AVOID ALL SUBSTITUTES. Ballard Snow Liniment Co 00-502 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MO., ' Sold and Recommended by W. McBRIDE, PALACE DRUG STORE ATHENA, OR. dftncer from It. and reliei is always buio o - , for cnnrfis. colds. cTouo and whooping world for these diseases. It Is not only -D ... . aaun. by W. McBride , A. J . PARKER Kverythlng Flrit OlafiK - Mo d m and Up-to- 1 to SOUTH i SIDE MAIN STREET ATHENA OPTICALSPECIALIST I8EAST'MAIN)5T. . MOTHER Texas, writes: "I have used WHOOPINQ j mm (Mm Z7 :1