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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1907)
ATHENA PRESS ! Tuesday and IVIdays t. B. BOYD Pubfisher It has bn demonstrated again that when an Irresistible train meets an Immovable curve something happens. Henry Savage Landor never seems to be happy unless he Is undergoing hard ships that would kill an ordinary man, When he hears about Mark Twain's white dress suit Harry Lehr never will forgive himself for not thinking of It first James H. Eckels thinks large for tunes are good. Perhaps they are, but sometimes they get into the wrong hands. "What is home without a mother?" The answer comes readily enough If you can keep your mind off Mamma Holman. The fear that women will lose the nse of their arms is absurd. Men will not permit any such calamity as that to happen. , A Georgia man killed himself be cause he hated work. Lots of men with a similar dislike are satisfied to "kill time." The experts have not made quite plain the exact shade of difference be twene adolescent Insanity and Insane adolescence. Is the scientist who thinks women will lose their arms because they have no further use for them unaware of the fact that the practice of holding hands has not become obsolete? Mark Twain has expressed the hope that hereafter the public will take him more seriously. And the public cer tainly will If he persists in appearing In a white suit in the dead of winter. "Newspapers" nowadays devote most of their space to freaks," says Dr. Park hurst. After all the advertising he has had, It seems unnecessary for the rev erend doctor to begrudge the others a little. , - The newspaper men who are rum maging around for the "most beautiful woman" are going to get themselves disliked by thousands of women who have no patience with poor Judges of beauty. Says a Chicago judge: "I cannot forget that my mother was a woman." The statement Is not remarkable, but It Is a reminder fbat there are lots of men In the world who apparently often do forget that very thing. A Boston "auntie" U pleading with thoughtful mothers to cease buying their boys tin soldiers for playthings. "Auntie" figures that the warlike toys make little Harold bloodthirsty. But would It help any to buy Harold a stuffed peace dove and let him knock the stuffing out of the poor bird? through the dark valley of the shadow. Without it the splash at the, river or the crash of the bullet The almost universal reverence of the Indians for the earth Is Interesting In connection with their feeling about the ownership of land. The earth Is regarded as sacred, often It Is called the "mother" and It appears to rank second among the gods. A sacrifice of food is held up first to the sky and then Is deposited on the earth, and per haps rubbed Into the soil. The first smoke Is directed to the sky, the second to the earth and then those to the four directions In order. Other sacrifices are commonly held up first to the sky and then are held toward the earth. Before beginning to perform any sacred office the priest or doctor holds his hands first toward the sky and then rubs them on the ground. "It Is by the earth," they say, "that we live. Without It we could not exist It nour ishes and supports us. From It grow the fruits that we eat and the grass that sustains the animals whose flesh we live on; from It come forth and over its surface run the waters which we drink." Why pistols In hip pockets? London Is disturbed over a record In 1906 of 23 homicides and attempted homicides by shooting. In nine months of 1906 New York had 52 such homicides, to say nothing of uncatalogued attempts. Last year Chicago, the most American of our large cities and one-third as large as London, reported 109 homi cides by shooting, and added 163 sui cides of the same class. Ask the police to explain the difference In these death rates? They will tell you It Is because of the widespread custom In America of, carrying concealed weapons. A pis tol in a hip pocket Is an encouragement to a quick temper. It Is a questionable adjunct for a wise man, while a fool and a pistol make a combination that rep resents the height of irresponsibility. A very large proportion of the men who carry "guns" have little or no excuse for it Presence of common sense is greatly promoted by absence of pistol. Not only in nearly all cases Is It child ish, useless and positively silly, but It Is also Illegal, dangerous and a distinct abettor of crime. It removes from men not only the opportunity but the neces sity for clear thinking. It menaces friend and foe alike. It Is the confessed resort of the rowdy, the bully and the coward. It need not be argued as a point of law. We Ignore thousands of other laws. It Is a proposition Involv ing simple and straightforward com mon sense. .Take away the pistol and you probably remove four-fifths of the possibility of homicide. The man who is the most amiable to-day Is the very man who forgets himself to-morrow. No pistol means no yielding to sudden criminal Impulse; It means fewer un justifiable homicides and more real safety for the Individual and for so ciety, and therefore a safer nation. Leave the gun at home. America and Europe can see that Ja pan is being caught In the strong cur rent of modern. Industrial and commer cial organization and Is being swept far away from the old moorings. A Japan of factories and mills, machin ery and big corporations, wealth such as the country never before knew and a grim vlndustrlul grind strange to the Japanese Is coming Into existence. The whole color of Japanese life Is chang ing. Wealth is making Itself the usual object of worship In Industrial and commercial nations. Will Its votaries and the victims of Its bitter rivalries the human sacrifices of wealth abused and misdirected emulate the fents of arms which amazed the world In the lege of Port Arthur and the great bat tles from Llao-Yang to Mukden? Enthusiastic automoblllsts are urging that a national highway be built be tween New York and Chicago. The pro posed road Is not Inteuded for the amusement of rich pleasure-seekers, but for the farmers, who are to own trac tion wagons In the future and carry their crops from the farm to the best market A party has traveled between the two cities by automobile, noting the best route to be followed, the location of gravel-pits and the grades to be over come. It has obtained facts enough to make Its Inquiries worthy of respect. Whether the national highway Is ever built a such, there will be a continu ous good road across the State of New York In a year or two, built by the State or by the various towns and cit ies; and there are excellent stretches of good road In the other States along the line. Suicide as a panacea for earthly troubles held to be unbearable has been practiced by man since the dawn of history. There conies a time with many a tried soul when, battered down again and again by misfortune, the great haunting question, "AVhat Is the use?" cannot bo banished from mind. In gratitude of relatives or friends, sick ness that Is felt to be ultimately Incur able, poverty and worst of all a nature and spirit too constitutionally weak to fight the rebuffs of a careless world, all pave the way to contemplation of elf-destruction. This state of mind comes as experience shows to high and low and rich and poor. The rea son of the one Is not the reason of the other, but the desire Tor a final rest Is the same. One good hopeful friends and one good hopeful talk at the prop er moment will pull the desparlng one ILAM'S HOBS' BLASTS. Waxalac ICetes Calltnc the Wicked to Repentance. Alcohol is the blood of murdered fruit and grain. Black against other black Is dif ferent but not Im pressive. Take care of your wheat and you will not be worried by weeds. To back an unpopular opinion Is the finest hardihood In the world. The man who worships himself al ways thinks there Is no God. It takes more grace to do the little things than to do the great ones. j The people must be taught to be brave. A trimmer cannot teach that Conduct, of necessity, Is a matter of balances, and judgment the finest sci ence in the world. The only way to save men Is to set them thinking. Salvation without sense and work is a myth. Right wins. God's verbs have only the present tense, however we Inflict them into other forms. To see the right of a thing Is pro phecy. To get on the right side Is faith. To stay there Is victory. A pastor ought to be good company for the weakest of his flock and his habits safe to be patterned after. The moderate reformers are our own pickets, far out near the enemy's lines. Let us not shoot at them. Light Is the gentlest thing In he world. It forces no entrance, but It makes no compromises, and It gets there. Set your heart on the high thing and all the lesser will be served. The ef fort will be full of pleasure and the pursuit will make you strong. The liquor traffic Is an Industrial and political trinity. It gears to the social system at the saloon but gets its life at the still house and Its hope of perpetuity, at the still church. I S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls, both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third Street, Athena. Oregor X THE 1ST. NICHOLS HOTEL X J. E. FROOME, pbop. z 4 Only First-class Hotel in the City. : ''m I THE ST. NICHOLS 4 It the only one that can accommodate commercial travelers. I Iff " i f Can beiecomended for Its clean and well ventilated rooms. Cob. Maih and Third, Athena, Or. BISMARCK DREADED HER. Princess Clementine, Politician and Mother of Two Noted Sona. Princess Clementine, of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, who died In Vienna not long ago, was widely noted as a politician and also because of the fame or notorie ty of her children. M Sbe was the daugh !Vsl ter of Kln8 Louis C ifM- k Philippe of France and was born In 1817. In 1843 she married Prince Au guste of Saxe-Co-burg-G o tha, who died In 1881. Of cLEUENTiNii. her four children three are widely known Prince Philip, whose abuse of his wife, daughter of Leopold of Belgium, drove her to an asylum; Prince Ferdinand, who rules over Bulgaria and Trlncess Clotllde, who hns lost much of her great fortune by engaging In wild-cat speculation. King Louis Philippe looked upon Clem entine as his favorite child. She had a natural bent toward politics, and Bis marck, who said that she was the only woman he ever dreaded, declared that she was without principle. She was responsible for the placing of her son, Prince Ferdinand, upon the Bulgarian throne. . Until the young man was mar ried she practically ruled the nation. When Louis Philippe was driver, from France Clementine took up her residence In London, where she In trigued for -the return of her father and, later, her brothers to Paris. In money matters she showed great abili ty, and by wise Investments greatly In creased the large fortune left to her by her father. v Many Klnda or Day la One, A mean solar day Is the average or mean of all the apparent solar days In a year. Mean solor time is that shown by a well regulated clock or watch, while apparent solar time Is that Bhown by a well constructed sun dial. The difference between the two at any time Is the equation of time and may amount to sixteen minutes and twenty-one seconds. The astronomical day begins at noon and the civil day at the preceding midnight The sidereal and mean solar days are both invariable, but one day of the latter Is equal to 1 day 3 minutes and 66.555 seconds of the former. The old first church of Quincy, Mass., had In Its. history many homely details not without Interest. Mrs. Dolores Ba con, In "Old New England Churches," says that at first this church building rested on two rows of dressed stone. At that time the town decided that this dressed stone under three walls of the church was all that appearance de manded. This left the east side in a rough condltlonn, and that was the side which looked toward Thomas Bax ter's house. The Rev. Mr. Wiblrd, pas tor of the church, boarded at Baxter's, and the rough, unfinished side was con tinually In his sight, When he learned of the town's decision to let it stand thus, he exclaimed, "Why should not my side be dressed stone, too? It must be ; I will pay for It myself." There are many lovable generous things told of this same preacher. As he looked over the tax lists from which his salary was drawn, he now and again would erase a name with the re mark, "This man has been unfortu nate," or "Such an one needs the money more than I do," and would strike out the name, and thereby reduce his In come greatly. Another colonial church, the pastor of which Is described as a "forceful" man, was the Lexington, Mass., church. is related that when John Mahu was somewhat advanced in years some of the parish wished to have elders ap pointed to assist him with his duties. After listening attentively to the opin ions of two of the deacons, he said : "I suppose you will be willing to ac cept the office yourselves?" They assented. JDo you know what elders are re quired to do?" asked the parson. The deacons answered that they did not but would be glad to learn. "Well, they must groom, saddle and bridle the minister's horse when he wishes to ride; bring It to the door and hold the stirrup for him to mount ; and when he goes to other towns on ministerial duties, accompany him and pay expenses." The" deacons withdrew the motion. Teeming Million of India. According to figures printed In the British blue book and based ou the latest census British India has a popu lation of 204,000,000. This Is 41,000,000 more than It was twenty years ago and the Increase Is greater than was to have been expected In view of the high death rate, which was partly due to repeated famines. One hundred and ninety-two millions of people support themselves ' by agriculture and live chiefly on rice, I There are less than 3,000,000 Christians ' In India, of whom 2,600,000 are natives. I More than two-thirds of the whole pop J ulatlon can neither read nor write. In ! ten years the taxes have increased from 6 cents per capita to 45 cents. Almost as Good as Art. Small Edith was visiting In the coun try for the first time. "What do you think of our rural scenery dear?" asked her grandmother. "Oh, it Isn't so badl" replied Edith. "It looks almost as natural as real the ater scenery." Chicago New. 8 ore to Be Careful. Lady (meeting servant whom she had recommended for a situation) I am glad to hear that you are getting on bo well In your new place. Tour j employer is a nice lady and you cannot 'do too much for her. Servant (innocently) I don't mean to, ma am. London Punch. Morse Telegraph Antedated. The theory of telegraphing by wire was practically Illustrated in 1775 by Arthur Young, long before Professor Morse was bora. COMMERCIAL LIVERY STABLE HARRY M'BRIDE, MANAGER Best Stock and Rigs in the City. Competent Drivers. Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month at Reasonable Rate. NORTH SIDE STREET, ATHEAN, ORE Oregon Shortt Line fism Union Pacific Through Pullman standard and Bleeping cars daily to Omaha, (Jlili'ago; tourist Bleeping car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, Weekly to Chicago, with free reclining chair cars, seats free, to the east daily irom Pendleton. "Saving at the Spigot Wasting at the Bung" That's what buying poor paint means. Paint may be low priced by the gallon and be extravagant to use owing to to it's poor covering power and wearing quality. After the paint is applied it's too late to save. Start right and use gtr jHE Sherwim-Wiluams Paint - ,,JT uns- to PAINT BUILDING a-' WITH, OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. It covers more surface, spreads easier, and lasts longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed 1 1 1 ! ICdU itIIU .11. -a CALL FOR I COLOR. CARDS I Umatilla Lumber Yard THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. JACK WEIR, MANAGER Athena, Oregon Building Material and Fuel Yards at Walla Walla, Touchet and Lowdon, Wash., and Athena, Adams and Freewater, Oregon. ESTABLISHED 1865- ARRIVE Dally. 11:55 a. m. 12:30 p n 4:58 p m TIME SCHEDULES ATHENA, ORE, Walia Walla. Day- ion, romeroy. L.ew- lgion, ;oirax, r un man, Moscow, the Couer d'Alene dis trict. Bnokane and ail points north. Walla Walia - Pen dleton Mixed Fast Mall for Pen H 1 ti t A ti T.ollminfta Baker City, and all nointseiHi via Hun tlngton, Ore., Also for Umatilla, Hepp ner, The Dalles, roruana, Astoria, Willamette Valley Points, raliforola. Taooma. Seattle, all souna f oiuts. Pendleton - Walla Walla Mixed DEPART Daily. 11:65 a.m. 4:58 p. m 6:30 p m ' J. 8. Doble Agent, Athena Preston-Parton Milling Go. Flour is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown any where. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sella American Beauty for per Sack : Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. Athena, Oregon fps mmi m usu vjr iuartitt 1 AHT 1NG Til II a u ag NO POISONS. CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUG LAW. The Original Laxative Cough Syrup containing Honey and Tar. An Improvement over all Cough, Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for young and old. All cough, yrups containing opiates constipate the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar moves the bowels and contains no opiates. Prepared by PINE-ULE MEDICINE COMPANY, CHICAGO, V. S. A. SOLD IN ATHENA AT IIAWK'S PIONEER DRUG STORE j KON OF THROAT'. AMD El250S Viujuum I mi J ..J. tm.uw.iii . J). iii.ui Ho K0IWS for COO OIIS AflD GOLDS CURE DISEASES SAVED HER SON'S UFE My ton Rex was taken down a year ago with lung- trouble. We doctored same months without improvement. Then I began giving; Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed change for the better. I kept this treatment np for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly well and works every day. MRS. SAMP. RIPPEE, Ava, Mo. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY W. M. McBAIDR 50c AND $1.00 HiiliiJI M,.M iMU il .. I 11 H j a II I IT-iimm