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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1907)
"All roads lead to Pendleton" "Crank's is Economy Center thereof." May Sale of Summer Parasols Yes you'll need one, the hot days are coming. Our collection of the popular White Linen Parasols can't be equaled. My I say, there are some AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER i, Twiob-a-Week Tuesday ahd Friday F. B. Boyd, Publisher. Eutered as second-class matter, March 1, 1904, at the postoffloe at Athena, Or. jon Under an Actot Congress of March S, 1879 Subscription Hate ' pir year, In advance 12.00 Single copies in wrappers, 5c, ATHENA. ORE.. cTWAY 10.. ..... . 1907 AMAZING FRANKNESS. 6. F. Yoakum, president of the board ot directors of the Chicago, Rook Island & Paoiflo Railway Com pany is one of the few broad minded men at the head of transportation .affairs in this oounty. OVIr. Yoakum deals with the present-day conditions of railroading in a way quite different from Harrimau, Hill et. al. and his pre pared remedy for existing conditions will make the Great Northern and Union Paciflo magnates sit up and take notioe. He says: "I will be frank. The people are not without justification in their belief that the railroads have been system atically robbing them. It is not alto gether fair to put it just that way, but neverthelessjhe putlio has for years been paying out a gieat deal of money for something it did not always get." Those outside of railroad circles who have given utterance to similar expressions have been characterized as demagogues, radicals, extremists and even socialists and anarchists. Bnt Mr. Yoakum goes even further in his "demagogy." "No one," he says "is to blame for the present anti-railroad sentiment, but the railroad managers themselves." Mr. Yoakum says, frankly, that in his belief, the day of reckoning which has come will prove a blessing, not only to the nation, but also to the rail roads ; nor does he consider that any I 1 The Great Sale Will Continue for a Few Days. The workmen will soon be on the first floor when business at a stand still. We must dispose of stacks and stacks of merchandise at once to make room for the carpenters and masons. Dirt and Dust will soon be flying. Help us move out. People of Athena, We Pay Your Fare both ways. See hand bills. The big Red Sign is the Place. EUTSCH'S DEPARTMENT STORE MOT THE IARCEST. BUI THE FASTEST beauties at around f 1.88 to $3.48, kinds you never have dreamed of. The distinctive s'yles of these parasols will just oatoh your fanoy. 'I here are some Dresden designs to be used too but the white linen kind are most popular; they have sterling tipped sticks with ivory tipped ribs and in most cases the ribs are enameled making them rust proof for wasting purposes. Many pf the han dles are enameled in white. The entire lot is plaoed on sale at a saving of more than one-third. $1.75 White linen and pongee parasols are $1.25. $2.75 White Embroidered linen and colored silk parasols are $1.88. . ,, $3.50 Dresden silk and Embroidered Linen para sols are $2.33. ' " $4.50 Colored Dresden border and linen embroid ered parasols are $2.88. Evten up to the highest prioed are reduced tor the sale. lasting damage can be done. Listen to his remedy: "I am not in favor of government ownership of the railroads. I do not believe that under our existing political system it is practicable; but I do be lieve in the ownership of the railroads by the people. ' If every man who held property along a line of railroad held an interest, however email, in that line, and its control was in the hands of the men whom it was built to serve, instead of in the hands of a clique of manipulators, the railroads would be run for benefit of a new kind. Owner ship by the people I would couple, as I have said, with strict federal supervi sion of rates. No railroad honestly operated need fear any federal oontrpl that may be imposed." Here is a dootrine, says the Atlanta Constitution, which a few years ago would have been denominated the very essenoe of populism, and yet it comes today from one of the foremost rail road managers in the United States. Athena was represented at the Pen dleton horse show with only a few head of horses, but the stock ranks among the best in the Inland Empire. Flattering notioes appear in the Pen dleton press calling special attention to Athena stook, one saying: "Though one of Mr. Barrett's horses is but a colt and has only been driven a lew times, the team was very generally voted to be the handsomest span of double drivers in the parade. Athena was well represented at the show and carried off her share of the laurels." The Co-operative Commission Com pany has been stirring up things eo lively in Kansas City that the old com panies have inaugurated a boycott on the Co-operative Company and refuse to sell cattle to any packing house that patronizes the Co-operative Company. It will be recalled that the Co-operative Company was started up by the stockmen who protested against paying the increased charges made by the old commission houses. Th e Co-operative Company is owned by the stocK grow- Rebuilding PENDLETON CRGW1KC BUSINESS Ui EASTE8K OREGON era and it is to them that the packers must look for their supply. It is not thought that the boycott will in any way affect the new company but will serve only to make it stronger. Stock men have realized that they have been paying most of their profits of the middlemen and they have decided to discontinue this method of being held up. Athena will entertain visitors on at least two occasions this year. The seventh annual picmo of the Umatilla County Caledonian Society will be held here May 24 and 25; and the an nual colt show some time in June. No mention of a Fourtli of July cele bration has yet been made. CADDISHNESS OF MR. STEAD. if. . - William T. Stead, the English editor and adjuster in chief of international complications, has orowded into his present visit to this oountry so many insults and nasty flings at the Ameri can people whom he holds in contempt that small regret will be felt when he steps aboard his ship and sails again. Stead is a wonderfully energetio busy body, and has poked his nose into every world happening of auy importance within the past two decades. He is of the same school as Henry James, only that he is even more anti-American and sensational. Fifteen years ago Mr. Stead visited Chicago in search of material for self exploitation and the result -of bis oursory glanoe at the Windy city was a book that was never muoh of a suo cess, for the good and sufficient reason that it was not worth reading. This time he came aoross the Atlantic to regulate the affairs of our peace con ference, and because he was not per mitted to draft the resolutions, or for some other equally trivial reason be played the baby act and turned the vials of his wrath against the Ameri can people. One of the first things Mr. Stead did on his present visit was to assure a company of women that the Amen oan men do not respeoot women, iney treat them like children." He added "Surface courtesy is not true chivalry. And that is what the Amerioan man offers to American wpmen. Suppose a pretty woman approaches a group of men and announces that by adding two and two sidewise she ha9 demon strated that the sum is five. Do they call her an idiot? No. But a person who had real respect for her would tell her that she was making a fool of ner self so that she would discontinue the exhibition. Beautiful reasoning this. Of course under similar ciroumstanoes the ohivalrous Mr. Stead would call the woman an idiot and chuck-beaded fool. Although Mr. Stead has been ao corded the courtesy due an honored guest in this country he has demon strated that he is an ignorant and nar row minded boor, and America will tie well rid of a supercilious cad when he leaves. Walla Walla Union. COMING EVENTS Montana interscholastio meet, Mis- soula.Jilay 15-17. Oregon State grange. Hood River, May 2-4. Umatilla County Caledonian Society District convention of the Church of Christ, at Athena May 14, 15 and 16. annual picnio, Athena May 24-25. State Federation of Women's clubs, Spokane, May 28-30. Grand cnoamnmeut and erand lodge of the I. O. O. F. and Rebekah assem bly, Spokane, June 3-6. Washington State grange, i.ynden. June 7-8. Pioneers' reunion, Weston, June 7-8. Oregon Pioneers' association, Port land, June 19. Summer eohool of agriculture, Mos cow, Idaho, June 15-July 27. Teachers' summer sohool Ooeur d'Alene, Idaho, July 15-August 27. A Mountain of Gold could not bring1 as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, , Wis., as did one 25o box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, when it completely cured a run ning sore on her leg, which had tor tured her 23 long years. Greatest an tiseptio healer of Piles, Wounds, and Sores. 2 So at Palace Drug store. Carrie Nation . certainly smashed a hole in the bar rooms of Kansas, bnt Ballard's Hore- hound Syrup has smashed all records as a cure for coughs, Broncmus, in fluenza and all Pulmonary diseases. T. n. H Horton. Kansas, writes: "I have never found a mediuine that would cure a cough so quiokly as Ballard's Horehound Syrup. I have used it for years." Sold by W. McBride. Piles are dangerous but do not sub mit to an operation until you have first tried Man Zan the Great Pile Remedy it is put up in collapsible tubes with a nozzle that allows it to be applied ex actly where it is needed. If you have itching, bleeding or protruding piles and Man Zan does not relieve, money refunded. Soothes and cools. Relieves at once. Pioneer Drug Store. Deaths from Appendicitis decrease in the same ratio that the nee of Dr. 'Kina-'a NW Life Pills increases. They save yon from danger and bring quick and painlesa .release irom consu Tintinn and thn ilia irrowiDS Out of it. Streugtb and vigor always lollow their use. Guarantee i by Wm. JHCunae Druggist. 25c- Try tbem Coming Again The old and Reliable Eyesight Specialists ot Walla Walla JR. ID 115. GURRY. at St. Nichols Hotel, Tuesday, May It. Take the In Connection with the PA(0!FI(D IB. B. For Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, St. Paul, St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha, and all Points East THE BEST TOURIST SLEEPERS, PULLMAN SLEEPERS DINING CARS TIME TABLE No. 11 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, arrive 9:40 a. m. NO. 12 Mondays. Wedesdanys and Fridays, depart 9:55 a. m. For further information apply to FRED KERSHAW, Agent, Atheua, Oregon. Or to S. B. CALDERHEAD, , G. F. & P. Agt.. Walla Walla, Wash The Crackers with a flavor INLAND CRACKERS Are not made -by the Trust All Grocers Sell Them J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Barrett Building, - - Athena, Oregon BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE J .li WW 1 - j COOD. HORSES AND RIGS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- Horses boarded by the day, week or montli Stable on 2nd street, South of Main street J. r. Wright, - - Proprietor A A A M. A A AAAAA the ; Uorvln JXov BERT CARTANO, Prop. GOOD LIQUORS A SPECIALTY Hourhound Rock and Rye Holly Tom Gin Three Star Cognac Blue Stem Whisky Famous Pilsner Beer Best Brands of Cigars. "BERT'S IS THtPLACE" AT THE ELECTRIC SIGN mi' li f 7 C A- I . WW i .- fill v... w m i 7 11 - A Safe Medicine for Children. t .r o onnrrh mAif-Jiift for children, never be afraid to buy Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. There is no to follow.' It is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup ana wiwwyius cough, and is the best medicine in the world for these diseases. It Is not only a certain cure for croup, but, when given as soon as the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. Whooping cough is not dangerous when this remedy given as directed. It contains no opium or other harmful drugs, and may be Vven as confidently to a baby as to an adult. ' . Sold in Athena by W. McBride V I ... J ft -j v;,iiBiiiiiiiifiSt i- 17?tfv7 I V t 1 A' jV Makes the food more delicious and wholesome oyt bakino An ounce of Pre -venHion is '-.worth a pound of (aire. is worth more to ones health than any othr medicine known. Do not till your stomach with arsenic, calomel, quinine and debilitate the system, leaving symptoms that it takes years to obliterate. Heroine is purely vegetable containing nothing Injurious, and is a gentle harmless purgative, n TP PC CONSTIPATION, CHILLS AND vUIvErO FEVER, DYSPEPSIA, MALA RIA AND ALL LIVER COMPLAINTS. Does More Than We Claim. Don C. Morrison, Kissimmee, Fla. writes: "I have used several bottles of Herblne myself and have adviwnd several of my friends to uso same. I have found it to bo the best medicine for the liver 1 ever usod. Itacts gent ly at the same time thoroughly." PLEASING PRICE. 5oc. HARMLESS Ballard Snow KMW.S02 North Second Sold and Recommended by W. McBRIDE, PALACE DRUG STORE ATHENA, OR. ' 'V w ' y J? 5 . . t ' .it danger from it, and relief Is alwayB sure A: J. PARKER mm Everything First Clam - Mo l erli and Up-to'-datn SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ATHENA n Bum I J A t . . U-vJ bwQJEu rnnm oo,, newvoiw. IUB. Liniment Co. JJ Street. ST. LOUIS, MO. i 1