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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1907)
ATHENA PRESS Tusdy and Friday t. B. BOYD..,. Publisher Uncle Sam has enough to keep him iwake o nights without Cuba barking and scratching at his door. With her first proposal a girl Is con Tlnced that she will need a large blank book In which to keep the record of her offers. "Passes," says the Railway Age, "are not absolutely extinct" This may be so, but they may be listed among our rarest curiosities. Henry Watterson says "tipping" can not be defended on ethical grounds. Has anyone been trying to defend It on grounds of that kind? A German scientist says that gold when melted gives off a precious odor. The majority of people like the smell of It even when It is unmelted. Kouropatkln has explained why Rus sia was defeated by Japan. We may xpect very soon to learn whether It pays In Russia to tell the truth. A Pennsylvania man who robbed his employer of $000 confessed and was given a raise of wages, but we wouldn't advise any one else to try that method. An astronomer delcares that he can tell us the weight of the stars. But he can't tell us what particular good It would do us to know the weight of the stars. It Is claimed by Governor Swetten liam's friends that he looks like Ad miral Dewey. This only goes to show that it Is unsafe to judge a man by bis looks. The czar has informed Ambassador Meyer that he admires President Roosevelt No doubt Nicholas, If the truth were known, envies our President a little, too. ' The newest tiling in vests, as shown at the convention of the National Cus tom Cutters' Association in Chicago, buttons down the back. Fellow-cltl tens, shall we stand for this? John D. Rockefeller has Just given away more money In a single day than old man Croesus ever saw In all his life. Yet there are people who Insist that we are making no progress. ., There Is very little originality in Mr Rockefeller's gems of thought. Borne of them were written years ago, by men who may not have known where their next meal was coming from. Prof. Shaller Mathews says marriage Is no picnic. But that is only his opto Ion. By reference to our scrnpbook we find where G rover Cleveland declared married life to be one grand sweet song, which is much nicer than any picnic we ever attended. One of the leading physicians of Baltimore has begun to go hatless, and he advises all other men to do the same, assuring them that If they will do so they will never be bald-headed. But what encouragement Is there In this movement for the man who Is really bald? Some people have queer notions of philanthropy. A woman whose wealthy husband was sent to the Colorado peni tentiary for counterfeiting has sudden ly been filled with pity for peniten tiary convicts and has announced that she will devote the rest of her life to visiting the different prisons and alle viating the sufferings of their Inmates. It seems never to have occurred to her that they were sent to prison to suffer and that If It was desirable or Just that they should Buffer less the State could arrange it without spend ing a cent more on their confinement. It Is not many years since Ameri cans in England were criticized by Englishmen as using bad English. This all seems to be changed, for the other day Sidney Lee, a well-known British author, said In a lecture in London that the Americans use better English than the English themselves, and some of the London newspapers agree with him. One of them, In speaking of Americans, says, "Their best writers lueceed in maintaining a purity of ityle American law-books, for in stance, are models In this respect which need not fear comparison with that of our own, and their best speak ers are not only almost pedantically correct In their English, but have a copiousness of vocabulary rarely at tained by English orators." An Interesting effect of the agitation for an income tax iu France Is seen In the decrease in the market price of the three per ceut securities following the announcement of the purpose of the government to tax the lneor" de rived from them. The effect of the tar would be to decrease the net In come from the bouds, and would there fore be equivalent to a' reduction in the rate of luterest In some of the American States, New York, for In stance, when a city desires to borrow money for local Improvements, it se cures permission from the Legislature to exempt the bonds from local taxa tion. Massachusetts exempts Its own bonds from taxation. The financial authorities know that when the normal rate of Interest on money Is four per cent it Is impossible to borrow money at that rate if tLe lender is reonlred to pay back In tales one and one-half pur cent on the face value of the bonds. If the bonds were taxed, the borrow ing State, county or city would have to pay five and a half per cent Interest and collect In taxes one and a hair per cent, making the net rate four per cent They fix the rate at four per cent In the first place. They will learn In France, if they do not know It already, that an act of parliament cannot changu the operation of the natural laws of trade. General Kuropatkln's book, which is the history of a colossal failure, sug gests some reflections on'mllitary fail ures and failures in general. There Is such a thing as a success which does not succeed, and there Is such a thing as a failure which does not falL Na poleon Is credited with the remark, "One or two more victories like that and I am ruined," and the most brill iant generalship of alf may consist In repeated retreats, which are nothing more than repeated failures. The American revolutionary war was, on the American side, a series of failures constituting in the aggregate complete success. In some cases failure In the end sought entails success In some thing greater. It has been said that "no failure Is excusable," but If that Is true at all It must be In some para doxical sense. History Is full of fail ures which have not only been excus able but which were so sublime In their merit that the world will never cease to praise them In history, po etry and song. Some have failed rath er than do something dishonorable and er than do something dishonable and many because with Spartan heroism they obeyed the orders of Imbecile or drunken .superiors. The only failures that are real calamities are failures in the attempt to do something wrong. When nations or individuals get up schemes of plunder, by treachery or by brute force, and are beaten their failure lq an unmitigated evil, because they cannot fall back either on their self-respect or the sympathy of others. That Is what makes Kuropatkln's fail ure bitter, Russia had deliberately formed a scheme for the absorption of China by dishonest Intrigue and stealthy encroachments. It was a rob ber's enterprise and when It failed the whole world rejoiced and there was no silver lining whatever to the cloud of failure. The world, as a general thing, is extremely cold toward people who fail and warmly appreciative of those who succeed. "Nothing succeeds like success," It Is said. In the long run this is a good rule. In selecting men for important positions it Is cer tainly safer to choose those who have been successful In a similar position or at least In some position. That this rule Is Infallible Is a great mistake. Success may be accidental, undeserv ed or falsely credited, Just as failure may be, and some of the greatest fail ures ever made in war, In business, In diplomacy, In science, In literature or anything else have been made by so-called successful men. President Roosevelt's Literary Work It Is to creative literary work that the President turns for relaxation, and for a respite from the responsibilities and worries of his great office ; of these the general public can form no appre ciation. Some notion of the militant forces with which It has to contend was furnished at the close of the Presi dent's great fight to secure Justice to all shippers alike, and to the traveling public, on the' great highways of com merce. The Railroad Rate Bill was ready for passage In the upper house of Congress, when Senator Tillman dis closed the fact that the President through ex-Senator Chandler, had been carrying on secret negotiations with the Democrats of the Senate. Charges were made, and promptly denied from the White House, that the President had turned his back on certain Repub licans of the Senate. A merry shindy seemed Imminent, but, after Issuing his temperate statement, the President re mained silent. Why he- was able to keep still Is now known. Having made public bis statement the President said to his secretary, Mr. Loeb: "We are now In for a week's ghost dance. Chandler and Tillman and Bailey must have their fling. If I lead what Is said it will make me an gry. So I'm going to Interest myself In an absorbing task. I shall write that article on the ancient Irish sa gas." The "ancient Irish sagas" how many people know anything about them? How many could compare the Erse with the Norse sagas? Truly re markable Is the article In a recent magazine, 'The Ancient Irish Sagas," and signed, 'Theodore Roosevelt" It Is remarkable for the high quality of the writer's literary style, and yet more particularly for the deep study and comprehensive Insight Into an un usual subject Success Magazine. Speed Necessary, "My ! How fast you're running !" ex claimed the dressmaker's lapboard to the sewing machine. "Of course." replied the sewing ma chine, without a moment's pause ; "I've got to make a train." The Catholic Standard and Times. Delated TeatimoalaU. If the testimonials of love and faith on our tombstones were uttered la our dally life, how often would they have helped us over the briery fields and rocky roads of existence! Baltimore American. Those verses on the valentines read as If they might be the product of emotional lu sanity. (nfCVEEKLY 1408 Henry IV. defeated rebels at Bramham Moor. 15G8 Miles Coverdale, first translator of the Bible, buried at St Bartholo mew's." 1034 Assassination of Count. Wallen- stein, commander of the Austrian army during the thirty years' war. 1759 British frigate Vestal engaged and captured tlie rencn Irigate uel lona. 1793 British flag hoisted for first time on island of Corsica. 1795 Joseph Habersham of Georgia be came postmaster general of the Unit ed States. 1797 Bonaparte and the Pope concluded treaty of Tolentino. 1803 Egypt evacuated by the British. 1804 French army concentrated at Bordeaux for invasion of England. 1807 French defeated the Russians at battle of Peterswalde. 1820 Cato street conspirators, who planned assassination of British cabi net ministers, arrested. Five of them executed on May 1. 1827 Authorship of the Waveriey novels acknowledged by Sir Walter Scott. 1S29 Virginia Legislature condemned first high tariff bill as unconstitu tional. 1830 Bread riots in 'Liverpool Thou sands of lives lost by earthquake in Chile. 1854 Mrs. Kendal, famous English ac tress, made her debut at Marylebons theater. .. .Czar of Russia proclaim ed war against the Turks. 1855 French spoliation bill vetoed by President Pierce. 1850 Duchess de Carmont Laforce mur dered by her groom in Paris. 1857 Fanny Davenport made her New York debut at Chambers street thea ter. 1858 British defeated 20,000 Sepoys near Lucknow. 1861 Order of the Star of India insti tuted. 1803 Capt. Speke and Grant announced discovery of the Nile in Lake Ny anza. .. .National banking system of United States organized. 1805 Wisconsin ratified the constitu tional amendment. 1808 Disraeli became Premier of Eng land on the resignation of the Earl of Derby. 1809 Martial law declared in Tennessee. 1875 United States passed presidential electors' bill, providing that no State could be disfranchised without the joint approval of both houses. 1878 Silver remonetized. 1884 Remains of the victims of the Jeannette Arctic expedition reached New" York .... House of Commons voted to uphold Gladstone's Egyptian policy. 1885 Dedication of Washington monu ment at Washington, D. C. - 18S9 Richard Pigott confessed forgery of the Parnell letters. .. .President Cleveland signed bill admitting Washington, Montana and the Da kotas to statehood. 1891 Egyptians defeated Osman Digna at Tokar.... Charles Foster of Ohio appointed Secretary of the Treasury t . . . Gen. Da Fonseca elected Presi dent of Brazil. 1893 Episcopal jubilee of Pope Leo XIII. celebrated. 1894 John Y. McKane sent to Sing Sing for election frauds at Gravesend, L. I. 1895 Ex-Queen of Hawaii sentenced to Imprisonment for conspiring against the republic 1S96 The Confederate States' Museum, at Richmond, Va., dedicated. .. .Dy namite explosion in Johannesburg killed and injured 300 persons. 1897 Fleet of the powers bombarded the insurgents at Canea, Crete. . . . The powers ordered Greece to with draw from Crete. ' ; 1S99 Russia curtailed Finland's rights in self-government. 1901 First territorial legislature of Ha waii convened. .United States Steel Corporation Incorporated. 1902 President Roosevelt refused to re open the Sampson-Schley controversy ....Miss Ellen M. Stone released by the Macedonian brigands. 190-1 United States Senate ratified Pan ama canal treaty. 1900 Armstrong Insurance investigating committee presented its report to the New York Legislature. Before and After. "After all," said the morallzer, "hap piness Is merely a mental condition. "Yes, after all," rejoined the demor alizer, "but before that It Is mor of a financial condition." Vp to the Editor. "Are you writing for publication!" asked the Inquisitive caller. MI don't know yet," answered the would-be humorist, as he Jabbed his ! pen Into the mucilage bottle. j S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls, both night and day. Call promptly answered. Offlot on Third Street. Athena, Orcgor THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL t J- E. FROOME, pkop. I Only First-class Hotel in the City. 'iff I THE ST. NICHOLS i Is the only one that can accommodate oommarclal travelers. : w ! Can beieeomended for Us clean and X weu ventilated rooms. 4 w niui AHU XHIRD, ATBINA.Or. 4 COMMERCIAL LIVERY STABLE HARRY M GRIDE, MANACEB Best Stock and Rigs in the City. Competent Drivers. Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month at Reasonable Rate. NORTH SIDE STREET, ATHEAN, ORE Oregon Shqt line esm Union Pacific rhroueh Pullman standard and tileeninir cars dully to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping tar uauy uj ivannas uiiy; mrougn riilljriai) tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining cha'.r cars, seats free, to the east dally irom reuuiebon. ABKIVB Dally. TIMS SCHEDULES ATHENA, ORE DEPART Daily. Walla Walla. Day ton, Fomeroy, Lew- lHiua, i.;ouax. run- 11:53 a. m. man. Moscow, the 11:55a.m. uouer a'Aiene dis trict. Spokane and ail points north. Walla Walia Pen dieton Mixed 12:30 pro Fast Mail for Pen. dieton, LaQrande, Baker CItv. unci nil points eist via Huu tington, Ore., Also for Umatilla, Hepp ner, The Dalles, Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley Pl.lntu 1 'ftllfni-nlu 1:53 p m 4:53 p. m Tanoma, Seattle, all inouuu roini. Pendleton - Walla 6:30 pm Walla Mixed . J. S. Lioble Agent, Athena IDlEE NO POISONS. CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUG LAW. The Original Laxative Cough Syrup containing" Honey and Tar. Art Improvement ovor a!f Cough. Luntf and Bronchial Remedies. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for young and old. All cough syrups containing opiates constipate the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar moves the bowels and contains no opiates. Prepared by P1NE-VLE MEDICINE COMPANY. CHICAGO, V. S. A. SOLD IN ATHENA AT HAWK'S PIONEER DRUG STORE swwMP'9TMrfy''lrMMl'Jll''l'-''''' ; ' OF THROAT AfJD 1 LSsats u LisiKs I "Saving at the Spigot Wasting It covers more surface, spreads easier, and lasts longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed tea ana oil. CALL FOR COLOR CARDS Umatilla Lumber Yard THE TUW-LUi LUMBER CO. J ACK WEIR, MANAGER Athena, Oregon t ' - - . Building Material and Fuel Yards at Walla Walla, Touchet and Lowdon, Wash., y , and Athena, Adams and Freewater, Oregon. BeiBaooBiaa - ESTABLISHED 1865 I Preston-Parton Milling Go. ! Flour is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown any where. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells American Beauty for Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. CON. PR. OCIllWS a...... t-ri 'V uT ttute"' W for OOliOllS Am GOLDS GOOES ulTHROAT.ud LUiii DISEASES SAVED HER SON'S UFE My son Rex was taken down a year ago with lung trouble. We doctored some months without improvement. Then I began giving Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for the better. I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly well and works every day. SAMp MppEEf SOLD AND GUARANTEED W. M. McBAIDE at the Bung" That's what buying poor paint means. Paint may be low priced by the gallon and be extravagant to use owing to to it's poor covering power and wearing quality. After the paint is applied it's too late to save. Start right and use The Sherwm-Villiams Paint if fyr per Athena, Oregon Ini Sa&MtMatattal 50c AMD SI.OO BY E I 3 f-, jt V . . ....