WATCHES AND JEWELRY F. H. COOLIDGE, Athena When Thirsty Try our Ice Cream and Soda and you'll Keep Cool SPECIAL 17 Jewel Watch, Heavy Dust-proof Case, only $12.00 PIONEER DRUG STORE North Side of Ma in Street BYROPf N. HAWKS, Prop NUMBER 37. VOLUME XIX. ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FIRDAY. MAY 10. 1907. mm 0 k- tSi i0nn "ii arm, i'iwi mmi 0m i mwi r , - ,-,-,"r. 1 MANASSE'S UP TO DATE STORE Agent forButterick Patterns. ! Reduced Prices on New, Fashionable Garments Commencing Saturday, May 11 we will give a rednotion of twenty per cent on every Ladies' White and Colored Waist in onr store. We hare a superb as sortment to select from, having bought heavily, and owing to the baokward season for sale of these garments, we are com pelled to give Unheard of Reductions tight iu the middle of the season. All are ptetty models in the latest styles. Same rednotion on Ladies' Snmmer Dress Skirts, all of the celebrated Griffon Brand, which insures you fit, style, and quality. Athena's Up To Date Store Agent for Butterick Patterns. ALL-STEEL BOX GARS FOR U. P. Will Open a New Era in Freight Transportation. BRIDGES OF STEEL With their own all-steel passenger and postal cars now on the rails, the Omaha shops of the Union Pacific have turned out two sample all-eteel box cars from designs of the rjotive power department, ibis is another step toward the approaching era of steel rolling stock of all kinds. It leaves to be produced only the all-steel dining car. which oalls for no new structural features soon as are em bodied iu other types. With greater oubio capacity, tbe all steel box car weighs only 37,800 pounds, or two tons less thun the stan dard wooden oar. Beside tbe element of greater safety and protection of soods in transit, the steel car has the advantage of requiring less repair than the wooden oar, will 'to out of service less frequently and will give more as well as better service to the carrier and to shippers. A single 15-iuch "I" beam forms tbe center sill of tbe oar, below the double steel flooring. The sides and ends are of thin steel, riveted every two feet to angle carlins. Each door is a single sheet of steel, reinforced, like tbe sides aDd ends of the car, by diagonal biacing. The only difference in dimensions between the steel and wooden Union Paciflo box car is that the steel car is fonr and a balf inches wider and two inches lower. Tbe length, 10 feet, is tbe same, bnt tbe steel car has a great er oapacity by 50 oubio feet. Hereafter County Bridges Will Be of This Material. SIXTY-FEET SPAN, NEAR TOWN City Bock Crusher Will Be Set to Work Crushing: Bock for Piers and Abutments. Hereafter all bridges constructed by the oounty Court of Umatilla County, will be of steel. The spans will rest on stone and concrete abutments and u hv SUCCESSORS TO ELY , SCOTT) mm Caislhi Store Big sale on Shoes for one month, All Shoes now in stock must go at a sacrifice to make room for new stock. See Bargain Counter. T. M. FAGGART & COMPANY, & South Side Main Street piers. This is the statement made by Coun ty Commissioner Horace Walker, who was ia tbe oity Wednesday from Pen dleton. Mr. Walker was in company with a member of the oompany having tbe contraot for putting in the new bridge across Wild Horse creek in the southwest part of town. This bridge is of steel structure. The span will be sixty feet long, clear ing tbe creek without piers and will rest on stone and oonorete abutments. The absence of piers in the middle of the stream will obviate all dauger of damage from floods, for the reason that the water will have free and un- obstrnctive passage under the bridge. it being impossible for drift -wood and other debris to collect against the bridge. While here tbe oounty commissioner partially made arrangements for crush ed rock to be furnished by tho city plant for nse in the abutment work. The bridge company will require ahont 25 yards of crushed rook, tbe comity desires to purchase 30 or 40 yards and the city requires a nuniDer of yards for repair work on the streets. Chet Mo- Collough is figuring on the work and when the big crusher starts in, about 100 yards of rock will be run through the machine. The steel and cement has arrived and so soon as the crnsbed rook can be obtained the company will be ready to proceed with the work. Laborers are scarce at the present time and it may be several days before tbe rock can be crushed. - A VERY IMPORTANT DECISION Holders of Allotments Amenaole to State Laws as to Courtesy and Dower- By a decision rendered in tbe United States circuit court of Portland by Federal Judge Wolverton, the rights of courtesy and dower are held to at tach to reservations upon wbiob lands hive been alloted by tbe general gov ernment. The question of dower was raised in tbe oase of Sarah Wheeler against the government, while the right of courtesy was involved iu the Pair case, pending from this place. Tbe effect of the decision just ren dered says the East Oregonian is that the same laws regarding dower aud courtesy rights that exist also apply to those holding allotments on reserva tins. Under the laws of Oregon a husband, by reason of his right of courtesy, has a life interest iu all of the real property left by his wife. A wife, through her dowor right, has a life interest in one-half of the real property left by her husband. The question decided by Judge Wol verton is one that has long been in donbt and has been of great impor tance here by reason of the fact that tbe right to much laud upon the Umatilla reservation has been in doubt pending the decision. Aside from the two cases upon wnion decisions were given, there are a num ber of other similar cases pending while numerous others could be brought from the Umatilla reserva tion. As a result of the deoisiOn, white men having deoeased Indian wives will obtain life interest iu the allotments held by the latter dnring their lifetimes, while Indian widows, through the dower rlgnt, will nave a life interest in one-half the real pro perty left by their deoeased allottee husbands. The question of whether or not the rights of dower and courtesy obtain upon reservations was raised through tbe fact that iu the federal law re garding allotments the lands of a de ceased allottee snail descend iu ac- t oordance with the laws of tbe state iu wbicn the reservation is located. As nothing is stated regarding dower and courtesy rights it has been held by attorneys opposing those rights that they did not exist here and that lands left by dead Indians fall to the heirs of the departed. However, Judge Wolver ton's decision has been adverse to that contention. AFTER MORE POVER Walla Walla Comoany After Umatilla River Site. GIVES LIFE PRISONER A HOME Moses Taylor Intercedes With Gover nor For Freedom of Old Man. & ' ( Can sell you 9) Pitts 25 & 30 T 11 lieu U TOW: Moline IT bar and pipe frame Oliver, Cast and Steel, Steel Shares to fit all the Cast bottoms of No. 50 The "Dutchman" you know. If not, ask your neighbor about his. Plow Ext rs Stock Get our Prices Carried C. A. BARRETT & CO. Athena, Oregon. Good Groceries, Coffee and Tea A little story of deep human interest in which Moses laylor, tbe pioneer citizen of Weston, plays a prominent part, has just come to light says tbe Oregonian. While serving a sentence in the pen itentiary Mr. Taylor met and became friend of Henry Witzingerode, of Washington county, who was serving a life sentence for killing a man in 1880. "Dutch Henry," as Witzinge rode was called, had served 27 years of his sentence and was growing old aud feeble and was suffering from an enormous goitre on his neck. Mr. Taylor took compassion upon his fellow prisoner and upon Mr. Tay lor's release from the penitentiary a few days ago, he at once interceded for "Dutch Henry," promising to bring tbe old German to his Weston home for tbe remainder of his life if Gover nor Chamberlain would pardon him. When Taylor returned to his home north of this city Tuesday he bad "Dutoh Henry" with him, and for the balanoe of his life tbe old fellow will have a good borne. The safe, certain, reliable little pills that do not gripe or sicken are Dade's Little Liver Pills. Bost for sick bead aches, billionsness and lazy livers. Pioneer Drng Store. ANOTHER BLUE LEOGEOEPOSI Huge Gold and Copper Lode on Eidge Between Bogue andlUmpqua. The uncovering of a hugh body of ore carryiug high values in copper and gold iu a district hitherto unex plored, is receiving rnuoh attention from mining men in tbe Grants Pass section. The new copper lode, or belt is on Elk creek and on the divide be tweeu tbe Rogue and Umpqua rivers at au'elevation of from 8,500 to 4,000 feet. Tbe diatriot is 40 miles from the Southern Paciflo railroad and 12 miles from the Medford & Grater Lake rail road, now under construction. At present tbe distriot is reached by wagon road from Biddies, Douglas oounty. Several strikes have been made on tbe big lode and some 80 or 40 claims have been located. The general direo tion of tbe belt is north and south Tbe main ore body has a width at all exposed points of from 15 to 20 feet. The ore gives test values of from 8 to 8 per cent copper and from $2 to $12 a ton in gold. Tbe claims are in the hands of com petent mining men, among them being Dr. J. F. Reddy of Medford, who will seonre ample oapital to fully develop tbe properties. It is believed that another "Clue Ledge"will be opened up, as tbe showing on the Elk creek claims is said to be better than was tbe original showing of the Blue Ledge. The two districts are quite similar and tbe obar cater of the ore iudentical. MEAN EXTENSION OF LINE' ower Site Owned By Weston Hen is Valuable But Has Never Yet Been Utilized. A Walla Walla special says: Color given to tbe story that the Walla Walla Valley Traction oompany has nnder consideration tbe extension of its internrban line now iu operation . 1 between Walla Walla, Freewater and Milton, to Weston, and eventually to Pendleton, by tbe fact that another ignifloant move on the part of this company has just come to light It is now learned from what is con sidered reliable sources at Weston that tbe Walla Walla Valley Traction oom pany is negotiating for the purohase of the Umatilla Eieotrio Light s Power company, of whioh , Robert Jamieson is the president The point on tbe Umatilla river where it is pro posed to locate the plant is about 14 miles south of Weston, where there is a fall in the river suffloient to develop several thousand horse power within a distanoe of about three miles. Tbe Weston oompany was formed several years ago with a view of util izing the power for eieotrio lighting and power purposes, but since tbe completion of the Northwestern eieo trio plant on the Walla Walla river, the power from whioh is distributed through practically all the towns along the line between Walla Walla aud Pendleton, it is considered oheaper to lease from the Northwestern than to own and operate a rival plant And with tbe extension of its railroad liue to Wallula and Pendleton tbe North western, owner of the latter, will need the additional power available here, which would serve as a convenient feeder to its main line. CANADA PUTS UP HER POSTAGE American Literature ' Is Bankly Dis criminated Against. HEN II UNDER THE WHEELS The existing postal treaty between Canada and tbe Unitod States expired by limitation at midnight Inesday, the Dominion government having no tified the Washington authorities of its desire to have tbe treaty abrogated. All efforts on tho part of the United States to have the treaty renewed have failed and Canada will put into effeot the new postal rates already deoided upon. Seoond class mail mattor, inoluding newspapers, magazines and books, is tbe only matter that will be affected by tbe change. On tbis class of mat ter coming from the United States, Canada will advance tbe rate from 1 to 4 cents a pound. The effeot will be according to all expectations that the circulation of American newspapers and magazines in the Dominion will be considerably out down. Tbe prin cipal reason advanced by Canada for tbe increase iu rates is that tbe old rates were of far more benefit to the United States than to Canada as the circulation of American publications in Canada was far in exoesa of that of Canadian publications in tbe United States. X'be real cause for the change, how ever, is probably to be found in tbe loud and oontinued protest of Canadian merchants that the advertisements of American merchants in the magazines and newspapers so freely ciroulated on this side of tbe bordor resulted in tak ing vast sums of money out of tbe pockets of Canadians and putting it into the pockets of merohanta in the United States to the consequent loss of Canadian merchants. In this trinity should the grocer build his business temple. The' difficulty is not great, but it is exceedingly difficult to build well without these 3 things. We have highest grade goods in every line Each Article the Acme of Perfection Our entire stock is selected with the same care and discretion. REMEMBER Our prices are always consistent with quality. DELL BROTHERS CATERERS TO THE PUBLIC IN GOOD THING3 TO EAT Atnena, Oregon. Early tbis morning while a special train on the W. & G. R. was setting ont cars at Hillsdale, J. E. Johnson, bnt lecently discharged from tbe United States regular army at Walla Walla, and who was making bis seo ond trip as a brakeman, fell nnder tbe wheels of a gondola car and had both legs ground to a pulp. His schooling in the army served tbe young man well i in his terrible injury and when tbe trainmen reached bis side after becom ing aware of bis absence, he had torn his suspenders from his back aud used them to bind his limbs to stay tbe flow of blood. Tbe injured man was at once placed in tbe caboose and hurried to tbis city. Drs. Sharp and Plaruondou were called and did all tbey could to stop tbe flow of blood, Dr. Plamondon ac companying tbe injured man to Pen dleton. Johnson was conscious when tbe train loft here for Pendleton where he died shortly after reaobing that plaoe. He has relatives in Walla Walla and Nebraska. When found hy his train mates he gave directions as to bow tbey should lift him and place him in tbe caboose, Bnd on ar rival here simply requested tbe doo tors to give him something to make bim sleep. Tbe right leg was ground to a palp up to tbe knee, making am putation necessary at tbe thigh. Of the left foot and upward, above tbe ankle, nothing remained, bnt masbed flesh and particles of bone. Times and Prices Compared. Think of the range horses which were sold in eastern Oregon 10 years ago for f 5 to f 7 per head, and then think of teams soiling in tbis city at $450. If tbe yonng man of 10 years ago bad been wise enough to have kept bis old mares until today, the increase would have made bim rich. The time to stay with a business is when every body else ia trying to got out of it. Snob was the oase with the borse busi ness and cattle business. Burns Times Herald. - A tissue builder, reconstructs, builds up waste foroe, and makes strong nerves and muscle. Yon will realize after taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea what a wondorful ben efit it will be to yon. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. Pioneer Ding Store.