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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1907)
! r n Press Paragraphs Mrs. Wm. Dobson visited in Pendle ton Sunday. p(J. M. Hays and V. E. Hoven were in Pendleton yesterday. , For sale A Ladies Gresent Bicycle. Inquire at this office. C. A. Barrett and son Henry were in Pendleton Saturday. Miss Ada Ely was the guest of Wes ton friends over Sunday. Mrs. Walters. Ely visited her mo ther in Pendleton Sunday. y Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mansfield spent 'Saturday and Sunday with friends in Weston. "Will Anderson, who was seriously ill for a time at bis borne in Milton, is recovering, Mrs. Albert Swaney, who has been seriously ill for the nasi few -days,, is improviDg.v f 1 Mrs. A. R. Prioo, of Pullman, Wash., is visiting ber daughter in Walla Walla. Miss Giobous, who taught in the public sohool hero bos returned to ber borne in La Grande. All the teachers in the Pendleton pablio sohools bave been reeleoted, ut an advance of $5 per month. For sale A nice lot of household furniture almost new: will fio at rea sonable prices. ' . Inquire of Mrs. Wal ter Ely. Yale bioyole, coaster brake, for sale cheap. Run only 80 miles, and good as new. Inquire at Dr. Van Halteren's office. Fred Gross is building an addition to bis oottage on 4th street, which great ly adds to its appearanoe and conven ience. . Mr. and Mrs. Claud Hansoom drove up Sunday from their farm near Peu dloon, and spent , he day with the Foss family. Owing to increased express charges after May 1, the Pendleton Domestio Laundry will charge 85 cents per doz en for flat work. J. W. Davis will engage in the a- ou business In walla walla, lie will move his stook of liquors and fix tures to that oily. Milton Eagle: Miss Bessie McDan iel and Miss Nettie Cannon, of Walla Walla, were Saturday to Monday vis tors with Miss Jeuuie Dykes. William Ford, a Palouse farmer . near Pullman, bas just netted $200 an acre from Ave aores of potatoes wbiob be left in the ground all wintor. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Owens and Miss , Josie Owens are over from their home near Walla Walla and are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Williaby near town. Mrs. Marion Jack and her little daughters were guests Sunday of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Smith, from their home near Havana station, JrTbe Misses Kate and Jessie MoEwen ( spent Sunday at their home in this city, returning to St. Joseph's acad emy, Pendleton, on the evening train, yj Walter M, Pierce will deliver the annual address ilk "tfepioueer's picnic ad Weston, Junef ulti T. T. Geer, the mem'iiil address, Saturday, June 8. Mr. and Mrs. J. iu. HoJjaniel are moving from Athena to their borne on the mountain, and hereafter the Press will reach them via Weston R. F. D. Mr. and Mrs. Proudfoot of Walla Walla are in the city, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Foss. Mr. Proudfoot is assistant postmaster at Walla Walla. After meeting defeat at Waitsburg and Weston and being unable to secure suitable grounds for games at home the Milton college ball team bas de oided to disband. The safe, certain, reliable little pills tbat do not gripe or sicken are Dade a Little Liver Pills. Best for sick bead aches, billiousness and lazy livers. Pioneer Drug Store. lMisses Lula Gross and Ruty Dong- fas went over to Weston Saturday evening, where they attended the am ateur show given under the auspices of Normal students. Members of the C. W. B. M. please take notice- that- tha auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred Boyd next Saturday at 2:30 p.m. All mem bers are expeoted. . In all likelihood Main street Will not be paved with crushed rock, there being a preponderance of sentiment against the improvement among prop erty owners, any a the Leader. VThe business done on the interur ban line the first Sunday, footed up $350, wbicb certainly does not in dicate anything but tbat the line will be a paying enterprise, observes the Milton Eagle. A photo of Miss Edna Strahi appears on the beauty page of the Portland Sunday Journal. The Portland paper has inaugurated a beauty contest and is hunting for the most beautiful wo man in Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kirk returned borne Friday evening, after spending tbe winter months in California. Mr. Kirk is greatly improved in health. Tboy spent a conple of weeks iu the valley en route home. W. S. Ely left Athena Sunday for ise, Idaho, where he bas acoepted a position with a creamery. Mrs. Ely will remain iu Athena for another month, before joining her husband in the Idaho capital. Mr. M. Woodward and his daugh- Miss Fannie, are over from Walla Walla, spending a few days on the farm west of town. Casper is also ou the farm, having charge of the spring work now in progress. Robert Cunuingbam, a well-known mill man of Walla Walla, left Satur day -evening for China, where he will take a position as one of the bead men in the large milling plant of the Hong Kong Milling company at Hong Kong. Mrs. Maoklevoidof Walla Walla and Mr. and Mrs. Davis of Bloom field, Iowa were guests at theHiteman home iu this city Friday. The ladies and Mrs, Hiteman are cousins and Friday was tbe first tine in 28 years tbe three bad been together. . . . . . deader: A iexas Kauger," pro duced here Saturday night lacked in repose. Had the villaiu been killed in tbe first act, the "attraction" would bave been muob less harrowing. 1'he outfit skipped Athena, which ought to be thankful. Noah Remillard did not apply for a liquor lioenee at tbe special meeting of tbe city counoil Saturday evening, i (M Aer, as adveitiaed. A rflmoufitmnae onn- )The Athena publio sohool with the taiuing 78 names, against granting 'exoeption of tbe 8th grado olosed Fri- J tbe lioeuse was read before the ooun- day. The pupils of the 8th grade will j oil. As Mr. Remillard was not pre be given a week's review by the tBach- sent to request the granting of the er, O. A. Cannon, after whioh the lioeuse, no action was taken one way final examination will bo taken. or the other. The question of street Elegant SPRING MITIM Now that spring is upon us wa call your attention to our line of new and up-to-date turuituro. Pleasuro, comfort aud satisfaction come from an attractive iuterior of tho home. Beauty in furniture does not neces sarily imply the moBt costly materials, but rather good judgmeut in se lootiou. Tbe showing of everything now at our Btore is quite at its Lest. Every department has a bright, fresh, attractive aud enthusiastic display. There is a veritable harvest of bouse furnishings here and yon are as wel come to visit us wheu in Walla Walla whether you intend to buy or not as wo will take pleasure iu showing you through our store. Use Our Rest Rooms THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. 12 14-16-18 20 22 Alder Street, WALLA WALLA, : WASH Make Your appointments Here Emm G II. SHERMAN, Proprietor i t i .' ... i i n i. .. . " Nothing too good for onr patrons. We cut the best meat money can buy. Fish and oyster in season. Give us atrial. sprinkling was brought, but was refer red to tbe stieet committee, with in structions by the mayor to report at tbe regular meeting, which will be held Monday night. Our ladies' waists are tbe finest and best ever shown here. Every one new and stylish and a fit guaranteed in ev- try instance, atprioes tbat are sending them away from us very rapidly. . Ma nasse's Up-to-Date store. J. J. Morton has returned to Wes ton, from a eooutiog expedition into southern Oregon and northern Califor nia, says tbe Leader. He is looking for a new location, aud will go else where so soon as be disposes of his milling interests at Weston. JA number of Athena people went io reuuieion aunaay una wnuoooeu the ball game . between tbe team of that town and tbe Walla Walla team. Bert Cartano of this city umpired the game, tbe score of wnion resulted, Pendleton 6; Walla Walla, 1. Mrs. Geo. W. Bradley was in the city, yesterday. . She Jiad. been in Walla Walla the past week where sue was in attendance upon her friend, Mrs. Roulstone, who is ill at her Lome in that city. Mrs. Bradley returned to Pendleton yesterday evening. , Gently moves tbe bowels and at tbe same time stops the congh. Bee's Lax ative Coagh Syrup. Contains Honey and Tar. No opiates. Best for Coughs colds, croup and whooping cougb. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Children like it. Mothers indorse it. Pioneer Drug Store. THE COST OF INITIATIVE LAWS W. 8. TJ'Ren Makes Itemized State ment of Expenses. William S. U'Ren, tbe father of tbe initiative and referendum, takes issue with tbe statements tbat Lave been published regarding the cost of voting under tbe law, says the Oregon City Herald. Mr. U'Ren has carefully computed the cost of initiative and referring legislative measures to the people uuder the act of 1907, whioh repeals the aot of 1903. He admits that the postage expense in sending printed matter all over the state to 100,000 voters will be $3000, but be says tbat tbe cost of printing would be $3636 for 120 uaces of measures. figuring on 100,000 copies, whioh is one-third more than has ever been printed. He says the binding will cost $3600 and tbe paper $1563. , , The experience of Mr. U'Ren stands him in good stead in figuring on this matter. He bases tbe cost of address- ingiand., filling -100,000 envelopes .at. $i per 1000, totaling $4000. " The enV v elopes can be supplied and printed for $5 per 1000, or $5000, and be Re lieves thai, the cost of securiug the namos and postoffioe addresses of 100, 000 voters will not exceed $1500. Mr. U 'Ren's figures summarized are as fol lows: Postage - - - - $3,000 Printing - - 3,636 Binding - - - - 8,600 Paper - - - - 1,568 Addressing and filling envelopes 400 Envelopes and printing - - 500 Names and postoffioe addresses 1 of voters - - - 1,500 Nursing Mothers and ; Over-burdened Women In all stations of life, whose vigor and vitality may have been undermined and broken-down by over -work, exacting social duties, the too frequent bearing of children, or other causes, will find in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription tho most nntint. lnvlororatinir rp.stnrjit.lvo atrnnrtv. giver ever devised for their special bene fit, Nurslng,raothers wlHnd It especial ly valuable ih. sustaining helr strength and promotingxn abundant iKuirishment for the child. TSxpbctant wpthfsrs too will find it a pricelessNjafciPw ny)M-e the Bvstem for baby's coming ana rehtfxtlng the ordeal comparatively painless? it ran do no hnrm irj f ny jtate. or condltlTT? OLtnelcmam system. m Delicate, nervous, weak women, who suffer from frequent headaches, back ache, dragging-down distress low down In tho abdomen, or from painful or Irreg ular monthly periods, gnawing or dis tressed sensation In stomach, dizzy or faint spoils, see imaginary specks or spots floating beforo eyes, have disagreeable, pelvic catarrhal drain, prolapsus, ante version or retro-vevsion or other displace ments of womanly organs from weakness of; parts will, whether they experience many or only a few of the above symp toms, find relief and a permanent cure by using luiuiniiiy ana iainy persistently Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prescription. 'This world-famed specific for woman's weaknesses and. peculiar ailments is a ptire glyceric extract of the choicest na tive, medicinal roots without a drop of aleohol in its make-up. All its ingredi ents printed in plain English on its bottle wrapper and attested under oath. Dr. Pierce thus Invites the fullest investiga tion of his formula knowing that it will be found to contain only the best agents known to tho most advanced medical science of all the different schools of prac tice for the cure of woman's peculiar weaknesses and ailments. If you want to know more about the composition and professional endorse ment of the "Favorite Prescription" send postal card request to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for his free booklet treat ing of same. , You can't afford to accept as a substi tute for this remedy of known comptmitUm a secret nostrum of unknown compost Hon. Don't do it - GOOD WAGON PAINT SAVES WAGONS If you want your wagon to last the longest possible time, keep it in good condition with THE Sherwim-Wiluams Wagon and Implement Paint GOOD SERVICE. GOOD COLORS. EASY TO PUT ON. SOLD BY i i Umatilla Lumber Yard M- amn ' a Ij&s OPTICAL SPECIALIST Wvtllz ' ISfAST MAIN ST. EYES TESTED GLASSES GROUMDflTTED j j. Notice to Creditors. In tbe county court of tbe state of Oregon for Umatilla county. In the matter of tbe estate of Edward ' iManasse, Deceased. " Notice is hereby given to all whom J it may concern that the last will and testament of Edward Manasse, de ceased, was duly probated by the 6 bove entitled court on the lltb day pf March. A. D. 1907; tbat I have Qualified as exeoutrix thereof and will administer tbe estate of said de ceased. ; . All persons having claims against the estate are notified to present them, with proper vouchers, to me at my place of business in Athena, Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Dated this the 13th day of Marob, A. D. 1907. Gertrude Manasse, Exeoutrix. Will M. Peterson, Atty. bQ.--W. VAN HALTEREN, Qateopathic Iptiyslclan Office in Residenoe at seoond door east Mr. Hiteman's residence. Official hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. ex cept Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Graduate American School of Oste opathy, Kirksville, Mo. JOB PRINTING- Neat Workmen Past, Modern Presses HlgH Grade Stock First v National Bank $50,000 20,000 of Athena CAPITAL STOCK. . . . SURPLTJS,.. 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS JL MODERN BANKING FACILITIES OFFICERS - " : H. C. ADAMS, President. T. J. KIRK, Vico President, F. S. Le GROW, Cashier, I. M. KEMP, Ass't Cashier. - DIRECTORS H. C. ADAMS, T. J. KIRK, F. S. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, P. E. COLBERN. Total - - - 114,199 The publication by proclamations is not required by the new law of 1907, and tbe item of $5000 for that purpose must be eliminated from tbe oos'. Mr. U'Ren believes that bis estimate is conservative. May 14 to 16. At the Church of Christ, Athena, will be held tbe Distriot Convention of the Oregon Christian Missionary Convention. A splendid program is in preparation and many able speakers and workers will be present. The Bible-sohool. the Christian Woman's Board of Missions and the work of this North East distriot of Oregon are the features of special interest that will be presented. It will be the great spiritual treat of the season. Let every Christain worker in the city and vioinity plan to attend, no matter what is bis faith. Tbe city ministers and their congregations are especially invited. Further notice later. ' t V. E. Hoven. y It's tbe highest standard of quality, a natural tonio, cleanses your system, reddens the cheeks, brightens the eyes, gives flavor to all yon eat. Holl ister's Rooky Mountain Tea will do this for you. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. Pioneer Drug Store. Ivilosgrove Mereartifle Co PER CENT Is your idle money earning you four per cent? i You bave just as good a right to a share of tbe profits earned by yonr money as the banker who keeps it for you. We divide the profits with out depositors and still make a satisfactory profit for tbe bank. Our business has more than doubled during tbe past year. This bank bas .a cap ital of $100,000 fully paid in and is conservatively managed by progres sive nd successful business nieu. Your business will receive prompt and oareful attention. We will be glad to meet you any time and get acquain ted with you. W e pay FOUR per cent on saving accounts. Call or write for further particulars. This season we are showing the" largest and most varied stocks of new and desirable goods in every department. We carry the best and most reliable Merchandise that can be produced. Since our advent into business a year ago we have made it our motto to sell first class, up to date goods at the lowest possible prices. Clothing Department Men's new Suits, the latest production of the tai lor's art. All the new weaves and patterns in great variety; double or single breasted. Men's new two piece outing Suits for hot weather. Youth's new Suits from 11 to 20 years, in endless variety. Boys' new short Pant a. Suits, from & to 12 years, in double-breasted or Norfolk. New line ct Men's separate Pants, light weight for coming seasou. GREAT VARIETY OF MEN'S NEW Underwear iu Lisle, Balbriggan or Fishnet weaves, in natural gray, flesh color, blue or white. NEW LINE of Men's fanoy Sox just received. New line of Neglige or Golf Shirts in Cheviot, Madras, Satteen, Mohair or Pougee silk. Dress Goods Departnft The new Wool dress goods of this season are simply elegant The shaded Plaids, Checks and Stripes must be seen to bave any conception of their beauty. We bave them at all prioes from 80 cents to $1.50 per yard. Tbe Silks and Waistings are elegant. Every shade, weave and price can be seen on our counters. No trouble to show them. WHITE GOODS in all the fashionable fabrics, Whito Duck, Indian Head, ISnene, Pore Linen in all grades, Piques, Nainsooks. Silk-finished Mulls and Organdies. Ladies new Fa brio Gloves in Lisle, Taffeta or Silk in two-clasp or elbow lengths, at all prices. We also carry the celebrated Masoot Kid Gloves and have just received tbe new spring shades. New Ribbons, new Laces and new Em broideries have arrived. New white Shirt Waists just received An ele gant assortment in either long or short sleeves, open sack or front. Owing to delayed shipments on account of the railroad troubles, our stock has arrived later than we intended, but during the following week we shall make an effort to display our latest arrivals and shffll take pleasure in showing you the best collection of high grade Merchandise ever shown in this City. Mosgrove Mercantile Company Ask for B. & II. Trading Stamps. They go with Gash Purchases. ft-f- ; - - - --, , ..Ml