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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1907)
m nn m The best is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is the best because it does the most good. While it makes the blood pure, fresh and lively, ifc tones the stomach to bet ter digestion, creates an appetite, stimu lates the kidneys and liver, gives new brain, nerve and digestive strength. An unequaled list of cures 40,366 tes timonials in two years proves its merit. In tablet form, Mood's Sai-saparilla is now put up ' - ;vt i. v -. .y -' w" in tablet form. Mood s barsaoartlla is now put up . ,T ", J ' . ... . In chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs, as well as Mrs. 3. IV Gee, 80 Would hireet, btonoham. In the usual liquid form. Sarsatabs have identi- Maes., says: "In 35 years experwnoe I have never tally the same curative properties as the liquid known Hood's Sarsapanl to fall, for spring form, besides accuracy of dose, convenience, econ- humors and as a general blood puriner; 11 cures omy, - there being no loss by evaporation, break- scrofula, eczema i has no equal as a f,ne" age, or leakage. Sold by druggists or sent by mail, spring medicine. It gives me genuine sausiao- C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. tion to say this." ' Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906. No. 324. She) Had the Fad. . Her arm about his neck drew tighter. "And promise me," she said, "that you -will write from every foreign city you pass through." Shifting her weight to the other knee, he regarded the girl with some slight suspicion. " "Do you love m so much," he mur mured, "or have you started picture postal card album?" Ok Yoke Mad by Lincoln. A recent rearrangement of the ex hibits In the Agricultural Museum of the University of Illinois brought to light an old ox yoke made by Abraham Lincoln, which was presented to the Institution In 1871. By order of Presi dent Draper the yoke has been In closed in a glass case the framework of which was made of boards from the old Lincoln home at Springfield. 111. FED AND KEPT OPEN JSY IMPURITIES IN THE BLOOB Whenever a sore refuses to heal it is because the blood is" not "pure and healthy, as it should be, but is infected with poisonous germs or some old blood taint which has corrupted and polluted the circulation. Those most usually afflicted with old sores are persons who have reached or passed mid dle life. The vitality of the blood and strength of the system have naturally begun to decline, and the poisonous germs which have accumulated because of a sluggish and inactive condition of the system, or some hereditary taint which has hitherto been held ia check, now force an outlet on the face, arms, legs or other part of the body. The place grows red and angry, festers and eats into the surrounding tissue until it becomes a chronic and stubborn nicer, fed and kept open by the impurities with which the blood is saturated. Nothing is more trying and disagreeable than a stubborn, non-healing sore. The very fact that it resists ordinary remedies and treatments is good reason for suspicion; the same germ-producing cancerous ulcers is back of every old sore, and especially is this true if the trouble is an inherited one. Washes, salves, nor indeed anything else, applied directly to the sore, can I , do any permanent good; neither will remov- ' I was iffilotod with a sore on my . A r f 1 - 4.1. faoe of tour years' standing. It Ing the sore with caustic plasters or the Wa dual? 811 pi?Far r and sureon's knife make a lasting cure. If fnver way until' became? every particle of the diseased flesh were everai cian11 T he "a 11 aken away another sore would come, be treated me fcTut thBore continued cause the trouble is in the blood, and the td"; BLOOD CANNOT BE CUT AWAY. Vertlsea ana commenced its ubs . - . - - . and after taking it a while I was The cure must come by a thorough cleans completely cured. .My blood, la ing cf the blood, . In S. S. S. Will be found now pure and Healthy from the , - S , . e 1 effeot of B.B.8., and there has not a remedy for sores and ulcers of every kind. geen any nra o wo aura uiwo it is an unequalled Mood puntier one tuat B.S.S. cured it. promptly cleanses it of all poisons and taints. It gets down to the very bottom of the trouble and forces out every trace of im purity and makes a complete and lasting cure. S. S. S. changes the quality of the blood so that instead of feeding the diseased parts with impurities, it nourishes the irritated, inflamed flesh with healthy blood. Then the sore begins to heal, new flesh is formed, all pain and inflammation leaves, the place scabs over, and when S. S. S. has purified the blood the sore ia oermanentlv cured. J3. O. t. is ior paie ar. an nrsc ciass arw stores. Write for our special book on sores and ulcers and any other medical advice you desire. We make no charge for the book or advice. . ; THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAm THOa. OWSH West union, Ohio. PURELY VEGETABLE A woman ' who wears a stuffed bird in her hat is liable to a fine of from $25 to f 50 by a law recently passed by the Legis lature of Arkansas. . A Japanese bride gives her wedding presents to her parents as a slight recom pense for the trouble they have had in rearing her. . , 7 mm PEKCHOM It means the hottest and cleanest flame produced by any stove. This is the flame the New Perfection Oil Stove gives the instant a lighted match is ap pSed no delay, no trouble, no soot, no dirt. For cooking, the Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove ' is unequaled. It gives quick results because its heat is nighly concentrated. . Cuts fuel-expensa in two. ilade in three sizes. Every stove warranted. It not at your deal er's write to our nearest agency. The FPfvyH r Mi" tst sWilljJ iamp for -round household use. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly constructed; absolutely safe; unexcelled in light-giving power; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted., if not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY . L. DOUGLAS S3.G0 AND S3.50 8HOES& L QOU&US $4.00 GILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANI PRICE. SHOCS FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICES I Men's Shoes, JM to 1 JSO. Boys' Bhoes, S3 to 1.35. Women's ghoes, MtotJlJSO. Misses' ChUdrea's nho,.3S to 81.00. ( tobe'tho best in style, fit and wear produced in thU country. Each X - part of the shoe and every. detail 01 the making is looked after J y, Lr.A ntr.hAd fivBr bv ukilled shoemakers, without reeard to W A ai - K Tf T mvAA tail Ton Iritn mv larA f t. ri p at 1 Ct nd ahow von how carefully W. L. Bon el as hdAiAM Shoes ara made, you would then understand whv they hold their shape, fit betta ear longer, and are or greater Tame man any oiner mases. k l TOEESTS AND THE pTJBLId Great Ttstker Anas ShoaU Be Saved froaa Detraction. At very small eibense a few veara ago the national and state governments couiu nave neia or acquired enough of the remaining timber belts of the coun try not only to protect river sources and mitigate Hoods but also to protect the public in its lumber supply and prevent the formation of a. monopoly control of so needful an article of een- eral use, says the Review of Reviews. ltie Koosevelt administration haa ex erted Itself strenuously to create for est reserves ana stop the further en croachments of the lumber trust upon the national domain. It has constant ly demanded a reform of the land laws, In order to better protect the pub lic interest Its chief enemy In all this attempt to save the domain of the people from the land thieves and timber thieves has been congress itself. It is to be hoped that the investigation now Involved by the Senate will be thorough and that It will shield no public men who have aid ed and abetted the process of turning the forest lands of the country over to the lumber kings. Whatever may be the objection to the public ownership and operation of practical business en terprises like railroads, there can be no sound argument against the retention by the public of the great forest areas of the upland and mountain regions of the country. The government Itself uow possesses far more knowledge of practical for estry than do the lumber people and by a Judicious system of leasing It could SUDDlv the lumbermen with merchant able timber without destroying the for ests. Great mischief has been done, but the situation is not altogether hone. less ,and the proposed investigation will doubtless be of great value. Even where great areas have been devas tated by the lumber trust and the woodDuln trust the nation or the re spective states can acquire them and make new forests out or them on scien tific principles. , i FOB TUBERCULOSIS VICTIMS. New Sleeping; Cabinet Which In sures Plenty of Freah Air. A great boon to those who are fight ing against the ravages of tuberculosis is the invention of a sleeping cabinet, which insures plenty- of fresh air. At the same time it protects the body of the sleeper from drafts and exposure. The device consists of two frames. The outer frame is extensible later ally, and rests on the window ledge. SLEEPING 'CABINET. The opened window sash rests on top of this frame. , Weather strips exclude the air from the room. The other frame rests on the bed. The frames are held In position by adjustable rods. A hood, similar to those on cameras, connects the two frames. The frames are covered with, cur tains. The one at the window is on a spring roller, so as to regulate the admission of air. The curtain on the rear frame has a semi-circular opening at the bottom, braced by slender rods. A flap of flexible material snuggles close to the neck of the sleeper. A small celluloid window Is also placed in this curtain. An adjustable pillow rest Is In the cabinet It Is a board hinged to the bottom of the rear frame and held at the outer edge by hangers from the top of the rear frame. The hangers are slotted and adjustable by means of threaded studs and thumb screws. For Him. Alone. The old negro had put on a clean collar and his best coat, and was walk ing majestically up and down the street ' "Aren't you working to-day, uncle?" asked one of his acquaintances. "No, sah; I'se celebratln' my golden weddln', sah." "You were married fifty years ago to-day?" ' "Yes, sah." "Well, why isn't your wife helping you to celebrate It?" "My present wife, sah," replied the old man, with dignity, "ain't got noth- In' to do with It She's de seventh." People's Magazine. Her Mistake. Tom Bess said "No" to me last night but I dont think she really could tell why she did It Nell Oh, yes she could. She told me. . ( Tom Did she? Nell Yes. She said she didn't think you'd take "No" for an answer. Phila delphia Press. w I- Tmi1m name nd price to stsmjwJ on (h bottom, whlrhjin ilfnfr,r .hoes. Taka KsMtluu. Cold ltfi ,iMr A.uuaMjttAWoi. Cattle mmMnt. . I Itii roiwts ths wmrrr anfnst Wrt UUIUUIS, JsrMktMjslaa Boring; Through Lookout Moan tain. The contractors who are borinz a tunnel through Lookout mountain for the Southern Railway report that 8,600 feet have been completed during the thirteen months and fifteen days of operation. . A man Isn't as apt to He about bis jge as a woman, but he evens the scors by telling about his salary. For Thin, PoorBlood You can trust a medicine tested 60 years ! Sixty years of experience, think of that I Experience with Ayer's Sar saparilla; the original Sarsa parilla; the strongest Sarsapa rilla ; the Sarsaparilla the doc tors endorse for thin blood, weak nerves, general debility. Bnt eren this rranA old medicine cannot do Its best work If the liter it insetlr snd the bowels conatlpsted. For the best possible re sults, tou should tike laxative doses of Ayer's Pills while taking the Sarsaparilla. The (ires will quickly respond, and so wUl the bowels. A Made by J. O. yr Co., Lowell. Also manufacturers ef . 9 HAID VlflriQ. ItPYQ. AUUBCURE. W W O CHERRY PECTORAL. There are anmrttiiarv taws even In thm Cook islands, where it is a punishable offense to eat more than 1,000 cocoanuts In celebration of a death. Mothers will find Mrs. Winnow Soothlna Syrup the belt remedy to Has fox thair children luring the teething period. No Harry. "Gurrafter has a rood city oositlon. hasn't he?" "O, yes ; he's had that for six months or more." "What work dos ha hava to do?" "He hasn't found out yet." TITO fit. Vitus' Dance and all Nervoos Dtaraaes 1 1 1 w permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Or at JServe Restorer. Send for FREE $2 trial bottle and treatise. Ir. SUB. Kline, Ld., SHI arch bU, Phila.,?. Juvenile Loarle. Vexed Parent Polly, vou nrovoke ma beyond measure.' You forget mora things than anybody I ever saw.. Polly But think of the awful lot of things I learn, mamma, if I can do all that foreettinz I Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching ieet. Bold by all Drucgists. Price 25c. Trial pack age mailed FR1-X Address Allen 8. Olmsted, LeEoy, New Yprk. Snorr and Rain. The first man to whom It ever oc curred to find out how much rala was represented by a given fall of snow was Alexander Brlee of Klrknewtown, who In March, 1765, made a simple experi ment with the contents of a stone Jug driven face downward Into over six Inches of snow. What he learned was that a greater or less degre of cold, or of wind, when the snow falls, and Its "lying a longer or shorter time on the ground," will occasion a difference In the'welght and In the quantity of water produced ; "but If," he added, "I may trust to the above trials, which I endeavored to perform, with care, snow, newly fallen, with a moderate gale of wind, freezing cold, will produce a quantity of water equal to one-tenth part of Its bulk." So that a fall of snow of ten Inches represents a rain fall of one Inch. London Chronicle. Mud en Hla Own Speclhoattona. Mrs. Jones Mr. . Jones sent these trousers back. He says they ara not anywhere near long enough. Snip (tailor) That's funny. When I went to collect my bill from him he told me he was shorter than he ever was In his life and I made these trous ers accordingly. Toledo Blade. From Outside Source,. Job Sturky This ia a pretty expensive mixture I smoke. Adam Zawfox So I'va heard the fel lows say who furnish you the ingradi-enta. Good Tin. "Do you think I can reach the heart of the haughty beauty?"' sighed the sentimental youth .with ths guitar under his arm. "Better try tunneling, old man," ad vised his friend. "Tunneling?" "Yes. I heard her say that yon wers a great bore." $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that acience haa been able to cure In all lti stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to tha medical fraternity. Catarrh belnK a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken internally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying ths foundation of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars tor any case that it iaila to cure. Bend tor list of testimonials. Address. F. J. CHHNET 4 CO., Toledo, a ooia Dy aruggists, voo. Hall's Family Pills ara the best. The number of laborers in the Indus tries of Franca ia about 5,600,000. Of these, 400,0(JO, on the average, cannot get work. A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. tanking by Mail WE PAY INTEREST On savings deposits of a dollar or more, compounded twica every year. It is just as easy to open a Savings Account with us by Mail as if you lived next door. Send for our free book let, "Banking by Mail," and learn full particulars. Address Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth and Washington Sts. asutttfMSat 3' The Kind You Have Always JJougrht lias borne the signa ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and lias been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow W one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-p ood " are hut Experiments, and endanger tha , health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic v substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind 1 Colic. It relieves Teethingf Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You to Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. TKC CtNTAOH OOMMNV. wT MURRAY STftKKT, NCW YORK CITY. iimpuswfuui mmmtmmtiijmi mm.m.'mmmmm'W. 'i 'sysms i,suM;sjiyia pin '1tVHijflTitfHiMi.ii How a Veteran Was Saved tha Am- . pu tat Ion of a Limb, B. Frank Doremus, veteran, of Roose velt Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., says: "I Had been showing symptoms of kidney trouble from the time I was mustered out of the army, but in all my life I never suffered as in 1897, Head aches, dizziness and sleeplessness, flist, and then dropsy. I was weak and helpless, having run down from 180 to 125 pounds. 1 was having ter rible pain in the kidneys, and the se cretions passed almost involuntarily. My left leg swelled until it was 34 inches around, and thp doctor tapped it night and morning until I could no longer stand it, and then he advised amputation. I refused, and began us ing Doan's Kidney Pills. The swelling subsided gradually, the urine became natural, and all my pains and aches disappeared. I have been well now for nine years since using Doan's Kidney Pills. For sale by all dealers 60 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y . ica Axle Grease II lengthens the life of the Rj vagon saves horse- I fl power, time and tem wmmmf r. Best lubricant ia I " " the world contains powdered mica which forms a smooth, hard coating on axle, and reduces friction. If you want your outfit to last and earn money while it lasts grease the axles with Mica Axle Grease. STANDARD OIL COSSPAXY I ' H riif 1 L ft The Finest Gardens Are always reported when Portland Seed Co.'s "Diamond Brand" Seeds are planted. Why? Because we sell you the kinds that grow best on this Coast. Our handsomely illustrated and descriptive Annual tells all about our Seeds, Plants. .Roses, Spray Pumps. fertilizers, incubators, Brooders, poultry ana Dee supplies. 1 Auk for Book No. 260 w tlw htv s ipecltl MUlor 1 ( Tims, Shrubs, Eio.'. Book No. 26 're on requol. . PORTLAND SEED CO. Portland, Oregon Spokane, Wash COL 1 ) mm mm :7V y STAND FIRM "When you buy an OILED SUIT ok SLICKER demand lti the easiest and only way to get the best Sold everywhere ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES FOR PRINTING HICKS-CHATTEN Portland Oregon HOWARD E. BTJRTON. Asssyer arl Cliemlnt, Letdville, Colorado. (Specimen prices! Ould, ruiver, iao, f i , udiu, on ver, : wnu, ow ; .ino ur Copper, 91 Cyanide tests. Malllug vnvelnpes and full price list sent on application. Control and I'm- ptre wora soituiieq. .uwivreuottl vwuvuiw jay llonal Bank. Z I ifiii i mi in mi in I aasasssaBBasBBv a jflllll lllli i WANTED A Rood salesman, (one with liorse and DUKKT preferred) for aood le- sTltlmate sellina article in bis demand. Will I par from SIM to tM per mouth. .Permanent. Address SPECIALTY SELLING COMPANY '321 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Oregon FREE SAMPLE MULE-TEAM BORAX With K-tv(f Illustrated booklet, giving 1,000 uses for Boraa in toe Home. Farm and Dairy, and a Souvenir Picture, 7iU ln.,10eOlors frea for to and your dealer s name. Adlress Faclfle Coast Boras Co., Uaklaud, Cat. P. N. U. No. 16-07 w HKIf writing to advertisers plesss is oi grwpejr PAINLESS TENTISTRY Set Ui Before You Go ElKwhtrs EXAMINATIONS fRM A Gold Crownn, S; Mrlrltre Work, per tooth, 3; riat.iS.JS: Hllver Jf'llllugs, t0o Uold fillings, 1. YALE DENTISTS 187 First Strut J'Uli l LAiS i, OREGON & V4 a, .C r --.vr 3b. ' 'T ""r" J AUSTIN WELL DRILLS Made In all styles and all sires. Get water and efl anywhere, lliwt lrlilliig Tools made. Uet oalae loss and prices. BEAIA Ac CO. 321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Of. DR. C. GEE WO Wonderful Horns Treatment This wonderful Chi. neite Doctor Is called gnat because ha curve tion that ark g'ven up j those wonderful C'hk f .' JJbe. nose neroe, rota, doom, r e barlrs and veitlilei f that are entirely un- a known to medU al d.vuui... itL. erica la this country through un. u,a of ium harmless remedies. This ieiiium doctor knowa the action of over sOOditfereut remedies, w&leb be bum siKjcern ly In different diseasee, Ua gtiaran'ees tocure catarrh, anhma, lunt, Uuoat rheumatism, nerroiwness, atoniach, liver, kid neys, etc.) has liuiidrla at testimonials. Charires moderate. Call and see biro. Fa: tenia cot of tha city write for blanks arid drcoXan. bend stamp. CONbl'LTAliUN fit It, J, Addresa The C Gee Wo Ctiinese Medicine Co. 1 62 W rb-at SU 8. t Cor. MorraMM Mention paper ParUaad, Oregae)