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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1907)
4 , fti I VOLUME XIX. ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, TUESDAY. APRIL 2. 1907. NUMBER 26. B MANASSE'S UP TO DATE STORE Agent for Butterick Patterns. Watch this Space for Valuable Information Regarding Dry Goods, Clothing, Underwear, Shoes, Etc, Athena's Up To Date Store Agent for Butterick Patterns. v n Here are a few of our Many One can Corn .... ... 10c 1 lb pkg Crackers ..... . . 10c 1 lb pkg Macaroni 1 c 1 pkg Grapeuuts 15c bars Borax Soap. 25c lo lbs Sugar . $1 I. M. fAGGART & COMPANY,- Can sell you Pitts 25 & 30 T Oliver, Cast and Steel, Steel Shares to fit all the Cast bottoms of No. 50 li C. A. BARRETT & Plow E I Good Groceries Coffee and Tea In this trinity should the grocer build his business temple. The A difficulty is not great, but it ;s exceedingly difficult to build well without these 3 things. We have highest grade goods in every line Each Article the Acme of Perfection " Our entire stock is selected with the same care and discretion.' REMEMBER Our prices are always consistent with quality. DELL BROTHERS , u VisJ vj aSa a i I y (SUCCESSORS TO ELY & SCOTT) Mcw.Ga'sh Store Harrows xtra Stock Get our Prices CO. CATERERS TO THE PUBLIC IN GOOD THING3 TO EAT WAS GIBBON MURDERED Suspicions Exist as to the Death of Former Weston Man. The Walla Walla Statesman says of the recent death of William MoQibbon at Wallula : ., i Because there have been two mur ders committed in Wallula within the past fow weeks, residents of the com munity believe there were reasons for another when MoGihbon was found dead in bis stable about six miles from Wallula. "Neighborhood gossip has it the man was murdered and his body then thrown under the manger, where it would seem likely a horse had kicked him, causing the death. MoGibbon. who was an Odd Fellow, was more than SO years old. A com munication sent to the Wallula Gate way and signed by an Odd Fellow urges that a thorough investigation be made. About nine o'clook in tbo evening before he was found, he got out of bed and told bis wife he must go to town after a hired man. That was the last seen of him alive. It is said the horses, one of which kicked him, were both 'old and gentle. A careful investigation by the au horities fails to reveal any showing of a crime having been committed. Cor oner MaoMartin was called but decid ed a u inquest waa unnecessary. He said today be would probably hold an inquest to satisfy those who' believed a murder had been committed. Cash Bargains 1 pkg Force ... .... : ... . 15c 1 pkg Shredded Wheat. 15c Sk CO. South Side Main Street Moline TJ bar and pipe frame ) The "Dutchman" you . know. If not, ask your neighbor about his. Carrie Athena, Oregon. Athena, Oregon. 10 II Days Set Apart for Cleaning Up City of Athena. CLEANING UP NOW GOING ON Athena Home Owners Will Not All of the Work Be Done on Those Two Days. Let Remembering that Wednesday and Thursday, April 10 and 11, are the two days Bet apart by the mayor in which to clean np Athena, residents of the town have already taken bold of rase and shovel, with the objeot in view of not leaving all the work to be per-' formed on those two days. The idea advanced by Mayor Pla mondon in the matter of plaoing the towu districts with a member of tbe city conncil to superintend the work iu eaoh district is recognized as being a good one, and promises to greatly fa cilitate the labor of being about better sanitary conditions and boantifying Atbena. Dnring the past few days many piles of disease-breeding and unsightly de bris and rubbish have been ratced tip and burned. Portions of alleys and vacant lots bave also reoeived atten tion, tbe refuse having been carted away. Should good weather prevail and the work continue as it has during the last few days the bulk of the cleaning up will have been accom plished before the dates named have arrived, and only the finishing touches will remain to be put on. HOLDS UP UNIVERSITY FUND State Orange Demands Referendum on Appropriation. The University of Oregon appropri ation bill is to be referred to the peo ple. Lfforts of Linn County Grang ers to' hold up the university bill culminated in a meeting of represen tatives of all grange organizations of Linn County in Albany. Besides the grangers there were iu attendance President P. I. Campbell of the University, and Senator M. A. Miller, member of tbe board of regents of tbe sohool. These men presented very strongly the university's case showing the need of more money than was appropriated. The $125,000 carried in the bill Was segregated by President Campbell, who explained the use to be made of every dollar. But tbo grangers were obdurate and at tbe close of tbe con ference decided to use the referendum to hold tbo appropriation up until tbe next general election, when tbe people will determine tbe fate of tbe sohool. But little argument was used iu sup port of the position of the Grange, other than "retrenchment." It was also decided to have reproduced an editorial printed in the Oregoniau of Saturdav, February 11, 1905, entitled, Machine Made Citizens," and scat ter thousands of copies over tbe state. Found Artesian Water. A correspondent from North Yakima says: Twelve miles from this city in a barren sagebrush section of tbo Moxee valley, wbiob as a matter of fact is tbe riobest soil iu Yakima county, when under water, J. H. Rose yester day struok an immense flow of artesian water after going down 1000 feet. The water gushes forth at a rate of two and a half cubio feet per second, tbe largest flow ever found in central Washington, Tbe well is surrounded by thousands of aores of land wbiob will soon be made to blossom like the rose. The strike almost caused a panio among tbe real estate men here who for tbe past six months bave been sell ing land in this region at remarkably low prices. Other wells will be sunk at once. To Remodel Fair Grounds. , Twenty prisoners from tbe State prison were detailed under Guards Elmer White and Frank Benson to commenoe work on the' fairgrounds Monday morning. All of tbe old buildiugs that are worthless will be torn down and replaced by modem structures. Such lumber as can be utilized will bo saved, but a general plan of reconstruction will be carried out, and it is tbe purpose of tbe Board to get the ' buildings and grounds in the best condition they bave ever been. Tbe latest in dress gouds, nien'a and toys' clothing is being opeaed at Manasse's Up-to-Date store. THEY NEED WOMAN'S CARE Lewiston Man Advertises For a Fe male to Help Him. W. D. Bobbins of Lewiston, has come to tbe conclusion that to be a successful ohioken raiser one must have a woman around trie place. He contends that chicks need the tender care of a woman cince the introduction cf the incubator. And with a view to carrying his deals to practical lines, he advertises iu the Spokesman-Review for a woman to come down upon his ohioken ranch and help him raise fowls. Mr. Robbins speoiOes that the woman must be more than middle age, adding: "I don't waut no triflers. This is a busiuess proposition. I conteud that chickens need a little tender oare and attention which they cannot got from a man. For that reason I have adver tised for a woman to help me. I do not objeot to children, provided, of oourso, as I specify iu my 'ad,' that they are uuder good control." Mr. Robbins is a man about 60 years of age, a vetorau of the civil war, who has led a frontiersman's life since be was a little chap. For more than 87 years ho has rnado tbo Lewiston valley his borne, and is known to everyone. His.cbiokeu ranch is about three miles en st of Lewiston, on the North ern PaciQo rond. Hotel For Walla Walla. At last plans are practically com ploted for the ereotion of a $260,000 hotel iu Walla Wallu. Tbo proposed structure is to be seven stories, with 300 rooms, and modern in every de tail. Two hundred thousand dollars is to be furnished by Portlaud capital ists, $60,000 having been subscribed in Walla Walla. The sito is owned by Bauraeister and associates and is lo cated on East Main street The scheme has been under way for some time. NEW LAWYER LOCATES HERE Will Take Charge of Peterson & Pet erson's Athena Law Business. Mr. S. F. Wilson of Burnsville, N, C, an old friend and soboolmate of Will M. Peterson, arrived in the city Saturday night 1 Mr.': V7ilsjji ' is a graduate of Wake Forest College, hav ing taken both classical and law courses there, and has tbe L. L. B. de gree. He will take charge of Mr. Peterson's office at tbis place upon tbe former's going to Peudletou in tbe near future. He comes highly reooinniended by such men as Hon. J. C. Pritcbard. U. S, cirouit judge, Hon. J. J. Britt, and other prominent persons in North Curoliua. He is highly cdnoated, uffa ble. and will no doubt win the favor of tbe people with whom be comes in contact. He was admitted to the bar of North Carolina before tbe supreme court last September, was a clerk iu tbe recent session of tbe legislature of that state. While Mr. Peterson will move to Pendleton and open an office, he will maintain bis relations in tbe Athena offloe with Mr. IVilsoa and will be here about twioe a week for tbo next two years or longer. Warden Does Things. U. C. Shumway, deputy gamo and lish warden, has made an official in spection of Dry and Pine creeks, above and below their confluence. He found two unlawful dams and removed these obstructions. One of tbem was outside his jurisdiction, and going to Walla Walla he enlisted the cooperation of C. W. Whitney, deputy game and fish warden there. ' These creeks, once famous trout streams, are now clear for Osb except in ouo locality, wbiob will receive at tention soon from Mr. Shumway. He thinks that Pine and Dry creeks should afford bettor sport for the angler this season than for tbe past 10 years. La Grande Capitalists Invest. The largest financial transaction in tbe history of Sherman oounty has just been consummated, W. M. Bar nett, the pioneer merchant of Wasco, has disposed of all bis city holdings, consisting of flouring mills, grain warehouses, general merchandise stock and store buildings. The deal also includes his banking business, wbiob together with bis other holdings makes the'doal in rouud numbers amount to $100 000. Hamilton & Scrogglns, capitalists of La Grande, aro tbe pur chasers. It is given out that tbe now firm will establish a Natioual bank at Wasco. The Price ol Health. "The price of health iu n malarious district is just 25 cents; the cost of a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes Ella Slayton, of Noland, Ark. Nw Life Pills cleanse gently and im part new life and vigor to the system. 25o. Satisfaction guaranteed at Wm. McBride'a druggist. ORIS 110. 112 Passed By City Council At Meeting Last Night. RELATIVE TO liRS DRINKING . On Conviction Before City Recorder for Drunkenness, Minors Will Be Fined $5 to $50. Ordinance No. 113., pertaiuiug to minors who falsely represent their ages in order to obtain Jiquor, and to pre veut minors from being drunk or in toxioatod in publio places, was passed at the regular meeting of the city council last night By section, the ordinance is as follows: Section 1. If any minor shall, for the purpose of inducing any person within the corporate limits of the City of Athena to give or sell to suoh minor any intoxioating liquor, represent to such person that suoh minor is twenty one years of age or upwards such min or upon conviotion thereof before tbe City Recorder shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than oue hundred dollars; and in default of tbe payment of any such fine shall be imprisoned in the city jail one day for each two dollars of said flue. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any minor to be druuk or in an intox icated condition at any place within tho corporate limits of the City of Athena, except upon his own premises, or the premises of his parent or guar dian. And it shall be unlawful for any minor to drink any intoxioating liquors within tbe oorporate limits of the Cify of AtJ;ua, except upon his own premises or" too premises of his parent or guardian, unless said intoxi oating liquors shall have been pre scribed by a physioian in lawful prao tioe. And it shall be unlawful for auy minor to have in bis possession, except upon his own premises or the premises of his parent or guardian or except upon the prescription of a phy sician in lawful praotioo, any intoxi cating liquors whatever within said oorporate limits of the City of Athena. Any minor violating any of the pro visions of this seotion shall, upon con viction bofore the City Recordor, be fined not less than five' dollars nor mora than fifty dollars; and in default to tbe payment of any fine shall be imprisoned iu tbe city jail one day for each two dollars of suoh line. . Section S. It shall be unlawful for any miuor to enter, loitor or remain in any saloon or barroom within tho cor porate limits of the Cify of Atbena. in wbiob are sold or kept for sale any intoxioating liquors. . Any minor who violates any provisiou of this seotion shall, upon conviction before the City Recorder, be fined not less tbnu live dollars nor more than fifty dollars: and iu default of the payment of any tine snail be imprisoned in tbe city juil one day for eaoh two dollars of said flue. Section 4. It is hereby made the duty of tbo City Marshal aud the City Recordor, and declared to be au es pecial doty of each oounoilman and the Mayor, of said City of Athena to endeavor to soe that tbe several pro visions of tbis ordinance are strictly enforced. Dr. G. W. Biggers Dead. Dr. G. W. Biccors of La Grauria. one of the oldest nioneer DbvaicianH of Oregon diod at tbo home of his son JJr. ucorge 1 lJiggors, at La Graudo, yesterday afternoon, after a several weoks' illnets. He was 71 rears nf nun and came to Oregon in 1848, when but a boy. lie practiced bis profession for 28 years in Union conntv. and nlto. getber lived 85 years in eastern Oregon, practicing at Bukor City, La Grande and Union. 1 he remains will be tak en to Albany for interment. Jury Report a Sensation. The Jackson County grand jnry. after oneweek's deliberation, present ed to the Circuit Court the most re-' markable report of record in tbe his tory of tho county. It recommended reforms in every department in every county office and held up tbe county poornouse as a rolio of barbarism. al though somewhat extreme in its sug gestions, Tbe report is generally ap plauded. Bitten by a Spider. Tbrouch blood noisonincr cannnd liv a spider Lite, Jobu Washington, of liosquevillo, lex., would have lost bis log, which became a mass of runuiuir sores, had ho not beou persuaded to try Buckleu's Arnica Salve. lie writes: "I be first application reliev ed, and four boxes healed all the sores. " Heals every sore. 25o. at Win. Ma Bride's druggist. j i A ;l 'I .J 5 Ir , 4 i