Press Paragraphs See Tom Taggart for bargains. Found A key. Call at tins office. Pearl Hales was iu town Wednesday from Adams. Ed Barrett, the contractor, was in Walla Walla Wednesday. 7 Born, to Mr. aud Mrs. Marion Jock,' . Maroli 25, 1U07, a dangbter. P. D. Mauu the blacksmith returned from a visi. to Helix Wednesday. Economy will make you rich. Go to the new Cash Store and save money. Newlv f nruished rooms with board ' or without board. See J. M. Hays, tf Miss Anna Waddingham and of Weston were Athena visitois sinter Wed- nesday. X H. C. Willis, editor of the Pendle ftou "Promoter "was in the city Wed nesday. Mian Tnannlta MnllflHtm And lllfltllfir. Herbert, went down to Pendleton Wednesday evening. Cliff Beleuger of the firm of Fred Wnhfir Iintilfiment Co. ot Pendleton was in Athena Thursday. Manager Shaffer of the Preston Purton Milling company, came down from Waitsburg Tuesday. The latest iu dress gouds. men's and Lots' clothing is being opened at Manasse's Up-to-Date store. The spring term of the circuit court begins Monday. Officers have already sorved nearly 60 subpoonas, Miss Lulu Duncan who Las been ' visiting Mrs. Harry McBride returned to her home iu Weston Sunday. C Two carloads of coal havo been ro cbivod at the Umatilla lumber yard, ' and orders for fuel can now be filled. Largest stock, leadi ug styles, lowest prioes at Pendleton's poular plaoe U C Itodor the furniture and carpet man. Miss Laura Depot who is attending school at Walla Walla came down last evening on a visit to Mrs. La Brae he. Miss Jauio Roobe,. correspondent for tho Pendleton Tribune, visited hor sister, Mrs. John Peeblcr, iu Fondle ton this week. htf Mrs. Lillian Downs-Dobson has been ( unable to . toacb her -school iu the Cannon dislriot for several days, on account of illness. Rov. Mrs. D. G. Curry will preach an Easter and Missionary sermon in tho Adams Methodist Episcopal church on March ill, at 11 a. in. At the Tuesday night meeting, the Robekah lodge conferred the degroes of tho order ou Mr. B. B. Richards, Refreshments were served. G. B. Marquis and wife passed through yesterday from Walla Walla to Adams. Mr. Marcmis stated that ho would probably be iu Athena Mon day, Tho Bufe, cortaiu, reliable little pills thut do not gripe or sicken aro Dado's Little Liver Pills. Best for sick head aohes, billiousuoss and lazy livors. Pioneer Drug Store. Subjects at tho Church of Christ next Lord's duy: Morning, "Tbo Soul's Auchor;" illustrated especially for the youug people Evening, "Tho Power of His Resurrection." W. A. Ruilsou has a few nioro of those beautiful art calendars which go with tho brown hoib tablets, .which he lias sold with such success for so mo time. See him about it. Dr. G. W. Vun Hatteiou of the Gar Hold Sanitarium at Garfield Wash, wus in Athona Tuesduy. The doctor is an osteopathic physioiau and may decide to locate bore to practice his profession. V Rev. Goo. T. Ellis and wife will leuvo California for homo, ou April 2. Mi. Ellis writes that he ba improved iu health din-lug the past mouth and hopes to conduct sorvioes at tho Bap tist ohm oh, Suuday April 7. Fied Shoemakor, the well kuowu insuianoo agent, was in tbo city Wed nesday. Mr. Shoemaker formerly re sided iu Pondlotou, Lot now lives iu rtlaud. Ilia wife U recovering trom a protracted illness. MilP D. II. Preston camo over f iom Wal Walla Weduosday, returning iu the evening. Mr. Pieston, who is a member of the Moore Automobilo oompany at Walla Walla, will remain in that city for tho next few weeks. Tuesday evening a uumbor of the friends of Misses Eva Clomous uud Ruth Kidder gathered at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. B. P. demons aud cele brated the birthday of the two young ladios, which both occurred ou that day. X The firm of Richards & Kershaw, I successors to O. G. Chamborlain, will ? 'make a specialty of insurance aud teal estate business. Both members of the firm aro hustlers, aud representing tbo leadiue insurance compuuies, merit a lucrative business. The Easter sermon subject at tho M, E. churob. Suuday, will be "Personal Immortality." All are cordially in vited. The Suuday aohool will render a speoially prepared Euster program in thoeveuiug. aud the regular services will bo dispensed with. it's the highest standard of quality, a natural touic, cloauses your system, reddens the cheeks, brightens the eyes, gives navor 10 an you eat. zioxi- ister s Rooky Mountain Tea will do this for you. 85 cents, Tea or Tab lets. Pioneer Drug Store. Mrs. Frauk Jacksou who has been iu poor bealtb for a number of years, is reported to be in a critical condition at present in St. Mary's hospital, Walla Walla. She is afflicted with stomach trouble, is not strong enough to undergo an operation. A tissue builder, recoastructor, builds up waste force, and makes strong nerves and muscle, xou will realize after taking Hollister'a Rooky Mouutaiu Tea what a wonderful ben efit it will be to you. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. Pioneer Drug Store. Wednesday evening after the prayer meeting at the Baptist churob, tbe lady friends of Mrs. Ed Barrett pre sented her with a beautiful piece of cut glass, in appreciation of tho work which she has done in the Baptist mis sionary society and church. Noah RemilOrd, who for some time has been engaged in the saloon busi ness at Walla Walla, will apply to the city council at a mooting to be held Saturday, April 27, for a license to sell liquor in the "Corner" saloon building, at the corner of Mam and Third streets. Rev. Conrad Owen, of Texas, who is now holding meetings in LaGrande, will begin a series of meetings in the Baptist church hero in the second week in April. Rev. Goo. T. Ellis is expected to be home by that time. Next week prayer meeting will be held eaub night at tbe bouse of some mem ber ot tne cnurcu. cfrurob Wednesday elected Mrs. Ethel Bunker as president for the ensuing term. The aid society assumed an additional $500 on tbe ohnroh debt, and will work during tbe year , with tbe ot ject of holding a fair some time in the month of December. Tbe ladies have already paid out $1400 on the church debt. George Gholson, nephew of W. J. Gholson, died in Walla Walla Wednes day evening of typhoid pueumouia, after a few days illness. The young man took ill at his home in Kahlotus Wash., and went to Walla Walla Tuesday. He walked from the oab iuto the hospital unassisted and with iu 24 hours was doad. Athena rela tives attended the funeral at Walla Walla, yesterday. A. H. Boylau, Portland manager for tbe International Harvester com pany, and one of the best known bus iuess men ou tho Paoifio coast died at tho home of his mother, at Payoes- ville Minnesota, Saturday. Mr. Boy lau was on his way to Chicago and bad stopped off tor a visit with his mother, when he was strioken. Even his intimate friends knew nothing of his affliction, aoute Bright's disease. Easter Week $16.50 suits selling for $12.25; $20.00 suits selling for $14.90; aud the entire line is placed on sale at likewise reductions. Eight Dollar silk underskirts $5.90; 85c and 50o Swiss Embroideries 23o yd; 20o and 80o Swiss Embroideries 13o yd; 5o and 10c Laoes and In sertions' 31 -2o yd; $2. Long Kimonos $1.18; 25o Sleeveless Vests Ho; 25o Faucy Haudkerohiefs 15o; Pure Linen Handkerohiofs 5o; 50 aud 65o Fan cy Hose 39o; $2. Long Silk Gloves $1.33; $2. Kid Gloves $1.48. New York for , Suit Styles igstryuunuJ tSSClISS tsar First of Athena CAPITAL STOCK $50,000 SURPLUS,.. 20,000 , PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS MODERN OFFICERS II. G. ADAMS, President. T. J. KIRK, Vice President, F. S. Lo GROW, Cashier, I. M. KEMP, Ass't, Cashier L In the past the deceased had been a frequent visitor to Athena. He was formerly with tbe MoCormiok com pany. Tbe looal auxiliary of the Christian Womon's Board of Missions was reor ganized Wednesday afternoon at tbe borne of Mrs. V. E. Hoven, and offloors elected for the ensuing year. Mrs. Hoven was elected president, Mrs. Robert Tbarp vice president, Mrs. 1'beo Danner treasurer, and Mrs. Fred Boyd secretary. v Tbe auxiliary will meet the first Saturday in each month, at 2 :30 p. m. The meeting for next month will be held at tbe home of Mrs. David Taylor. v ; , . Wednesday at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Dcnald McDonald in Walla Walla, ocourred ttieir first real family reunion in 20 years. All the family were present, including five daughters and one son, five sons-in-law, one daughter-in-law and three grandchild dren. A sumptuous dinner was spread and in tbe afternoon a photograph of the family group was taken. In the evening other relatives were invited, in. Will M. Peterson and wife and E. A. Dudley and wife of Athena were;' present. ., Piles are dangerous but do not sub mit to an operation until yon have flrsf tried Man Zan the Great Pile Remedy; it is put up in collapsible tubes with 4 nozzle that allows it to be applied ex actly where it is needed. If yon bavf itohing, bleeding or protruding pile and Man Zan does not relieve, money refunded. Soothes and cools. Relieved at once. Pioneer Drug Store. Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived in California 20 years, and am still hunting for trouble in the way of burns, sores, wounds, boils, outs, sprains, or a case of piles that Bncklen's Arnica Salve won't quiokly cure," writes Charles Walters, of All-;' eghany, Sierra Co. No use hunting' Mr. Walters; it cures every casei Guaranteed Palace drugstore. 25o. Gently moves the bowels and at tbe same time stops tbe oougb. Bee's Lax-j ative Cough Syrup. Contains HoneyJ and Tar. No opiates. Best for Coughs colds, croup aud whooping cough. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Children like it. Mothers indorse it. Pioneer Drug Store. . -. '" - ' , Neighbors Got Fooled. . 'I was literally couching myself to death, and had become too weak to i . Ill T I. t f leave my neu; ana me neiguuors no- AlnlnA T ranl9 natmt lanVA if alive; but tuey got rooiea, ror tnauas be to God, I was induced to try Dr. iuug'8 new uisoovery. .,m ww-juuki l-il L . i 1 1 . L - 1 1- 1 ' iour one aouar uuiues iu uuujjjioioij cure tbe cough and restore roe to good sound health," writes Mrs. Eva Un capher, of Grovertown, Stark Co., Ind. This Kina of couch and cold i cures, and healer of throat and lungs, is guaranteed by Wm. w curiae, Druggist. BOo. and $1.00, Trial bot tle free. We present our store to you, with all its newness and brightness, beam ing with nothing but the latest and best creations of merchandise, for Easter Greetings and as appreciation of your most hearty patronage, we offer you auother opportunity to save money. Shirtwaist Sale of Much Importance $2. Waists selling for $1.18; $3. Waists selling for $1.98; $4. Waists selling for $3.33; $5. Waists selling for $3.48. Happenings Cranks' for Stylish Suits Cy"'!T!ai tgaCTl1 "1 BANKING FACILITIES DIRECTORS II. C. ADAMS. T. J. KIRK, F. S. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, P. E. COLBERN. h f Notice to Creditor!. In the county court of the state of Oregon for Umatilla county. In tbe matter of tbe estate of Edward Manasse, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that tbe last will and testament of Edward Manasse, de ceased, was duly probated by tbe above entitled court on the 11th day of March, A. D. 1907; that, I bave qualified as executrix thereof and will administer the estate of said de ceased. ' All persons having claims against tbe estate are notified to present them, with " proper vouchers, to me at my plaoe of business in Athena, Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Dated this the 12th day of March, A. D. 1907. Gertrude Manasse, Exeoutrix. WiiTM. Peterson, Atty. , 1 Send the Press to your Eastern friend, Miosgro Our fiscal year which recently came to a close, shows that it has been one of the most successful ever known in this store, and we take no little pride in believing that a large share of this success has been due to the fact that the public appreciates the new and advanced methods of merchandizing, that have been adopted by this Company since its advent into the commercial world about a year ago, at which time it took over the business of the Athena Mercantile Co. In view of this fact, we shall put forth during j this year, greater efforts to merit a continuance of your patronage and good will. 1 PrJr" Special Notice We have iust received our new Spring Samples, for Men's F made-to-order Suits. Let us take your measure. We'll make you a suit that will look well, fit well and keep its shape; that you will like to wear. When we take your order, we guarantee satisfaction. There is no skimping of cloth, no flat-iron faking and no trickery. Good inside as well as outside, Mosgrove Mercantile Ask for B. & 11. Stamps Men and Teams Wanted ' on Government Work, at Echo, Oregon, Wages -30c per hour for Men, and 60c per hour for Men and teams: 8 work; 5 per day for teams for wheel scraper work. Board, $4.75 per Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Company. Just Received A new line of Jewelry, consisting of Watches, Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Broaches, Hat Pins,- Cuff Links, and the latest novelty, the "Swastika" Broaches and Hat Pins, the Indian symbol of good luck. Call and see the new Novelties. F. II. COOLIDQE, JOB PRINTING I must raise money, and liberal discount from 10 to 15 pec cent off on Furniture, Carpets & Wallpaper '15 per cent discount on all Dressers A $15 Dresser would be $13.50 An $8 Dresser would be $6.70 A $30 Dresser would qe $25.50 Over 50 Dressers to select from. They run $8 to $30 N. A. MILLER, Athena, Ore. Gtirdan Hats The new Spring Styles have arrived. If you want to buy the latest, come and make your se lection before the sizes are broken. Celebra ted Gordon Hat is too well known to need any special recommendation from us. Thousands knuw them to be the best $3 Hat in the world. They "beat the band" for the price. Belyian Bare. Bat 'U'-fX We are now also selling the Belgian Hare Hat . y J at $1.75, in all styles, colors and shapes. This Hat ' S3 . is one of the best values ever offered to the public, I rf" ; being made from fur instead of cotton felt, like so Ky j many of the cheap hats, giving it wearing quali- f ' fr&f J ties that is possessed by few others. J Cv v hours week. JEWELER and OPTICIAN Athena. Oregon. Neat Workmen Fast, Modern Presses High Grade Stock CITY MEAT MARKET C. H. Sherman Prop. Nothing too good for our pnt rona. We cut the best meat money can buy. Fish and oysters in season. Give us a trial. to do so I will give a good, March 1 to 30th, only. 5E21a Company Ask for li. 8 fi. Stamps afttlleCo 33a 5 1