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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1907)
2) Is certain if you take Flood's Sarsaparilla. This great medicine cures those eruptions, pimples and boils that appear (at all seasons; cures scrofula sores, salt rheum or eczema; adapts itself equally well to, and also cures, dys pepsia and all stomach troubles; cures rheu matism and catarrh; cures nervous troubles, debility and that tired feeling. Sarsatabs-For those who prefer medicine In tab let form. Hnnri'a Knfian.n.. la n .. , wiow vwicu ooioaiuub. H Weil M in the TlRlln.1 .. m ' - ' -' " " ... . , ... Mould form. Saraataha Viv H-lii iC DSUW Says : Tha eares of a large, farm, so ntlv. .(1! !u iT . , ntlcal,y th n mu h to do and so little health to doit curative properties as the liquid form, besides accu- with, canned almost a complete break racy or dose, convenience, economy, no loss by evap- down: blood poor and thin : ho strength, oration, breakage, or leakage. Drueeista or proniDtl Jttle jleep. Hood's Sarnaparilla gave bl mail. C. L Hood Co.. Lowell. Mafst PTOmPU' Kg' wort"""' Guaranteed under the Food and Drags Act, June 30, 1906. No. 324. odl A Slngrer'a Lungs. The singer at the end of the practice aria panted heavily. "I sang one hun dred and nlnety-slx notes that time," he said, "without once taking breath." "Indeed! That muBt be a record." "No. The record is held by Cour tlce Pounds. Pounds sang three hun dred and sixteen notes without respir ation in 1898. The record previous to that was held by Farinelll, with three hundred, notes. Norman Salmond has sung two hundred and eighty-seven notes in- this way. The average man could hardly sing fifty notes without breathing; to the singer two hundred would be nothing. Philadelphia Bulle tin. - Refined to Wither Away. Miss Ascuin Jack Hanson Isn't fat, is he? . Miss Newltt Not at all; he's quite graceful and muscular. Why 7 Miss A scum I happened to mention hirn to Miss Jllter, and she said : "Oh 1 isn't he disgustingly stout?" Miss Newltt Ah, yes. She rejected him some weeks ago and she's mad be- vnuoo m uiuu i yiiui away. i xiiJuuei phla Press. 4 PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT la guarenteed to cure any case of lchlng, blind, bleeding or protruding pile In 6 to 14 days or money refu.nded.60o. A Warm Proposition. Little Jlmmle Pop likes you bet ter'n he did Jane's other fellow. Jane's New Beau And why does he like me? Little Jimmle 'Cause you got red hair. Jane's Beau Eh! But I don't see Jlmmle Pop says 'twon't be half so hard to heat the parlor with you In It Cleveland Plain Dealer. TWICE-TOLD TESTIMONY. A Woman Who Has Suffered Tells How to Find Relief. The thousands of women who suffer backache, languor, urinary disorders and other kidney ills, iwill nnd comfort in the words of Mrs. Jane Farrell, of 606 Ocean ave., Jersey City, N. J., who says: "I reiterate all I have .said before in praise of Doan's Kidney Pills. I had been having heavy back aches and my general health was affect ed when I began using them. My feet were swollen, my eyes puffed, and diz ry spells were frequent. Kidney action was irregular and the secretions highly colored. Today, however, I am a well woman, and I am confident that Doan's Kidney Fills have made me so, and are keeping me well." bold by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. f 11. Poor Christmas Fare. A delegation of fellow townusmen re cently called on Rufu3 K. Cqnibs, of Midway,! Ky., to congratulate him on the receipt of a Carnegie medaL As his friends were taking leave Mr. Combs wished them all a merry Christmas. "And I hope," he ended, "that you'll have a more bountiful dinner than fell to the lot of a young friend of mine last year. "He, the poor chap, was stopping at a cheap New York boarding ho.use, and on Christmas day, after he had eaten a turkey neck, a potato and a splinter of sodden mince pie, the landlady said to him, as he rose just as the weak coffee was brought on : " 'Oh, don't leave thme table, Mr. Smith.' " 'I must, madam,' said Smith, grim ly. 'It's hard wood, and my teeth are not what they U3ed to be.' " Hla Constancy. A story is told of General Sir Alfred Horsford, who believed In a celibate army. A soldier once sought his permission- to marry, saying he had two good conduct badges and $25 in the savings bank. "Well, go away," said Sir Alfred, "and if you come back this day year in the same mind you shall marry. I'll keep the vacancy." On the anniverasry the soldier repeated his request "But do you really, after a year, want to marry?" "XtSTsIr, very much." "Sergeant major, take his name down. Yes, you may marry. I never believed there was so much con stancy in man or woman. Right face. Quick march!" As the man left the room, turning his head, he said: "Tank you, sir. It Isn't the same woman." How Colors Affect Mentality. There are good and evil effects even In color, not only in the inartistic ar rangement of them to the trained eye of an artist but in plain every-day red and blue and green, to say nothing of others. According to Medical Talk for the Home, If a person were confined In a room with purple walls, with no color but purple around him, by the end of a month he would be a raving madman, Scarlet has even worse effects. Blue Is very depressing; hence "the blues." Green Is quite soothing, and yellow also has good effects on the vision and spirits of most people. The Soft Answer. "I have already said 'No' to you, Mr. Vere," said Miss Bute. "I don't seem to be able to make myself plain, al though' I have tried " "Ah, Miss Bute," Interrupted Percy Vere, "you couldn't do that no matter how you try." "Well er of course, I shall alwaye be glad to have you call upon me, Mr. Vere." Philadelphia Press. Agetable Preparalionfor As similating the Food andfiegula ting the Stomachs aMBowels of Promotes Digeslion.CheerfuI nessandRestContains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. JBayv afadJJrSiNUnmtWll JtxJimam Alt I HI IH W Hi "J"" rurrm AperTecl Remedy for Conslipa Tion, Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Feverinh ness and Loss of Sleep. FacSirnile Signature of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought - Bears the Signature of i Teacher Johnny, what Is the future tense of "He drinks?" Johnny (prompt ly) He's drunk. j Teacher Willie, can you tell me why the multiplication table stops at 127 Willie I guess it's because 13 at a ta ble is unlucky. Teacher Now, Johnny, you may give me the definition of "exercise." John nyExercise Is work what a' fellow likes to do because it Isn't work. "They say that I have cut a tooth," Said the babe with mournful glee; "But if they'd only tell the truth, They'd say the tooth cut me." Teacher Why. Freddie, this excuse doesn't look like your father's writing. Freddie Well, the next one will look more like it, I guess. He says my pen manship is Improving. j J.: el hi BC in Is V, m 11 tl 11 h v w lj as h re m w hi w m a' ir Pale, Thin, Nervous? Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take It Ayer's Sarsa parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. Weknow what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Sold for over 60 years. Thli In the first question your doctor would ask: Are your bowel, regular?" Hs knows that dally action of the bowel it absolutely essential to recovery. Keep your liver active and your bowels regular by taJsjM laxative doses oX Ayer's fill. It Happen Every Night. At the end of one of the sessions of the world's convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union in Bos ton, Mrs. L. .M. N. Stevens condemned th habit which 'so many men have of going out between the acts at the theater. "I am In hearty sympathy," said Mrs. Stevens, "with a woman whose hus band said heartily to her, at the end 0 an Interesting drama: " 'Jove, what a play. I don't believe there was a dry eye in the house when the curtain went down on the third act "'No,' said. the lady, bitterly, 'but there seemed to be the usual number of dry throats.' " I A MU F by J. o. Atm Co.. Lowell. iwe manufacturer of hair vjocr. ague curb. CHERRY PECTORAL. yers sswn 1 Conld Still Hear Some. lootos, my wife says she is getting 'ell her it's because she is getting o you believe she is deaf enough iat to be safe 7" Houston Post Only One "BROMO QUININE" Cils LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. Simi- namea remedies sometimes deceive, lrst end original Cold Tablet in a WHITE : t AGK with black and red lettering, a'hd , iuc signature oi jl. vt . ukuv fc. zoc. la the Coming Days. usband Maria, this is going to be a iy contested election, and we've got ,et everybody out. You'll have to y, or you'll be too late. ' ife Gracious, John I I can't vote EL IV. Thprft'a rm liaa In tallrin tKAnt . imug iuau ui in wear 10 lolls. A A ft. IP In Use For Oyer Thirty Years EXACT COPY Of WHAE2EH. TV sanwi weawwarr. swwm orrv. el fc di bt w to 51 lu di ro dli wl kit wl In: tit ge ner. Alciblades Invented a boot that became the fashion, but we believe it whs gemless. Let us go through the centuries. Charlemagne wore shoes adorned with gems and richly ornamented foot cover ings were worn by the nobility of Eu rope, both by lords and noble dames In the twelfth and thirteenth centu ries. In the time of Charles I. of Eng land the extravagance was shoe strings edged with gold. Louis XIV. wore at his wedding boots adorned with fleurs de lis and decorations of gold, but how did they fit him? For the shoemaker,! Lestage, disdained to take the royal measure. Toward "the close of , the eighteenth century In England shoe buckles dazzled with Jewels. - A millionaire Is now a person whose . Income Is a million.' A capital of a million is nothing. When General Jung Bahawther took his seat at the ball given In London by the Peninsular and Oriental Company Bedad his troat, his belt, his coat, AH bleezed with precious minerals. Why should not the suddenly rich, the heroes of the American nights, more wonderful than the nights of Arabia,' break out all over with diamonds as poorer mortals with measles or the shingles? Boston Herald. here will find Mrs. Winnow! Soothing ' the bes t remedy to use for, their chUdrea g the teething period. f System. tilway Magnate I don't see how the lent could have happened. W run road on the block system, nreasonable Person I know It. 're so busy running out blocks of red stock that you can't pay any at ion to the way you run your trains. Shake Into Your Shoes n'S Foot-Ease. A nowder. It makea tiffh w shoes feci easy. It is a certain cure lor iting, callous and hot, tired, aching feet, by all Druggists. Price 25o. Trial pack mailed FRi.E. Address Allen S. Olmsted, ay, New York. P AINLESS TfcENTISTRY See U Before Toe Go Elsewhere EXAMINATIONS TREE Gold Crown,3; Brldsre Work, per tooth,.); Piatts. ti: Silver Fillings, 40c i Uold Fillings, 81. TALE DENTISTS First Suet i'OKtXAJSU, OREGON f RUIT TREES, VINES, PLANTS BERKSHIRE SWINE, (Registered) SHORTHORN CATTLE, (Registered) BARRED AND WHITE ROCKS PACIflC NURSERY CO. Catalogue Free. Tangent, Oregon FREE SAMPLE MULE-TEAM BORAX With S2-page Illustrated booklet, giving 1,000 uses lor Borax iu the Home. Farm and Pairy, and Souvenir Picture, 7x14 in., 10 colors free for 6o and your dealer s name. Address I'aclUo Coast Borax Co., Oakland, CaU CROPS NEVER FAIL In the lT,iir Snake Valley, I (I who, whre :,00V MiBsfsslppI Valley homrseekprs ar alrtadv located. M0,ouo acr. s undevelop( d, Irrkab e land still await h settler. Jllch -st and best waiered valley In the world. Finest c (mate; cho.cesi fruit; Immnisf crops of train, alfalfa sucar boets. H,ix), D00 invested In sngnr factories. New It. R. exten sion to Yellowstone park opi ns countrv of vast re sources. Ashton started Jan, 1, luuo, a record breaker. Write for particular. C. C. MOOIIE KEAI. riSTATE COMPANY St. Anthony and Ashton, Idaho. Comparison. Irs. Kross-Rhodes Still, in the city re is more going on. You have ever much more variety than we do out e. Irs. Avnoo Ah, ine, yes! In the last r I have tried cooks of seventeen dif int nationalities, and haven't found i to suit me yet. TO Bt. Vitus' Dance and all Nervous Diseases tO permanently cured by Dr. Kline's (ire at r -ve iteslorer. maa ror riu s z trial Dotiis and ajatwuse, ur. it. ju.iuine, La.,ai Arcn bu, rnu,ra Not Quite in Hla Line. Kind Hearted Woman Why din't you give up your idle, useless way of living and make a man of yourself? I don't suppose it ever occurred to you that even a person of your stamp might be useful in settlement work. Goodman Gonronsr No. ma'am. !' done a little flat workin', but workln' a whole settlement is too dog-gone risky. There is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few year was supposed to be incurable. For a great many vears doctors pro nounced It a local disease, and prescrlbedlocal remedies, and by constantly Tailing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu tional disease, and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu factured by F. 1. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It ia taken Internally in doses from 10 drop to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and muc jus surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollar for anv case It fails to cure. bend tor circulars and testimonials. Address, K. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O Hall's Family Pills are the best. Geta Back at Him. Newed When you say anything that makes your wife angry what does she do threaten to return to her par ents? Oldwed Worse than that She re peats some of the fool things I said during our courtship. k1 -v. r v. AUSTIN WELL DRILLS Made in all styles and a'l sizes. Get water and oil anywhere. Best drilling Tools made, (let cata logs snd prices. BEALL & CO. 321 Hawthorno Ave. Portland, Or. have tood the test for over so venr. and are still in the lead. Their absolute certainty of growth, their uncommnnlv large yield of delicious vegetable and Deautliui tlowen, make thein the most reliable and tue most popular every. wnere. soia dv an dealer. 1S07 Dcca Annual tree on request. D. M. FERRY A CO., Detroit, Mich. ?Mli-fMr.Ot To Be Refilled. One of the suburbs of Chicago is the site of a well-known school of theol ogy, from which go out each week-end many members of the senior class to try their voices as "supplies." A passenger on a Monday morning train was surprised at the number of theai who got off at the station. "What are all those chaps getting off here?" he asked the brakeman. "Them r asked the brakeman. "Oh, they're returned empties, for the col lege." Mlatrlonle. There was on the stage a realistic scene in whlcn a surgical operation was apparently performed. "Hold on-" cried a voice from the au dience. "Aren't you going to give us some of that chloroform?" Of course the management was dis pleased, but there Is a point at which realism palls. Philadelphia Ledger. Stimulate the Blood. Bramlreth's Pills fire the great blood purilur. They tire a laxative and blood tonic, t ey act equslly on the bowels, the kidneys and the skin, t ns cleansing the system by the natural i utlet of the body. They stimulate the blood so ns to enable nature to thr w off nil morbid humors and cure all troubles ari injr from an impure st;ite of t' e blood. One or two taken every niht w.ll prove an invaluable remedy. Eac.i pill contains one g-ain of solid ei tiact or sarsaparilla, which, with other valuable vc g table products, make it a blood purifier of excellent character. Brandreth's Pil's have been in use for over a century and are s id in every drug and medicine ttore, either plain or sugar-coated. Hereditary. Tour son is a great football player." "Yes;" it is hereditary." , "I never beard that bis father was a football player." I "He isn't, but he is a chronic kicker." Houston Post A Pretty Experiment. ' A rery pretty effect may be produced by using some aniline dye In powdered form In alcohol. Fill a small glass with the alcohol and drop the smallest portion of the dye on Its surface. It will shoot down through the liquid, like a strand of color, dividing Into two branches, which will subdivide again and again until you have, apparently, an Inverted plant in miniature growing before your eyes. An arrangement of mirrors may be made to throw the re flection of this on a screen or a wall, and the enlarged shadows will be Very Interesting to watch. MJMA f v ty n a 41 & STAND FIRM "When you buy an OILED SUIT ok SLICKER demand town's Its the easiest and only -way to get me best Sold everywhere EXCURSION To Sunny Alberta CANADA i March 22 and every two weeks thereafter; $42 for round trip, which includes be th and meals. Trip costs you notiiing If you buy land. Write and learn about our Special Pullman Car Ex cursion. H. E. Barnum Land Co. PORTLAND, OREGON 214-215 Chamber of Commerce. Don't Push oJI 1 j The horse can draw the load without help, if you F j reduce friction to almost 1 I f I nothing by applying m if ieaAxi to the wheels. No other lubri cant ever made wears so Ion? and saves so much horsepower. Next time try Mica Axlk Grease. Standard Oil Co. lBcrarate4 ml -mm 3 mm ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES FOR PRINTING HICKS-CH ATTEN Portland Oregon v; Each year brings us increased orders for our seeds. Why? Because we supply only those that produce satisfactory and profitable crops. ' We know, after many years of experience, wharsorts are best to plant on this coast. Buy P. S. Co.'s -''Diamond Brand" Seeds, the best for the West. Our new 100 page Annual Catalog and Seed Planter's Guide; No. 260 free on request. PORTLAND SEED CO. Portland, Oregon Spokane, Wash. DR. C. GEE Wonderful Horns Treatment This wonderful Chi. nese Doctor 1 called groat because he eurt'S people without opera tion that an Riven up la die, II. carol wl h those wonderful Chi nese herbs, roots, buds, barks and veKetablcs l but are entirely un known to moilli al cl- eure In thl country tlirouKb. 11. e use of those harmless remedies. Thl lanhiuf doctor know llieacllonot'ovpr600Uiar. ii( remed'.i g, whlcn he uses successlu'ly In different dlseuses. lie ItttRran'eoB to cure catarrh, asthma, luiiv, throat rlN Uinatiici, nervous .ess, stomach, liver, kid neys, etat has hundreds, of tentlmoulals. Charges moderate. Call and see lilnu l'a: tenia out of the city write for blan!;s and circular. Send Stamp. CONSULTATION iltliJi Address The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. . 1 62 first St., S. t. Cor. Morrison Mention papor Portland, Oregon This isTour Piano The I.ndwlff Plnno has ehsmeter of lis own. aiiiHlciuus intuitively rceoKnlzK Its ...... ui. ,m itn niffi CUtli HCieriHlie Q .Dfltiuff a iH mtr inn. I... i........ ... .i ......... a.... dj .,. ....Tl i. , mj nullum ml III 1 lt weetuei and purity tlmt you murvel at Its Olirf'M fi'rr.m tlm t.uirli..i.a ...I ....I., i... WHI lixed to fflvo tl tltinat miiilltv a, . oi-rtaln priee lilch enotiKh to allow the best of everything; low eiioiiKh to only yield a reasonable profit without any additional cbnrKo for reputation. ine aoove piano is Ntyie I price f.17B. ae-llven-d at your railroad atatlon, with stool, aearf and ' Instriietiun book. If desired you mar pay f.lTM innh and the bnlance tn inoiitbly or quarterly pnyinents. We furnish this piano In onk, wiiluut or tnnhoirany. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED wbeii yon trade with Wierman, Clny A Co. Flrnt you know the prlie Is rlKht. Every plnno Is marked In plsln flmires. One price no more .... ., , .......... niuiiuinH in huh if "fin g a iruiiruntee that all your deuliuc will lie ntlfctory. Itesllll'tt 1hf r.llllwla. nl.nn .- - . f (rents for Steluwny, Knabe, A. B. Chsse, livnrett, Mnson A llamlln, l'aekard, Flseher, t'onover, ICstey, Klnitsliury. lSmerson, Bterl. Ins, WellhiKton, HuutlriKton nnd Mendels sohn. We also sell orcans and Victor Talk tun Machines. We have a fine six octae or gun st K(). Write for catalogue, nrleea and terms. Bo sare and mention that you saw the advertisement In this paper. THE HOUSE Of QUALITV" Sherman, Clay & Co. SIXTH AND MORRISON STRCCTS W8TUHD g-TTli TACM gPOKIHt B;UIMCHCM mrrf P. N. U. No. 10-07 W,,EW wrlttns; to advertiser pleas I 1 1 xa6nt.l,B this papar. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 AND S3.50 SHOES trI would N. L DOUGLAS $4.00 GILT EOUE 8H0E8 CANKOT BE EQUALLED AT Mil PRICE. SH3LS EVERYBODY AT ALL PPJOESs I m i noes, . vo si.r,u. noys' Mines, W.t to Women's rihH-s, 4 ti ll.i0. JU Uses' tl Children's bhoes, 'i.5 to Ol.O I. U I. ILtn.f ... a mou n .... 1. . ... aitw.a am nit iidu ii v KHMiri. niiiL'im ill linn wnur . ' to be the best in style, fit ami woar tirouueed in this country. Lath 1, part of the shoe and every detail of the malting Is looked after A - biiu wum iyr wy nauiBn uiiuinaKers, wiiiiont roirrtrd to x - -i i. , " " - hij i.u-n i;u:urn;s tilt j, 1 Brocton, Mass., and sliow you how carefully W. L. Uougl iUwU.,wJ Shoes are ma le, you would then nnderstaiid why they bold their shuno lit botu is-... i,n,r7i aiu'i ni.eii miy i?iur iniiKPfl. W. I. jKmiflM namt Mivl lTtf I tntf.rid nn turn avt,)..i, ii ...... Cutultif mwitd ne. W. J.. bOlOLAS, Jlruck tuaVMas, A if. M ' "A. oM Mar tutieti tual uciiuitcty. Women can always see Uie point of s IfOlntless joke. P U TNAM FA D EL ESS D YE S TaIasw SW Awfl tkttrht mm mimJt faalM -Jm L. . J a . ' . zz...; r-..,.:"".::.?""" '? "n,?.r iuc eoinr ". cotton euetty wen BIMi i '"-" w ws. aturutuc VKUU i-U Uittoovdie. KiMaurL 51