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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1907)
two smaller towns that are in posses sion of the larger one, and the irriga tion possibilities in the "valley of many waters" are unsurpassed. With the con uec ting link between these threa towns, together with character and fertility of soil suitable for small and diversified farming, there ia bound to be "something doing" iu that local ity. Add to this blight and euchant iug prospect, the great government projeot at Hermiston and it will be seen that Umatilla county has much to offer the homeseeker coming from eastern states. Purchasing that Easter Suit, Skirt, Jacket or Hat, We have now a full and complete stock of the above wearables at prices that will as. tonish you. - - - - - When in Pendleton call on us. It's a pleas ure for us to show goods. - ... TEUTSCH'S DEPARTMENT STORE HP" AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER T wioe-a-Week Tuesday and Friday F. B. Boyd, Pcblisher. Entered as second-class matter, March 1, 1904, at the poetofflce at Athena, Oregon Under an Actot Congress of March 8, 1879 Subscription Htt : p :r year, In advance 12.00 Single copies in wrappers, 6c, ATHENA. ORE., MARCH 29.... ..1907 THE CO-OPERATIVE STORE. The West Coast Trade gives a few sound pointers on the co-operative mercantile and credit business iu the current issue. It Bays: While those farmers of Easterr Wash ington who are investing in co-operative stores as a rebnke to the mer chants of that section who are moving for the settlement of aooonnts every niuety days, may imagine they are pursuing a wise course, they stand good to bny a very dear experien ce, and to pay for it in advance very largely. A little common sense reasoning ought to prove convincing that they have no cause for complaint at the termination of a polioy of squaring np their year's purchases Mafter harvest," with an even break that when after harvest arrives they will desire the local mer chant to carry them awhile longer in order that they may speculate on their crop. A little more cogitation should suggest that in engaging in merchan dising with the avowed intention of collecting only when patrons get ready to care for their aoconnts is a very hazardous undertaking. The co-operative store, under the most favorable conditions, has proveu a doubtful ven ture in this oountry. The record of embarrassments in this state will show that the mortality rate is about 60 per cent greater, as oompared with toe number of establishments, than where business is oondnoted nnder the direot management of the individual mer chant or owners of the bnsiness. and the launching of a mercantile enter prise to cater especially to a system which experience has proveu to be against good bnsiness judgment is add ing to the risk incurred. The farmers .complain - that frequent 'settlements entail a hardship, bnt how about business in which they are engaging? They will discover that they cannot procrastinate iu paying for the goods which they purohase from the jobber, exoept at an added cost which is markedly greater than the charge which their looal merchants impose if notes are required for tills running more than ninoty days. Possibly a little business experience may add to their enlightenment as to how expensive an indefinite credit system really is, and while acquiring that knowledge they might reflect that they are really paying in' advance for the supplies which they will consume for a consid erable period in advance of the time when they are required. Aftermath interest in the aooom plishments of the late legislative as sembly seems to center with the Salem Journal and the Pendleton Tribune. Brother Geer is for and Col. Hof er is "forninst," with now and then a country journalist "butting in" as a sort of curtain riser. Bofer is in the game for sake of notoriety, so it ap pears, for he has said nothing but what has been said after every session of Oregon law makers since the state outgrew her territorial toggery. The Pendleton statesman-editor seems to have the hip on the Salem brother. inasmuoh as he has the leverage of having "been thar hisse'f" a time or two, and the aptitude with which he hews to the line, leads one to conjec ture that he is salting down the chips for future reference. Land values in the Milton-Free-water district are commencing to boom because of the building of the eleotrio railway line. Cars will soon be running to and from Walla Walla, placing Freewater and Milton virtual ly as the suburbs of the garden city. The same facilities for home making are embraced in the resources of the And now for a Bi SPRING BUSINESS We want you to be sure and make a trip to Walla Walla this spring and see through our immense store, for we know you will profit by your trip. Oar stock is larger than it has ever been and new spring stocks are arriving every day. All we ask is a comparison of qualities and prices and we will take pleasure in showing you through our lines. If yon are enable to come to the city, write us for discriptions and prices. REMEMBER WE PAY THE FREIGHT WHEN BILL AMOUNTS TO $10.00. Use Our Rest Rooms THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. 12 14-16-18 30 22 Alder Street. WALLA WALLA, : WASH Make - Your appointments Here How about that speedway? Don't let this enterprise go by the board for want of a little pushing. There is some good horse flesh in this vicinity that needs developing. March winds are doing their qnota of good the roads are drying up. DO0LEY ON CAR SHORTAGE. "Thin Hill goes into th' box f 'r th ' railroads with Illiott behiud th. bat. 'Tis a strong batthery, Hinnissy. Someiv Bill's corves are th'wondheriv th' age. "Tis not a oar shortage at all,' says Jim. "Tis a track shortage. There'll always be thrubble till I double track th' trackless wilderness To keep paoe with th' dayvilopmint iv th' oounthry an' sucoissfully cope with its rapidly ixpanding commerce, th' railroads must have two billyious a year f'r.tin years: Give me two billyions a year f'r tin years, an' if 1 don't lay tracks you'll see me make tracks. Bnt how am I to raise two billyions a year with Prisident Roos evilt an' all th' rest iv th' counthry oampin' on me innocint neok? Here is the state iv Minnesota howl in an' kiokin' an injoinin' me fr'm raisin' palthry sixty million dollars worth iv wather to slake th' thirst iv th' Gr rate Northern 1 An' still ye wondhei at th' inorease iv crime, especially an' th' coal famine in th' gr-reat northwest, an' why wimmeu and cbil der stheal coal all along th' line fr'm St. Paul to Seattle, an' don't care who knows itl " "Tis a bitther an' vindictive wor mian How manny thanks do Illiott an' me get t'r pullin' an haulin' th' coal f'r them to stheal I Yit how manny onrses are heaped on our do flnoeless heads whin we stheal a car load iv coal oursiives f'r th' expriss purpose iv keepin th' system in orper ation, so that they oan keep on sthealin' coal? 'Tis an' endless ohain iv rob bery, so it. is. 'Tis demoralizin'. 'Tis criminal in th' extreme. 'Tis worse than th' Butte polis foorce. It etharts min on th' highway an,' rail way to jail. An' all beoause th' coun thry won't give me two bilyions a year f'r tin years. Don't tell me iv th' sufferin people iv North Dakota. " 'I've done all I could f'r thim, handicapped as I've been. If they don't like their lot, let thim pull their freight 'tis more than I oan do with th' snow drifs a quarther iv a mile high. If they find it too cold in North Dakota, they can go where 'tisjwarmer than North Dakota. Suob, JJinnissy is Jim's sintimints, as I understhand him." Carrie Nation certainly smashed a hole in the bar rooms of Kansas, but Ballard's Hore hound Syrup has smashed all records as a cure for coughs, Bronohitis, In fluenza and all Pulmonary diseases. T. C. H , Horton, Kansas, writes: "I have, never found a medicine that would oure a cough so quickly as Ballard's Horehonnd Syrup. I have used it for years. " - " Sold by W. McBride. The salve that acts like a poultice is Pine Salve Car bolized. No other salve so good for cuts, burns, boils and chapped skin. Ask about it. Price 2 Sets. Pioneer Drug Store. Rising From the Grave. A prominent manufacturer, W. A. Fertwell, of Luoama, N. 0., relates a most remarkable experience. He says: "After taking less than three bottles of Eleotrio Bitters, I feel like one rising from the grave. My trouble is Bright's disease, in the Diabetes stage. I fully believe Eleotrio Bitters will oure me permanently, for it has already stopped the liver and bladder complications which have troubled me for years." Guaranteed at Wm. Mo Bride's druggist, Price only 50c PER CENT Is your idle money earning yon four per cent? Yow have just as good a right to a sharo of the profits earned by your money aa the banker who keeps it for yon. We divide the profits with our depositors and still make a satisfactory profit for the bank. Our business has more than doubled during the DRSt vear. Thin hank haa a nnn- ital of $100,000 fully paid in and is conservatively managed by progres sive and successful business men. Yonr Business will receive nrnmnt and careful attention. We will be glad to meet yon any time and get acquain ted with yon. We pay FOUR per cent on saving accounts. Call or write for further particulars. t ' ill V Sir - The outward appearance of garment is ofttimea deceiving. Nicely 6haped shoulders, sleeves, lapels, etc., do not constitute all the requisites of good clothes. The hidden parts which you must take on faith, are most exactingly looked after in "VIKING SYS TEM" Young Men's Suits. They possess style, exclusiveness and lasting qualities. Our guarantee goes with every garment the label tells. Made by Becker, Mayer 4 Co, Chicago. Sold at Jarman's Fair Store Pendleton Steam Dye Works Lorimer & fell, Props. A. J. Parker, Agent for Athena. Q) Q) Q) We make a specialty of cleaning & dying Ladies fine garments, inolnding silks, satins, evening gowns, party dresses, kid glove, f nrs, etc. Leave your orders with A. J. Parker, Athena Oregon. "Cute Glory" The Well Known Draft Stallion Will Make the Season as Follows: From Saturday night until Tuesday noon, at home. From Tuesday noon until Thursday morning, at John Keen's place, Thursday morning to Sat urday night, in Athena. "Cute Glory" is 8 years old; sire, "Grove Glory," No. 7323; grand sire, "Blythe Glory," No. Wi; 1st dam "Kato," sired by "Mansfield;" 2nd dam "Nettle" JAMES BRYAN, Owner. THE Eagle Bar BERT CARTANO, Prop. GOOD LIQUORS A SPECI ALTY Hourhound Rock and Bye Holly Tom Gin Three Star Cognao Blue Stem Whisky Famous Pilsner Beer Best Brands of Cigars. mmw AT THE ELECTRIC SIGN PARKER'S .Barber Shop. Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. CZtSCISBCICIi .HOT BATHS. ltltlltllll Shop South Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. .w J f fit. Clhi&mberi&m 9 s Couilhi Remedy r A Safe Medicine for Children. In buying a cough medicine for children, never be afraid to buy Chamber tAiN'a Cough Remedy. There Is no danger from it, and relief is always sure to follow. It ia intended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and is the best medicine in the world for these diseases. It is not only a certain cure for croup, but, when given as soon as the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. Whooping cough is not dangerous when this remedy Vs given as directed. It contains no opium or other harmful drugs, and may be y.ven as confidently to a baby as to an adult. Sold in Athena by W. McBride PENDLETON WILL SAVE YOU MONEY 3cm 20,000 square feet of floor space filled with the latest and best things the Market Affords in FURNITURE and CARPETS Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Yours to please M. A. RADER, - . . PENDLETON, OREGON. undertaking Parlors in Connection A crtJitch in time saves nine. Save many a sick ispell by giving the child BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP EVERY MOTHER should koep supplied with Ballard's Horehound Syrup, If sh wishes to save her children from serious Blck epells. It con tains alwolutely nothing- injurious, does not constipate. Good for children as well as adults. A cough often leads to consumption and should be checked immediately. A Household Necessity. J. C. Smith. Houston. Jhonnrl Kvrrni In mv fntnilir for tha nnaf. few years, and find it far superior to any other cough medicine we have tried. Every household should be supplied with this worthy remedy." The Delight of Children. CURES COUOHS, COLDS, WHOOPINd COUGH, SORE THROAT, BRONCHI TIS AND ALL, LUNO TROUBLES. PRICE 25c, 50c, and $1.00 AVOID ALL. SUBSTITUTES. Ballard Snow Liniment Co, 500-502 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MO., mm v Sold and Recommended by W. McBRIDE, PALACE DRUG STORE ATHENA, OR.