The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 22, 1907, Image 6

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    Press Paragraphs
James Bell went down to Pendleton
Mrs. Morgan of Condon, ia the guest
or ner sister, Mrs. U. U. Chamberlain.
-r. and Mrs. Ernest Bostwick have
f moved into the Hiteman cottage on
High street.
Y Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Harden are in
towu from, their home near Helix,
visiting relatives. ; '?
Mrs. George Foster was taken ill
'Sunday night, and has sinoe been un
der the physician's care.
Mrs. W. S. Betel is agent in Athena
for V. O. medicines. Call at resi
donee on Current street.
Merl Bobie, the popular salesman
of the Mosgrove Mercantile store, is
spending a tow days in Tacoma.
. The, Qddeo change in the weather is
blamed for the numerous cases of colds
and grip now prevailing everywhere.
'Louie Eeeu drove bis mother aud
sister to Walla Walla the first of the
week, where the latter is attending
h Pondleton saloons will hereafter
,d close from 1 to 5 a. m., is the new ,
' rnle in that city to disoonrage night
lounging. ,
A. E. Harrison, principal of the
high school at Grants Pass has been
elected principal of the high school at
Pendleton. -:' ;V.
Lost A lady's gold watoh and pin.
The name "Irene" engraved on case.
Fiuder will please report at this offloe
and receive reward. ,
f James Banks, the brother of Mrs.
. Dickenson, who has been ill at her
home during the winter, is reported in
a serious condition.
Borne days ago Mrs. F. M. Mans
field fell and badly sprained her an
kle. She is now able to walk, though
, the injury is yet painful.
S T - TT .1 1 1 J 11. x - J
' Jerry Stone west of town and with his
family will goon move to the place,
where they will make their home.
Three children in the family of Mr.
add Mrs. Alex Johnson, who live
north . of town, have been afflicted
with scarlet fever in a mild form tbe
past week.
Dell Bros, have just received from
M. Born & Co., tbe new samples of
clothing for spring and summer wear.
It will pay you to call early and make
your selections.
Mrs. G. W. Hansel 1, of Milton, who
with her husband, was visiting rela
tives in Des Moines, Iowa, died in that
;- city last week. The body was brought
to Mutoti ror ounaj.
Temporary, organization of the
Credit Men's Association was effect
ed Weduesday night in Pendleton,
reports the Tribune. Tbe association
now has a membership of about 40.
Mrs. James Riohey, of Weston was
in tbe city Wednesday. She reports
mat numerous oases or ia grip are
prevalent in that oity, many almoet
taking the form of pueumouia fever.
V The Preston-Parton Milling company
has installed a two horse-power eleo
trio moter tor Tharp Bros., black
smiths aud machinists. The motor
will supplant a three horse power gas
oliue engine.
y Cards are out announcing the wed-
ding of Mr. Dean Gerkiug aud Miss
Fanuie Tharp, to ocour iu tho Chris
tian church, on March 6. Tbe couple
will receive tbe congratulations of a
large oirole of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Carf Church and Mrs.
Mary M. Ely, well known residents
of Walla Walln, were striokeu with
ptomaine poisou, from eating sardines.
Mr. aud Mrs. Cburob have recovered,
but Mrs. Ely ia in a critical oonditiou.
Heury Barrett drove up from Pen
dleton Tuesday afternoon, aooonipuu
ied by Miss Janie Roobe, who bad
been visiting relatives at the county
sout. The ilood on Greasewood flat
was the highest ever kuown, reports
Mr. Barrett.
Ed Barrett, the populur coutraotor
Aitid builder, was ake suddenly, ill
Woduesday while iu tbe barber's
chair, with an attack of heart disease.
However, he was out in town yester
day, although looking rather pale from
the experience, ...
It's tbe highost standard of quality,
a natural touio, cleauses your system,
reddens the cheeks, brightens the
eyes, gives flavor to all you eat. Holl
ister's Rooky Mountain Tea will do
this for you. 35 cents, Tea or Tab
, lots. Pioneer Drug Store.
' Rev. Aohilles, of the Free Motho-
dis church northwest of town who was
ill nearly all winter with typhoid fo
vor, passed through town yesterday on
bis way to Walla Wallu. His wife is
. in a hospital iu that oity, having un
dergone an'"bperatiou for oauoer.
A tisHUH hnildnr. rocnnutrnntrir
builds up waste force, aud makes
strong nerves aud muwcle. You will
realize after taking Hollister'a Rocky
Mountain Tea what a wonderful ben
efit it will be to you. 85 oeuts, Tea or
Tablets. Pioneer Ding Store.
At the Christian church in this oity
the speoial meetings continue with
"""""mutated interest. The number of
'ous to tbe church during these
' ' . 24, most of
The meet-
Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly
dense the system, good for lazy livers,
makes clear complexion, bright eyes
aud happy thoughts. Pioneer drug
Mrs. Lillie Miller expects the arriv
al of her milliner. Miss Strabl, about
the 1st of March. Miss Strabl has
been in Portland and other cities re
cently attending the spring millinery
openings, and comes well versed in
all tbe newest things in her line.
The members of tbe local Rebekah
lodge bave been invited to attend a
meeting of tbe Weston Rebekaha to
morrow, Saturday evening. A num
ber will acoept tbe invitation, and
witness tbe initiation ceremonies, as
exemplified by their sister lodge.
It's a good old world after all;
If you have ho friends or money,
In the river yon can fall; '
Marriages are quite common and,
More people there would be, V!
Provided you take Rocky Mountain
. Tea. , Pioneer Drug Store.
"Bob" MoGrew, the "Weston farmer
was in town Wednesday with a load
of bogs bound for Pendleton. Finding
the roads impassable for a loaded ve
hicle be unloaded tbe porkers at tbe
Brotbertou plaoe north of town, where
they will remain until traveling is
better. ;
1 Mr. and Mrs. M. L, Akers came up
from their Birch Creek ranch, Wed
nesday and are visiting at the A. L.
Swaggart homo, north of town. Tbe
same day Mr. and Mrs. Swaggart
drove down to Birch Creek, taking a
different road, and thus not meeting
Mr. and Mrs. Akers.
Mrs.N. A. Miller went down to Pen
dleton Monday, expeoting to return on
tbe train next day, but owing to the
washout of that day lias been "ma
looned" at the county seat ever since.
Our genial furniture dealer will be
pleased to see the trains again moving,
whether on schedule time or not.
Miss Belle Wallace has passed in
her resignation as teacher in Pendle
ton's west end school. , Miss Wallace
has been teaobiog about a month in
that oity, and expected to remain the
balanoe of tbe year, but was informed
by the land office officials that she
must go on her homestead or lose it.
ManZan Pile Remedy put up in con
venient collapsible tubes with nozzle
attachment so that the remedy may
be applied at tbe very seat of the
trouble, thus relieving almost instant
ly bleeding, itching or protruding
piles. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. Pioneer drug store.
Attorney Godwin of Freeater has
returned home from Salem where be
was before the legislature seeking an
appropiation for dyking the Walla
Walla river at Milton. Ha reports
Jhatthejejgislature viewed tbe pr.opo-j
sition favorably, but a remonstrance
from this county containing 800 names
defeated action on tho appropriation.
York Dell and M. W. Smith, who
attended the K. of P. district conven
tion at Pendleton returned Wednesday
by team. The convention was well
attended, and Damon Lodge of Pen
dleton enteitained in its usual royal
manner. Over twenty new members
were Btarted on their way to wear the
golden spurs of Knighthood.
Boe's Laxative cough syrup con
taining honey and tar, is especially
appropriate for children, no opiates or
poisons of any character, conform to
tbe conditions of the pure food and
drug law, June 80, 1000. For croup
whooping ' cough, etc. It expels
coughs nud colds by gently moving
the bowels. Guaranteed. Pionoer drug
Miss Velma Wilkinson, who is
teaching in the Walker district, is
taking an enforced vacation this week. !
Weduesday she started for her sohool,
but encountered roads which wore ab
solutely impassable ou account of
Tuesday's flood. Miss Wilkinson re
turned to town aud 'phoned to Mr.
Walker, who informed her that he
had essayed to come to town, but was ,
President Cashier
T.J. MORRIS, Vice-Pres.; F.G. SCHMER, Ass't Cashier
Pendleton Savings Bank
of Pendleton, Oregon V
.Capital Stock, . $100,000
Surplus & Undivided Profits, $150,000.00
Deposits Jan. 1, 1907, . . .'. . . $1,237,106.2
Estate of D.
From Three to Five
Paid on Time
also compelled to turn back on account
of the washouts. She hopes to resume
her school duties Monday. Miss Wil
kinson was one of the fortunate ones
in receiving a second grade certificate
at tbe recent examination.
Thomas Kerr, a Cold Spring farm
er, v bile endeavoring to move some
sacks of wheat out of the way of the
flood, Tuesday, came near meeting
bis death. Tbe barn in wbiob tbe
wheat was stored was situated in a
gully, and tbe water rushing down,
undermined the building, causing it
to cave in, when Mr. Kerr was buried
beneath tbe wheat and tbe walls.
Fortunately, his son was near and res
cued him, reports tbe Tribune.
Dr. Sharp has been kept busy per
forming surgical operations lately.
One wal for the relief of a little girl
of Mr. and Mrs. L. Clark, who oaugbt
the end of her fingers in tbe rollers of
a washing machine, and another was
for the removal of a sliver from a
granite-oorered kettle, in the band . of
tbe little child of Mr. and Mrs. Sim
Kilgore. Both were performed while
tbe patient was under tbe influence of
chloroform, ? , - ,
Actresa' Arm as a Relic. - '
"This Is the arm of Mme. Allcoyoe,
tbe celebrated actress, burned In the
great Paris bazaar Are. It was ampu
tated and presented, to Dr. Baker of
Worthing after tbe inquiry, , held. Id
Paris." - , ;;- " "e.
So runs the notice that hangs be
neath a grewsome relic In the saloon
bar of the Black Bull at Whetstone,
Middlesex. Charred and mummified.
It is nailed to the wall within reach of
any one and occupies the place of hon
or among such monstrosities as a two
headed kitten and a double bodied dog.
The name, "Mme. Allcoyne," Is not
found in the records of the terrible
disaster of May, 1807, and another
Btory has it that the arm was removed
from the body of an actress after the
Are at the Opera Comlque in Paris in
May, 1887.-London Mall. ,
All over the civilized world there is
a strong demand for brains that are a
little above the average In quantity
for purposes of dissection. Scientists
have for tho most part nothing better
to dissect than the brains of paupers
and lunatics. These, however, leave
much to be desired," and it is to the In
terest of the human family that the
brains of cultured and learned people
should be placed at their disposal. A
certain number , of such brains are
forthcoming. In the great majority of
cases they are beo.ueathed by their re
spective owners. New York Tribune.
Hunting for Trouble. ; !
"I've lived in California 20 years,
and am still hunting for trouble in
ib.aJsaj.ol burns, sows,
uuib, Bpiuiuu, ur a uaae ui jmes inai
Bucklen's Aruica Salve won't quiokly
cure," writes Charles Walters, of All
eghany, Sierra Co. No use hunting'
Mr. Walters; it cures every case,
Guaranteed Palaoe drug store. 25o.
Neighbors Got Fooled.
'I was literally coughing myself to
death, and had beoomo too weak to
leave my bed; and the neighbors pre
dicted that I would never leave it
alive ; but they got fooled, for thanks
be to God, I was induced to try Dr.
King's New Discovery. It took just
four one dollar bottles to completely
cure the cough and restore me to good
sound health," writes Mrs. Eva Un
oapher, of Grovertown, Stark Co.,
Ind. This King of cough and cold
cures, and healer of throat and lungs,
is guaranteed by Wm. MoBride,
Druggist. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bot
tle free.
Public Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that i will apply to
the Mayor and common council of the city of
Athena, Oregon, at a meeting thereof to be
held on the 27th day of Keb. 1907, for a
license to sell ttplrltuous, malt and vinous
liquors in less quantities than one quart, said
liquors to bo sold only in a building situated
on the west one-half of lot No. 8, in block 5, of
Bam ciiy. uert lrtano,
Dated Jan. 22, 1007. Applicant
per cent Interest
Women Who Wear WelL fc
It is astonishing how great a change a
few years of married life often make In
tbe appearaaco and disposition of many
women. The freshness, tho charm, tho
brilliance vanish like the bloom from a
peach which Is rudely handled. Tho
matron 13 only a dim shadow, a faint echo
of tho charming maiden. There are two
reasons for this change, ignorance and
neglect Few young womon appreciate
tbe shock to tho system through tho
change which comes with marriage and
motherhood. Many neglect Xo deal with
the .unpleasant pelvic drains and weak
nesses which too often come with mar
rlago and motherhood, not understanding
that this secret drain is robbing the cheek
of it freshness and the form of its
Aii surely as tho general health suffers
wtieri there is derangement of the health
of tte delicate womaniijorgans, so surely
wher"th$se organs JireNsstabllshed ia
hcalfh therece anAJhhTbice witness
to the tact In reaevrfd cometrri Nearly
million women have found health, nnfl
happiness In the use of Dr. Pierre's Fa
vorite Prescription It makes weak wom
en strong and sick women well. Ingredi
ents on label contains no alcohol or
harmful habit -forming drugs. Made
wholly of those native, American, medic
inal! roots most highly recommended by
leading medical authorities of all the sev
eral' schools of practice for the cure of
woman's peculiar ailments.
For nursing mothers.or for those broken
down in health by too frequent bearing of
children, also for tho expectant mothers,
to prepare the system for the coming of
babyNand making Its advent easy and
almost painless, there Is no medicine quite
so good as "Favorite Prescription." It
can do no harm in any condition of the
system. It Is a most potent invigorating
tonic and strengthening nervine nicely
adapted to woman's delicate system by a
physician of large experience In tho treat
ment of woman's peculiar ailments.
Dr. Pierce may be consulted by letter
free of charge. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute.
Buffalo, N. Y. .
tho most heallna salve In the world.
Is your idle money earning you four
percent? You have just as good a
right to a share of the profits earned
byfyour money as the banker who
keeps it for you. We divide the profits
with our depositors and still make a
satisfactory profit for the bank. Our
business has more than doubled during
the past year. This bank has a cap
ital of $100,000 fully paid in and is
conservatively managed by progres
sive and suooessful business men.
Your business will receive prompt and
careful attention. V We will be glad
to meefyoTt any time and get acquain
ted with you. X
f ;We pay FOUR per cent on saving
accounts. '
:oc further particulars.-
Vuosirove wflerea
Our fiscal year which recently came to a close, shows that it has been one of the most
successful ever known in this store, and we take no little pride in believing that a large
share of this success has been due to the fact that the public appreciates the new and
advanced methods of merchandizing, that have been adopted by this Company since
its advent into the commercial world about a year ago, at which time it took over the
business of the Athena Mercantile Co. In view of this fact, we shall put forth during
this year, greater efforts to merit a continuance of your patronage and good will.
Special Notice e
f made -
?VOU a Suit that will 1nnk wHI
When we take your order,
uii idtung ana no
Mosgrove Mercantile Company j
Ask for B. & II. Stamps Ask for B. a II. Stamps
Those indebted to
me must settle at
once, either by cash
or note.
N. A. MILLER, Athena, Ore.
InflPC MarhinO PA a Specialty of General Repair Work
JUllVJ IlIULIUIICy lUi All Kinds of Machinery Bought and Sold
511 South Second St., Walla Walla
The new Spring Styles have arrived. If you
want to buy the latest, come and make your se
lection before the sizes are broken, fe Celebra
ted Gordon Hat is too well' known to need any
special recommendation from us. Thousands
knuw them to be the best $3 Hat in the world.
They "beat the band" for the price. 4
ave iust received our new Spring Samples, for Men's
to - order Suits. Let us take your measure. We'll make
fit anrl
we guarantee satisfactioa There is no skimping of cloth,
tncKery. Lrooa inside as wen as
Belgian Hare Hat
We are now also selling the Belgian Hare Hat
at $1.75, in all styles, colors and shapes. This Hat
is one of the best values ever offered to the public,
being made from fur instead of cotton felt, like so
many of the cheap hats, giving it wearing quali
ties mat is possessed by few others.
The Great Driving Wheel
of a'locomotive traveling a mile a min
ute, makes -403,361 revolutions ia 24
hours. The tiny balance wheel of a
watoh makes 432,000 in the same time,
and yet we find watches that have
been allowed to run five or- ten years
without cleaning or being oiled. If
have a good watch, treat it as you
would treat any otoer piece or ma
chinery. I do all repairing promptly
to the satisfaction of my customers.
Jeweler Bud f H POM lilfiF Ath
. vkub. Or
C. H. Sherman Prop.
Nothing too good for our jkiI
roris. We cut the best meat tooripv
can buy. Fiah and oysters in
season. Give us a trial.
i i
Phone 502
rotiOe Co
outside. vXf J