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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1907)
LIEUTENANT BOWMAN. tUfif - II FORTY-EIGHT HOURS PE-RU-NHIJREfl 11. Cold Affected Head and Threat Attack Was Severe Chas. W. Bowman, 1st Lieut, and Adjt. 4th M. S. M.- Cav. Vols., writes from Lanham, Md., as follows: "Though somewhat averse to patent medicines, and sti'l more averse to be-. Coming a professional affidavit man, it J seems only a plain duty in the present ' instance to add my experience to the, columns already written concerning the curative powers of Per una. "I have been particularly benefitted by its use for colds in the head and throat. I have able to fully cure myself of a most severe attack in forty-eight hours by its use according to directions. I use it as a preventive whenever threatened with an attack. "Members of my family also use it for like ailments. We are recommend ing it to our friends." Chas. W. Bowman. Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna Alma nac for 1907 An Avenue of Escape. Rival committees were appealing for funds. . "Let's see," said the capitalist, mus ingly. "If I give .$3,000. to each com mittee one donation would nullify the other, and, so far as I can see, leave both relatively where they started." Musing a little more, he decided that $10,000 would Just buy the sort of auto mobile he had in mind. Philadelphia Ledger., UTTERLY WORN OUt Vitality Sapped by Year of Suffering With K'dney Trouble. Capt. J. W. Hogun, former postmas ter of Indianola, now living at Austin, Texas, writes: "I w as afflicted for yeais with pains across the loins and in the hips and shoulders. I had hendacha also and neuralgia. My irght s eye,irom pain, was oi ft little use to me for c- years. The constant flow of urine kept my system depleted, causing nervous chills and night sweats. After trying seven different climates, and using all kinds of medicine I had the good for tune to hear of Do'an's Kidney Pills. This remedy has cured me. I am as well today as I was twenty years ago, and my eyesight is perfect." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. if- y v . - ' 1? t 1 I' I J8l AND SYSTEM DISORDERED Catarrh is not merely aa inflammation of the tissues of the head and throat, as the symptoms cf ringing" noises in. the ears, mucous dropping back into the throat, continual hawking and spitting, etc., would seem to indi cate ; it is a blood disease in which the entire circulation and the greater part of the system are involved. Catarrh is due to the presence of an excess of uric acid in the blood. The Liver, Kidneys and Bowels frequently be come torpid and dull in their action and instead of carrying off the refuse and waste of the body, leave it to sour and form uric acid in the system. This is taken up by the blood and through its circulation distributed to all parts of the system. These impurities in the blood irritate and inflame the different membranes and tissues of the body, and the contracting of a cold will start the secretions and other disgusting and disagreeable symptoms of Catarrh. As the blood goes to all parts of the body the ca tarrhal poison affects all parts of the system. The head has a tight, full feeling, nose continually stopped up, pains above the eyes, slight fever comes and goes, the stomach is upset and the entire system disordered and , . , affected by this disease. It is a waste of yLrsfadcSSidave time to try to cure Catarrh with sprays, teen worse. I triod everything cashes, inhalations, etc. Such treatment StSd? I theS'f Vu " Send does not reach the blood, and can, therefore, could see a little improvement do nothing more than temporarily relieve ?a0k?ntartbwhli5wcnreed! the discomfort of the trouble. To cure This was six years ag-o, and I im Catarrh permanently the blood must be RJXrHifSSiinS thoroujrhlypurified and thesystem cleansed know thera is nothing: on earth 0f all ViottA-i- far tha blood than S. S. 8 Nobody thinks more of 8. S. S. than I do. Lapeer, Mich, VEGETABLE PURELY every symptom disappears, the constitution is built up and vigorous health restored. S. S. S. also tones up the stomach and digestion and acts as a fine tonic to the entire system. If J'ou are suffering with Catarrh begin the use of S. S. S. and write us a statement of your case and our physicians will Bend you literature about Catarrh, and give you special medical advice Without charge. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores. THE SYIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA& fler Book Diary. She held up the fat little red leather book for her friend to see. "Xo not a diary. I kept one once, but I burned It long ago. My father gave me this when I waa 15, and show ed me how to keep It "It la my list of books I have read. I call It my book of books. Here is the first entry : 'Westward Ho,' by diaries Kingsley double-starred be cause I have read it three times; a star means rereading. Underlined, too, because when I looked the list over at the end of the year it was one of ii.y favorites. A little circle after the title that's because it was a work of fic tion that set me hunting fact, In his tory and biography. "Not all the marks In my code were marks of honor, though. Look t the cross after number nine; that means trash. And there, after number eleven the Fredejika Bremer novel the black dash; that means simply that I didn't like It. Father enjoined me to be honest with my black marks. He said I should find them an antidote to literary pretentiousness." St Louis Republic. Short Kings. There Is Tiardly a king In Christen dom whose wife does not overtop him by a head. The English king is quite six inches shorter than Queen Alexandra. The czar, a little man, Is overtopped a full head by the czarina. Kaiser Wilhelm is of the medium height, but the German empress is 'tall, and that is why the proud kaiser w ill never consent to be photographed be sl.te his wife unless she sits while be stands. - The king of Italy, short and squat, hardly comes up to the shoulders of the tall, athletic Queen Helena. The king of Portugal, though fatter, Is less tall than his queen. Even the Prince of Wales Is shorter a good four Inches than the princess. And the young king of Spain is sev eral Inches shorter Ahan his queen. MtnunUvr ,luod. He had bought her a pot of real Irish shamrock, grown on the ould sod, for it was St. Patrick's day, and she, too, had in her veins the blood of Erin. "Oh," she cried, "how good of you! How perfect they are! How fresh! Why, I believe there is still a little dew on them." "Yes," he answered, flushing, "I know there is, but It will all be paid off tomorrow." Peculiar to Itself In selection, proportion and combination of Ingredients, In the process by which tbelr remedial values are extracted and preserved, In effectiveness, usefulness and economy, Curing the widest range of diseases. Doing the most good for the money. Having the most medicinal merit, And the greatest record ot cures, Hood's Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1. Louf War from Nowhere. The most remote mission station in the world Is on Herschel Island, in the far northwest corner of the Dominion of Canada. The nearest postoffice Is 2,000 miles away. Consequently the packets are few and far between, sel dom more than two in a year. The Isl and is a most uninviting place for a residence. No sun for more than two months in the winter, and not a tree to be seen anywhere. Under the teach lng of the missionaries many of the F.sqiilmaux are becoming more civil ized, and are greatly improving in their manner and habits, and there is a growing desire for Instruction. A count of the unoccupied houses In London shows 40,069. That is one houss in fifteen of the whole city. or BLOOD Di DISEASED poisons, and at the same time strengthened and built up. Nothing equal3 S. S. S. for thispurpose. It attacks the disease at it3 head, goes down to the very bottom of the trouble and makes a complete and lasting cure. S. S. S. removes every particle of the catarrhal poison from the blood, making this vital stream pure, fresh and healthy. Then the inflamed mem branes begin to heal, the head is loosened and cleared, the hawkin? and spitting cease, rtilizlnir Corn Fodder. It Is desirable to utilize all the food value there Is In the corn fodder, though the usual way of feeding it to the stock is a very wasteful method. Where the dally supply of fodder is thrown in the barnyard at feeding time, what th3 cattle do not eat is trampled down and destroyed, so far as the feeding value Is concerned. The leaves and the tops are all stock will eat From one-third to one-half the length of the fodder Is readily eaten In racks without cutting. When the stalks are heavy, coarse and hard, the upper half may be cut for feed with a sharp broadax and heavy block if but few cattle are fed. For a larger herd we have adopted a large shearing knife, homemade, which soon shears enough for a day's feeding. The cutting knife or shears Is best made from an old blade of a crosscut saw. After the handles have been re moved, get a stout piece of iron (a) about eight inches long and one and one-quarter Inches thick, nave about five Inches of this slit up to receive the back of the saw. Punch holes through both and rivet together. Near the end of this Iron have a hole drilled or turn an eye on it to receive a strong bolt. Rivet a strong handle on the other end, as shown at c, long enough to give a good "leverage, say two and one-half to three feet. Grind the blade down to a good, sharp cutting edge, attach the cutter at d to a strong post or upright so it will have plenty of swing. Put a heavy block underneath, and it Is ready to cut or shear the bundles as they are fed by a boy or man. Farm and Home. Siloa Scarce In Oklahoma. Most of my 200 acres under cultiva tion is farmed by renters. Cotton is my main crop. In addition to this, I grow oats and Kaffir corn, says an Oklahoma farmer. This year I have on my farm seventy acres of cotton, twenty-five acres of oats, sixty acres of Kaffir corn, five acres of cowpeas and thirty acres of weeds caused by continual overflowing during the plant ing season. I do not practice any sys tematic rotation of crops. I have no silo, and do not believe there Is one In the county. Most of the grain raised Is feed, but some Is sold. From my forty head of grade Hereford stock cattle I realize some profit Feeding Animals. The common mode of feeding ani mals is to give them grain In a separate trough from hay or fodder, and at dif ferent times. Such method Is preferred because it saves labor, but the best re sults are obtained by mixing the ground grain with coarse food that has been passed through the feed cutter. Less food will then be required to obtain re sults, because the mixed food will be better digested and assimilated than when the substances are given sepa rately. Many Kinds of Bees. There are about 5,000 species of the wild bees, all with interesting ways of their own. Among them is a species whose females are veritable Amazons and carry more- and better weapons than which deposit their eggs in the nest of others, the progeny of both liv ing peaceably together until maturity, when they separate. Then there is the tailoring bee, which cuts leaves with his scissor-like Jaws and fits a snug lining of the leaf material into bis cave- shaped nest. Bran and Oil Meal for Horses. An Illinois stockman who has bad much experience In. feeding horses and cattle says: "I consider oats and corn, with branand oil meal, .the bast farm feeds for horses and whole and ground corn, with bran and oil meal, the best for beef cattle. I use silage and mixed feed twice a day, and do not shred corn fodder. I grow Relds' yellow Dent corn, which averages about forty bushels per acre. I cut thirty-five acres each year and use the corn har- I vester. I have twenty-five Shire horses and 100 Hereford cattle." Tenting Cream. Much dissatisfaction is often exper ienced by cream producers because of t differences reported in the test of their ! cream, and though they have made no j change in the cream screw. Bulletin J No. 237 treats of a number of causes of these differences. The bulletin may be obtained by addressing the expeiT- ment station, Manhattan, Kan. Proper Way to Dress Capons. In dressing capons they should al ways be dry-picked and the feathers left on the neck, wings, legs and rump, and the tall and wing feathers should be left in. Do not dress out any ca pons that weigh less than seven pounds ( each. Keep the small ones until they grow a little heavier J BLOCK n HOMEMADE CORNSTALK CUTTEB. Barley as a Feed for Hosts. The advisability of feeding barley to pigs, and the methods to pursue In so doing, la well worthy of agitation. Thai pigs are desirable on the farm is an established fact Food must be pro vided for them, and so far the one most generally used has been corn, either alone or with shorts and milk. . But in much of the northwest corn cannot be matured, or is a crop too uncertain and expensive to be practicable. In such regions, barley Is a reliable crop; and if It can be utilized generally for pig a great advantage to the Industry v. ill have been secured. Hott to Pack A chocolate, or broken candy pall, that can be had for 10 cents at any grocery store, makes an excellent egg carrier when treated In the following manner: Take a sheet of the corru- SAFETT EGO CABBIES. gated brown paper board used as wrapping for breakable articles and line the sides and bottom of the pall, as shown In the cut Then cut circles from other pieces of the same material to use between each layer of eggs, smaller circles for the bottom, increas ing In size as the top Is approached. Eggs can be gathered from the nests in such a pall and carried to market with reasonable assurance that fewr, 11 any, breakages will occur. The cor rugated paper can be obtained in larsre sheets from grocers, to whom it has come packed about breakable goods. Food Value of Corn in Milam. One acre of corn put in a silo will furnish three cows all the sllaee they will eat for a period of 200 days, forty pounds a day each. Thus ten acres of corn so used will suddIv thlrtv cows for the same length of time. In addi tion to the silage ration, the cows will need a little good hay and a protein ration of bran and gluten feed. This sort of ration will secure profitable re sults from any dairy of cows. Coring Wire Cats. Here Is some useful Information from a Dakota man. He says : "There are a great many remedies used but I have found the following to be one of the best: Common machine oil and alura. Take alum and burn on stove till white and dry ; pulverize fine. Sat urate wound with oil, then cover the wound with alum, dusted on with a dust spray. This may be applied once or twice dally." Feeding; Carrots. Experiments in the feeding of car rots, beets and small potatoes to cows show that milk fever is less liable to occur when cows are fed liberally on root crops than when they are confined to hay and grain. No corn should be given six weeks before calving. Lin seed meal may be allowed with the hay, which should be Cut fine and the linseed meal sprinkled over It Simple extension Ladder. I made a ladder extension by saw ing off seven feet from an old ladder and removing three of the rungs, as shown in the cut. Then place It on the outside of the ladder to be length ened, bore two holes through each side piece, put a bolt in each bole, and the ladder Is four feet longer. After using it can be changed to original size much quicker than If tied with ropes, and It's safer. The top ends of the ladder should be cut out to receive the lower rung of the extension. John Upton, lu Farm Progress. Keep Fine Poultry as Breeders. A specimen t lacking the shape of the breed Is not typical of the breed and should not be admitted to the breeding pen because of fancy points of color, comb or eye. The male bird should be true to type, perfect in shape, proud and showy, and of as good color and markings as possible, the more style and strut he puts on the better. Carina; Mange In Hog.s Mange In hogs Is not difficult to cure and seldom causes death. It Is caused by a parasite under the surface of the skin, which produces irritation and later a scab. This is contagious. The best treatment is to wash the pigs in soft water and soap, then rub In dry sulphur. Repeat in a week. A third treatment is seldom necessary. Fresh Eggs. There are never too many eggs in the markets that are strictly fresh, and the farmer who will take the management of his fowls from the female members of the family, keep large flocks and seek his customers, will find poultry more profitable than larger stock In proportion to capital invested. 1; Igtow HANDY EXTENSION LAODEB. Promise of Improvement. "Edith," exclaimed her mother, "I'm sorry I brought you to the shore at all. Here five days and you're engaged to two young men. It's disgraceful!" "Yes," admitted the' summer girl, "It's pretty slow work, but give me time, ma, give me time." Philadelphia Press. Mothers wfll find Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrupthe bit remedy to rise tot their chUdroa luring tho teething period. Bridge Lore. -What 1 that poem about the bridge at midnight?" asked Mrs. Flashingtou. "I don't know," answered Mrs. Dasher; "but the poet knew what he was writing about. Bridge will keep you up till miduight and after if you happen to be loser." Washington Star. St. V'tns' Panre nd alt Nervous Dlasses nermanentlv cured br Dr. Kline's Urekt prve Restorer. Send fur KKKK I2trlai bottlt and tnattae. Dr. H. H. Kline, Ld., KU Arch St., FhUa.l'a, Noise. Rivera Can there be such a thing as "crying need?" Brooks Why not? Everybody knows I bore is such a thing as a howling suc cess. STIFFNESS, STITCHES, LAMENESS, CRAMP, TWISTS AND TWITCHES. ALL DECAMP WHEN jntk. fsta THE OLD-MONK-CURB FRUIT TREES, VINES, PLANTS BERKSHIRE SWINE, (Registered) SHORTHORN CATTLE, (Registered) BARRED AND WHITE ROCKS PACIFIC NURSERY CO. Catalogue Free. Tangent, Oregon RUBBER STAMPS Best In America We make them We do not take orders and peddle our Rubber Stamps, Seals, Etc. We manuXacture our own goods. Our equipment in the newest and best money can buy. Writa today for our "Kubber Stamp Catalogue." THE IKWOT-HODSON CO, Portland. Oregon On the Scent. Crimson Ramhler Are you burning gasoline in dat automobile, mister? Sparks No, my friend; I'm trying alcohol Just for an experiment. . Crimson Rambler I thought so. Would you mind me hangln' on behind fer a mile or so, Jest fer de smell? Puck. How's This? W offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any caie of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall'l Catarrh Cure. . . F. j. cuKNisx ft co.,rropi., ioieao, u. We. the underlined, hare kuown F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions and fl nancially able to carry out any ob ligations made by their firm. won 4i tkuax, wnoiesate uruggists, xoieao, u. Walmno, Kinnan dt Mahvin, Vv hulenale Drug gists. Toledo, O. Uall'a Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. old by all Druggists. Testimonials fre. uau a family J mi are me uest. Real Monopoly. The lone bandit was holding op a rail way train. "It's better than beiny president of the road," he chortled. "I don't have to divide any of the swag with influential politicians." By the way of rebate, however, he re turned the cheap watches to their own ers. Safe, Sure and Speedy. No external remedy ev r yet devised hns so fully and unquestionably met these time prime conditions as successfully aa AUcocks Plasters. They are safe I ecause they contain no delete ious drop and are manufactured upon scientific principles of medic ne. Tlicy are sure bemuse nothing goes into them except inirredionts which are exactly ad p ed to the purpo-es for which a pla teris required. Thev lire speedy intheir action bcoausctlicirm; dicimil qual ities go rifiht to their work of relieving pain and restoring the natural and healthy per formance of the functions of muscles, nerves and skin. AUcocks Plasters are the original and genuine porous plasters and like most mer itorious articles have ieen extensively imi tated, th refore always make sure and get the genuine Allcock's. The Last Word. "Aw, g'on, Mike," said the British soldier, attempting to end the argu ment ; "you're a lobster." "Ye flatter me," retorted Mike ; "shure, a lobster's a wise animal, fur green Is the color fur blm as long as he lives, an he'll die before he puts on a red coat." The Catholic Standard and Times CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Eignutur TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets ftrugghus refund money if it fails to eure. E. W GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25e. 1 A ttaerr. That "Love Is blind" one can't dispute. I (He's often deaf and dumb to boot !) But If be sightless be, I pray, j How does he always "find the way"? Tas Eeader. It "Quiets the Cough This is one reason why(Ayer's Cherrv Pectoral is so valua ble in consumption. It stops 1 the wear and tear of useless coughing. But it does more it controls the inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, and heals. Sold for 60 years. " ATer't Cherry Pectoral hi heen a regular lite preserver to me. It lirmnilit me through a severs attack of pneumonia, and I feel that I owe my life to Ita wonderful curative properties." William II. Tuuirr, Wawa, Had by J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Haas. SAESAPARILLA. yers PIUS. HAIR VIGOR. Hasten recovery by keeping tha bowels regular with Ayer's Pills. m t ' vsina kt PRICB 85 AND 50 CENTS HOWAHD E. BURTON. Asnnyer ari Chemist, IiOauvlUe, Coloriuio. Hpevhmm prlcesi UuUl, Sliver, Iii ad,l ; Oold, Silver, 7.'i'i Hold, 5uj Zlnoor Copper, St. Cyanide tests. Wnllln"invelopes and full price list scut on application. it rot and Um pire work Bollul ted. lielereacei Caroonats Kar ttoual liaulc "ir'-'-'lal in im li i 'nil' ALBERTA The land of the golden grain. Here Is a snap or investors. 640 acres, i m proved, 6 miles from the growing town of Maeluod, $12 per acre. In two years from now tiiis laud will be worth 20 per acre. Apply in a rush to G. F. BEERE, Maclcod, Alberta Reference: Union Hunk of Canada, CROPS NEVER FAIL lu ihe irpppr Riuiko Valley, Idaho, where 25,000 MlttMiKNtppI Valley hi meeilt'ra Riv utn ady lo. uted. 6(W.00j Her 8 umlev elop U, IrrUnli e land utill uwiilt ill.' settler. Moll at a d tiest wa prist valley In the world. Fines o tmute; oho ceii fruit; Iniiueiia-eroim of uriilii. hIIhUii mi. ar tHtie. H, .), 001) Invested In fiic.orii-H. New H. It. inten sion to Ye lowHtmie park oie ns country of vast rfv soured. A nil ton marleil Jail. 1, UKXt, a record breaker. Write lor part culnr-i. C. C. MOOUK HliA I, ICS 1'ATK COMPANY 1st. Anthony and Ashton, Idaho. are not an experi-vv.' fell, tlCTU, . V '-."l c.,t. -NL"' I..' 'meat, but with proper cuUra&V?: : vation.thrv assure tucceBi V from the start. Users have t.o doubts at nlnntinir uor dlstiD- pointinftits at narvest. t.c for biggest, uret, best croft ni tail uiait i a. i ouiwmiui vvci 50 years. lrJU7 Snd AnnuM 11CCVU ictjucoi, Jr' '1 . D. Kt. FERRY & CO., Six,''' Detroit, Mich. NO PLATES DENTAL CO. TKffs L One-third off regular price for Hhort time. Dr. II. A. Bttirdevant. ioiinerlv of The Dalles. and Rr. B. K. Butler, formerly of Arlington, are with us. Tbey will be glad to meet their old friends. Third and Couch Streets. Portland, Oregon. In the Laundry Will Sterilize the Cloth ing, Act as an Antiseptic and Prevent , Odor from Presplratlon. I Ail dealers. Sample Bora, Booklet and ! Souvenir fieturc in 10 eolors, C ccntH and your , dealer's name. Addresa f ACIPIU COAST BO KAX CO., Oakland, Cal. MAKE EVERY DAY Jrzan POT INT. tin mttAi hnw ' .bad ihn wpAthnr? tou cannot afford to be without & TOWER'S WATERPROOF OILED SUIT vOX SLICKER t wnen you mry loon for the -3? P.N IILY BORAX I I