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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1907)
ATHENA PRESS Tuesday and Friday f. B.tOYD Publisher Wonder If Mrs. Russell Sage bus Count Bonl on her list The "lone bandit" Industry has ex perienced several serious reverses lately. Even the easy-going makes a wry face when wallow Count BonL Frenchman he tries to slcally sound people Is as old as civil ization. Indeed, the theory goes back-i of civilization and extends to barbar ism, for many savage tribes summarily killed off the unfit. So far from per muting them to marry, they would not p-.-rmit them to live. In an age when fighting was the chief end of man phy sical perfection was an Indispensable qualification. The weaklings, male and female, had to go the males because they could not fight and the females because they could not bear fighters. In this stage of the earth's progress the war factor does not enter Into the ksfara rv Fall Road Work. Road work done in the fall, if well Brigands are reported to be active in Sicily. Perhaps Sicily Is trying to be known as the Wall street of Italy. A divorced couple named Carr have been reunited by their baby. This Is something unique In the line of Carr couplers. The average man thinks he would have au excellent chance of occuDylng the presidential chair If the olliee sought the man. A New York theater offers a free seat to every man who never lied to bis wife. This is an absolutely costless bid for notoriety. The man who Insisted on tempting fate by going over Niagara Fall3 in a barrel has subsided, but the reckless balloonist Is always with us. A Massachusetts club woman wants a law prohibiting a man from marry ing more than once. Why not make it to include pretty widows, too? Miss Ida Tarbell Is now engaged in a hand-to-hand combat with the tariff question. Has she exhausted all the possibilities of the John D. Rockefeller question? The coal supply of the United States is said to be good for 5,000 years. That Is, of course, If President Baer. the representative of Providence, doesn't become wasteful. Countess de Castellane had to con tent herself with a divorce, the court, possibly through an oversight, having failed to order Bonl to be taken out And drowned In a bag. A New York church has secured a girl whistler in an attempt to Increase the number of attetidnnts at services. Why not a real whistler an olliee boy or a telegraph messenger? Notwithstanding the fact that a Ger man savant has shown that the works of Shakspeare were produced by some body else. Hall Calne continues to look ' as much like the Immortal bard as possible. Prof. Brander Matthews regards the English language as "violent. Illogical, chaotic and absurd." Still, If the pro fessor doesn't like It, he is at liberty to use any of the other numerous kinds on the market matter so strongly, but all humane and donet ,f worth more than that done Id discriminating people must and do 1116 summer time. For the ditches will agree that the matlnz of nhysical or 0a flnd clean, the grade well mental weaklings, and especially those rounded, and everything be made fa affected with the so-called hereditary 70rabIe tor taking care of spring raln diseases, Is strongly to be deprecated an1 freshets. on grounds of humanity and expedien-1 Any ln0- of road work may be done cy. No reflecting person desires the de- ln tno late fall, but any piece of work generation of the race. But the con- begun should be well finished. There temporary clamor over the matter by 18 nothing more annoying than to people who put the question upon a travel all winter over frozen lumps of purely animal basis will lead to noth- earth on a half finished road. ing save the disinclination of most per- Grass and weeds should be mowed sons to discuss It at all. There can be or burned, so that snow will not drift no proper objection to necessary plain among them on the road, nor weed speaking, but there can be and there seeds be scattered over the surround is an objection to continual harpinp on tag fields; and culverts should be put a subject which is perfectly familiar to In place that the ditches may drain everybody already. Nobody defends better ln the spring, the mating of the unfit. The marriage Roads can be advantageously worked of consumptives, for Instance, Is ob- In the fall, particularly those through viously wrong and undesirable. But low places, as they are usually dry at the evil results of such a marriage can- that time. Everything Is in favor of not be emphasized because everybody fall road work if It Is done right. Is fully aware of them "already. The Horses and men work more easily and whole thing, in a few words, Is the re- the road machinery is used to better discovery by people who are always advantage. Besides, the work Is done making such discoveries that two and at a time when it does the most good, two make four. The world has known I for the roads are thus prepared for he It all along and to vociferate It ln the succeeding spring, when good roads market place does not make It either are badly needed, new or interesting. aii road work has Its disadvan tages, though, to the famer, for at that Noah Webster, who was somewhat of time of the year his labor Is needed a reformer In bis day, would be grati- at home, preparing the land for the fled, no doubt, were he living, by the next year's crop, or saving the cron compliment oi commence paia to mm wmcn nas Just been harvested. Farm by the House committee on appropria- Stock and Home. tions, which has Inserted a paragraph in the appropriation bill providing that the government printing office "shall follow the rules of orthography estab lished by Webster or the other general ly accepted dictionaries of the English language." This bill, when passeu by the House and approved by the Presi dent, will put an end to the feel'ng of public unrest which has prevailed since the difference of opinion expressed by . S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given' to all calls, both eight and day. Calls promptly answered. OffloeonTblrd ret. Athena. Oregor THE ST. NICHOLS HOTELj I J. E. FROOME, pbop. I Iff - Only First-class Hotel in i I the City. A New York Judge has rendered the opinion that It is no crime to hug a girl on a doorstep. Without touching upon the legality of the operation there are men who will cling to the opinion that it Is exceedingly dangerous If the girl's father happens to be largo and husky. The Postofllce Department wants bet ter roads for its rural carriers, better mall transportation on American ships and safe steel ears for clerks In the railway mall service. It ought to have all of these things. The work of the department In preventing frmuls hn become Increasingly effective, and It may well be carried still further. It Is one of the most useful agencies on the side of sound public morals, Just as tho whole great postal system of dissemi nating knowledge Is a priceless stimu lus to national intelligence. The fact that eight of the eleven members of the new French cabinet are or have been Journalists demonstrates anew the Importance of this profession In France. It is the aveuue to dis tinction, as the bar is In England and the United States. The personal ele ment In tho French journals is of course the reason. The leading articles are signed, and a man may make a rep utation through them In a few weeks, whereas the English or American Jour nalist may write thousands of brilliant leaders and remain unknown. Which of the two systems Is the better Is a difficult question to decide, although many hold that the anonymous system Is the more likely to secure a solid, well-balanced and responsible press. Novelists, some of whom may never have owned a dress coat, used to be fond of drawing, ln their tales, a sharp social distinction between persons who "dressed for dinner" and those who did not Now the editor of a British medical Journal has been discussing and commending from a hygienic point of view the habit of dressing Tor din ner. Every one knows that a change of clothing is often refreshing. The Eng lish, editor believes that th effect is physical as well as mental, or physical through the mental stimulus, and ad vises that even the hard-working clerk, the shopkeeper and the laboring man cast off their workaday clothes and put on clean clothing for the even ing meal, when the toll of the day is over. Tree Along- Highways In an Interesting address before a meeting of the grange at Greece. N. Y, Louncy Engineer J. Y. McClIntoek ipoke on the many advantages of coun try lire and the Importance of having iood roads. Ho advocated hiiii.iino (vide roads so that all vehicles could Mfely pass. On the desirability of having trees along the road he had Mr. Roosevelt and Coneress In the mat- eollowing to Bay : tpr nf tim ann nrnrriH Narnrniiv it u " e Know Hedges, small trees not believed that the slight clash that and,busheB are not suitable along our has gently disturbed the delightful re- "aua Decause or drifting snows, but lnrlnns tintwepn the Presiripnt and Con- there are great trees which will erow gress in this diversity of view will ex- UP hl8h and be a source of enjoyment tend to more serious matters. It is auu ""-"iiuveness. I know that some not feared that the painful disagree- (vl11 obJecti to trees because they will ment which marred the administration to 801116 exteut reduce the productive of President Andrew Johnson will be ncss of 8 strlP of. land within their repeated or that the countrv will be la"feB- out as rar as I can learn convulsed by another governmental 800(1 row or trees along a road will wrangle. The acorn of dissent which make tbe fflrm more salable. Many of has been born of so-called reform spell- your farms will be nought by people lng will not be permitted to develop 110111 le clty1 and to them surely the Into a sturdy oak of distrust and wrath. trees w111 be an advantage. There Mr. Roosevelt has done what he could nouia not o dense rows of trees. Imt to mend or to mar spelling, and he tuey anouiu be placed far enounh aoarf still has It In his power by increased lo permit or run development of eacb private correspondence to emphasize Clee' nere are certain trees In your his convictions and repeat his conclu- town which many people look upon as slons. It Is true that his messages personal rriends, and many drives and will be printed ln the Congressional 'alK8 are taken to visit them and come Record with the antiquated spelling, under their Influence, i.i. t . i . i I .. ii. xi . a . . I Inn rtpliln nf X'... r... , um mere la Humce iu iue luuugui mat, I wl c urugiuna. as well ai with the possible exception of the Pm England is the noble old trees proofreaders, nobody will gloat over which connect ln one life the times of his discomfiture ln the perusal of that JUr sturdy forefathers and the pres medlum of communication. It is n'eas- ent- It requires time and care to "le ant to contemplate the settlement of cure good trees, but they are worth this minor controversy accompllnhed tne 0081 In creating the beautiful vis- In a manner so tactful, graceful and ias wnicn are so effective in archil. considerate, for, of course, ln this in- ture ,n making cooling shade and In stance Mr. Roosevelt will courteously trlcate forms so refreshing to the body yield to the wishes of Congress, Just and delightful to tho eye, iu ninkiua in i i ... ... . 1 in J l . . as lie win expect congress win in re turn defer to him In other matters of public policy. wind breaks which are beneficial to many crops and In transform I no- . bleak, flat country into an enjoyable living and looking place. With united Would Not Sell III Ancestors. KUon you can Secure all the most at. A plutocratic American of the last tractlve features which rich men and century who had seen the green acres 8 "scire by lavish expenditure of and stately castle of an Irish estate uloney lu tQe formation of parks and sought out Its impecunious owner 1 au aua 10 the value of your with an offer to buy. Lord Blank. fIooeriy- eager enough to transmute his profit- An offhand du....i. less lands luto pregnant gold, named a A humorous variation nt tJt i considerable, but reasonable, price as able parent who figures in popular flc one he would be willing to take. "Very tlon comes from th Phii,iii,i. r.... mm t ,.,i i.. .. . . " M..uC.L,uia ruo- . km iic imager. It was evening, and while mm n wie i.K-iuies gu wim lue uouse. the JOUng man was wnlrlno n ii.i.. ..,. .t i.i., i I.-.I.I.. I . . ... w. iuc .i.i.-i a u.uo 11-um.uu .us wuuouiii gin 0r his choice he made desperate answered, "Yes, you can have the piet- attempts at conversation with the ulrl's uves, except, of course, the family por- rather. traits.' "Its the portraits I want." "whnt rin ,!, ... , said the other. "I wouldn't give a treatment of disease?" h i,! erty Is not for sale under those con- "We'll." the old nHm.n i.i.. dltlous." said his lordship, turning on hponded, "for the sort you have the his heel and walking away, to the as- outdoor treatment mht .n & &UI in summer, but at this season a quiet tonlshment of the parvenu, who flung a "Stuck up beggar!" after the re treating figure. parlor Is better." I Love Yon. A Danish paper compares "I love you" ln many languages. Here are some of them the Danish paper is our only authority for their correctness. The Chinaman says, "Uo ngal nl ;" the Armenian, "Ge sireni es hez;" the Ara bian, very shortly, "Nehabeeck ;" the Egyptian, similarly, "N'aciikeb;" the Turk, "Slsl sevejorum," and the Hin doo, "Main tym ko pijar karyn." But Not Straight Bnonarh. "He's the ruler of that ward, isn't lie?" "Oh, no, he's the machine boss of the vard." 'Well, 'machine' boss or ruler:' vhat's the difference?" "My friend, the word ruler gug- ,-ests something straight" Philadel phia Tress. Not Trua. " 'Honest flsher folk you call them." overwhelming is the declaration of love -emarked tae publisher. "You'll have of an Eskimo, who tries to win the cho- :o change that" sen one by the pleasing sound of the dainty little word: "Unlviflgssaerntd- luinalerflmajungnarslgujak." We wonder that It never occurs to a ripitnbnrff thnt ha asiiiM ntlKanl a l.. Like a good many other current dls- of favorabie attention by remaining eoverles and gospels, the high-voiced Im. Every man in town would con talk respecting the necessity for re- j gratulate him, and speak well of him. Itrletlnjr the ritfht of marriage to phy- J aud ne!p umi emy way i "What for?" demanded the author. "Simply because it sounds ridiculous. never knew a man who went fishing :o be quite nonesfPhiladelDhia Press. sending Hour Home to Norway. It Is estimated that about $1,000,000 n postal orders are sent from this wuntry to Norway every year, mostly is gifts to relatives and friends. THE ST. NICHOLS li the only one that can accommodate oommai-oial traveler. Can beiecomended for Its clean and , well ventilated room a. Cob. Maim and Third, ATBiNA.Or. t COMMERCIAL LIVERY STABLE HARRY M BRIDE, MANAGER Best Stock and Rigs in the City. Competent Drivers. Stock Boarded by the Daj', Week or Month at Reasonable Rate. NORTH SIDE STREET, ATHEAN, ORE OREGON SiioT Line Through Pullman standard and alwMnn cars daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car daily to Kanxas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted weekly to Chicago, with Tree reclining chair cars, seats tree, to the east daily irom Pendleton. ARRIVE Dally. 11:55 a. m. TIME SCHEDULES ATHENA, ORE, 12:30 p n :53 p m Walla Walla, Day ton, t-omeroy, Lew lston, Colfax. Pull man, Moscow, the Couer d'Alene dis trict. Hpokane and an points north. Walla Walla - Pen dielon Mixed FTHH1. Mail fnr Pen oleum, uauraiiae. Bauer uny, ana ail nointseiKt vln Hnn tington, Ore., Also ior uniHUiia, ttepp ner. The Dalles, Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley Point I 'oJifariilo TaconiH.Ken.ttlA all Hound Points. Pendleton - Walla Walla Mixed DEPART Daily. 11:65 a.m. 4:53 p. m 6:30 p m J, s. 1'obie Agent, Athena "Saving at the Spigot . Wasting at the Bung" That's what buying poor paint . means. Paint may low- priced by the gallon and be 'extravagant to use owing to to it s poor covering power and wearing quality. After the paint is applied it's too late to save. Start right and use The SHERim-WiLUAm Paint MADE TO PAINT BUILDINGS WITH, OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. It covers more surface, spreads easier, and lasts longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed lead and oil. CALL FOR I COLOR CARDS I Umatilla Lumber Yard Hikli'T v. rri E TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. J&CK WEIR, MANAGER Athena, Oregon Building Material and Fuel Yards at Walla Walla, Touchet and Lowdon, Wash., and Athena, Adams and Freewater, Oregon. kJB ESTABLISHED 1865- Preston-Parton Milling Co. ! Flour is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected Bluestetn wheat grown any where. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sella American Beauty for Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. - - ;. - ' Athena, Oregon I w-w' Ha Lai CON-TAIN-ING NO POISONS. CONFORMS TO NATIONAL Pllnc ennn aun nsun i .ui J La UJflVS CUi.h SyVP oonta,n,n Honey nd Tar. An Improvement over all Coutfh. Luni and Bronchial Remedies. Pleasant to tho taste and good alike for young and old. All coush syrups containing opiates constipate the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Ar moves the bowels and contains no opiates. Prepared by PINE-ULE MEDICINE COMPANY. CHICAGO, V. SOLD IN ATHENA AT HAWK'S PIONEER DRUG STORE f if tU' VS ! - i - ' ,r 3 OF 'T'.- "I '. i i ' i hi i m j iiiu . THROAT AUD U3M MEM SHE for y S and o DISEASES SAVED HER SON'S UFE 80n R" Wtl down a year "2 lnn? trouble. We doctored some months without improvement. Then I began giving tTJt?& ' f e?T?xWMyi ntfl soon noticed change for the better. ioif.S tr,eatment BP r ew weeks and now sny non is perfectly well and works every day. 3 3 3 MRS. SAMP. RIPPEE, Ava, Mo. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY 50c AND SI.CO nrT.rt.i irt'i W. M. McBAIDE