The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 12, 1907, Image 2

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Tuesday and Fridays
F.B.BOYD Publisher
A negro In Manitoba Is turning wblte.
terhaps be bas been feeling a little off
It makes a young man crazy mad to
be called a boy and an old man not to
consultation of that high organ than
of their carpetbags as to what they I
shall pack into them for a Journey on Jr Trad Diverted from
the steam cars. And, singular as If. Coontrr to Japan.
may appear, these misguided men con- Japan and China have taken
tribute about as little to the support of
doctors and undertakers as others.
Every time the clock ticks Rockefel
ler gets $1.90. lie can afford to watch
the clock."
Goldwln Smith says there Is money
in literature. . There is. But the trou
ble Is to get It out
Only a mother can distinguish be
tween the miscblevousness of her boy
end the badness of the boy next door-
Bret Ilarte's Yuba dam has been de
stroyed by Are. It might be mentioned
that Yuba dam Isn't reformed spell
Any samples of simplified spelling
that slip Into Uncle Joe Cannon's cor
respondence he credits to his stenog
Lieutenant Feary says seeking the
North Pole compels hunger and hard
ship. And that's why those who keep
on trying to find It are heroes.
A turtle 4,000 years old was recently
eaptured oft" the Galapagos Islands.
The name of the man who cut his In
itials on Its back is not revealed.
Chicago is still sending Milwaukee
Avenue Bank ollicials to the peniten
tiary, notwithstanding the bankers'
ward at Joliet Is already crowded.
Prsldent Eliot, of Harvard, recently
said that rowing and tennis are the
only honorable college sports. He must
have overlooked mumblepeg and pinochle.
Mark Twain is 71, and announces
that he expects to live "many more
years to enjoy the beauty and hospital
ity of this world." There's the optim
ism of youth for you.
When a fellow gets mixed up In a
scandal he is always "a well-known
club man," even If the only club he be
longs to Is a back-alley society for the
promotion of crap-shooting.
William Dean Ilowells Insists that
genius is merely another name for hard
work. Somehow this does not har
monize with the theory that 'genius
always wears patches on the seat of
Its trousers.
There Is a shadow of romance ovei
the past that leads many peopie to
speak of the "good times of long ago."
It is wise of beneficent nature to let
the man of 70 years forget the cares
and anxieties that beset the earlier
years of his life, and permit him to live
happily In the memory of "good old
times." He forgets the monotony of
the nightly meal and only remembers
"the delicious cornmeal mush that
mnfhpT liQArl f-n nifllfo" fill tha hrtfiaa-
kpenpr of to-dav wonders If she knows on'y
bulk of Java'a sugar crop
the United States this year, says
New York Post Up to Nov. 1 a little
less than 100,000 tons had been re-
l S. . Sharp
Thla Special attention given to all
i calls, both night and day.
the CalU promptly answered. Office on Tbtrd
tit Ul AhAa
away .from
celved at all Atlantic ports, as against fty If 1 0 f I ft I O DATE I
over 300,000 tons last year. tule lllUilULu HU I tL 2
At tms time last year a big fleet of
steamships, sugar laden, was lying un
der the lea of Delaware breakwater
awaiting orders to come to New York
or go to Boston to discharge. But the
Indura, which made the breakwater
yesterday, and the Caudelhoe, which
arrived there on the 5th and is now
docked at Long Island city, are the
I Only
sugar ships that have arrived
anything at all about cornmeal mush.
The fact is, the laborer of to-day has
luxuries that Queen Elizabeth never
dreamed of daily mail, telephone,
street cars, electricity for domestic
purposes, homes well lighted, well
plumbed, and well heated, to say noth
ing of the thousand and one articles
that -we dally use, and d regard
as luxuries matches, for example.
Nowadays contagious diseases do not
devastate our cities, because State and
municipal laws unite to enforce pro
tective sanitation, and never were
homes so clean and well cared for as
by the housekeepers of to-day. The so
ciety or business woman Is tired has
no time to go home and rest, so she
goes to the parlors of a professional
masseuse, and In an hour emerges a
new woman, rested and happy and
ready for a strenuous evening. Are
your feet tired? In ten minutes the
chiropodist will fix you up so you can
dance till 1 a. m. The manicurist will
attend to your hands, and the hah" spe
cialist will dress your hair and adjust
your complexion for you, and men are
Just as well cared for as are the worn
en. How Inconvenient It must lave
been to have been alive even fifty years
ago! The good old times? Think of
a trip to Europe then and now, and
each coming year brings us new lux
uries. Just as much as automobiles
are ahead of ox-carts, Just so much will
airships excel automobiles, and
through new devices, the luxuries of to
morrow will exceed those of to-day. A
few years will find stoves and furnaces
but cumbersome nuisances of the past,
and the ash gentleman will be forgot
ten. Good old times? To-day Is the
best day the world ever saw, and to
morrow will be better.
A Lancaster (Pa.) hotelkeeper is
troubled with a strange affliction, that
deprives him of the power of speech
for months at a time. As It is not con
tagious, the women In the neighborhood
are not unduly excited over it
A Cumberland, Md., woman has mar
ried a man because he paid her fare
when she got on a street car without
her pocketbook. There are men who
will be likely to hesitate a long time,
after this, before daring to help ladles
In such distress.
Sir Henry Mortimer Durand. the
British nmbasador to this country, has
resigned, and Intends to retire from
the diplomatic service, lie has repre
sented his country In Washington for
three years, and has ably assisted in
the preservation of the friendly rela
tions between the two great English
speaking nations.
Occasionally there Is a strong move
ment among Christians throughout the
world against any further degradation
of the guileless Hindu by selling him
factory made gods. The present agi
tation followed the discovery that man
ufacturers In America were selling a
superior god for less money than the
British god factories could turn out.
The excitement is peculiarly Intense
among the orthodox In England.
We are educating our young men for
Idle gentlemen, trying to make lawyers,
preachers, doctors and clerks out of
material that is needed for blacksmiths,
carpenters, merchants and other honest
"hewers of wood and drawers of wat
er." It is a mistake and a big one to
teach boys and girls to believe that
labor Is disgraceful and to' do nothing
for a living Is more becoming to society.
There are sous and daughters who are
now being educated to play the "lead
ing lady" and "walking gentleman" In
the great drama of life who will l'ght
out for the poor house or the ppnlten
tlary before the curtain drops ou the
last sad act of tue play to whlea they
have been educated by their Indulgent
Inflated Book Price.
Hall Calne Is bringing out a 50-cent
book in London In order to prove that
it would pay the publishers better to
issue new books at that price instead
of at the usual $1.12.
"Mr. Hall Caiue," said a New York
editor the other day, "has felt for some
time that books should come down. On
his last visit here he Insisted that the
present price, In view of the cheapness
of modern publishing methods, was too
high. He said that the publishers were
like the druggists.
"And he illustrated his meaning
with a story.
"There was a druggist In a certain
town who was famous for an ointment
of his own manufacture. He sold this
ointment nt $1.05 a box. A customer
came to him one day, took a box of the
ointment and asked If he wouldn't
throw off the odd money for a poor
"'Well,' said the druggist, 'you look
like a deserving case, so I will.'
"The customer grabbed up the oint
ment, threw down a nickel and bolted.
" 'The dollar's the odd money I
meant,' ' he explained hastily, as he
shot out of the door.
"The druggist rushed out Just In
time to see him turning the corner.
"'Go on, you beggar!' he shouted.
'I've made three cents out of you as
it Is.'" '
from Java since the first of the month,
and they brought less than 10.000 tons
between them. Since the beginning of
the new crop sugar shipments from
Java In June, between twenty and
twenty-flye vessels have arrived at all
Atlantic ports, as against sixty or
more for the same period last year.
Ordinarily this would be Just about
the height of the season, but maritime
agents and sugar importers agree that
no more than a dozen or fifteen more
cargoes are expected ' here before the i
season closes.
"Of all lonesome trips I ever made
In the Java trade this was the worst,"
said Captain Nisbet of the Candelhoe,
on the floor of the maritime exchange,
this morning. "I had plenty of com
pany all around the Java Islands col
lecting my cargo, but when it came to
clearing, I was left to go alone, the oth
ers all beading for Japan or China.
At the Delaware breakwater when I
arrived there wasn't another sugar
ship to greet me, and I was looked on .
as a sort of curiosity when it was
learned what my cargo was, and that
I had come from Java." j
At the offices of the American Sugar
Refining Company and of Lueder &
Co., the principal New York importers
of Java sugar, it was said that the un
usually small shipments were not due
to a shortage of crops, but to the j
largely Increased demand in China
and Japan, growing out of the Im
proved Industrial conditions following
the settlement of the Japanese-Russian
J. E. FROOME, peop.
First-class Hotel in
the City.
is the only one that can accommodate
. commercial travelers.
Can beieoomended (or its clean and
well ventilated rooms.
Cor. Maih and Third, Athxha, Or.
The index expurgatorlus of food, so
to speak, has so vastly enlarged Itself
with the advance of science that there
is little left we can eat It has come
to pass that If we are properly careful
of our health we will starve to death.
Science has lent Itself to the adultera
tion of food so generously and has In
vented cheap substitutes with such
Skill that nothing Is what It seems to
bo. The marvel of it all Is that any
human life remains. And still more
marvelous la it that the man who eats
what Is set before hhn, asking no ques
tions, is the one who generally enjoys
the most robust health. Some men con
vey food to their stomachs with no
(uore questioning and with no more
Counsel's Keqneat Honored.
Gov. Folk once told of a lawyer In
Arkansas who was defending a young
man of malodorous record. Ignoring
the record, however, the counsel pro
ceeded to draw a harrowing picture of
the white-haired, aged father In St
Louis, awaiting anxiously the return
of the prodigal son to spend the Christ
mas holidays with him. "Have you
the hearts," declaimed the lawyer to
the Jury, "to deprive the poor old man
of this happiness?"
The Jury, however, found the pris
oner guilty. Before passing sentence,
the Judge called for the prisoner's Jail
record, and after a careful examina
tion of the same, he blandly observed :
"I find that this prisoner has some
five previous convictions against him.
Nevertheless, I am happy to state that
the learned counsel's eloquent appeal
will not remain unanswered, for I shall
commit the prlsouer to the Little Rock
Jail, where, nt the present moment, his
aged parent is serving a term of ten
years, so that father and son will be
enabled to pass the ensuing Christmas- i
tide under oue roof." New 1'ork
The Elocutionist's Curfew.
England's sun was slowly setting
(Raise your right hand to your
Filling ail the land with beauty (Wear
a gaze of rapture now) :
And the last rays kissed the forehead of
a man and maiden fair
(With a movement slow and graceful
you may now push back your
hair) ;
ne with sad, bowed head (A drooping
of your head will be all right,
Till you hoarsely, sadly whisper) "Cur
few must not ring to-night."
"Sexton," Bessie's white lips faltered
(Try here to resemble Bess,
Though, of course, you know she'd never
worn quite such a charming dress),
"I've a lover in that prison (Don't for
get to roll your r's
And to shiver as though gazing through
the iron prison bars).
"Cromwell will not come till sunstt"
( Speak each word as though you'd
Every syllable to pieces) "Curfew must
not ring to-night."
Out she swung, far out (Now here Is
where you've got to do your best ;
Let your head be twisted backward, let
great sobs heave up your chest;
Swing your right foot through an arc of
ninety lineal degrees,
come down and swing your left
foot, and be sure don't bend your
knees ;
his up for 15 minutes till your
face is worn and white,
gaze at your mangled fingers)
"Curfew shall not ring to-night!"
the distant hills came Cromwell
. (Right hand to the brow once
more ;
Let your eyes look down the distance,
say above the entrance door)
At his foot she told her story (Lift your
hands as though they hurt) -And
her sweet young face so haggard
(Now your pathos you assert
Then you straighten up as Cromwell, and
Be sure you get it right;
Don't say "Go, your liver loves!") well,
"Curfew shall not ring to-night t"
Harper's Magazine.
Best Stock and Rigs in the City.
Competent Drivers.
Stock Boarded by the Day, Week
or Month at Reasonable Rate,
"Saving at the Spigot
Wasting at the Bung"
That's what buying poor paint
means. Paint may be low
1 priced by the gallon and be
(extravagant to use owing to
to it s poor covering power
and wearing- aualitv. After
the paint is applied it's too late
to save. Start right and use
The Shermi-IViluams Paint
It covers 'more surface, spreads easier, and lasts
longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed
lead and oil. ;
Umatilla Lumber Yard
hot line
Through fullnmii Btundard
cars dully to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping
car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman
tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted,
weekly to C'hicairo. with fre
cha'.r cars, seats free, to the east daily irom
Daily. ATHENA, OEE. Pally.
Walla Walla, Day
ton, Poraeroy, Lew
iston, Colfax, Pull- ,,
11:55 a. m. man, Moscow, the ":66 s. m.
Couer d'Alene dis- .
trict, Hpokane and
all points north.
Wa,,a Walia pen- "
12:30 p no dieton Mixed
Fast Mall for Pen- !
dletou, LaUrande,
Baker City, and all
tington, Ore., Also
. for Umatilla, Hepp-
4:53 p m Iler The Daiefs 4:53 1 m .
Portland, Astoria! V'
Willamette Valley
Points, tttliforuia,
Mound Points.
Penriletou - Walla 6:80 p m
Walla Mixed
J. S. 1'Oble Agent,
Athena, Oregon
Building Material and
Yards at Walla Walla, Touchet and Lowdon, Wash.,
arid Athena Adams and Free water, Oregon.
Preston-Parton Milling Co.
Flour is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in -the latest
and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected
Bluestem wheat grown any where. ' Patronize home
industry. Your grocer sells American Beauty for
Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers
Waitsburg, Wash. - ; - - Athena, Oregon
m u u u u Laa
Tho Ordinal L"v CoutfK Syrup containing; Honey and Tar. An Improvement over all CoutfH.
Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for young and old! All coJgK
syrups containing opiates constipate the bowels. Bee s Laxative Honey and Tar moves the bowll
and contains no opiates. Prepared by PINE-VLB MEDICINE COMPANY. CHICAGO. U. S A
Quaker Relict-Hoax.
A warm friend Is the kind to freeze
on to.
Nest to cold cash a valuable asset
scorns to be hot air.
A fellow can't do two things well if
being In love is one of them.
The things that are lied about are
not always too good to be true.
Electric Cooking at Sea.
On one of the largest and most mod.
ern of the trans-Atlantic steamers cook
ing Is done entirely by electricity, so
that there are none of the fumes and
odors or wood, coal and petroleum
i clinging to the food when It Is served
j a fact sure to be appreciated by
i travelers Inclined to seasickness.
I In the kitchen of this boat the little
j electric stoves are arranged in rows
In a manner somewhat resembling the
: keyboard of a typewriter. Each stove
I cooks a certain meat, fish, vegetable, 1
soup, dessert, etc. The most curious
I device Is the arrangement for boiling
jeggs. An. ingenious mechanism auto
matically pusties tne eggs out of the
i water as soon as they are boiled. The-
success of this application of electric-'
lty to culinary convenience and facility, 1
to say nothing of its cleanliness, should
be a hint to restaurant and hotel nro-
Mild Approbation.
-i smuiuse juu eujoy classical rtiU
slc?' said the artistic person. I
No," answered Mr. Cumrox, "I don't
exactly enjoy it. But as a social diver-
w . sio it's juore Interesting than tryln-.
Some people seem to give the Impres-1 tn .wn m a " w'
slon that It Is too much trouble to . t"" V,: ' "aau
have fuu. 1 g '
You can't always tell how much a If a woman wants to make a suc
mnu thinks of himself from the size cess or handling men, her first care
of his head the uest mornius. rhila- should be to see that he feels at houm j
delphia Press. lu bis own house.
V',r ' " -K - T
n n hex
m amzsa him
My son Rex was taken down k year ago with lung trouble. We
doctored nw months without improvement. Then I began giring
Dr. King a NewDiscovery, and I soon noticed a change for the better.
I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly
well ana works every day.