The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 08, 1907, Image 6

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Press Paragraphs ;
D. C. Kirk wa9 iu town yesterday
from WestoD.
J. T. Lieuallen, of Adams, was in
the city yesterday.
Mrs. J. L. Smith spout yesterday
afternoon in Weston.
' V Frank Swaggart baa resnmod Lis
studies at' the Normal.
E. - A. Dudley is iu PeDdleton 6a
business for a few days.
E. A. Dudley suffered the loss of a
valuable cow this week.
Clark Nelson was iu town Tuesday
afternoon from Pendleton.
Lloyd Eusb, made a trip yesterday to
Pendleton, after the Weston mail.
John Winn and Peter Geiss of
Adams, were in the city yesterday.
V Will M. Peterson and Cass Cannon
drove down to Pendleton yesterday.
Mrs. Sim Kilgore has been very ill
at her home near town, bnt is improving-
A social dance was held at the La
Brache homo, south of town, Wednes
day night.
Edward Manasse was able to come
down town yosterday the first time in
several days. ,
It is reported that a couple of well
known Weston young people will be
wedded soon.
Ten iuohes of snow doesn't last
long iu Eastern Oregon when a Chi
nook gets after it.
Frank Coolidge, the jeweler, made
his regular trip to Woston Wednes
day, returning home yesterday.
A sooial dance is announced for
tonight at the opera house. Kershaw's
orchestra will furnish the music.
Your money' back if not satisfied
with the bargains found at Radar's
big I urnituro and Carpet emporium
ut Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kirk wore in town
yesterday from the ranch. Mr. Kirk
reported floods of water iu several
piA6MakHg tha-jcoad. r; jiJJ.
Mrs. C. A. Barrett is waiting for the
lfrst tram to Portland, when she will
join her husband, who is in attendance
upon the legislative sossion.
Nib Yiug the St. Nichols hotel
Chinese cook, is very ill and Landlord
Froome is forood to get along without
his sor vices for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Owen, who
have been visitiug their daughter,
Mrs. Clyde Willaby, have returned to
their home in the Walla Walla valley.
Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly
dense the system, good for lazy livers,
mukes clear complexion, bright eyes
aud happy thoughts. Pionoer drug
store. ,
Pat Shaw who some time ago was
taken: down with pneumonia aud was
treated i,u the hospital at Pendleton,
has recovered and returned to his
homo in this city.
X.Neit Sunday, Feb. 10th in Spokane,
YwNl ocour the wedding of Miss Carrie
Blooli, formerly of Athena, to Mr.
Henry Daunheissor, a merchant of
Kalispel, Montana.
Pino Salve Carbolizod, acts like a
poultioo, highly antiseptic, extensively
used for eczema, for chapped hands
and lips, outs, burns. Sold at the
Pionoer drug store.
Miss Nollie Fosp, who has boon
niUioted with rheumatism and neural
gia of the throat and nook for several
weeks, is not improving as well as
could bo hoped by her Irieuds.
Mrs. J. Q. Poeblor was callod to her
home iu Pendleton Woduesday by the
illneus of her busbuud. She drove
homo, accompanied by hor sisters,
Mrs. Allen and Miss Roche of this
Joseph, the 9-yeur-old sou of Mr. aud
Mrs. Ed. Bushman, lesidiug ontfie
icsurvation, died of consjurriptiou
Woduesday- aftemoou. 'JLinf funeral
will take plaoo' tho Mission
Lost A'lady's gold watoh aud pin,
BomoAhero between the school house
aud Taylor plaoo south of town. Tho
nouie "Irene" engraved on oase,
Fiudor pleoso report at this ofiico aud
receive reward.
Mr. and Mrs. Frauk Jucksou were iu
town yestorday. Mr. Jackson, who
was operated ou somo time ago ut the
Walla Walla hospital is improving,
although he is ailing toBonio extent
with rheumatism.
C. T. Godwiu, the Froowater
lawyer was iu towu the tlrst ot the
week. He was ou his way to Sulem
where he goes in tho interests of pro
poned legislation favorable to dyking
the Wallu Walla river.
i David Williams and family are pro
' paring to move to Alberta, where Mr.
'Williams will farm his extensive land
holdings. They will take their depar
ture soon after Muroh 1st, much to
the regret of their many friends hero.
Bee's Laxative cough syrup cou
taiuiug honey aud tar, is especially
appropriate for childteu, no opiates or
poisons of auy character, conform to
the conditions ot the pure food and
drug law, June 30, 1906. For croup
cough, eta. It expitls
" da by gently uioviug
tmmmmmJJLiouc,it drug
A little girl in Athena bas a joke on
a friend, who is considering whether
or not it would pay to have the moon
patented, and use its beams for light
ing purposes by leaving all doors and
windows open. Now, Calherino,
isn't that so?
Dale Campbell is the proud possessor
of a pony, which was given to him
yesterday by his nncle, George Dnnlap,
iu .honor of bis birthday. The boys of
Atbena are laying aside the bicycle for
the more satisfactory pony as a mode
of locomotion.
It's the highest standard of quality,
a natural tonic, cloanses yonr system,
reddens the cheeks, brightens the
eyes, gives flavor to all yon eat Holl
ister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do
this for you. 35 cents, Tea or Tab
lets. Pioneer Drug Store.
A tissue builder, reconstractor,
builds up waste force, and makes
strong nerves aud muscle. You will
realize after taking Hollister's Rooky
Mountain Tea what a wondorful ben
efit it will be to yon. 35 cents, Tea or
Tablets. Pioneer Drug Store.
In the rush and excitement of the
overland travel - between this city,
Pendleton aud Walla Walla, "Peck"
McBride lost a $10 lap robe. It has
transpired that Wood made a trip to
Pendleton, and the Press suggests that
Mr. McBride have the colonel's ward
robe searched.
X Angus Gillis aud son Ralph, who
rh&ve been spending the winter at Mr.
Gillis boyhood home in Prince
Edward's Island, are expected home
sometime during the present month.
During his absence, Mr. Gillis bas
greatly improved in health.
A train is expected over the W. &
C.R. sometime Monday or Tuesday
Since the flood, a large construction
crew has beon working in Yanoyole
canyon where the road bed was badly
demolished by the high waters. The
load was also damaged between Helix
and Pendleton.
'.Unless trains begin to move shortly,
Vindications point to a blockade at the
Prestou-Parton mill. Nearly all the
available oars on the side track of
both the O. R. & N. and W. & C. R.
roads have beeu filled with flour for
foreiguaud'domestio shipments.
It.'La4WodLpl4 .world after all; -If
you have no friends or money, " "
Iu the river yon can fall;
Marriages are quite common and,
More people there would be,
Provided you take Rocky Mountain
' Tea. Pioneer Drug Store.
-Tho members of Hose team No 2, of
tue Atnena J.1 ire Department, Held a
meeting Woduesday evening, and eleo
ted the following officers for the ensu
ing year. Chas. Smith; president;
Arthur Shiok, secretary and treasurer;
Will Dobsou, foreman; Jack Woir,
assistant foreman.
ManZau Pile Remedy put np in con
venient collapsible tubes with nozzle
attachment so that the remedy may
be applied at the very soat of the
trouble, thus relieving almost instant
ly bleeding, itching or protruding !
piles. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. Pioneer drug store.
Mrs. Martha Walden, aged 85 years
died at the home of her daughter Mrs.
Mary Phipps, at Weston, February 6,
and the funeral took plaoo today at 1
o'clock. The old lady took ill with a
suddeu paiu in the broast, and passed
away within twenty minutes. "Aunt
Martha" was a lovable old lady and
leaves many friends to mourn hor loss.
Mrs. Churchill, of Walla Walla,
who has beeu visiting her sister, Mrs.
Win. Wiuship, for the past two weeks,
is desirous of returning to her home,
but is unable ou account of no trains
ruumug between hero and Walla
Walla. Mrs Churchill, has not been
well during hor stay bore.
Yesterday afternoon an engine and
coach came up from Pendleton, bnt
was compelled to torn back. The O.
R. & N. is now in a bad shape, and
travel on both the Main line and the
Spokane branch has been practically
suspended and nothing definite can be
loam ad as to when trains Viill be run
ning. Yesterday the railroad yards
and practically all the town of Star
buck was under two feet of water.
There are slides and washouts on tho
Main liue west of Umatilla aud the
line between this city aud Walla
Walla is in a deplorable condition.
At 11 o'clock this foreuoon, a work
train got through from Pendleton . and
went as far as Weston, returning at
noon to Pendleton. .
Glen Saling went np to the Reed
place on Wild Horse Mountain, yes
terday to look after his crop of pota
toes. There is a large acreage of
mountain potatoes in the fields this
year.. This is said not to be unusual.
Potatoes left iu the ground come out
in firm and prime condition when
dug in the spring.
Considering the condition of the
roads for traveling, tho revival meet
ings now being held at the Christian
churoh are well attended. Evangelist
Billington has won high distinction
with the members of the church and
tho public in general by his forceful
sermons. Last night Mr. Billington
discussed the subject, "Jesus' Great
Question," and tonight he takes for
Lis subject , "The What and How of
the Holy Spirit,"
Vxesterday during the flood, the
water was turned by damming up the
upper end of Main street, and the
flooding of basements of business
houses along the stree; was thus pre
vented, 'xhe water moved down Cur
rent street, and was turned down
lower Third street by dyking with
loads of straw.
Wild Horse creek raised only about
two and a half feet at Adams yester
day. A considerable amount of snow
yet remains west and north of that
plae. Yesterday the water was run
ning over the track iu several places
between Athena and Adams. -
U. Troyer and W. S. Nelson , of
Adams have been issuing a daily paper
on a . typewriter during tbe flood.
Volume 2, of the "Adams Daily
News,M issnedy esterday-An- fr-h andV
and is a newsy little sheet. : -
V If You Eead This
It will be to learn that tho leading: medl
cat writers and teachers of all the several
schools of practice recommend, in the
strongest terms possible, each and every
Ingredient entering into the composition
of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
for the euro of weak stomach, dyspepsia,
catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint,"
torpid liver, or biiiousness. chronic bowel
affections and all catarrhal diseases of
whatever rpgion, naine or nature. It is
alsoa specific remedy for a '1 f"!i chronic
or loW standing cases of catarrhal aflVc-
. tittus and their resultants, as bronchial,
I throat and Ian? disease (except consump-
11011 accumpumuu w iu euvuro vtnigas. it
is not so good for acute colds and coughs,
but for lingprinsr, or chronic cases it is
especially efficacious in producing per
feH cures. It contains Ulack Cherrybark,
Goljen Seal root. Bloodroot, Stone root.
Mandrake root and Queen's root all of
which are highly praised as remedies for
all the above mentioned affections by such
eminent medical writers and teachers as
Pro. Bartholow, of Jefferson Med. Col
lege: Prof. Hareisi the Univ. of Pa.;
Prou FinlejrHfngwood, M. D., of Ben
nett Med. College, Chicago; Prof. John
Kin& M. Ill of Cincinnati ; Prof. John
M. scuddenfM. jj., or Cincinnati ; nol.
Edwin Mare, M. D., of Hahnemann
Med. Cfftcws, Chicago, and scores of
othersecufally eminent in their several
Neighbors Got Fooled.
"I was literally coughing myself to
death, and had become too weak to
leave my bed; and tbe neighbors pre
dicted that I would never leave it
alive; but they got fooled, for thanks
bo to God, I was induced to try Dr.
King's New Disoovery. It took just
four one dollar bottles to completely
cure tbe oough aud restore me to good
sound health," writes Mrs. Eva Un
capher, of Grovertown, Stark Co.,
Ind. This King of cough and cold
cures, and healer of throat and lungs,
is guaranteed by Wm. McBride,
Druggist. 50c and $1.00. Trial bot
tle free.
Public Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I will apply to
the Mayor and common council of the city of
Athena, Oregon, at a meeting tnereof to be
held on the 27th day of Feb. 1907, for a
license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous
liquors in less qiUiiitiUes than one quart, said
liquors to be sold only in a building situated
on the west one-half of lot Mo. 8, in block 5, of
said city. Bert Cartano,
DutedJan. 22, 1007. Applicant.
" Public Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I will apply to
the Mayor and common council of the t.'ity ot
Atheiift, Oreuon, at a meet ing thereof to be
held on the 20th day of February, 11K7, for a
license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous
liquor;; In less quantities than one quart, said
Illinois to be sold only In building situated
on the east one-half of lot No. 7. in block No.
5-, ot said city. J. W Pavls,
Dated, Jmi. 22, 1907. Applicant.
Foley's Honey and Tar
tor No opiates.
Golden Medical Discovery " la tha
"mpfiicinn nut ifnvTorsaio through'
rfifririt.4 tor ikf nurnosos. that. h:is unv
jilcS" wiBll"' Piwlor.yment, worth
mora than any nurn'H'rnf orUnary testf-
UUIhlJ. Jlnon r.iil-Jiltf txf ita formula
is the best possible guaranty of its merits.
A glance at this published formula will
show that "Golden Medical Discovery"
contains no poisonous, harmful or habjt
forminfr drugs and no alcohol chemically
pure, triple-refined glycerino being used
instead. Glycerino is entirely unobjec
tionable and besides Is a most useful agent
in the cure of all stomach as well as bron
chial, throat and lung affections. There
is. the highest medical authority for its
use in allstich cases. Tho "Discovery "is
a concentrated glyceric extract of native,
medicinal roots and is safe and reliable.
A booklet of extracts from eminent,
medical authorities, endorsing its ingre
dients mailed free on roquest. Address
Dr. E V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
The Great Driving Wheel
of ajlooomotive traveling a mile a min
ute makes 403.361 revolutions in 24
hours. The tiny balance wheel of a
watch makes 432,000 in the same time,
and yet we find watches that have
beeu allowed to run five or ten years
withont cleaning or being oiled. If
you have a good watch, treat it as you
would treat any other piece of ma
chinery. I do all repairing promptly
and to the satisfaction of my customers.
Jeweler and F H rAOl IfW.F' Atheu
Optician I. II. VWLIWUL ore.
C. II. Sherman Prop.
Nothing too good for our pat
rons. We cut the best meat money
can buy. Fish and oysters in
season. Give us a trial.
. the most healina salvo in the world.
ils your idle money earning you four
per cent? Yon have just as good a
right to a share of tbe profits earned as the banker who
ewpsifewyea-We divide the profits
with out depositors and still make a
satisfactory profit for the bank. Our
busiucss has more than doubled during
the past year. This bank has a cap
ital of $100,000 folly paid in and is
conservatively managed by progres
sive and successful business men.
Your business will reoeive prompt and
careful attention. We will be glad
to meet you any time and get acquain
ted with you.
-We pay FOUR per oent on saving
Call or write for further particulars.
Those indebted to
me must settle at
once, either by cash
or note. &
N. A. MILLER, Athena, Ore.
Jones Machine Co.
A Specialty of General Repair Work
All Kinds of Machinery Bought and Sold
511 South Second St., Walla Walla
Phone 502
-iNr LivMJd vwwm
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
m i4wr tvy
20,000 square feet of floor space filled with the latest and best things the
Market Affords in
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back
Yours to please
Undertaking Tailors in Connection
Ask for B. & H. Stamps
Ask for B. & H. Stamps
IVlosgrove Mercantile Company
I On Saturday, February 9th, we commence the greatest
Bargain Week ever known in Umatilla County. Every
short length of all Materials will be piled on our front
counters and offered so ridiculously low in price that
they must be seen to be appreciated. & v
Remnants V Silks
Remnants ef Ribbons
Remnants gf Ginghams
Remnants gf Outings
Remnants gf Muslins
Remnants gf Damasks
Remnants gf Towlings
Remnants gf Cretons
Remnants gf Laces
Remnants gf Silkolines
Remnants gf Wool Dress Goods
(lAU marked at prices that will close them out. Come early. If you can find
lengths to suit you, you are sure of a bargain. ... - A
Mosgrove Mercantile Company
1 Ask lor B. & II. Stamps ' Ask for B. 8 II. Stamos