AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER TwiCK-A-WBEg TCESDAT AND FRIDAY F. B. Boyd, Piblisuer. Entered as sec md-class matter, March 1, the postofflce at Athena, Oregon 'Under an Actot Congress of March 3, 1879 Subscription Rat.t : p r year, lu advanci I2.U0 Single copies In wrappers, 5c, ATHENA, ORE., FEB. 8,. . 1907 Whilathe members of the Legislat ure cannot be expected to try to ruu tho legislature "as Jesus would" if he were here, they might make au effort to run it "as the people would" if they were sitting iu the chairs at the Capitol saya the Oregonian. And it ought not to be hard for the members to imapiue how the people would vote if they were given an opportunity. It in only eight mouths since the mem bers were out on the campaign talking with the people and telling what an economical and business-like adminis tration of legislative affairs they would give if eleoted to the lawmaking body. Then it is only three weeks since the members shook hands with their neighbors and loft home for the seat of government. They are surely not this soon so far out of touch with the thought and feeling of the pcoplo that they do not know how the people would act upon important snbjucts of legislation if tbov hud the obauoa And the people may have a chance. J The people have a legislative power in reserve whioh they may exorcise as soon as this sessiou has adjourned. But such action should not bo neces sary. Any reasonable eQoit to carry out the wishes of the peoplo will be productive of lesults fairly satisfac tory to the voters of the state. Oonsideiable interest is being dis played among the Indiana delegation in Cougres over the question as to whose statue of all the distinguished sous of the Hoosior State shall be pla ced in the Capitol building alongside that of Oliver P. Morton, the fumous war-governor of that State. Some mombers are of the opinion that form er Vice-President Heudrioks is enti tled to the nioho, others claim that no resident of Indiana conferred more fume on tuo state than Boujamiu Har rison, while uot a few hold to the view tbut General Low Wallace, tun vet eran of two wars and a noted author is, by virtue of his reputation, entitled to oommenioratiou by a statue. Gen. Wallace's f tiouds are most active and say that as a soldier, statesman, author and diplomnt, ho is more represent ative ot the lloonier State than either Ilarrisou or Hendricks, and besides, ho was bnru in Iudiunii. Sevoral proniiuoutt congressmen from the State iu question, believe that the matter should be left to a vote of the people and suggest that the newspa pers of that State should tako the uint- tor up with the idea of seounug pressloiiH from their renders. ex- There was little public inclination to proseouto thoso who at various poiucs during tho fuul famine helped themselves to coal troin railway cars. The ciroumstanoes went a long way toward justifying the notioK of the sufferers, though legally and tcchuioal- And now RING SP Wo want you to be euro uud make a trip to Walla Walla this spriug nud soo through ovu immense store, for wo know you will profit by your trip. Our stock is laigor than it hna ever beou aud now spring stocks are arriving every day. All we auk is a computisou of qualities aud prices aud wo will tako pleasure iu showing you through our lines. If yon are uuable to como to tho city, write us for disoriptious and prioes. REMEMBER WE 1AY THE FREIGHT WHEN BILL AMOUNTS TO $10.00. I I Use Our I Rest Rooms THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. 12-11-10-18 20-22 Alder Street. WALLA WALLA, -:- WASH ly they were in the wrong. But there is no justification for. refusal to pay for what they took. - CANTEEN WON'T DOWN. In a weak momeut a few years ago Cougress banished the canteen from the Army. It is known that in this action it went against its own best judgment. It is also known that its iudemeut is still in favor of the can teen as an agency making toward tem perance and good discipline. Unfor tunately, however, it nas never yei reached a moment when its courage was great enough to permit it to undo the evil and restore the canteen. The attack upon the Army canteen was made from the best of possible motives by women and men who have the welfare of the soldiers at Heart, and the welfare of all other people who are tempted to do themselves in jury by drink. Unfortunately toe method adopted toward this good end, namely the banishment of the canteen, was the wiong method to get the de sired results. . It has been conclusively shown by facts piled upon facts that the canteen makes against drinking and the evils of drinking, while the abolishment of thejoanteen makes for drinking and f or an increase in the evils of drinking. Instead of canteens selling only the milder alcoholic drinks, managed un der strict discipline, and applying their profits to the welfare of the sol diers, our Army posts now have back yards of drunkenness, disorder and vice, in which the soldiers waste their money and get into more trouble in a day than they would get into in a can teen in a month. Admit that abstractly a canteen would be a disgrace to Fort Sheridan, and yot how can it be denied that Higbwood as it now exists is a hund red times the disgraoe that the worst possible canteen would bo? The choice is one between evils. Unfortunately it is the worst of the evils whioh Congress has chosen. There is now a movement for the restoration of the canteen, whioh, liko the movement for its abolishment, is iu charge of women who wish the wel fare of the soldiers and of the Army. It is to be hopod that this session of Cougross will not expire without a re peal of the anti-canteen act and a re storation of the older and better con ditions. Chicago JReoord-Herald. AMENDING PRIMARY LAW. Has it occurred to the present legis lature that there is no provision in the primary law for the nomination of presidential electors? This omission was. no doubt, an oversight and one that should be remedied. It has been generally conceded, also, that the law should be so amended as to provide for the eleotion of delegates to a state conveution,. a provision whioh is iu tho primary laws of most other states. Conventions lor tne pur pose of formulating platforms and the transaction of other business are as state convention, and while the people nouiiuute tickets, as in uregon, lr four fifths of the convention, which meets, of course, after the nomina tions are made, unite on any other man than the nominee for any posi tinn. the mnn so united upon is the regular candidate. This suggestion is made that the leg islature muv thiuk of the mutter and cousider if any amendment to the pri mary luw of a miuor nature, is deemed necessary. Tho mattor of the omission of n provision for the nomination of presidential electois, however, seems to bo one that should be remedied Pendleton Tribune. THEY SLEEP IN PEACE. Tako a walk through a cemetery in a large city, pathetically remarks an exchange, and you will pass the last resting place of a man who blew down the muzzlo of a gun to see if it was loaded. A little further down tho slopo is n buried man who tried to jump ou a moving train. The hand somo marble shaft of a man who blew out the ens casts a shadow across the bosom of tho hired girl who lit the Are with keroseuo. while in close proxim- itv lies all that is mortal of the old for a Big BUSINESS Make Your appointments Here lady who kept strychnine and baking powder on the same shelf in the pan try. Tho dude who wore a plug hat in Texas is quiet now, and no rests oy the side of the gambler who turned the trump from the bottom of the deck. The fair damsel who pinched her corset to the last hole and danced evety nnmberof the fireman's ball, slumbers close to her lover, the intel ligent idiot who rode a bicycle ten miiea in nine minutes. The stylish young man who smoked his cigar while cleaning his clothes with gasoline, sleeps peacefully and the branches of the rosebush whioh adorn the last resting plaoe of the old maid who con tracted the morphine habit and took too much, wave o'er her grave. But, also, beneath a grassy mound moulders a suspender button, all that can be found of the printer's devil who lit a cigarette over the benzine can while washing the rollers. The trouble of the farmer who stood in front of the sickle to oil his mowing machine is now over and so are those of the bat tle-scarred veteran who fought in the Mexioan War, won laurels in the last ereat rebellion, but failed to success fully draw his musket through a barb wire fence while out hunting wood nhncks. Yes. the fools are slowly float (no rlnwn t.ha river and through the backyard of the cast. Pretty soon they will all be gone. Then some one will invent a way to make a living without work, and then life will fce come one round of hilarious enjoy ment. RESULT OF UNITED ACTION. In the anDronriations for the Pacific Northwest reported by the house com mittee on rivers and harbors, we per ceive the results of united ettort on the part of the members of congress and people of this region, and or tne recent rivers and namors congress, and the aDDronriation bill will doubt less show the result or unity on ims onhinnt nf neorjlfl tiartioularly interest ed in river and harbor improvement t.hrnnsrhont the country. Tho Columbia river is well taken care of, all things considered, through nnt. The iettv will be made a contm iiinu contract, the upper Columbia and Snake rivers will be looked after, and the lower Columbia will get a fair amount: while if the advice of some Tifiorjle and of a Portland paper had hfieu followed, no effort would have been made to get anything except for the month of the river. This was persistently advocated by the Oregon ian, doubtless as a part of its servioe to Mr. Harriman, but if bat policy had prevailed we would have received ri fnr the iettv from Jones of Wflsbincton and other members from that state and Idaho. The people are greatly, to be congratulated that the railroad organ s advioe was rejected Bv all pulling together from now on, nil tlipso improvements will 'go for ward satisfactorily. It is to be regretted that no appro priation for Coos Bay was reported. hnfc that, to the extent at least or a snrvev ot the harbor and channel look inc t.n future improvement, will prob ably be provided for later. Coos Bay la anmlv untitled to the favorable con sideratiou of congress. Portland Jour nal. Teachers' Examination: NTnip.o is hnrebv eiveu that the sohool suporinteudont of Umatilla oonuty, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of applicants for state and nnnnr.v fiartiBcates at the court house in Pendleton as follows: For State Papers. Commencing Wednesday, February 18. at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing .,H1 SnfnWlnv Fnlirnarv 16. at 4 n'nlnnlr r. in. w - t. ... Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, physical geograpny, read ing nsvnholODV. Written arithmetic theory of teaohing, grammar, cooKKeeping, physiCB, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, ment at arithmetic, composition, algebra, Saturday Botany, plane geometry, j geueral history, English literature. school law. For Countr Papers. Commencing Wednesday, February 13. At o'clock a. m.. aud continuing uutil Friday, February 5, at 4 o'clock m. First, Second and Third Grade Certi ficates. Wednesday Penmanship, hisory, nrthmrranhv. roadiOK. Thursday Written arithmetic theory or tnaohiusr. cramniar. pnysioiogy. Friday Geography, mental arithme tio, school law, oivu government. Primarv Certificates. Wednesday Penmanship, orthogia nhv arithmetic, reading. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaohing, physiology. FRANK K. WELLES, Superineudeut Umatilla County Rising From the Grave. A tiromiueut manufacturer, W. A. Fertwell, of Luoama, N. C, relates a most remarkable experience, tie says: "After taking less than three bottles of Eiectrio Bitteis, l leet une oue rising from the grave. My trouble ia Briuht's disease, in the Diabetes stage. I fully believe Eiectrio Bitters will cure me permanently, for it baa alreadv stopped the liver and bladder complications whioh have troubled me j for Years." Guaranteed at Win. WC- Bride's druggist, Price only DOo. Lost A lady's cold watch and pin, somewhere between the school house aud Taylor place south of town. The nnma "Irene" eneraved on case. Finder ploase report at this office and receive reward. follows a cold, 11B Bimtf&RGFW A mini T? iliiil I maw . u It stops the cough and heals the lungs and prevents a cold from settling on your lungs and resulting in Pneumonia, Pleurisy, or Consumption. You are in no danger of serious results if FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is taken, as it soothes and healsthe inflamed air pas sages and the cough disappears. Be sure and get FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, as preparations containing opiates stop ths cough temporarily by paralyzing the nerves in the throat and leave the germs of serious lung trouble and you get one cold on another because the first one was not cured perfectly. Caved IScr Life Frs::i Pneumonia. "My wife had a severe attack of Pneumonia whlc!i followsd a severe attack of La Grippe and I believi that FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR saved her life," writes James Coffee, of Raymond, Missouri. Dr. C. J. Bishop, Anew, N'icii., writes: "I have used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR in three very severe cases of Pneumonia u itli good results in every case." The 50-cent size contains 2 1-2 times as much as the small size, and the $ size almost 6 .times as much. BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. H. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena PETERSON & PETERSON. Attorneys-at-Law AlHENA. . - - - OREGON 1 THE C . "5. Eagle Bar BERT CARTANO, Prop. COOD LIQUORS A SPECIALTY Hourhound Rock and Rye Holly 4Tom Gin Three Star Cognao Blue Stem Whisky Famous Pilsner Beer BestBiands of Cigars. AT TUP TTT T7PTPTP STfiN t A A a v " WWVWWVVWVWWVWV T..inir irrrvic .Barber Shop. Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. .HOT BATHS. Shop North Side Main Street. Athena. Ore. inure in nit ni nnr 1$ lilt fLHOt T tana but never follows Cured When Very Low With Pneumonia. J. V. Bryan, of Lowder, 111., writes: "My little toy was very low with Pneumonia. Unknown to the doctor we gave him FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. The result was magical and puzzled the doctor, as it immediately stopped . the racking cough and he quickly recovered." Three Sizes, 25c, 50o and $1.00 2 i F i il i 'Ot ; , .fir . THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE GOOD HORSES AND RICS. REA30NABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- Horses boarded by the day, week or month Stables on 2nd street, South of Main street J. F. Wright, .. . Proprietor J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Barrett Building, - - Athena, Oregon Try The TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY KEENE, Agent, ATHENA, OREGON I-- - I; B If . the use of Afo) ami rtQ .. Everything; First Clan Mo d era and Up-to-date SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ' ATHENA MBS. CECELIA STOWE, Orator, Entre Nous Club. 176 Warren Avenue, OwiPAnn. Tt.t. . Ot.. 92. 1902. For nearly four years I suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc tor insisted on an operation as the only way to get well. I, however, strongly objected to an operation, My husband felt disheartened as well 03 I, for home with a sick woman is a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of Wine efi t araui tor me to try, ana he aid so. i Degan to improve in a re w days ana my recovery was very rapid. With in eighteen weeks I was another being. Mrs. Stowe'i letter shows every woman how a home is saddened by female weaknes and how completely Wine of Cardui cures that oick ness and brings health-and happi ness again. Do not go on Buffer ing. Go to your druggist' today and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. k 1 y Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. A A. J. PARKER fS-; Gietsi 1 .,:!; ; .' t it W.fTi'f",?,!E,S n ;i. - - - .jroi d & f ? v, x- .a ot a r .-c