Press Paragraphs - Cliff Stone was in Peudletoo Mou day. Fred Pinkerton was iu Walla Walla Tuesday. T. 0. Armstrong of Seattle, was in the city yesterday. Marshal Lavender, of Weston, was in town yesterday. . Gos Vollmer is down from his home in Waitsbnrg, Wash. : Mr. and Mrs. M.W. Smith expect to leave for Spokaue Sunday. Miss Anna Ross, of Weston, visited friends in Athena yesterday. Will S. Ferguson, of Pendleton, is registered at the St JNiohols. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Mansfleld vis ited Weston friends Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Riobmond, of Helix, was in town Wednesday trading. Cbas. A. Hill, of Pendletou, was in town yesterday on a business visit. Hf.n f M n.LnllnmnnSa in ilia aUo from Pendleton, visiting her relatives ' bete. Mr, and Mrs. Lawrenoe Lioo alien were in tho city yesterday from Adams. v, Justice of the Peace Chamberlain was in Pendleton Wednesday on legal business. ' Mrs. Gerberding and Mrs. Clark, of ' Weston, were in town Wednesday shopping. A brother of Frank O'Connor reo ently arrived iu Athena from Edmon- 1.. Mrs. Geu Harris is iu town from Portland, where she has been for the pHst few months. Bring your B & H Green Stamps. The new premiums have arrived. Mosgrove Mer. Co. Mrs. Bush, of Walla Walla, was in town Wednesday on her way to her farm northwest of Athena. Miss Jessie Wilson , of the St. Niohols hotel, visited the normal sobool at Weston Wednesday. Mrs. Fiuuk Guguou and sou, Will, left Wednseday evening for Vancou ver, Wash., where they will visit relatives. The oapaoity of the Pendleton scour ing mill is to be enlarged. New machinery for this purpose is to be purohased. Clifford Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Walker, who reside north west ot Athena, is reported ill with pnonmo'nia. .. , r V returned to her home in Weston after nursing the siok in this vicinity for sevoral weeks. Your mouey buck if not satisfied with the bargains found at Barter's big Furniture and Carpet emporium at Peudleton. X Wheat at the different statious on too O. JR. & N. has been pietty woll shipped out. Not mnoh will be held over, except for seed. Mrs. Jaok Weir is expdoting a visit from a brother, John Little, who resides in the east. He is at presout visiting auohoi brother in Idaho. - Hayes says that if a couple of young men will return the two arm-loads of Wood they took from a certain church fuel supply, no questions will be asked. Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly dense the system, good for lazy livers, makes clear oomplexion, bright eyes and happy thoughts. Pioneer drug store. Auotheroasa of scarlet fever is re ported this morning by Dr. Sharp, in the family of I. M. Kemp, his little daughtor Roma, being afflicted iu a light form. , Pine Salve Cntbolized, acts like a poultice, highly antiseptic, extensively used for cozoma, for chapped hands and lips, cuts, burns. Sold at the Pioneer drug store. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steveusou, and Mr. John Stevensou, father of Mrs. John Walker, have returned to thoir homo in Alberta, after visiting Boveral weeks with relatives in this vioiuity. - tTho oity couuoil of Adams bus alsed the liquor lioenso to if GOO per year instead of $100 per year as at present , The salary of the marshal, J. O. Garrett, has been increased 10 per month. - Ebe mixed train from Walla Walla Wednesday was several hours late. The delay was caused by the for ward trucks of a refrigerator car i breaking, when a short distance out of Walla Walla. Passenger traiu No. 8 was three hours late yesterday which was caused , by the engine breaking down at East land station. A freight eugino "was sent down and the traiu was pulled to Walla Walla with it. "Piuenles" (nou-alcobolio) made from resin from our pine forests, used for hundreds of years for Lladdor and kidney diseases. Medicine for 80 days, 1. Guaranteed. Pioueer drug store. Attorney Peterson left on today's tiain for Pendleton where he will ap pear iu the circuit court as counsel for defendant in the oase of HorueQus vs. Wilkinson. This is a civil action to recover money hadandreoeived in the sum of about f 1,700. VFriends and neighbors of Mr. and rMrs. John Duffy, who reside south of town, gave them a surprise luesday evening by dropping iu unannounced. The evening was spent pleasantly and refreshments were served. Two deaths occurred in Pendleton yesterday afternoon, thai of Conrad Kobler, a prominent citizen of that place, of heart failnre, and Claud Inman, who was injured in a football game about two years ago. That's the bouse the doctor built, The biggest honso you see; . ' Thank goodness be don't get our monev. For we take Hollister's Rooky Moun tain Tea. Pioneer drug store. Possesses wonderful medioal power over the human body, removing all disorders from your system, is what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Makes you well, keeps you well. 35o tou or tablets. Pioneer drug store. Oregon climate is still sustaining its reputation. Bees swarmed at the Heury Wood place south of town Mon day. They were hived in the proper way by Mrs. Wood, there being nc men folk about the premises at the time. Builds up waste tissues, promotes appetite, improves digestion, induces refreshing sleep, gives reuewnd strength and health. That's what Hollister's Rooky Mountaiu Tea does. 35c tea or tablets, at Pioneer drug store. , Alex MoRea, inventor and well known implement man, was in town Wednesday from Walla Walla. Mr. McRea says bis oombhio Harvester is a success. The machine he operated in the Milton neighborhood last har vest did excellent work. Tho condition of Riobard Wright, who is ill with pneumonia at Corval lis, where be is a student iu Oregon Agricultural College, is said to show improvement. Riobard has been a very siok boy, and some days ago bis mother went to Corvallis to nurse bim. MauZuu Pile Remedy put np in con venient collapsible tubes with nozzle attachment so that the remedy may be applied at tho very seat of the trouble, thus relieving almost instant ly bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Pioneer drug store. While the operator wjs making preparations to take a flashlight pic ture of the guests at the banquet table during the open river conference nt Walla Walla, Tuesday night, the picture machine exploded with snch force that a portion of the meobanism was hurled through a window. At first it was supposed the wreokiug of. the apparatus was due to the presence Wood, but" bn"invo"stigatiou, it was found that he was not with the ban- i nnafara f paid thfl fnnf. f hof. hia nrnm vj-mu, - ineuce was so iu oonsequental as to ( preciuae an invitation ro miugie who such men as Congressman Ellis, "Judge" Peterson and others. Bee's Laxative cough syrup con-i taining honey and tar, is especially i appiopiiate for children, no opiates or j poisons of any character, conform to the conditions of the pure - food and drug law, June SO, 1906. For croup whooping congh, etc It expels coughs and colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Pioueer drug store. jIf you don't think Marville Watts made some easy , money yesterday ask Claude Estes. Marville was pass ing McBride's livery stable yesterday when Estes bantered bim to ride a certain horse bareback, up to the bank and back, saying there was 15 in it. The money was pnt up and after a little coaxing the borse made the trip as docile as could be. The regular public services of the Methodist Episcopal church for ttie week of January 27 are as follows: Sunday School, 10 a. m. ; preaching, 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. j Epworth League, 6:30, Sunday. Ladies Aid society, Wednesday, 2 p. m. Prayer and Bible study meeting, Thursday, 7:30, p. m. Choir practice, Friday, 7:30., p. m. Everybody is cordially invited to atteud all these services. D. G. Cuiry, Pastor. JlfMr. and Mrs. FreS Kershaw ,enter tained a party of friends at progres sive whist last evening. Miss, Carrie Sharp wou first prize, a beautifully painted china plate, and the consola tion, also a plate, was awarded to Mrs. Edwin R. CoxThe tables were named for authorf the bead table being Lougfellow, and the method of selecting partners was, by matching souvenir oards on which were written quotations from some poem of the different authors. Dnring the evening instrumental soleotions were given on the piano by Misses Kittie Gholson and Goldie Willaby, and Mr. Kershaw on the violin. Mrs. M. W. Smith, with Mr. Kershaw with violin accom paniment,, greatly pleased the guests with vocal solos. Miss Kittie Gholson, Miss Goldie Willaby and Mrs. O. M. Castleman, of Pendleton, assisted Mrs Kershaw iu receiving. Dainty refresh ments were served. - ' Jonathan and Mulkey. At noon Tuesday a ballot was taken in eaob bouse of the Oregon legisla ture and Jonathan Botfrne was elected United States Senator for the long tetni and F. W. Mulkey to the short term. Bourne received 80 out of a total 87 votes and Mulkey received every vote in both the house and the senate. Revival Meetings. A series of revival meetings com menced at the Christian Church iu this oity Wednesday e vening. It is expected that much interest will be taken iu these meetings., V. E, Uoveu, the pastor, will b e assisted in the work by F. E. Billington. For Sale I offer the hardware stock of the-Cox-McEwen hardware store for sale at a reasonable figure. For informa tion gall- on E. R. Cox or F. S.'Lo Grow. A. B. MoEwen. Famous Strike Breakers. The most famous strike breakers in the land are Dr. King's New Lite Pills. When liver and bowels go on a strike,' ttiey quickly settle the trouble, and the purifying work goes right on. Best oure for constipation, headache and dizziness. 25o at McBride's drug store. B ANNER 8 A LVE tho most halina salve In tho world. Public Notice. Notice t hereby given that I will apply to the Mayor and common council of the city of Atnena, uregon, at a meeting inereot to oe neia on tne z?in aay or eu. iwi, for a iiUCTino. w -will BiiiibuvfiiBi mm. miu tiuuub liquors in less quantities than one quart, said Honors to be sold only in a bulldlnir situated on the t one-half of lot No. 8, in block 5, of sola cu.Vi v uert uartano, Dated Jan. 22, 1907. Applicant. Public Notice. Notice Is hereby given that I will apply to Urn Mayor and common council of the (,'lty ot Atnena, ureKon, at a meeting tnereorio oe held on the 20th iiay of February. 1SKJ7. for a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous llquorn in less quantities tnan one quart, saia liquors to be sold only in a building situated on tne east one-nan oi lot no. v. in diock o 6, ot said city. J. W. Davis, Dated, Jan. sa, 1W)7. Applicant, OIUROUPPERS OeiETYfDlllIlERS The Great Driving Wheel of a locomotive traveling a mile a min ute, makes 403,361 revolutions in H hours. The tiny balance wheel of a watch makes 432,000 in the same time, and yet we find watches that have been allowed to rnn five or ten years without cleaning or being oiled. If you have a good watch, treat it as you would treat any other piece of .ma chinery. I do all lepairing promptly and to the satisfaction of my enstomers. Jeweler and F H fftAI inf.F Athena Optician VUVLIUUL Ore. CITY MEAT MARKET C. II. Sherman Prop. Nothing too good for our pat rons. We cut the best meat monev can buy. Fish and oysters in season. Give us a trial. No Other travel-book tells as much about the Great Northwest as does "WONDERLAND 1907" Its chapters deal with Puget Sound, the Columbia River, the Queniut Indians, the Bitterroot Range oi Montana, the Yellowstone National Park. . ...... SEND IT TO YOUR EASTERN FRIENDS There's nothing better as a guide to the splendid country between the Mississippi and the tide waters of the Pacific. Send six cents for a copy, or send the six cents with the address of the friend to whom "Wonderland 1906'' is to be mailed, to . . . . '4. CCS LAN D, Gen. Pass'gr Agent, , St. Paul, Minn. Northern Pacific Railway Three Trains Daily in each direction between St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth and Superior, and the GREAT PACIFIC NORTHWEST. WITH PURCHASES OF FOR SALE ' BY ELY & SCOTT Those indebted to me must settle at once, either by cash or note. s& s& & . N. A. MILLER, Athena, Ore. Jones Machine Co A Specialty of General Repair Work All Kinds of Machinery Bought and "Sold AGENTS FOR THE MINNEAPOLIS THRESHER 5H South Second St., Walla Walla. Phone 502 rs);AnJ WlMER S Absolutely Puue Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROVl BAKING POWOPB CO., NEW YORK. i Si PENDLETON WILL SATE YOU MONEY 0 WAS- fir VSrPV v. . V, In going jthrough our stock we find a great many broken lines of goods, which we will offer at a great reduc tion previous to invoicing, and from now until January 25th we will offer these lines regardless of cost. We will give the people of this vicinity deci ded bargains while this sale lasts, dp B.C&H. Trading Stamps with each cash.purchase New line of premiums just secured 20,000 square feet of .floor space filled with the latest and best things the Market Affords in FURNITURE and CARPETS Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Yours to please , 31.. A. RADER, - - PENDLETON. OREGON. Undertaking Pallors m Connection WW losgwe lercantile Co. SOUTn SIDE MAIN ST., ATHENA, OREGON