The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 25, 1907, Image 5

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Is It a Catarrh Remedy, or a Tonic, or Is
It Both?
Some people call Peruna a great tonic. Others refer to Peruna as a great
catarrh remedy.
Which of these people are right? Is it more proper to call Peruna a catarrh
remedy than to call it a tonic?
Our reply is, that Peruna is both a tonic and a catarrh remedy. Indeed,
there can be no effectual catarrh remeuy that is not also a tonic.
In order to thoroughly relieve any owe of catarrh, a remedy must -not only
have a specific action on the mucous membranes affected by the catarrh, but it
must have a general tonic action on the nervous system.
Catarrh, even in persons who are otherwise strong, is a weakened condition
of some mucous membrane. There must be something to strengthen the circu
lation, to give tone to the arteries, and to raise the vital forces.
.Perhaps no vegetable remedy in the world has attracted so much attention
from medical writers as HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. The wonderful efficacy
of this herb has been recognized many years, and is growing in its hold upon the
medical profession. When joined with CUBEBS and COPAIBA a trio of medi
cal agents is formed in Peruna which constitutes a specific remedy for catarrh
that in the present state of medical progress cannot be improved upon. This
action, reinforced bv such renowned tonics as COLLIXSONIA CANADENSIS,
C0RYDAL1S FORMOSA and CEDRON SEED, ought to make this compound an ierles and museums, which he dismiss
ideal remedy for catarrh in all it stages and locations in the body. 1 ed wlth an inarticulate grunt, be
From a theoretical standpoint, therefore, Peruna is beyond criticism. The thought herself to inquire how he en
use of Peruna confirms this opinion. Numberless testimonials from every quart- joye(i foreign cookery, and that of
er of the earth furnish ample evidence that this judgment is not over enthusias- parts m particular,
tic. When practical experience confirms a well grounded theory the result is a . .No more nonsense about French
truth that cannot be shaken. chefs for me!" snorted Mr. Bentley, ex
The Only Donbtfnl Citizen.
"Everybody Is telling exactly what
you will do if you are elected to of
fice." "Yes," answered the candidate.
"Well, -what will you do?"
"I don't know yet." Washington
How's This?
Ws offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
liftll'i Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHKNEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 yeari, and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transac
tions and financially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by their firm.
V bst & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
W albino, K innan & AIakvin, Wholesale Drug
gists. Toledo, 0.
Hall's Caiarrh Cure is taken lnternallj. act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur-
laces ot me system,
Price 76c. tier bottle.
told by all JDfUkgiets. Testimonials tree.
UallU TTomilv Pllla nr. lh. hnut.
Hall's Family
A Choice of Evils.
Landlady Would you advise me to
Bend my daughter to a cooking school
or to a music school?
Boarder (reflectively) Well, I think
I'd send her to a cooking school. It
may be more fatal in its results, but it
isn't anything like so noisy.
Of Courae.
Gunner I see where a man in the
southwest had twenty-three children
and then disappeared. What do you
think of that?
Guyer Why, that was nothing un
usual. " t
Gunner What?
Guyer Why, twenty -three skldoo !
The Heart Was Badly Affected When
the Patient Began Using
Doan's Kidney Pills.
Mrs. Elizabeth Maxwell, of 415 West
Fourth St., Olympia, Wash., says:
"ior over three
years I suffered
with a dropsical
condition without
.T., being aware that
F'.'r'nOT frnnhlo The,
-lV 1. early stazes were
nrincinallv back-
ache and hearing
down pain, but I
went along with
out worrying much
until dropsy set in. My feet and an
kles swelled up, my hands puffed and
became so tense I could hardly close
them. I had great difficulty m breath
ints, and my heart would flutter with
the least exertion. I could not walk
far without stopping again and again
to rest. Since using four boxes of
Doan's Kidnev Pills the bloating has
gone down and the feelings of distress
have disappeared."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box
Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Or "L 1
- It 13 perfectly natural to rub the spot that hurts, and when the muscles,
nerves, joints and bone3 are throbbing and twitching1 with the pains of
tol.aMinf it.. ft.A I'a onf i - turn tr tliA liniinpnt hntt1r nr Rmne ntTier
external application, in an effort to get relief from the disease, by producing
f.ntmr.i'riuarJnn tl,flfi1i R.irh treatment will ouiet the cain temoo-
rarily, but can have no direct curative effect on the real disease because it
does not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is more
than skin deep it is rooted and grounded in the blood and can only be
mrhrA W constitutional treatment IT CANNOT BE RUBBED AWAY,
Rheumatism is due to aa excess of uric acid in the blood, brought about by
the accumulation ia the system of refuse matter which the natural avenues
of bodily waste, the Bowels and Kidneys, iiave failed to carry off. This
refuse matter, coming in contact with the different acids of the body, forms
uric acid which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts of the
body, and Rheumatism gets possession of the system. The aches and pains
areonlysymptoms, and though they may be scattered or relieved for a time
by surfacetreatment, they will reappear at the first exposure to cold or
dampness, or after an attack of indigestion or other irregularity. Rhetfma-
tism can never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated
with irritating pain-producing uric acid poison. The disease will shift
from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, settling on the nerves, causing
inflammation and swelling and such terrible pains that the nervous" system
is often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient becomes
deformed and crippled for life. ' S. SS. thoroughly cleanse3 the blood and
renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign
matter from the system. It warms and invigorates the blood so that instead
ot a
matism. It contains SO potasn, aitan or otner mineral lngreoiem, put ia
made entirely of purifying, healing extracts and juices of roots, herbs and
barks. If you are suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable time
trvinir to rub a blood disease away, but begin the use cf S. S. S. and write
us about your case and our physicians will give you any information of
advice desired free Of Charge ana Will Sena our special treatise on Wieumausm,
large ana win sena our special ireause on jvuci
The End of BooVe.
What brings about the end of books?
Is It Are, water, worms? As every
ship launched is bound to be wrecked,
every theater to be burned, the finis of
the book is its reduction to ashes.
What became of the Alexandrian 11-; the French a nation of cooks ! They
brary? Did the4 Saracens burn it in don't know beans, Mis' Evans! Not
C-10? There is this question asked :. baked beans, any way, they don't.
Was there any library at Alexandria "I'm a plain man, and mebbe I didn't
containing 7.00,000 books? Gibbon in- ( learn as much as I might over there
clines to the opinion that there was no ' about art and archytectur', but there's
such library. Canon Taylor Insists ' one thing I did learn, yes, ma'am,
that if there had been a library It was hauntin' those bullyvards for grub
burned in the time of Julius Caesar. ' shops and eatin' queer food right out
Tradition seems to indicate, however, 1 side on the sidewalk, I come to know
that there was a library in the sera
peum, by no means a large collection,
but whether destroyed by Theophllus
or Theodosius is not known. It looks
as if the charge brought against the
Arabs rested on no foundation. Explo
rations of Alexandria in 1805-90 show
no traces of the serapeum. The sea
port of Egypt was built on a damp
foundation, and granting that there
was a library,, if not destroyed by lire,
then the papyri might have suffered
from decay due t water. Books of
to-day taken to India, to the Southern
States and to the West Indies perish
through mildew.
PAZO OINTMENT Is guarenteed to cure any
case of Iching, blind, bleeding or protruding
piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded.Wc.
xsanana Bread.
. Bread made from banana flour is
common enough In Europe and Eng
land. One pound is said to contain
more nourishment and energy produc
ing material than one pound of the
finest beefsteak, Is much more digest
ible and less than one-sixth the price.
Sir Henry Stanley was a firm believer
in the banana. He went so far as to
advise that Its consumption would cure
rheumatism, gout and all liver affec
tions. When lying at the point of death
from gastritis a light gruel of banana
flour mixed with milk was the only
food he could retain and digest. The
secret of the banana as a health and
strength producing food lies In Its high
percentage of protelds and the great .
number of its calories, respectively 20 I
and 391.71. It is a perfectly balanced ,
ration if sliced for breakfast and serv-
ed with
milk and sugar. New York
Press. ' '
"Why do you avoid making speeche
yourself?" asked the friend.
"It's better to have some one etae
attend to the oratory," answered Sena
tor Sorghum. "In that way you can
ascertain which of your opinions are
unpopular and repudiate them."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
rusts seven times as rapidly aa
weau, sour stream, constantly aeposic-
ing acrid and corrosive matter in the mus
cles, nerves, joints and bones, thebody is fed
and nourished by rich, health-sustaining
blood which completely and permanently
cures Rheumatism. S. S. S. is composed
of both purifying and tonic properties
iust what is needed in every case of Rheu-
.. . ? J3' A. 1 1. J
and write
. When Mr. Bentley Returned He Or- j
t taluljr Appreciated Home Cookery. )
Home food tastes better than that
Bupplled by the longest and richest of .
foreign menus. Not all of us, perhaps, '
are as easily satisfied as the family of (
that Ingenious Yankee housekeeper
who achieved variety by her use of ;
uuder-crust," top-crust, or pastry strips (
in making the one kind of pie which
was her only dessert
"Must le fussy folks," she was wont
to say contemptuously, "that ain't con
tented with opeu-face, cross-bar or klv
erllds!" Mr. Solomon Bentley, who, falling
heir to a little legacy, was recently in
duced to take his daughter abroad, is,
however, equally uuexacting in his
tastes. A neighbor, having exhausted
the subject of European scenery, which
Mr. Bentley declared without enthusi
asm to be "well enough," and of gal-
plosively. "Will you believe It, Mis'
j Evans, I couldn't raise a plain apple
pie In all Paree; and as for corn beef
hash, and chowder and roly-poly pud
ding and the other good old standbys,
I couldn't even ask for 'em, because
' they weren't In the dictionary. Call
' one thing as I never thought to know
It and that's the full value of a blled
'dinner! A reel good, Yankee biled din
ner, with all the vegetables and fixin's.
j "First time Elmiry Ann put it on
J when I got home, I felt like runnin up
; the flag and lettln' out three good
j cheers for Uncle Samuel, and three
times three for Aunty Sam, who does
the cooking!" Youth's Companion.
The "king of beasts," declares a writ
er upon the lions of Africa In the Met
ropolitan Magazine, is an unmitigated
nuisance. The stockowner loathes him
for the havoc he causes among the
herds. There is no security against
him. He is always travelling. A pair
of lions may find a spot where game
is easily obtainable, and make a consid
erable stay there, but their real home is
the whole veld.
If the liou slew only as much as he
could eat, he would be less hateful ; but
he will often kill four or Ave oxen, and
content himself with devouring only the
entrails of one.
He is a low, crafty brute, one that
takes no risks, for, unlike the leopard,
he will never leap a wall unless he can
see what la on the other side. A paper
fence would keep him away from a
herd of cattle, provided, they did not
break out through terror of his growl-
lu8 and hls sme11-
Tne llon's roar la the subject of an-
other Action ; not that ha is Incapable
of making the most terrible,
most terrible, awe-in
spiring sound emitted by any living
thing, but because when he is roaring
he is harmless. It is the lion whicb
keeps quiet that is to be feared, for as
a rule the male and female work in
couples, and the one that makes the
noise Is merely driving the game down
the wind to the silent partner.
In a single respect only on the
score of strength does the lion de
serve his name of "king of beasts." He
can drag a large bullock over rough
ground with the greatest ease; he can
carry a mule on his back, after hoist
ing it there by some strange sideways
Jerk of his head ; he can leap a five-foot
fence with a full-sized donkey gripped
in his mouth. Otherwise, speaking
from a seven years' experience in the
lion country, I have no hesitation in
describing the king of beasts as a fraud
at least so far as bis alleged nobility
is concerned.
His regal attributes lose some of
their glamour when one learns that the
so-called monarch frequently lives for
days at a time on such plebeian food
as field rats; and the vision of the
kingly creature Bitting patiently on a
flat rock waiting for the rata to come
out from underneath Is a rather un-
heroic one.
fnmh Vh!!nff Tonid for in
Anothe mb is being looked for In
France-that of Leonardo da Vlnel at
Ambolse. Two comm ttees have been
formed by the cities of Paris and Flor-
enoe, and the actual search Is belry
made by a body of scientists and art-
Ists selected by King Victor Lmmanu-
el. The great artist died In 1519 at
Ambolse, where he had for a long time
fixed his residence, and the bouse In
which he lived, in close vicinity to the
castle of Ambolse, Is still shown. Lon-
don Globe.
Illntorlo Spot Identified.
Archbishop Ryan, of California, had
rebuked a priest for wearing a most
disreputable looking hat
"I would not give this hat for twen
ty new ones," said the priest "It be
longed to my father who fell In the ris
ing of '48."
"Ah," was Archbishop Ryan's retort ;
"evidently be fell on the bat!' Har-
Pr'B Weeklr-
uas irusis wotuu ue uuauio io uo-
clare dividends H people CUOnt iiave
money tO hum.
Few are entirely free from it.
It may develop so slowly as to cause
little if any disturbance during the whole
period of childhood.
It may then produce dyspepsia, ca
tarrh, and marked tendency to con
sumption, before causing eruptions,
sores or swellings.
To get entirely rid of it take the great
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets
known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1.
A Deep Dig.
Cholly Of course, I admit I talked
about myself, "but they talked about
trade all the time, and, of course, that
was worse.
Miss Pepprey You were perfectly
right It's better to talk about nothing
than talk about trade. Philadelphia
Keep Your Blood Pure.
No one can b happv. light-hearted and
healthy with a Imdy full of blood that ca -
n t do it dutv to everv nart be
cause of its impurity; therefore, the first
ami most important work in hand is to pur
ify the blood so that every oriran will tret
luciuu i 'fin-in ui a ueuiuiy circulation.
There is no remedy we know of so good us
that old family remedy, Ilrundr. tbs t ills.
Each pill contains one grain of the solid ex
tra 't of strsuparilla blended with two grains
of a combination of pure and inild vege
table products, mak ng it a blood purifier
unexcelled in character. One or two taken
every night for awhile will produce sur-
pnsi g res its.
uranclreth's fill have been in use forover
a century and are s Id in evtry drop mid
mi di ine store, either plain or sugar
coated. Upward of 200,000,000 gallons per an
mim of aerated waters are drunk in the
United Kingdom.
!i t
..Vegetable Pr eparalionfoT As
similating thsFood 2idRv(?ui2"
ting theStoioachs andBowels of
Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur
ness andRest.Contains neither
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Harc otic.
Pumplm Stmt'
jinut S4
Aperfecl Remedy forConsllpa
Tion, Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fsverish
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
FacSimila Signatura of
y...iaan...fcj & -a i int.
All the best breed
ing and individuality.
Young stock on hand
at all times. Corres
pondence solicited.
Satisfaction guaran
teed. Address
Perrydale, Oregon
When you buy
you want
, protcctior
and long
These and marry
other good point
&re combined In
You CATTt eiford
to btry eny o'thr ,
jtowcco oto
Color more too6 ihter ami fatter- colors
iii'inwiw i in ; ri i n 1 n'li' v i
l ops
Jsyarantead io give penctx result. ak ota:, we win aeno post paia at iw a
icach aad mix colors. MONKOC DRUO CO
A Narrow Eicape.
The company had assembled In the
church, but the bridegroom was no
where to be found. Finally a messen
ger announced that tbe young man had
been run over and killed while on his
way to the church.
"And Just think," she said a month
afterward to a friend, "what a narrow
escape I bad from becoming a widow ;
Pt. Vitas' Dunce and all Nervonn Dlaasea
,) rK-rmaneniiy cnrea ot jr. jimub s mr
treatise. Dr. H. U.Klim.UUlUl Arcli St., PUlla..!',
Bounded (onTlnclug,
The editor was criticising the poem
just brought in by the literary contrib
utor. "You speak of the 'spirit of the for
est," " he said. "Do you think there is
such a thing as a forest spirit, as dis
tinguished from any other kind?"
"Yes, sir !" fiercely responded the liter
ary contributor. "Didn't you ever bear
of such a thing as wood alcohol?"
You Can Get Allen's root-Ease FREE.
Write Allen 8. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y., for a
free sample of Allen's Foot-Kane. It curessweat
i ne, bot swollen, aching feet. It makes new or
tijjhtshoeseasy. A certain etire for corns, In
growing nans ana minions. Aiiaruguutstu it.
2oc Don't accept any substitute.
. From tbe Back Fence.
City Boarder That old cat mnde an
awful noise In the back yard last
Farmer Geehaw 1'aas; ever sence
he made a meal off th canary las' win
ter he's got th' Idee In his head as heow
he's a natur'l born singer, b'gosh!
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's toothing
Byrup the best remedy to use lor their chlldrea
during the teething period.
Seamen on native river craft 'n China
get $3 a month ; on sea-going Chinese
vessels $3. They furnish their own food.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
Catalogue1 Tree. Tangent, Oregon
tn 'he Uiincr HuakA Vnllr. I1ahn. whera
'25,000 MtHKlHHliipl Vullcy hxmoncekcrH ar already
iu lira, vm.mj w a umintciop a, lrrl,ut n land
till await be etilr. Iili h t a d ticnt wa f nil
vailoy In th world. Fliirn c linul; Clio ceai fruit:
Inu.ifiiH- croj'i of train, alfalfa auar hn. ll.OiO,
000 invi-Htfd In ug,ir fnc orlen .Xew K. It, rxteir
aion to Ye lowstonti park 0t mm country of vaHl r(v
oiirco. Aftlitnn atartpd Jan. 1, 1DO0, a record
breaker. Write for purticulnr.H.
St. Anthony and Aehton, Iiluiio,
With aa-tiaije illustrated booklet, giving 1,000
ue for llorax in tho Home. Farm and liairy,
and a Souvenir Picture, 7x14 in., 10 rolnra
free for 6o ami your dealer name. AUIress
Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oakland, Cal.
prove their worth at harvest
time. After over fifty year of
success, they are pronounced
the best and surest by careful
planters everywhere. Your
dealer sells them. 1007 Seed
Annual free on request. '
P. M. fURI CO., Detroit, Mtelb
A 3.
than aw othr dye. One 10c packats colors
tniooville, Muaouri.
Weak Lungs
For over sixty years doctors
have endorsed Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral for coughs, cold,
weak lungs, bronchitis, con
sumption. You can trust a
medicine the best doctors ap
prove. Then trust this the next
time you have a hard cough.
" I bad an wf nl eonsh for am lur. tni
nntlitiiK seemed to du me any good, 1 XrimA
Ayer't Cherry Pectoral and tu toon ure.
I recommend it to all hit frlnd whenever
they have a cough." Ml is M. Mars as,
Washington, D. O.
Made by 1. 0. Ayer Co , Lowell, Hsw.
iee manuMemrers er
Ayer's Pills keep the bowels regular.
All vegetable and gently laxatives
Beat in America
We mak thans
We do not take orders and peddle onr Rubber
btamps, beals, Kic. Ww manulactuie) ear
own goods. t)ur equipment is the newest
and best money can buy. Writs today lor aw
"ltubber Stamp Catalogue."
Portland. Oregon
eW One-third off regular price for hort time.
Dr. H. A. Stnrdevant, formerly ot The Dalles,
and Dr. B. F. Butler, formerly of Arlington,
are with us. Thoy will be glad to meet their
old friends.
Third and Couch Streets. Portland, Orcfon.
Wonderful Homo
This wonderful Chi.
ness Doctor Is called
great because he eun-s
people without opcrar
tlon that ark g veu up
to die. He cures wl.h
those wondenul t ni- f .-v; hciww
none herb, roois, buds, NwW! 1
barks aud vegetables! J
i hut are entirely uit-t . -"'"I
known to medical si.l- s
enre In this country throuifh the use or (boss
harmless remedies. This Ismous doctor knows
the action of over tOOdlderent remedies, which
he lines successfully in different diseases. Be
(runmn'eos to cure catarrh, asthma, lun, throat
rhi uiuatlsm, nervousness, stomach, liver, kid
neys, etc.; hns hundreds of testimonials.
Charges moderate. Call and seo him. I'ntlents
out or the cliy write for blanks and circulars.
Send stamp. COanUI.TATIO.V
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
1 62V rtrst St, S, C. Cor. Morrison
Mention paper Portland, Oregon
Everyone whogrowi fruit, whether on a Iwf or mill
settle, or who Imi a berry pAU'h r a gsudtii, ihtsli ft
fiiterinted in (rutting ilia mont pruflt frm hi aref
wwt sTVii n a
fl the only niaffAxtna In Amtrtfa which ti 4aTrto4
aieiuHiveiy ift the uuereita at infwwn
?row fruit. Handooiiiely llhutratM M ta
SpwncHrn month. 11U all about f rait
of all klnito and nothing but fntlt-4ia
to mat kit, how to twk, fulflvat. neray,
prune, now to u AK&auKE mup.i rrom
cmitA. Hainple free. Hceular prtca ft.M.
anoah wilwerlbpr atl choice ef ana at
our Ilio. Jonathan Kniit Booka the bast lu ailnUnea.
Three Months Free
We are to confident The Fruit Orowcr will pleaaa.we
will tMi(l it tlnt'e motithaabHolutely fra ta any one In
torBtf! In fruit, on ti ins uotfd In ('oujkjh htlow. Wa
offor (!aih J'l lzfg for new au ban Ibcru write fnrpar
( feu lai n. Writuyournnmaanrl addrehRln blnnka he iqw.
rniii.r.rnwtr Cr Tlnv .ft fit. Jnnrnh. Mo,
lHcwptymirFHKK thrfi month' tiialnflor. At
end of three months I will either pay for a yeari mi b-
wrlntlon or notify viii toitop wip'r. In eltherevwnt
ttmioUtobe 0 charge fur the three month' trial
Name .
Route or P. O. Box Number .
. State.
On raving deposits of a dollar
or more, compounded Vrioe
every y-ar. It is juHt as easy
to open a Savings Account with
us by Mail as if you lived neit
door, t-end for our free book
let, "Hanking by Mail," and
learn lull particulars. Address
Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank
Portland. Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
p.n. u
n. i-er
WHEN writing; to kdvartiaar plMaa
meniluo ttiia paper. .
milk, woof and cotton equally well and Is
pauuit, mat ior iraa ooisi new eye.
i Avers
aaumx m ilm i wbsws
Banking by lail