i i -N rNDCl'KMni'A'T NKWHI'AWSU Twicb-a-Week Tcksday and Friday F. P. EoVD. ! 1 BL'SHE;. flnlered u second-class matter, March 1, jt mi: ."!:, '., , : "!' Suor.cr'tJtloo H'tat : ! , xr, In Hflvsnci -12.00 milr tuj'i-h in vruj.cit.. Cc. .octti reading unlices, firm insertion, 10c per tu BqncntttiReriion.M'. ATHENA, ORE., JAN. 25,. The Atlanta Jonrual rises up in its wruth and guys: "It is avarice wbiob is killing and wounding the scores and hundreds of passengers, freezing aud starving the citizoua of tbe northwest, threatening tbe wbole commercial and industrial system of tbe country with a collapse. It is avarice wbiob is pouuding the transportation systems of tbe country into splinters. Ibey are trying to grab, today, tbe legitimate earnings of the future. And if they can't do it without wreoking tbe sys tem of today, they are willing to do it anyhow, and let the system go to ruin. In other words, tbe profits that should be put into more mileage, that should bo put into better equipment into safety devices, into cars and eugines, into salaries sufficient to insure that no employe should have too much work on his bands these profits are paid out as dividends on watered securities It is a saturnalia of money drunkards, Drunk with the money which tbey ob tain as interest on bonds which it was not necessary to issue, on stocks which are full of water, on fictitious securities. Drunk on money which should be put into up-to date machine ry and appliauces, into safety devies, into more tracks, into oars and engiues Drunk on money which represents, in its analysis, hundreds and thousands of slain and wounded men, women aud children." Of late the Press has received from the Oregon and Washington Lumber Manufaoures Association numerous communications, tbe digest of wbiob in eaob instance was hot stuff for a "roast" on the railroad combines, tbe oar shortage, etc. etc. In these eoiuinuoieatiiis. citations to the claim tous damage the car shortage is doing the lumber "interests" of course, not left out. The blighting effect of the present iuadaquate transportation fa oilities are noticeable in all branches of shipping, no more to the lumber "interests" than to any other, dollars and cents as a matter of investment, of oourse, considered. The "iuterests" of this lumber association is nothing less tha" a syndioate trust that has placed the price of lumber so high in the Northwest that home building is ptactially prohibited. For an octopus of tbis cbaraoter, the Press has no space, whatever, to donate. It prefers the ruilroads and their methods, to tbe endless chain prooess that boasts he greedy aggrandizement the avaricious ambition of a richer money loauor -thau John D. Rockefeller. .' Corncobs are to be used for pomething else tbau tbe manufacture of pipes. The department of agriculture is devel oping a new industry in tbe produlion of alcohol from cornoobs, wbion.'the department says, promises to be of much commercial value. Investigations ate being made at Hoopeson, 111., and have proved that the large quantities of cornoobs wbiob every year go to waste, can be made to produce alcohol in suflioieat quantities to justify the erection of a distilling plant in con nection with a corn cannery. ONE OTHER NeYdEDREFORM. In ihj ferule ot Oregon oue persou is adu,iUt;.1 .o tbe state Iuaane Asylum at Si:!iu) every wttkday. One-half of these nnfortuuafe persoua arc women, so that, iu tba course of a year, aore than 150 deuientdd wives, mothers, sisters or daughters of Oregon's citi zens are turned over to the costody of the authorities for their detention, care and possible cure. The reoruits 1907 for this nnharmy little armv come from every coun'y in the state. The labor and expense for their conveyance to our single Insane Asylum at Salem are not light, though the cost is much less than it formerly was, when it constituted a very important item in what was known as the "Sheriff's graifc." The effort to introduce in Oregon a humane aud economical system of transportaing insane persons to Salem met for years with organized resistance from all, or most of the sheriffs of Oregon. They were finally defeated two years ago, with results that fulfilled every promise made by the advocates of the new method. Insane men and women on their wav n Salem are now oared for tenderly by experienced cuards. male and female The average cost per oapita for the year ending July 1, 1906, was $18.05, wnile the average cost per oapita for tne transportation or convicts to the penitentiary for the two years prior to ueoemuer 30, iy06, was $35.91. Conveyance of conviots is under tbe old method. The present convict ex pense is abont the same asitjisedto be for the oonvevance of insniin. Tho I ogures supply an answerable argument in support or .Governor Chamberlain's recommendation that tbe law should be so amended as to require conviots to be oonveyed to prison by officers of the penitentiary. There are. Tinr-hnna. no reasons of humanity, or even of puono security, that makes one sys tern preferable to the other. There are reasons of economv. Thn Jjooialn ture should heed them. Oregonian. A MOB'S EXCUSE The lynching of a man who had kill ed his wife aud vounc stenson. in Iowa. was unjustifiable, of course, but the moD gave an exouse for it that will find an approving eoho in the minds of millions of Americans thnr thn sure and speedy legal punishment of tne undisputed murder could not be de pended npon. It appears that his guilt was dear, at least in the minds ot the populace, but he was worth $50,000, aud they foresaw lone, wearisome series ot technical movements in the courts to defeat the law's penalty; they saw an intermiuable succession of motions, aud appeals, and arguments, aud judicial larcioalitv: thev had lately witnessed all this in a similar case; and so, since they could not de pend on tne maohinery of the law to carry out the Drovisions of the Inw. tbey said they would do it themselves ano rnaue a snort, sure job of it . So the man got what the law intended he should get, aud his heirs instead of the lawyers perhaps will get his money. It was a bad act. but it must be ad mitted that he provocation in any such case is great. Courts and criminal lawyers are in manv cases reanonsihle for the activity of Judge Lynch. Port land Journal. Gn'H(ij'ji , y v ... i. i ;3 f .VP -J '-,. Of the Stock of the Lee Teutsch Department Store, Pendleton, Oregon, is Now in the Hands of NATIONAL BROKERS & SALES COMPANY ;sMM3ffl. & Cochran, Mgrs. Greatest bargain event these parts have ever seen. This big Sale opens raav Jaai. 215 at 9 AND CONTINUES J 1ST TEN DAYS a in. Go to the big yellow sign. That's the Place Don't forget the day and date. The excitement will be intense. TOO MANY NORMALS In tbe course of his messace to tho Oregon Legislature, Governor Cham berlain has set forth his views on the normal question as follows: ibere are too many normal schools in the state supported bv monev exant. ed from the. taxpayers. One in Eastern ana one in western Oregon might with propriety be rnaintanerL afford ing every facility for those desiring to fit themselves for teachers. But whether the four normals be retain. or not, I repeat tbe recommendations maoe to tne last Legislature that all Our 10th Annual January Clearance Sale Begins at 9 a. m. Wednesday, Jan. 2 Everything m our store, with the exception of a few contract goods has been reduced regardless of cost. Onr desire is to tnrn all of our stock possible into casb before inventory, Feb. 1, and with this in mind we not'oome gFeat ieduCti0D9, Write for de8criPtive circular, if you can- liF 1! Mli! r V,i: PAY THE FREIGHT WHEN BILL MOILTS TO $10.00. Use Our Rest Rooms THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. 12 1416 18 20 22 Alder Street, I VLLA WALLA, -:- WASH Make Your. appointments Here be Dlaced under one board nf nnntrnl. The advantages to accrue from the adoption of suoh a course are threefold : First, it nlaoes the mm tmnrri in rnnnh with all of the institutions, giving them an insight into their conduct and enabling them to estnhliqh thosamo oourse of studies and classes ,for all, so that students might leave a class iu oue and enter the same class in another if desired ; second, it would do away wnn an army of regents who naturally beoome partisans of a particular school, and are insistent at each soHsinn nf tha legislature for increasing appropratons iur maintenance, construction of new ouiidings and for other purposes ;and, third, it would tend to elevate tbe nor mal schools to the purpose of their creation, namely, tne training of tea chers for the tinhlio salinnln And Avnnf nally eliminate preparatory and other work which is with more propriety done in' tbe public sohools. Whatever appropriation is made for the support of the normal sohools ought to be in one sum for all, to be distributed by the board of Control in proportion to the aotual normal school work done by each recipient. "It should be provided that no re gent or other offioer of these or any of the sohools shall be permitted to sell to them any supplies of any kind." The Right Name. Air. August Sherpe, the popular overseer of the poor at Fort Madison, la., says: "Dr. King's New Life Pills are rightly named; they aot more agreeably, do morejgood and make one feel better than any other laxative." Guaranteed to oure biliousness and constipation. 25o at McBride's drug store. BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena PETERSON & PETERSON, Attorneys-at-Law ATHENA. - - - OREGON Wise Counsel From the South. "I want to give some valuable ad vice to those who suffer with lame back and kidney trouble," says J. R. Blaukenship, of Beck, Tenn. "I have proved to an absolute certainty that Eleolrio Bitters will positively cure this distressing condition. The first bottle gave me great relief and after taking a few morn bntflps T vena mm. pletely cured; so completely that it becomes a pleasure to recommend this great remedy." Sold at McBride's drug store. Price 50o. For Sale I offer the hardware ntnok nf tha. Cox-MoEwen hardware store for sain at a reasona ble fig ore. For informa tion call on E. JR. Cox or F. S. Le Grow. A. B. MoEwnn. THE Eagle Bar BERT CaRTANO, Prop. ; GOOD LIQUORS A SPECIALTY THE WRICHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Honrbound Rock and Rye HollyjTom Uin ...... Three Star Cognao Blue Stem Whisky Famous Pilsuer Beer BestjBrands of Cigars. "BERT'S IS THE PLACE" AT THE ELECTRIC SIGN I r- -ifjimmatuj. .....t , i . i- -ti.i. yarn i-( m v' giwi Kriti it i Mi n wyrv ? i COOQ HORSES AND RICS. REASONABLE PRICES' DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- Horses boarded. by the day, wuok or month Stables on 2nd street, South of Main street J. F. Wright, . ... . . Proprlntor- To Oire Constipation Torer. fake Cfim-jireUi Candy Cathartic. 10c orS& j- C. C. Ail to cj.-;. drugKibts refund mooes 1IENUY KEEN'S .Barber Shop. Shaving, Ilaircuttins, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. .HOT BATHS. Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. J. D. PL AM ON DON ' PHYSICIAN AND .SURGEON, Otlico in Barrett Building, - . Athena, Oregon ( 4 Try The TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK ATHENA, OREGON ' SSZl Z"!! m 7 -an Orator, Entre Nou Clubi 17G Warren Avenue, Chicago, 111., Oct. 22, 1902. For nearly four years 1 suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc tor insisted on an operation as the only way to pot well. 1, liowever, wtrongly objected to an operation. My Luaband felt disheartened as well as I, for homo with a sick woman is a disconsolate place at liest. A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of "Wine of Caxdui for me to try, and he did bo. I began to improve in a few davs and my recovery was very rapid. With, in eighteen weeks I waa another ML'ing, MOt Mn. Ftowe'. Inttr woman Low a female weaknea and hov complotoly wine of Cardui cures that nick ness and brinpa lioulth and happi ness again. Do not po on enflVi lnp. (io to your druggist todav and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. unit ,4IU .S r Jlr I A. J. PARKER B1IR1P Kv.rythiii( Flnt Claim . Mo 1 a rn nl t'p-to-d.t. ; SOUTH SIDE MAiH j STREET ATHENA