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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1907)
Press Paragraphs Mr. and Mrs. F. S. LoGrow are in Pottlaud this week. Iwelve cases of smallpox are re ported la Walla Walla. Millard Kelly returned from Pen dletou yesterday morning, J. E. Cherry, the life insurance man is in town today from Milton. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Keen are visit ing frieuds in Walla Walla this week Mrs. M. W. Smith and Miss Alta Sbarp were Weston visitors Wednes day. Mrs. Hondion, with her little boy returned yesterday from a visit to Weiser, Idaho. Wos Ward has sold out bis business interests at Lewiston and is now re siding in Colfax. Joe N. Scott bas returned Lome from a visit of several weeks with ftieuds in Tu count. Bring your B & II Groeu Stamps. The new premiums dove arrived. Mosgrove Mer. Co. The Weston Normal team .defeated Walla Walla High school at busket ball Saturday evening. Them will be the regular services at the Churoh of Christ next Lord', day, morning and evening. jC Clarence Zerba, who is attonding the Normal school at Weston, has re covered from a slight attack of illness. Miss Kittie Sharp came ovet from he Normal school at Weston Wednes day evening and atteuded the Foss party. Funds were raised for the Freewater fire department Friday evening by he ladies of tho town, who gave a basket social. P. A. Wortbiugton is up from Port land, and attended the funeral of bis brother-in-law, W. B. Miller, in Wes ton today. The capital stock of the Walla Walla Fuir association has been in creased from f 10,000 to $20,000 by stockholders. Quarantine lias been lifted fiom all homes in Athena exoeptiug that of Mrs. DePentt, which will soon be free of the fever. Your mouoy back if. not satisfied with the bargains found at Rador's big Furniture aud Carpot emporium at Pendleton. A social dance, the first for several weeks, will take place tonight at th Athena opera bouse. A good attend ance is expooted. , . TjfMiss iTolla banner went to Pendle ton tho first of the week, and will at tend the school in that city for the remainder of the term. ' All members of the local Bobckab lodge are requested to bo present at the meeting next Tuesday evening. By order of the Noble Grand. fJuauita Itobie arrivod borne safely 'yesterday trom Carlisle Pa., after spouding seveial days on tho suow bouud trains of the Great Northern. Wednesday night thermometers in Athoua registorod all the way from 10 to 14 bolow zero. This is the coldest that bas been recorded here for several years. Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly oleuso tho system, good for lazy livers, makes clear complexion, bright eyes and happy thoughts. Pioueor drug store. Uir atilla county cuttleuieu are dis satisfied with tbe rauge allottmouts in tbe BlueMouutain reserve, and will make a strong protest to tbe forestry department. Pino Salve Caibolized, uots like a poultioe, highly antiseptic, extensively used for cozoma, for chapped hands and lips, cuts, burns. Sold ut tbe Pioneer drug store. f Wednesday night u large party of Vveston Nommlites were out iu a bob sled and made tbe welkin ring with merry college songs and yell as they pussed through tho city. Tomonow night at tho borne of Mr. aud Mis. Alviu Johnson just west of town, tbe young poople of the town and vicinity will be entertained. A most plonsant time is anticipated bv all.; The. baukrupt stock and fixtures for "merl owned by Charles Gay, was sold yesterday to Iloury Doll for 147, subjoot to approval by the referee iu bankruptcy, Tbos. FitzGerald, of Pen dleton. Ajira. John Wright lott Tuesduy for Ciorvallis to attend her son Eiohard, who was taken ill with puoumonia soon after returniug to tho O. A. C, after spuudiug tbe holidays with bis parents here. Now that the quarantine has beeu raised, oard paities, dances aud other social functions aro in order in Albo ua. With opportuaities for sleigh ridiug, the young folks trio hnviug meny times. D. B. Jarman reports that Ora bodes, his popular salesman, has oommuted his Crook county laud and is uow in Hood River. He will return shortly to resume his place iu Jarmaus Department store. . W. B. Miller, father of Miss Bertie Miller and brother-in-law of II. O. Worthiugtou of this city, died at his home iu Kvnllulou Wednesday uisbt aged 48 years. Consumption was tbe cause of death. The deoeased leaves a wife and five children, three of whom reside in Pendleton. Tbe fun eral takes place this afternoon in Wes ton. "Pineules" (non-alcoholic) made from resin from our pine forests, nsed for hundreds of years for tladdor and kidney diseases. Medicine for 80 days, $1. Guaranteed. Pioneer drug store. Possesses wonderful medical power ovor tbe buman body, removing all disorders from your system, is what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Makes yon well, keeps you well. 35o tea or tablets. Pioneer drug store. That's the bouse tbe doctor built, Tbe biggest bouse you see; Thank goodness he don't get our money. For we take Hollister's Rocky Moun tain lea. Pioneer drug store. Builds up waste - tissues, oromotes appetite, improves" dieestion. induces refreshiug sleep, gives ronewed strength and health. That's what Hollister's Rooky Mouotaiu Tea does. 85c tea or tablots, at Pioneer drug store. Yjudgo Thomas G. Hailey, tho retir ing associate justice of the sumeme bench, will not return to Pendleton to practice law. Judge Hailey will locate iu Portland, where he hns formed a partnership in the law busi ness with Governor Chamberlain. Tbe report comes from Elroma. Wash., of tbe burning of tbe section house there, with the contents. Mrs. Beck, who reoently came down from that place, bad been oookintr for the section bands, and sustained quite a loss, some or tier etteots being stored there. From a Weston man tho Press learns that the report circulated in Atbena to the effeot that there were oases of soarlet fever at Weston was rumor only.. Tbe Press published the item on wnat it considered good au thority, aud is pleased to make the collection. A mass meetiuu held at Franwnfr Wednesday to consider the nronnsiMnn of dyking tbe Walla Walla river that overflow during high water periods may be prevented, was well nttantinA Attorney Godwin was seleoted to bo tn Salem for the purpose of scouring de sired legislation. ManZau Pile Remedv rut no in nnn. veniont collapsible tubes with nnzKln attachment so that the remnrlv ihai be applied at tho verv sank nf tho trouble, thus" relieving almost instant. ly bleeding. itohlUB or nrntrnriinir piles. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Pioner d iX Representative Barrett arrival hnmo (Thursday from Sulem; whore the leg islature aajourued until Monday. Mr. Barrett bas already introduced several VERY DAY S We extend to all au invitation to visit our store when iu Pen dleton. Our-stook of dependable goods is large and we are sure we can ploase all from grandfather to the smallest obild. Especial ly aro we proud of our Ready to Wear Department where you oau find every thing from a 10 oont corset cover to a $10.00 silk lined broad cloth coat. We have received especially for the Holiday trade a large shipment of SKIRTS, SUITS and SILK SHIRT WAISTS. And by all meaus don't forgot our MEN'S DEPARTMENT EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY TO WEAR TEUTSCH'S DEPARTMENT STORE . BP The Fastest Growing Store in Fastern Oregon PENDLETON WILL SAVE :1 1 20,000 square feet of floor space filled with the latest and best things the Market Affords in FURNITURE and CARPETS Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back - Yours to M. A. RADER, . . . PENDLETON, OREGON. Lnaertasing Parlors bills of importance. Tbe jute mill measure, H. B. No. 12, bas already been launched; while two other bills are for tbe support of the Wostou Normal school. One of these bills, H. B. No. 13, provides for the main tenauce of the school, while No. 14 mak 33 an appropriation of $35,000 for a dormitory at the normal subool. jQRobeit Watt bas returned from Ri- Tuiria. Wnsh.. whern ha tnnlr hia put tie some days ago and placed them on good winter range It ie not so cold on Snake river as it is here aud but little snow falls duriug tbe wiuter mouths. Feed is plentiful, there being a generous supply of straw and bunch grass. Bee's Laxative cough syrup con taining honey and tar, is especially appropriate for children, no opiates or poisons of any character, conform to tbe conditions of tbe pure food and drug law, June 30, 1006. For croup whooping cough, etc It expels coughs aud colds by gently moving tbe bowels. Guaranteed. Pioneer drug store. Attorney Peterson is counsel for plaintiffs iu two divorce cases which have boot) filed in tbe circuit court from Westou. One case is that of Mary Reynolds vs. George Reynolds. They were married at Weston 21 years ago. Mrs. Emma Read sues Arthur Read for divoroe aud charges deser tion. Tbe couple were married at Westou in March, 1905 and lived to gether three months. In the Reynolds case adultery is charged. B. B. Moorehead, operated on Wednesday night at Walla Walla and clot a removed from bis brain, died yesterday afternoon before regaining consciousness. Bert Molntyre, who is alleged to have struck him over the head with a slungshot consisting of a rock fastened in a handkerchief, was arrested at Umatilla yesterday after noon and will have to faoe a charge of murder in the first dergee. The men became iuvolved in an alercation at Wallula, both having been drinking. A fight took place aud Moorehead was struck. The dead man was a well known farmer near Wallula. Mi. and Mrs. Austin Foss enter tained a number of tboir friends Wed nesday eveniug at wbist in an unique manner. Spades was the trump of tbe eveniug aud the gentlemen found their respective partners for tbe first game by matching halves of spades with those held by the ladies. Counters were spades strung on hoops of wire aud tied with ribbon, making an ap propriate souvenir. Fred Bovd oarried off the prize for retaining the largest number of. spades, a Handsome oard case, and Byrou Hawks, who had al lowed the greater number to esoano from bim, reoeived "more ilght on the game" from two tinv wax tapers. Re f reshments were served by the host and hostess, assisted by Miss Maud Gholson. Sixteen guests enjoyed the eveuing's entertainment. HOPPING YOU MONEY BUT' m Couuectum Another carload of ooal arrived in Atbena this week. It came in over tbe W. & C. R. aud was consigned to Ed Barrett, manager for tbe Umatilla Lumber Yard. Tbe oar contained a toot 40 tons of coal and was loaded at the Roslyn mines. That Mr. Bar rett was successful iu securing tbe fuel is said to be due to tbe personal interest and influence exerted by S. B. Calderhead and J. G. Cutler, W. & C. R. officials. Athena appreciates the efforts of the above named gentle men, and if they would further exert their influence to tbe extent of secur ing a couple more oailoads, the fuel famine here would praotically be broken. Famous Strike Breakers. Tbe most famous strike breakers in the laud are Dr. King's New Life Pills. When liver and bowels go on a strike, tbey quickly settle the trouble, aud the purifying work goes right on. Best cure for constipation, headache and dizziness. 25o at McBride's drug store. Church of Christ V. E. Hoven, Minister. Services every Lord's day. Bible sohool at 10 a. m. ; preaohing at 11; Y. P. S. C. E. at 6 :30 p. m. ; preaching at 7 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wed nesday evening at 7:30. The publio is invited to attend all of these services. JO AU. t imported Japanese -. with purchases!) FOR SALE BY ELY & SCOTT lmia&mB&BGi mum I ossroye Mercantile SOUTH SIDE MAIN He v. - 1764 Jeweler aud Optician 1 12222222 .ri' V rrn - iff , - SOMETHING FOR THE HOME N.'A. MILLER, Furniture ln(1P ILforhinD PA - A Specialty of General Repair Work JVttVO If aatIIIIIU lU All Kinds of Machinery Bought and Sold AGENTS FOR THE MINNEAPOLIS THRESHER 531 South Second St., Walla Walla :1 yeara In going through our stock we find a great many broken lines of goods, which we will offer at a great reduc tion previous to invoicing, and from now until January 25th we will offer these lines regardless of cost. We will give the people of this vicinity deci ded bargains while this sale lasts. B. C& H. Trading Stamps with each cash purchase. New line of premiums just secured ST., Extraordinary Watch Values! DO YOU WANT A WATCH? Most every one does. Everybody needs oue. Some people, however, don't feel like paying a large sum .of money for oue. They try to get along by depend ing on the publio clocks and their friends for the time. Inconvenient, of "course. I have a fine selection of Watches that I shall sell from now until after holidays at bottom prices. There's uo further excuse for you going without a watob. f. II. C00LIDGE Athena Ore. CITY MEAT MARKET C. II. Sherman Prop. Nothing too good for our pat rons. We cut the best meat money can buy. Fieb and oyster in season. Give us a trial. S3ES A 9x12 Brussels Art Square at the above price is a snap. The Holiday trade is now on a nd our stock, including fine pictures, makes it easy to select Dealer - Athena, Oregon Phone 502 ATnfcNA, OREGON 5,00 Co.