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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1907)
WHAT IS PE-RU-NA? Is It a Catarrh Remedy, or a Tonic, or Is It Both? Some people call Peruna a great tonic. Others refer to Peruna aa a great catarrh remedy. Which of these people are right? Is it more proper to call Peruna a catarrh remedy than to call it a tonic? Our reply is. that Peruna is both a tonic and a catarrh remedy. Indeed, there can be no effectual catarrh remeuy that is not also a tonic. In order to thoroughly relieve any case of catarrh, a remedy must not only have a specific action on the mucous membranes affected by the catarrh, but it must have a general tonic action on the nervous system. Catarrh, even in persons who are otherwise strong, is a weakened condition of some mucous membrane. There must be something to strengthen the circu lation, to give tone to the arteries, and to raise the vital forces. Perhaps no vegetable remedy in the world has attracted so much attention from medical writers as HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. The wonderful efficacy of this herb has been recognized many years, and is growing in its hold upon the medical profession. When joined with CUBEBS and COPAIBA a trio of medi cal agents is formed 4n Peruna which constitutes a specific remedy for catarrh that in the present state of medical progress cannot be improved upon. This action, reinforced by such renowned tonics as COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS, CORYDALIS FORMOSA and CEDRON SEED, ought to make this compound an ideal remedy for catarrh in all iti stages and locations in the body. r, From a theoretical standpoint, therefore, Peruna is beyond criticism. The use of Peruna confirms this opinion. Numberless testimonials from every quart er of the earth furnish ample evidence that this judgment is not over enthusias tic. When practical experience confirms a' well grounded theory the result is a truth that cannot be shaken. The Only Donbtfal Citizen. "Everybody Is telling exactly what you will do If you are elected to of fice." "Yes," answered the candidate. "Well, what will you do?" "I don't know yet." Washington Star. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENKY & CO., Prop,, Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 yean, and believe htm perfectly honorable In all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by their firm. Wsr & Tru ax, Wholesale Drueelsts, Toledo, 0. Waldino, Kinnas & Mabvin, vi r liolesale Drug gists. Toledo, O. Hall's Ca.arrh Curs is taken internally, aot lng directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price 7oo. per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A Choice of Evils. Landlady Would you advise me to send my daughter to a cooking school or to a music school? , Boarder (reflectively) Well, I think I'd send her to a cooking school. It may be more fatal In its results, but it Isn't anything like so noisy. Of Course. Gunner I see where a man In the southwest had twenty-three children and then disappeared. What do you think of that? Guyer Why, that was nothing un usual. x Gunner What? Guyer Why, twenty-three skldoo! BLOATED WITH DROPSY. The Heart Was Badly Affected When the Patient Began Using Doan's Kidney Pills. Mrs. Elizabeth Maxwell, of 415 West Fourth St., Olympia, Wash., says: For over three years I suffered with a dropsical . condition without .? a being aware that . it was due to kid ney trouble. The W early stages were 1' vt. krh&f Y principally back- r-Vl" "V nche fl,nd rmqririfr if Vit vS down Pain but 1 "- out worrying much until dropsy set in. My feet and an kles swelled up, my hands puffed and became so tense I could hardly close them. I had great difficulty in breath ing, and my heart would flutter with ' the least exertion. I could not walk far without stopping again and again to rest. Since using four boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills the bloating has gone down and the feelings of distress have disappeared." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. CAN NOT BE .RUBBED AWAY - It is perfectly natural to rub the spot that hurts, and when the muscles, nerves, joints and bones' are throbbing and twitching" with the pains of Rheumatism the sufferer i3 apt ta turn to the liniment bottle, or some other external application, in an effort to get relief from the disease, by producing sounter-irritation on the flesh. Such treatment will quiet the paia tempo rarily, but can have no direct curative effect on the real- disease because it does not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is more than skin deep it is rooted and grounded in the blood and can only be reached by constitutional treatment IT CANXOT BE RUBBED AWAY. Rheumatism is due to aa excess of uric acid ia the blood, brought about by the accumulation in the system of refuse matter which the natural avenues of bodily waste, the Bowels and Kidneys, have failed to carry off. This refuse matter, coming in contact with the different acids of the body, forms uric acid which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts of the body, and Rheumatism gets possession of the system. The aches and pain3 are only symptoms, and though they may be scattered or relieved for a time by surface treatment, they will reappear at the first exposure to cold or damnnpes nr oft-prnti nrrnrlr rvf inrtiVpRtiofi or other irrpfularitTr- "R lipiima.. tism can never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated with irritating, pain-producing uric acid poison. The disease will shift from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, settling oa the nerves, causing inflammation and swelling and such terrible pains that the nervous system is often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient becomes deformed and crippled for life. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanses the blood and renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign matter from the system. It warms and invigorates the blood so that instead of a weak, sour stream, constantly deposit PURELY VEGETABLE matism. It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral ingredient, but 13 made entirely of purifying, healing extracts and juices of roots, herbs and barks. If you are suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable time trying to rub a blood disease away, but begin the use of S. S. S. and write os about your case and our physicians will. give you any information or dvice desired free of charge and will send our special treatise oa Rheumatism. J1I SWMFT SPCCIFIQ CO., ATLANTA, GA, The End of Books. What brlng3 about the end of books? Is It fire, water, worms? As every ship launched is bound to be wrecked, every theater to be burned, the finis of the book Is Its reduction Jo ashes. What became of the Alexandrian li brary? Did the Saracens burn it lu G40? There Is this question asked : Was there any library at Alexandria containing 700,000 books? Gibbon In clines tp the opinion that there was no such library. Canon Taylor Insists that If there had been a library It was burned in the time of Julius Caesar. Tradition seems to Indicate, however, that there was a library In the sera peum, by no means a large collection, but whether destroyed by Theophilus or Theodosius Is not known. It looks as If the charge brought against the Arabs rested on no foundation. Explo rations of Alexandria in J805-9C show no traces of the serapeura. The sea port of Egypt was built on a damp foundation, and granting that there was a library, if not destroyed by fire, then the papyri might have suffered from decay due t water. Books of to-day taken to India, to the Southern States and to 'the West Indies perish through mildew. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT is guarenteed to cure any case of lching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded.SOc. nanana II read. Bread 'made from banana flour is common enough In Europe and Eng land. One pound is said to contain more nourishment and energy produc ing material than one pound of the finest beefsteak, Is much more digest ible and less than one-sixth the price. Sir Henry Stanley was a firm believer In the banana. He went so far as to advise that its consumption would cure rheumatism, gout and all liver affec tions. When lying at the point of death from gastritis a light gruel of. banana flour mixed with miik was the only food he could retain and digest. The secret of the 'banana as a health ' and strength producing food lies In Its high percentage of protelds and the great number of its calories, respectively 20 and 391.71. It is a perfectly balanced ration If sliced for breakfast and serv ed with milk and sugar. New York Press. Caution. "Why do you avoid making speeche yourself?" asked the friend. "It's better to have some one else attend to the oratory," answered Sena tor Sorghum. "In that way you can ascertain which of your opinions are unpopular and repudiate them." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Steel rusts seven times as rapidly as iron, . ing acrid and corrosive matter ia the mus cles, nerves, joints and bones, the body is fed and nourished by rich, health-sustaining blood which completely and permanently cures Rheumatism. S. S. S. is composed of both purifying and tonic 'properties just what is needed ia every case of Rheu 1 fwsjT? i I "What happens when people fall In love at first sight?" "Usually marriage and second sight" I "Do you think be will make her a good husband?" "No, I think Bhe will make him a good husband." 1 She Sir, If you attempt to kiss me I shall call for help. He For help? WTiy, my dear girl, I am capable of do ing It alone! Answers. Candid Friend You will have to work bard to win an heiress. Impe cunious One I'll have to work a Jolly sight harder still If I don't Tit-Bits. j Mrs. Aijen Oh, really, that's nice! And did he truly say I didn't show my age? Mrs. Cutting Well er he said you were always very careful to conceal It 1 Jason Many a wise word Is spoken In jest Mason Xes; but they can't j compare with the number of foolish ones spoken In earnest Cassell's Jour- j nal. "Hello, old man, and how do you en joy married life, eh? Ever have any differences of opinion with your wife?" "Yes, but I don't let her know about them." ' - J Father (sternly) So you've failed again In your examinations! How . do you explain that? Son Because they went and asked me the same questions as before. j Customer (at bookstore) Have you a work on the art of letter writing? New Salesman No, sir. I should think you could learn that at any correspoiid- ' ence school. I Fred (sadly) It's no use. I told ' your father that I couldn't live without ' you. Edith And what did he say to i that? Fred Oh, he offered to pay my funeral expenses. She That's all very pretty, Jack; but do you think we can live on love and kisses? He It's much the saflest everything else Is either adulterated, or poisoned, or tainted. Life. "What are you going to call your verses?" asked Joakley. '"A Broken Vase,'" replied Rimer. "Ah! that re minds me of a little thing a servant girl of ours dashed off the other day." She And are you really so much better since you returned from abroad? He Yes. I'm quite another man. She Well, I'm sure all your friends will be delighted to hear it ! And he Is now wondering if she meant anything. George The ring" doesn't seem to fit very well, Clara. Hadn't I better take it back and have It. made smaller? Clara No, George; an engagement ring is an engagement ring, even If I had to wear it around my neck. Tit-Bits. Father (at head of stairs) Ethel, what time Is it? Ethel (In the draw ing room) It's a quarter" past ten, father. - Father All right Don't for get to start the clock again after the young man goes out to get his break fast ' Laird Well, Sandy, you are getting very bent Why don't you stand straight up like me, man? Sandy Eh, mou, do you see that field o' corn over there? "I do." "Weel, ye'll notice that the full helds hang down, and the empty ones stand up." "I've come to the conclusion," said the mild pessimist, "that I must have been born great." "You don't say?" re marked Sinnlckson. "Yes; at any rate there doesn't appear to be any chance of my achieving greatness or having it thrust upon me." . A certain popular preacher Is very absent-minded. One day his wife came Into his study crying in agony, "Oh ! I have swallowed a pin !" He smiled ten derly : "Don't worry, my dear," he said, as he fumbled at his waistcoat, "here, here Is another pin 1" She Here's an Interesting story of a man who begged to" be sent to prison In place of his wife. He Aha ! and yet you always declare that men are never self-sacriflcing. She Well, this man's wife happened to be a washerwoman, and if she went to prison he'd have to work. Smith's Weekly. In Good Seaaon. " In a place In New Jersey the town officers had Just put some flre-extin-; guishers In their big buildings. One ' day one of the buildings caught fire, j Bays the Philadelphia Public Ledger, and the extinguishers failed to do their work. - A few days later at the town meet ing some citizens tried to learn the rea son, j After they had freely discussed the subject, one of them said, "Mr. Chair man, I make a motion that the fire-ex- tingulshers be examined ten days be ' fore every Are. ' Sympathetic. Mrs. Browne Our little George got "meritorious commendation" in school last term. Mrs. Malaprop Ye don't say! My I Ain't It awful what queer diseases chil dren ketches In school these days? Philadelphia Press. Earliest of Encyclopedia. Pliny's history may be regarded aa the first encyclopedia, since It contained 30,000 facts compiled from 2,000 books by 100 authors. No matter bow high a man's princi ples are he cannot resist stealing grapes from the bunches of grapes displayed In front of the grocery stores. ' Give any one in tbe country a book to read, and be puts it aside to read next vrintei: J Scrofula Few are entirely free from it. It may develop so slowly as to causa , little if any disturbance during the whole i period of childhood. I It may then produce dyspepsia, ca tarrh, and marked tendency to con sumption, before causing eruptions, sores or swellings. To get entirely rid of it take the great blood-purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1. A Deep Dig. Cholly Of course, I admit I talked about myself, but they talked about trade all the time, and, of course, that was worse.. Miss Pepprey You were perfectly right It's better to talk about nothing than talk about trade. Philadelphia Press, - Keep Your Blood Pure. No one can bi happv, Hgh'-hearted and healthy with a Imdy full of blood thntca -n t do it duty to every part be- """w "i us impurity; inereiore, me nrst ' and most important work in hand is to nur- ny me uioou so mat everv or;jan will get the full lenefit of a healthy circulation. Ttiere is no rpinp.dv u' L-imui nf mi -.wi h : that old family remedy, Brandr. ths I ills. Kach pill contains one grain of t e solid ex j tra -t of sarsaparilla blended with two grains wi u i:uuiimiuuiu m pure niui imiu vt'e table products, niak ng it a blood puriiier unexcelled in character. One or two taken every night for awhiie will produce sur- f.i.o. IW 11,15. I lirandreth's Pills have been in use for over ( a century and are s Id in evt ry drup and turd. ine store, either plain or sugar- Upward of 200,000,000 gallons per an num of aerated waters are drunk in thf United Kingdom. S 5 4 ?v Ian pa m AVrc?etablePreparalionfor As similating IhcFoodandBcgula ling the Stomachs andBowcls of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerf u nessandRest.Conralns neilher Opium,Morpliine norJlineral Isot Narcotic. JUsape afOUArSAMVELPlTCIWi flmtpkm Seed" Atx.Smna otk.U SJtt- fteftermuti -BiCuiionakSatd Hinn-Srfd-. ClmfM .fiunr Malaynit norm Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or NEW VOTIK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. itt! All the best breed ing and Individuality. Young stock on hand at till times. Corres pondence solicited. Batisf action guaran teed. Address D. L. KEYT Perrydale, Oregon ENGLISH BERKSHIRES When you buy WET WEATHER CLOTHING you want complete protection and long fiervice. These ar.d marry other good points are combined in TOWER'S FISH BRAND OILED CLOTHING Tbu cant afford to buy any other , TOwl cMo.Al CO ur. lit!! I MBMaBaMBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBM IBaVaiiti V' I . II I I w PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more roods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c psckac. color, silk, wool and cotton equally well and to ruaranteed gic perfect riti. Ak desier, or we will snd post paid at m (NKate. Write fr Ire. booklet how to dj, teaU and n colors. HONHOE DRCG CO liiuoaviiie, Missouri. A X arrow Escape. The company had assembled In the church, but the bridegroom was no where to be found. Finally a messen ger announced that the young man had been run over and killed while ou his way to the church. "And just think," she said a month afterward to a friend, "what a narrow escape I had from becoming a wldoy !" riTft Bf. Vitus' Tanr. and kit Nervous IMaasM II I O permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Ureal K Wv5 Restorer. Send for FKKK 2 trial bottle and IreatlStt. Dr. It. U. Klin., Ixl., ail Arch SU, fliUa..l'fc Sounded ConTlnclUf, The editor was criticising the poem just brought In by the literary contrib utor. "You speak of the .'spirit of the for est,' " he said. "Do you think there is such a thing as a forest spirit as dis tinguished from any other kind?" "Yes, sir 1" fiercely responded the liter ary contributor. "Didn't you ever hear of such a thing as wood alcohol?" You Can Get Allen's root-Ease TREE. Write Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y., for a free sample of Allen's Foot-Ease, ltrurcssweat lug, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes new or tightshoeseasy. A certain enre for corns, in growing nails and bunions. All druglsU sell it. 2oc Don't accept any substitute. From the Back Fence. City Boarder That old eat made an awful noise in the back yard last night. Farmer Geehaw Yaas; ever sence he made a meal off th' canary las' win ter he's got th' Idee In his head as heow he's a natur'l born singer, b'goshl Mothers will find Mrs. Winsiow's toothing Syrup the best remedy to use for their cuUdroa luring the teething period. Seamen on nativ river craft In China get $3 a month; on sea-going Chinese vessels 8. They furnish their own food. i ml i'i Birr ii For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears ths etHtAun ommnt. new vans errv. m Hiit no. i -i 'isms! f RUIT TREES, VINES, PLANTS BERKSHIRE SWINE, (Registered) SHORTHORN CATTLE, fRegstered) BARRED AND WHITE ROCKS PACIFIC NURSERY CO. Catalogue Free. Tangent, Oregon CROPS NEVER FAIL In 'lie I!ipir Snake Vfllley, Id alio, wln-ro 16,000 MiHstKHlppi Vullt-y hi.nini"'keM nr alr-aily lo alert. WO.OOJacr s uiicli'ielop il, Inl.nili h land Htill await ill- sotllnr. lilrli ftt a d Ix'Xt wa crpil valley In the world. Flups c Imatoi dm ce.n fruit; liiiintms" cronsof i.mlti, iillull'unu ur liciuf. 4,oiiO, 000 Invi'stcd in fiic iirli n. Hvt 11. It. hxUii. fiiiiii to Ye lowstone park op. it rountrv or vast re, source. Aslitiin gmrted .Ian. 1, 1IXW, a record breaker. Write tr purt culart. C. C. MOOKE HKAL KttTATK COMPANY Ht. Anllionjr and Ashtou, Idaho. MULE-TEAM BORAX With 32-page Illustrated booklet, giving 1000 UMis for linrax in the Home. Farm and hairy, and a Souvenir Picture, 7x1 1 in., lu colors free for & and your dealer s name. Addrenn 1'aeitic (-' Borax Co., Oakland, Cal. 1 Seeds prove their worth et harvest time. After over fifty year of success, they are pronounced the best and surest by careful planters everywhere. Vour dealer sells them. 1D07 Seed Anoaal free on request. P. M. lTEHSLY A CO., Itrlt, Mick I I" a. . mm Bears the Ju i Signature AX jv A In Iff w Msg I For Over I Thirty Yea r aa Ht &r ma mm am u I Weak Lungs Bronchitis For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, con sumption. You can trust a medicine the best doctors ap prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough. 1 "I had an awfnl cough for oyer a year, and nniiiniK sec niea 10 ao me anr good. 1 tried Ajer' Olierry 1'ectornl and toon cured. I recommend It to all my friends wlienerer they have a cuugh." iliss M. UXYKKS, Washington, D. C. Kade bw J. O. Ajur Co., Lowell, Mass. m luauuino&urera ox SARSAPAfilLU. PILLS. HAIK VIGOR. Ayer's Pills keep the bowels regular, All vegetable and gently laxative, RUBBER STAMPS Best In America We make them We do not taVo orders and peddle otit Rubber ttamps, Seals, jito. We manuiaxtur our own goods. Our equipment is the newost and best money can buy. Write today for our "Kubber Btaxnp Catalogue." THE IRWIN-HODSON CO, Portland. Oregon HD HATES I ILY DENTAL CO. TBS? Li One-thlnl off regular price (or short time. Dr. H. A. hiurdovant. formerly of The Dalles. and Dr. B. F. Kutler. formerly of Arlington, are with us. They will be glad to meet their old friends. Third and Couch Streets. Portland, Oregon. BR. G. GEE WO Wonderful Horis Treatment This wonderful Chi nese Dootor Is called en at because he oiin-s poople without opera tion that art g'yen up to die. He cures wl.h those wonderful t hi-ni-se herbs, roots, buds, barks and vcKeiahli'S ihnt are entirely un known to ruedli at sci ence In this country thmimh. the use of those harmU'ijs remedies. This iuinoui doctor knows the action of over fiOOdulennC remedl'S, whico, he uses successfully In different diseases. lie gnnrnn'ecB toctirecatarth, asthma, lun, throat rhi uuiatlsui, nervousness, stomach, liver, kid neys, etc. h:is hunrtreis of testimonials. Charges moderutn. Call and see hlra. Patients out of the city write for blanks and circulars. Bend stamp. COKHUI.TATION VllliK. Address The C. Gee Wo Ciiinese Medicine Co.y 162 rirst St., S. C. Cor. Morrison Mention paper Portlund, Oregon MAKE MORE MONEY ON FRUIT CROPS Kveryone who grows f mlt, whether on a large or miall leale. or who has a berry patch or a garden, should be Interested in getting the Mont prollt from his orups. ST. JOSEPH. MISSOURI Is the only matratfne In America which n devoted tflxcliinlvAly tn h liitrrcsta of those who arrow fruit. HitndvntiiHy llhintmll;3flto pNtrt'M each mnnth. IVllnallttlxmtfruH of al! klndK niul nothing but fruit how to mark t, how to imck. tiltivHto. upray, prune, how to MAKE MOKE MONKY from eroim. Haiti tle frn. If ovular prl $1.00, and each ftunnfrther pretn choice of one of 011 r It 10. Jonathan Km it Uouk.vt)ie beat in existence. Three Months Free We are bo confident The Fruit-Grown- will pleae, we wilUcml It Unce month abnolut ly free to anyone I n U'lvHteU In fruit, on tornm imti d I n Couiam below. We offer t'iwh Prlz' for turn miiwrtlwr write frpr tlculain. Write your name and addretmi n btanka hefow. Fruit-Grower Co., Box 38, St. Joseph, Mo. 1 accept your KlthK threo ittonthH' trial titer. At end of threw month) 1 will ellht-r pay forayear'nmih wrlptlon or notify ymi to ttop paper. In either event there in to be ISO cnai tfefor the three monthir trial Name . Route or P. O. Box Number. Town . State.. INTEREST On favings dopoHita of a dollar or more, com pry! mind twice every year. It is just a easy to open a Saving Account with ii h by Ma i as if you lived next door. Kend for our free book let, "ranking by Mail," and learn lull particulars. Address Oregon Trust 8c Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth and Washington Sts. P.N.U No. 2-07 HEN writing to advertisers pleas, j wiin tui. paper. I A fiims 1 Banking by lai WE PAY