The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 18, 1907, Image 1

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    4 0 I
Athena's. .Up 1
to Me
Seductions in prices
on all goods
I . First . 1
10 ran pdk
Chamberlain Will Stubbornly
Defend His Right, f
Governor Bases His Authority for His
Contention on Message of Gov
ernor W. P." lord
" ; , of Athena
SURPLUS,.. ... 20,000
H. 0. ADAMS, PreBident,
T. J. KIRK, Vice President,
F S. lie GROW, Cashier,
I. M. KEMP, Ass't. Cashier.
H. C. ADAMS, T. J. KIRK, F. S.
There have been prepared for iutro
dnctiou at thissessiou bills for the
creation of a score of com-missious ot
boards involviug the appointment of a
great body of commissioners, inspect
ors and members of examining boards.
Nearly every one of these , prospective
measures authorizes the appointment
of offloers of these numerous commis
sion s by the state board, consisting
of the governor, secretary of the state,
and state treasurer, the Portland rail
road couinaia.ion bill being the most
notable exception. " )
The present board, as during the
past four years, consists of two republi
cans, secretary of state and state treas
urer and one demoorat, the governor,
and it is learned that any attempt to
enact and place tnese measures in
operation as they are now constructed
will not only invite the antagonism, of
Governor Chamberlain but will receive
his active opposition. V
The governor will contend that ap
pointments of these various commis
sioners and other officers authorized to
be named by the state board under pro
visions of other proposed bills consti
tutes nothing more nor less than an
improper usurpation of his prerogatives
as the state's chief executive.
Among numerous commissions and
boards proposed to be created are tho
following: Railroad -Commission,
State Tax Commission, Convict Labor
Board. Bank Examiner, Mining Com
mission," Mining Insjectpr,; Seattle
jyair uomnjissKjn, damesurwet jxpuui
tiorh'State Auditor, Fish Commission,
Towage Commission, Cheese Inspector
for Tillamook County, Insurance Com
missioner, Board of Examiners of Os
Each of these bills provides for the
appointment of from one to five mem
bers. The salary attached to eaob job
is lucrative and the tenure of office
ranges from one to four years. Natur
ally, valuable prestige attaches to the
making of these appointments, and the
Governor proposes to insist on making
the selections.
When seen by a reporter and ques
tioned respecting his attitude on this
impending legislation, Governor
Chamberlain said:
"I am of the opinion that I have
good Republican authority for my
contention and would simply refer you
to Governor William P. Lord's biennial
message to the State Legislature in
1899, wbioh more foroibly expresses
my opinion on the subject thau I my
self can-do."
Others, too, emilingiy referred the
iuterviewer to that part of Lord's mes
sage that treated with the subject (f
"Boards, Commissions and Legislative
Appoiutments to Offioe."
At that time Governor Lord criticis
ed, as an inexcusable nsnrpatiou that
should be condemned . t he action of
either legislative, exeoutive or judicial
departments in "assuming duties that
belong to another or in transferring to
some board or commission duties that
belong to other departments whether
sanctioned by custom or otherwise."
He further, stated in his message
that while these departments aot inde
pendently and exeroise differeut func
tions in subordination" to the general
plan, they constitute one government,
whose strength and symmetry' lie in
the preservation intact of this division
of power and responsibility.
i f
urn mass - on v hi ware
A fine line on display, One piece
of Cut Glass each year and you
will soon have a nice collection.
?. C. A. BARRETT & UU. , Atnena, uregon.
Hold Up Train and Compel Conduc
tor to Switch. Car.
n ' - '
Driven to desperation by the fuel
famine, the citizens of Adams, headed
by the mayor, held up the mixed train
bound for Walla Walla, Tuesday eve
nine, nnd fnrciblv comneiiea ine train
- Ol 1 - "V w
crew to set out a car of coalji'T.'he
conduotor was first ordered tofun the
oar onto a side tiack and when he said
he could not possitly dd it without
orders from headquarters, they com
pelled him to wire.,to Superintendent
Campbell in Portland. After the train
bad bees held for an hour and several
messages sent back and forth between
the railroad mea and the coal dealer
in Walla Walla to whom the coal
was consigned, the Adams people took
the matter into their own bands and
forced the train men to switch the
loaded car to a side track.
The engineer refused at first to pull
the car and it was only after matters
began to look serious for him that he
nlaoed the car on the siding.
iThis is the first carload of coal
Adams has had this winter. -' The fuel
was truoked from the oar and properly
ronichnd and Tjavment will be made
for it.
zed and materially strengthened fin-
ncially and has in contemplation
many extensions and improvements.
Speaking of the situation an official
said: "Our power plant on the Walla
Walla river is already carrying nearly
the full limit of its capacity and the
company is seriously considering in
stalling another big power plant on
the Deschutes river , where almost
limited power can be developed, and
from where the curreut can be
ronght this way to supplement the
1 '-al povvor bouse, aud in the opposito
irection to Portland aud other
That something will be done in the
near future aloug these lines is very
ertain, and the engineo's of the com
pauy will soon commeuoo work ou the
preliminary surveys. It is estimated
the improvement will be capable of
furnishing power to supply the mo
tive power for all electrio railroad and
commercial lines contemplated or
needed iu this section for many years.
This will be a gigantio enterprise
nd its development will involve a
largo expenditure of money. The same
company has under consideration a
plan to extend its euburbau electrio
line now completed to Miltou nnd
Freewator, down the feitile Touohot
valley, and work will probably be
oommenced ou this extension early
next spring. ,
District Convention Will Be Held on
February Eighteenth.
Walla Walla Company Needs
Sources of Supply.
That the Northwestern Gas & Eleo
trio Lisht company will soon be com
nelled to seek elsowhere for supple
mentary power for the operation of its
cfrnnt. nnd snhnrban car lines and
power and eleotrio light lines between
Walla Walla ana Pendleton, is appai
ent, says a Walla Walla dispatoh
The company has recently reorgan-
Uo Hon Opca Your Mouth
Like a young bird and gulp down what
ever food or medicine may be offered you?
Or, do you want to know something of . tho
composition and character of that which
you tako into your stomach whether as
food or medicine?
Most intelligent and sensiblo people
now-a-days Insist on knowing what they
employ whether as food or as medicine.
Dr. l'ierce believes they have a perfect
right to Insht upon such knowledge. So he
publishes.bcaadcast and on each bottle
wrapper, whatJn?Tfdielnes are made of
anovetifies l?ytfti71tr-eUi This he feels
heca n wML.t iford to do
Ingredients of
are made are studied and understood tho
use the, morn
his medicines
Good Groceries, Coffee and Tea
In this trinity should the grocer build his business temple. The
difficulty is not great, but it is exceedingly difficult to build well
- . without these 3 things. We have highest, grade goods in every line
Each Article the Acme of Perfection
Our entire stock is selected with the same care and discretion.
REMEMBER Our prices are always consistent with quality.
Athena, Oregon.
more win their superior curative virtues
lie a
lie a )
" l or the cure of woman's peculiar weak
nesses, irregularities and derangements,
giving rise to frequent headaches, back
ache, dragging-down pain or distress In
lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom
panled, ofttlmes, with a debilitating
pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp
toms of weakness, Dr. l'iorce.'s tavorlte
Preserintlon Is a most efficient remedy
It is CQiially effective In curing painful
periods, in giving strength to nursing
mothers and in preparing the, system of
the expectant mother for baby's coming,
thus rendering childbirth safe and com
paratively painless. The "Favorite Pre
scription" Is a most potent, strengthening
ton c to the genera svstem and to tri
organs distinctly feminine In particular.
It is also a soothing and invigorating
nervine and cures nervous exhaustion
nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria
spasms, chorea or M. Vltus's dance, an
other distressing nervous symptoms at
tendant upon functional and organic dis
eases of the distinctly feminine organs.
A host of medical authorities of all the
several schools of practice, recommend
each of the several Ingredients of which
"Favorite Prescription" la made for the
cure of the diseases for which it Isclaimed
to be a cure. You may read what they
(?ay firr yourwlf by sending a postal card
request for a free hooWlet of extracts
from the leading authorities, to Dr. It. V.
l'i-r'e. Invri!iis' Hotel and Surgical Iu
stitnic. liuffiUo. N. Y and it will come to
yju by return pot.
A Bill That Would End State
Treasurer's Graft. ; ,
Compels Calling; of Bids For Use
the State's Surplus Felony to
Loan Otherwise
Ou February 18 a district oouvontiou
will be held iu Pendleton by the
Euights of Pythias lodges of Umatilla
county, says the East Orcgonian. Iu
addition to the conveutiou a session of
the grand lodge finance committoo
will also be held at that time with the
result that many prominent members
from abroad will bo present.
February 19 will be the 4ith an
niversary 01 toe organization or tne
order of Knights of Pythias, aud by
holding the district conveutiou ou
the eve of that date the anniversary
will be proporly commemorated. The
convention will be attended by the
members of the six lodges of Umatilla
oouuty, members of the. finance com-.
mittoe and other gruud lodge oflioers
including the grand chancellor.
It is the puiposo of Damon lodge
No. 4 to make the coming convention
the greatest Pythian gathering that
has ever been held iu the city, aud to
this end preparations are now beiug
made by a committee composed of
J. H. Gwinn, J. W. Malouey and
Charles Fishman. In addition to the
third rank work it is the intention to
have a large class of candidates for the
first rauk.
Range to Take Care of 20,000 Horses
and Cattle and 10,000 Sheep.
To provide for the lending of surplus
f uuds iu the state treasury is the pur
pose of a bill introduced in the State
senate by M. A. Miller. The bill re
quires the state treasurer to give no
tice twioe a year of (he amount of
surplus in the treasury and the amouut
that cau bo loaned. He is to reoeivo'
bids for the leuding of the money and .
the bids are to be iuspeoted and acted
upon by a board oomposed of the gov
ornor, secretary of state, aud state,
treasurer. The bids must speoify . tho
amount the bidder desires to borrow,
the rate of interest he will pay aud the
leugth of time he will want it.
There is no limitation as to the
oharaoter of seourity that may be ao
cepted. Banks borrowing tho state
fuuds must bavo not less than $50,000
capital and must give a bond with
freeholders as sureties for the repay
ment of the money. In the oase of
banks having deposits of state money
tho borrower must pay the interest ou
the average daily balance, the interest
to be credited quarterly.
The bill makes it a felony for the
treasurer to loan publio funds other
wise than iu this aot provided for or
to let the money go out of his personal
possession, or to receive' any interest,
profit or beueflt thorefrom.
How to Cure Chilblains.
"To enjoy freedom from chilblains,"
writes Johu , Kemp, , East .Otislleld,
Me., "I apply Bucklen's Aruioa SuJve.
Have also used it for salt rhenm with
excellent results." Guaranteed to
cure fever sores, indoleut ulcers, piles,
burns, wounds, frost bites and skin
diseases. 25o at MoBrido's drug store.
Walla Walla Poultry Show.
The seventh annual Poultry show
given under the auspices of the Walla
Walla Poultry Assooiution, will take
place in the garden city January 21-29
inclusive. Special prizes will be given
and air treatment is assured.
A big meeting of cattle and sheep
men will be held at Walla Walla
January 80 in tho federal court room
iu the Mottet buildiug for the purpose
of allotting the land iu the Wouaba
forest reserve for grazing purposes.
By tho recent ruling ot the loiesuy
department, permission will be given
to graze 20,000 bad of horses and cut
tle and 10,000 bead of sheop and at
this meeting Supervisor Sohmitz will
parcel out tho reserve to the differeut
stock raisers applying for the privi
lege. -) The grazing season is supposed to
last from June 10 to Ootobor 20, and
the prioe charged for the privilege of
grazing duriug that time will be 80
cents a head for cattle, 40 cents for
horses aud 81 cents for sheep. Lambs
under six mouths old will not be
countod. A general discussion of
grazing matters will also tako place
at the meeting.
Notices will be seut out from the
forestry office in a few days to 400
slockraisors in Eastern Washington
and northeastern Oregon, apprising
them oftbe meeting.
Cured of Long Trouble.. -
"It is now eleven years since I - had
a narrow escape from consumption;' -writes
0. O. Floyd, a leading business
mau of Kershaw, S. O. "I had run
down iu weight to 135 pounds, and
coughing was ooustaut, both by day
nnd by night. Finally I began taking
Dr. King's New Discovery and con
tinued this for about six mouths,
whon my cough and lung trouble were
entirely gone and I was restored to my
normal weight, 170 pounds." Thous
ands of persons are healed every year.
Guaranteed at McBride's drug store.
50o aud $1.00. Trial bottle free.
Chloroform Caused Death.
G. G. Holoouib, a traveling man,
was found dead in his bed at a Pen
dleton hotel Wednesday morning.
Investigation revealed the cause of
death to be from the uso of cblcro
forin, takeu for relief from headache.
Mr. Holcomb was quite well known
in Athena and was here lust Summer
iu the employ of the J. I. Case Thresh
ing Machine company. Walla Walla
friends say that for years Holcomb
was iu the habit of using chloroform
to relieve headache, aud several times
had narrow escapes from death
through using the drug.
Kick Resulted in Death.
Thomas II. Fanlkner, a well Known
resident of the Holdman neighborhood
was kicked in the stomach by a horse
Tuesday morning aud died in the eve
ning fiom the effects of the injury.
The deceased formerly resided iu
Blasting On the Ditch.
Excavating with teams was suspend
ed on the government project at Eoho
last Friday on acoountof cold weather.
Blasting is now in progress in a largo
cut near Camp No. 8.
The Right Name.
Mr. August Sherpe, tho popular
overseer of tho poor at Fort Madison,
la., says: "Dr. King's New Lite Pills
are rightly named; they act more
agreeably, do more'good and make ono
feel belter than any other laxative."
Guaranteed to cure biliousness and
constipation. 25o at McBride'a drug
No Such rhino as Luck
We sometimes say men who have
acquired fortunes are luoky. If you
should inquire closely into the facts,
you would iu all probability find that
it was not mere chance tbut brought
their wealth, but their advancement
came about because they put them
selves iu a position to make money and
kept persistently at it, andjwith few
exceptions our wealthiest men began
with small savings.
This bank will help you to get a
start. We will allow you 4 per cent
on your savings account compounded
semi-annually and give it our prompt
and careful attention. Meanwhile
your earnings are where they are un
questionably safe.
i .----1 , ' t , . . i j. . . t . . ..,. .