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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1907)
X. Press Paragraphs J. M. Hayes was in Pendleton Sat urday. Herbert Manasse had business in Pendleton Friday. f Jerry Stono was in Walla Walla Saturday on business. v Prayer meeting at the Church of Christ tomorrow evening at 7 :30. A little child ot Frank Berliu has been ill at his home north of town. Mrs. Walter Ely visited her mother in Pendleton Saturday and Snnday. The quarantine has been lifted from the home of A, L. Swaggait north of town. ' . Frd Honrllnv. th nnnntv rnnnriW. ""was in the city Saturday for- a few hours. . Chas. Barrows of the Mosgrove Mercantile company,, spent Snnday iu Milton. TT Quarantine restrictions have been raised in Atbena and 'publio gather ings may take plaoe. , Miss Etta Swaggart went down Fri- day to visit her Bister, Mrs.. M. L, Akers, near Pendleton. V The little son of Mr. and Mrs. W O. Bead, of Adams, has been seriously ill, but Is now recovering. The Presbyterian and two Method 1st churches of Milton are holding a union revival mooting. ; A representative of the Walla Wal la Meat company was gathering a carload of hogs in this vicinity this week. There is now sufficient snow to make ''sledding half way decent," to use the expression of one of onr farmer friends. This is the sort of weather that makes it imperative on the part of the stockman to feed bis herd if he has the feed. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Rogers enter tained a large party ot Adams friends at their home near that plaoe Satur day night. Your money back if not satisfied with the bargains found at Barter's big Furniture and Carpet emporium at Pendleton. ' J. F. Oraddiok, Earl Williams and C. C. Sbumway, of Milton, were iu attendance on the meeting of the En. campment last night. Mrs. Ann Kirk and her daughter, CMiss Anna Kirk, left Portland some time ago, and will spend the remainder nf the winter In flnlifnrnin. L The fuel famine at Helix was brokeu Friday by the arrival or three ours of wood with some more on the road.. . Some ooal isexpeotedsoon; ' " "TDade'TLTttfe Liver Pills thoroughly dense the system, good for lazy livers, makes dear complexion, bright eyes and happy thoughts. Pioneer drug store. Pine Salve Oarbolized, aots like a poultice, highly antiseptic extensively used for eczema, for chapped hands aud lips, outs, burns. Sold at the Pioneer drug store. At the reoent meetiug of he Milton council, the resignation of City Mar shal Grant . Williams was aooepted. J. L. Frazier is aoting as marshal un til an officer is appoiuted. A party of hunters in the vioinity of Miltou killed two coyotes Friday. Had their dogs been properly trained it is said more coyotes would have been gathered in by the hunters. Holix Herald: Jesse Edingtou, who entered school at Corvallis this tall, has decided not to return for this term after the vaoatiou. He expects to re enter next fall to continue his studies. "Pineules" (non-alcoholio) made from resin from our pine forests, need for hundreds of years for bladder and kidney diseases. Medicine for !i0 days, $1. Guaranteed. Pioueer drug store. , . J. E. Cherry, a prominent citizen of Miltou and erstwhile landlord of the Uoldou Bole hotel in Pendleton, wih join M. W. Smith iu canvassing this vioinity this week in the interests of bis life insurance ccrnpauy. ' L. W. Smith and wife of Wenat ohee, Wash. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith. Mr. aud Mrs. Smith are returning to their home at Wenatohee after spending several weeks visiting relatives in Illinois. Possesses wonderful medioal power over the human body, removing all disorders from your system, is what Hollister's Rooky Mouutain Tea will do. Makes you well, keeps you well. 35o tea or tablets. Pioneer drug store. k xne tax levy for Umatilla county "Has been fixed at 23 mills, 2 mills higher thnu the levy last year, the increase being duo to the fact that the aniouut of state taxes apportioned to ibis oouuty is $20,000 greater this year than last. That's the house the doctor built,' The biggest house you see; Thank gooduess be don't get our money, For we take Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Pioueer drug store. , Builds up waste tissues, promotes appetite, improves digestiou, induoes refreshing sleep, gives rouewnd strength and health. That's what Hollister's Rooky Mountain Tea does. 85o tea or tablets, at Pioneer .drug store. .; . Helix Herald: John Walter, who is farming east of town, returned from a visit with his parents in Walla Wal la the first of the week. It was cur rently reported that he had gone east after a housekeeper, but be fooled the boys on that score. He did not go. Millard Kelly returned Wednesday evening from Meacbam, where he has been working in a wood camp for several weeks. He reports a consid erable amount of cordwood at Meaob am, and says shipments are larger. Snow is two and a half feet deep in the wood camps. W. B. Miller, a brotber-in-la'w of H. O. Worthington of tnis city, is in the last stages of consumption at his borne in Pendleton, and his death is hourly expeoted. Mr. and Mrs. Wor thington and Emery went down to Pendleton Sunday and spent the day with the Miller family. . - For the.flrst time this winter, .ther mometers in Atbena registered below the zero mark Sunday night The mercury dropped two degrees below at 11 o'clock Snnday night and at the, sane hour last night it hovered 3 da goes below, reports Uncle John Cal ender, of the St. Nichols hotel. Mrs. 0. C. Beck, Sr., arrived yester- f day on the W. & C. K. traiu from El- topia, Wash., where the family are now living on their homestead. Mrs. Beck reports the Franklin county people doing well. Mr. Beck, who has been a sufferer from rheumatism this winter, is somewhat improved. ManZan Pile Remedy put up in con venient collapsible tubes with nozzle attachment so that the remedy may be applied at the very seat of the trouble, thus relieving almost instant ly bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Pioner drug store. , J. W. Davis returned a few days ago from Hot Lake, where, he went to seonre relief from rheumatism. Mr. Davis returned home greatly benefit ed but took cold and is now iu a worse condition than ever. He is confined to bis bed in the St. Nichols hotel and may be forced to again visit Hot Lake for relief. Bee's Laxative oough syrup con taining honey and tar, is especially appropriate for children, no opiates or poisons of any cbaraoter, conform to the conditions of the pure food and drug law, June 30, 1906. For croup whooping cough, eto. It expels coughs aud colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Pioueer drug store. At the next meeting of the Athena Commercial Association the matter of amusements in oonneotiou with the business meetings of the organization will come up for discussion. It is known that a majority of the members who attend the association' meetinca favor the, proposition 'Of- introducing card games and reading tables for the sboialenjoym'ent and pleasure of the EVERY DAY We extend to all an invitation to visit our store when in Pen dletou. Our stock of dependable goods is large and we are sure we can please all from grandfather to tbe smallest child. Especial ly are we proud of our Ready to Wear Department where you can find every thing from a 10 cent corset cover to a $10.00 silk lined broad cloth coat. We have reoeived especially for the Holiday trade a large shipment of SKIRTS, SUITS and SILK SHIRT WAISTS. And by all means don't forget our MEW'S DEPARTMENT EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY TO WEAR TEUTSCH'S DEPARTMENT STORE The Fastest Growing Store in Fastern Oregon PENDLETON WILL SAVE YOU MONEY ft Jr& W X) Jj 20,000 square feet of floor space filled with the latest and best things the . Market Affords in FURNITURE and CARPETS Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Yours to please M. A. RADER, . - Undertaking Parlors in Connection members. If yon ere a member of the association be on band at the next meeting, the date of wbioh will be announoed in the Press. If you are not a member, send in your name and become one. 1 At 9 o'clock yesterday morning .an relarua brought out the fire department and a run was made to the corner of Fourth and Adams streets. A small blaze was started in tbe dining room of .the Jacobs cottage, occupied by James Henderson, by a flue burning out. Aside from cbarriug tbe wall paper, and a wet carpet, but little damage resulted. Tbe 21th legislative session of the state of Oiegon opened yesterday after noon with tbe election of Frank Dav ey, of Marion county, speaker of tbe house and the election of Senator E. W. Haines, of Washington county, president of the senate. The tight between Haines and Hodson, of Mult nomah was bitter and ended in Haines' victory with a vote of 17 to 7. Thck olantdtl nifv nffininla rt were sworn into ofllce Wednes day evening of last week. The out going mayor, "Cap" Isaacs, who has held that office since the town was in corporated, was presented with a gold chain and locket as a testimonial of regard which Helix citizens have for him. I he Herald says for once the oaptain could not say anything. ' A telegram has been received by Hugh Robie from the Indian school at Carlisle. Pa., stating that his daughter, Juanita, had started home Monday, January 7. She should have arrived here Friday, but owing to the fierce snow storms and blockades in Montana and the Dakotas, she is per haps among the suow bound passen gers. Keen anxiety is felt by her rela tives here for the reason that the girl bad been ill for some time prior to her departure for home. County Recorder Fred Hendley was in town Saturday. Mr. Heudley was circulating a petition which prays tbe Oregon Legislature to pass a bill at the present session, giving Umatilla coun ty the right to combine tbe offices of tbe county recorder and oounty treas urer. It is believed by all who are acquainted with the work of these two officials that one offioial, with the assistance of a clerk, can do the work which now requires the atten tion of two officials. Friday evening at tbe residence of Dr. and Mrs. S. F. Sharp one of the most successful and pleasant parties of the season was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Smith. The rooms were tastefully decorated in lavender and white, and these colors were car ried out in tbe table decorations and luncheon. Four tables of whist play ers played the game in a scientific (or otherwise) manner, tbe prize for tbe best player going to Mr. Fred Ker shaw and tbe consolation prize being awarded to Mrs. Kershaw. The JEJrst SHOPPING PENDLETON OREGON a& PENDLETON, OREGON. S3 was a beautifully bound book and the latter a tiny pair of Indian moccasins. The buffet luncheon was especially dainty and inviting, and was supple mented with home made cream can dies, in lavender and white. Today, January 14, at tbe Athena hotel, the marriage of Mr. Jesse Moore, of Cambridge, Idaho, and Miss Mattie Smith, eldest daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of this oity, was solemnized in the preseuce of the im mediate friends of the contracting parties. Rev. jv. E. Hoven, of the Christian ohurob, performed the cere mony whioh occurred at the hour of 3 p. m. . The ytmng people will leave this evening fo their future home at Cambridge, where the best wishes of their Athena friends follow them. ,:'? hp Famous Strike Breakers. The most famous strike breakers in the land are Dr. King's New Life Pills.' ; When iver and bowels go on a strike they Quickly settle the trouble, aui the porilying. work goes right on. Best cure for constipation, headache and.dizziness.; 25o at McBride's drug store. , - 4 . j For Sale .1 offer the' hardware stock of t he Co r-McEwen hardware store for sale at a reasonable figure. . For informa tion call on E. ft. Cox or F. S. Le Grow, v ' f A. B. MoEwen. Foley'stHoney and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. TREE WITH PURCHASES Of .2 fyrm&. ' for sale by ELY & SCOTT losgrove Mercantile Co. SOUTII SIDE MAIN AWWWWvVWvWWVvV' money for Jeweler and Optician SOMETHING FOR THE HOME N. A. MILLER, Furniture IftflOC UlarhiflO f A A sPecia,ty of General Repair Work JUIlt3 IIIUVllllIV lU. All Kinds of Machinery Bought and Sold . AGENTS FOR THE MINNEAPOLIS THRESHER " 3 1 South Second St., Walla Walla In going jthrough our stock we find a great many broken lines of goods, which we will 9ffer at a great reduc tion previous to invoicing, and from now until January 25th we will offer these lines regardless of cost. We will give the people of this vicinity deci ded bargains while this sale lasts, B.C& H. Trading Stamps with each cash purchase. New line of premiums just secured ST. Extraordinary Watch Values! DO YOU WANT A WATCH? Most every one does. Everybody needs one. 8ome people, however, don't feel like paying a large mm of one. They try to get along by depend ing on the publio clocks and their friends for tbe time. Inconvenient, of course. I have a fine selection of "Watches that I shall sell from now until after holidays at bottom prioes. There's no further excuse for you going without a watoh. f h rnnnnr.F Athena vwi-iixjt. Ore. CITY MEAT MARKET C. il. Sherman Prop. Nothing too good for our pa' rons. We cut the best meat moriM can buy. Firth and oysters in season. Give us a trial. A 9x12 Brussels Art Square at the above price is a snap. The Holiday trade is now on and our stock, including fine pictures, makes it easy to select Dealer - Athena, Oregon Phone S02 ATHENA, OREGON $15,00 i