The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 11, 1907, Image 4

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    "Doo" Stamper was in town today.
Mrs.'N. A. Miller was ia Pendleton
Cbaa. A. Hill, of Pendleton, is in
th9 city today.
Frank Stanton, of Helix, was in
town, yesterday.
Jerry Stone trausaoted business in
Pendleton Wednesday.
A balmy cbiuook is making the
suow fade away today.
Just received at Dell Bros., nice big
oranges, lemons and sweet potatoes.
The Mosgrove Mercantile oompany
' have inangnrated a clearance Bale.
It is reported here tout tbete are
several oases ofsoarlefc fever -io 'Wes
; ton. ,. ' . " ;
I. M. Kemp, assistant "cashier of the
First Natioual Batik, is affliotod with
rbenmatism.' , . ' '
Bob May, the popular comnierciul
traveler, was in town Wednesday from
Walla Walla.
A now and attractive line of petti
coats have just arrived at Mauasse's
' np to dute store.
Mrs. Jobn Estes, of Pendleton, is
?. viHlHno fit; thn hAmft rtt hr dnnwhfnr
' Mrs. Glen Saling.
Miss Nola Hill who has been very
ill at her home west of town, is report
ed convalescent.
Thomas Quinn, the well known
Walla Walla harness dealer, was in
the city yesterday.
A marriage lioense was issued yes
terday to Gal Davis and Jessie Hanna,
both pf this county.
Mrs. G. A. Barrett and her daugh
ter, Mrs. J. D. Plamondon, visited in
Pendleton Tuesday.
n Sleighing is reported good in the
rtelix neighorhood, and muob hanliug
is being done with sleds.
Jesse Moore, wbo has been visiting
friends in this city for , several days,
went out to Helix today. s
Miss Lorenz, correspondent for the
East Oregonian and Oregon Journal
was in the city yesterday.
Checkers ia becoming a popular
'game in dtnena and a number or ex
pert players are being developed.
Mr. and Mrs. Chessman left Atbeua
Sunday for Piescott, Wash., whore
they are visiting Mrs. Chessman's pa
rents. ' , ,
Xour4aouoy buok- if . not satisfied
. withvtihe'' bargains -fouud at Rader's
big a nrniture aud Carpet emporinm
at Pendleton.
, Rev. Armfleld, of Spokane, former
ly pastor of the M. E. church in this
city, was registered at a Pendleton
hotel Wednesday.
Mrs. Henry Keen and Mrs. Lola
Payne have been visiting at the home
of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hol
com b, near Pendloton.
Mrs. Jooelyn Roberts", who has been
visiting her mother, Mrs. Koontz, for.
several days, returned jyesterday to
her homo iu Cheney, Wash.
Miss Avis" Zerba hastfocooptod an
appreutiooshtp on the typesetting ma
ohiuo iu the Press offloe, and is mak
ing rapid advancement in tbe art.
Ross Malouey left this morning for
Thornton, Wash., where he will make
bis home with bis uncle, E. II. Stono,
and attend the Thornton High school.
Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly
dense the system, good for lazy livers,
mukes dear complexion, bright eyes
and happy thoughts. Pioneer drug
Taking of testimony iu tbe watoi
oases is now progressing at Milton,
before Jndgo Beau. Will M. Potersou
of this city is ouo of tbe oontisel for
Pine Salve Carbolizod, uots like a
poultice, highly antiseptic, esteusively
usod for eozonia, for chapped bunds
and lips, cuts, , burns. Sold at tbe
Piouoer drug store.
John Timmermnn, a well' known
Helix wheat laiser, is iu tbe Texas
Panbaudle country where with other
Helix resideuts ho is interested iu a
large body of laud.
b. B. Riobards bus teuipoiurily re
lieved Tom Montgomery at the Pugct
Sound warehouse oftioe iu Pendloton.
Mr. Montgomery will epeud a oonple
of months in the east.
, Zoetb Houser oame up from Puudle
ton yesterday. Mr. Houser is selling
stook in his Present Noed mine and
has several Athena parties interested
in his miuiug venture.
Revival meolings are being held at,
the Baptist church in Peudleton., Rev.
Henry Socor, of Baker City and Rev.
(iibsou, of La Grande, re assisting
Rsv. Hall in thsmootiugs.
little daughter of Mr. aud Wi9.
D. B. Jarman, aud Merua DePeatt
Hre the latest fever patieuts. ; Like
other cases, here, iu this iustauce tbe
fever is in very mild torm.
Amoug the road supervisors ap.
poiuted ty tbe county court for the
coming year, is Hugh' McLean for
South Athoua district, aud Cass Can
iiou for North Athena district.
tjLliobert Uenevay will retire from tbe
saloon busiuoas in Athena aud tomor
row night will' close his "Corner"
. fialoo'i. Mr. Geuevay will mum to
Walla Wnlla, li'is formor homo .
"Pineules" (non-alcoholio) made
from resin from onr pine forests, nsed
for hundreds of years for bladder
and kidney diseases. Medicine for 80
days, $1. Guaranteed. Pioneer drug
Winter weather does not interfere
with work on the Pendleton levee,
laborers and teams being employed
constantly iu tbe hope of having pro
tection against high water completed
by February 1.
The citizens of Milton will come be
fore tbe county with a petition asking
that a dyke, live miles in length, be
constructed for the proteotion of Mil
ton aud vicinity. The estimated cost
of construction is planed at $90,587.
Possesses wonderful medical power
over the human body, removing all
disorders from your system, is what
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will
do. Makes you well, keeps you well.
85o tea or tablets. Pioneer drug store.
The establishment of a flouring mill
still agitates tbe publio mind ont at
Helix. , Influential resideuts are inter
ested in tbe project and tbe prediction
is made that a mill will be running
in time to 'take charge of the next
Willis Bush las returned from tbe
Stamper rauob on Birch creek. He
was engaged iu delivering hay to tbe
graders on tbe Pilot Rock branch road.
In that district alfalfa bay sells for
$10 per ton in tbo staok and for $12
That's the bouse the doctor built,
Tbe biggest house you see;
Thank goodness he don't get our
For we take Hollister's Rooky Moun
tain Tea, Pioneer drug store.
Builds up waste tissues, promotes
appetite, improves digestiou, induces
refreshing sleep, .gives renewed
strength and " health. That's what
Hollister's Rooky Mountain Tea does.
85c tea or tablets, at Pioneer drug
store. t .
erry St. Dennis, Jr., who is home
from California on a visit is oarrying
a badly crippled arm. While working
iu an ioe plant some months ago, he
leu while handling a 800 pound cako
of ice aud his arm was badly crushed
in the olbow joint.
Athena youngsters again find exon
erating sport ooasting down hill at the
foot of Main street. All manner of
sled construction may be seen in tbe
collection of sliding vebioles. A small
pond at the oity rock quarry is beine
utihzed foi skating.
. R. E. Stewart, who has been dancer-
ously ill with pneumonia at his home
north ofTown, is reported to be much
oettertnWTWolniner. "The ritrrit Itfno '
in. badly congested but Dr. Sharp be
lieves the patient to be out of duueer.
and that he has good chances for re
covery. A trained nurse' is iu attend
ance upon him.
Kyde MoDaniel. teacher of tbe
school at Umatilla, while playiug bas
ket ball at that place Tuesday, fell
aud broke his leg. As there is no
physician in Umatilla, a switch en
gine was run down to Irrigon and
brought one wbo set tbe fractured
A'anZan Pile Remedy put up in con
venient collapsible tubes with nozzle
attachment so that the remedy may
be applied at the very seat of tbe
trouble, tbns relieving almost instant
ly bleeding, itching or protruding
piles. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. Pioner drug store.
Bee's Laxative coogb syrup con
taining honey and tar, is especially
appropriate for children, no opiates or
poisons of any cbaraoter, confoim , to
tbe conditions of tbe pure food and
ding law, June 80, 1906. For croup
whooping cough, etc It . expels
coughs aud colds by gently moving
tbe bowels." Guaranteed. Pioneer drug
store.- : .
NRobert Kruger, who held third base
ifoP..tbe Atbena Yellow Kids last year,
bes been promised a try-out with tbe
Portland league team this "yeari
"Bob" is u epleudid 1 iuflolder aud if
he learus to bit tbe ball, is fast enough
for any company. With Osbornnbea
and Butler already in the jruajoif
leagues, the addition of Kruger in fast
company, the Yellow Kid team of
1906 is receiving extensive advertis
ing. ,
While the fuel situation iu Walla
Walla is not serious, there boing a
supply of wood, though practically no
coal is on hand at tbe yards, tbe con
dition of tbe railroads is serious. Yes
terday there were but seven tons of
coal on hand in the bunkers of tbe
Oregon Railway aud Navigiation com
pany's depot, and none arrived up to a
late hour last night. The mixed train
for Portland via Wallula went oat
without freight on account of tbe short
age of fuel.
' 1 r
Statute Intended to Check M,urder
By Cunning Men.
A statute intended to check
by fixing a severe penalty
where tbe insanity plea is made is be
ing disoussed by members.of tbe Seat'
tie bar. It is stated on good author
ity that more than a dozen bills have
been drafted oovering the question in
all of its phases, and that one or more
of tbem will be presented at the open
ing session of -the legislature at Olym
pia next week. The tragedy of a few
days ago iu which General JTnrner
waslilled-and the trial of the Thomp
son boy at Taooma, have added muob
fuel to the flame and greatly stimu
lated tbe movement for the enaotment
of drastio laws on the subjeot of iu-
sanity pleas as a justification of crime.
We extend to all an invitatiou to visit our store when iu Pen
dleton. Our stock of dependable goods is large and we are sure we
can please all from grandfather to the smallest child. Especial
ly are we proud of our . ';
Ready to Wear Pepartmcnt
whore yon can Dud every thing from a 10 oont corset cover to a
810.00 silk lined broad oloth coat. We have received especially
tor tne uonriuy trade a large shipment of SKIRTS, SUITS
SILK SHIRT WAISTS. And by all means -don't forget
This has been disoussed by local law
yers and it is tbeii opinion thai n
sound and effective remedy can be
found in this way.
A bill has heen suggested, tbe tenor
pf which will be to vest the courts
with power to inflict severe punish
ment in oases where tbe insanity plea
bast been set up. It is proposed to give
judges the power to sentence a person
aciiused who pleads insanity without
any further proceedings., aud some
lawyers favor tbe extreme penalty of
life imprisonment. It is believed that
euoh a severe punishment would cause
men acoused of murder to hesitate be
fore offering the plea of insanity. One
thing is certain, that tbe legislature
will have to deal with the subject
Hudson Bay Grange Elects.
Hudson Bay grange direotors.cD. J.
Kirk, A. Martin and W. D. Beau
cbnmp, elected the following officers:
DJ. Kirk, president; A. Martin, vice
president; W. O. Beauohamp, director ;
George P. Sanderson, secretary, and
R.I H. Wellman, treasurer. The grange
papers were legally drawn and ar
rangements made for the erection of
a grange nail at Vincent, Hudson Bay.
For Sale V
hardware stock of the-
hardware store for sale
aq a reasonable figure. For informa
tion call on E. R. Cox or F, S. Le
Grow. - A., B. MoEwen.
5J offer tbo
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
Extraordinary Watch Values!
one does. , Everybody needs one. Some people,"
however, don't feel like paying a large sum of
money for one. They try to get along by depend
ing on the publio clocks and their 'friends for tbe
time. Inconvenient, of course. I ,bave a fine
selection of Watdbes that I shall sell from now
until after holidays at bottom prices. ' There's no
further excuse for yon going without a watch.
Jeweler and
f. H. C09LIDGE
, , C. U. Sherman Prop.
Nothing t good' for our jki'
inns. v e cui i ne oest meat mori' v
can buy. Fish and oysters in
season. ,Give us a trial. "'
; V
1 V
. P HIGH- '
A 9x12 Brussels Art
Square -at the above
price is a soap. The
Holiday trade is now on
and our stock, 'including
line pictures.- makes it
easy to select
N. A. MILLER, Furniture Dealer - Athena. Oregon
Jones Machine Co.
A Specialty of General Repair ,!Wdrk
All Kinds of Machinery Bought -and Sold
511 South Second St., Walla Walla
Phone 502
The Fastest Growing Store in Fastern Oregon
n) mr y ' A
20,000 square feet ofjfloor space
Market Affords in
filled with the latest nd best things the
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Sack
Yours to please
Undertaking Parlors in Connection
In going through our stock we find
a great many broken lines of goods,
which we will offer at a great reduc
tion previous to invoicing, and from
now until January 25th we will offer
these lines regardless of cost. We will
give the people pf this vicinity deci
ded bargains while this sale lasts.
B. C& H. Trading Stamps with each
cash purchase. -New line of premiums
just secured
lercantue Co.