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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
I V ' v t I I')- I I'. : I ; ! ; '1 ' - f u , f .L-:i 71 1 if r; r" 1 " iv. t: i - Press Paragraphs Fog's gone rain'a come. Marion Jack came up from Pendle ton this rooming. v Henry Schmitt was iu Pendleton this foieuoon between trains. Mr. Gud Mrs. Hugh Walker are in town today fioin Weston, i W. D. Chamberlain hag returned from a business trip to Portland. I ' Mrs. Barry McBride spent last eve niug with her parents at Adams. Win. McBride is having additional shelving pat hi bis Palace dtog store. Coolidge carries a tine line,' of Rogers and Oneida Community silver ware. R. Bums, O. R, & N. ent, is in town today Walla. superintend from Walla . f Boy Tompkins is assisting in th Work at Worthington's grooery store this week. . A An extra train came in on the W ' & C. R. yesterday and took out a ship ment oi slock. ) 'Sixteen membeia ol . the Pendleton - Commercial Association have brgau ized a glee clnb. . I A window placard announces tba ' Dannor's photograph gallery will be , closed ou Sunday. ! MrJiand JVlrs. iiruoe Wallace re . , tnrned to their home in Boise City, Wednesday evening. j '., '". The Preston automobile is in Kid . dei's shop, Where it will receive fresh coat of varnish. j Mrs. Delia Malouey and daughter Katie, visited v itb friends near He Iix the first of the weeK. . i A marriage lioense has been issned to Fred M. Brown and Katie Q. Deu niug, both of this county. j During the past two woeks seven postoffioes have beon looted by bur glars iu the Palouso oountry,! Mrs. J. W. famitb and little son Leslie, left today for their; home in Helix, on the W. & 0. R. train. Mrs. James Jbeeier aud obiidreu are down from Milton, Wash.,' visiting relatives and friends iu Athena. V Eighteen road petitions from the 'fiermistou distriat have beeu filed with the oounty couit this week. For $13 you can get a, 17 jewel Elgin or Waltbam movement in ' dust proof niukle case at Coolidgo's. : George Carmicheal and wife, who will spend the winter in California were in town yesterday from Weston, Mrs. Hugh Wortbington is spend ing the week with Mrs.. Wm, Tomp kins on the farm northwest of town. ... Mrs. loKinney.. mother ;c...Mi;s, " Geo.' Lleualleu, ' has been Seriously ill this week at her borne in this city. A warm rain last night renioved the the the .,' snow from the foothills, but! iu mountaius more snow fell during t wneattrom Adams warehouses is being Hauled tothefrestou-Pdrtou (Jo mill in this city, at the rati of 600 saoks per day. , j , Athena frieuds are talkingof E. A. Dudloy for grain inspector, miould the ' oftloe be created at the uoming sessiou of the legislature., , Sid , McLean made a shipment of three . oarluads of cattle yesterday over the W. & 0. li. consigned to ' Suohomish, Wash. . The infaut child of Mi. aud Mrs. Clarence La Braohe was very ill for several duys, but is reported by Dr, Sharp to bo much hotter today. i Mr. Avoril is dowu from Alberta for a couple of days looking after business atl'airs. Mr. Avoril is elated with his prospeots iu Alberta Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson, who came down from tboir borne iu Al berta nud visited relatives in Atbjua and vicinity, returned Louie Wednes day. ,. .. "- ' . ; Delegates from Spokane aud Walla Walla will joiu the Umatillu couuty , delegation to the big Development longue meetiug at Hepimer ueKt Ines day night. ' The Walla Walla commercial club Is taking a lively iuterest in the open iver aud help materially in the Work now being done by friends Jf that entorpo. Robert Snyera, who entered a ploa of guilty to the charge of horse steal ing a few days ago, was sentenced yesterday morning, to serve ouo year iu the 8tato"pCKimtiaf y . ' "y x.Fred riukertou is daring the wert ; tther man to send a snow storm. . Tie is painting bis sleigh a bright vermil ion red and is ready for a "going" time when the buantifnl falls. The Wortbington bnildiug ou Maiu sheet, tlrst door eaet of Miller's furniture store, is being , fitted up by W. J. King, who will eugage in the tobaooo aud confeetiouery bushum Aocordiug to the report of Couuty Inspector Evans, mailed to the State Boarl of Hortioultme Deoomber 1, $60,000 worth of fruit has beeu ship ped from the oounty during the year 1900. ; . ; : ' U ;. Taken" as dhected, it becomes the ' gieatest curative agent for the relief of sutteriug humanity ever devised. Sucb . is Ilolliater's Rooky Monutain Tea. l$5o' ten or: tablets. Pioneer drug store. , "Pincuks" (uou-alootiolio). ' made from resm fiuui our pliie forests, used lor- buudred! .of yeni's f or -: blurtder and kidney diseases. Modieiue" for UO days, f 1. Guaranteed. Ploueor drug store. ' A telephone lnetisinje to J be Tribune from PfM Kook lunt eveuiug was to r, : : ) - the effect that Mrs. John Sylvester, wife of the pioneer merchant at that plaoe, had been given np ty the doc tors aud was not expected to survive the night j - Plans for a whist club are being talked of by lovers of the game in Athena. -There are a number of good whist players in Athena, and if the clnb is organized many pleasant eveninga will be spent this wiuter. A few cars of coal have arrived in LaUrande, and with, the wood oomicg into the town from jthe mountaius the fuel famine has b.eeh relieved to some extent For a time the situation was serious aud people began to burn tbeir feuces tor fire wood, y' .' 'Charles Gay, through his attorney, ' Will M. Peterson,' has filed a petitiou in bankruptcy. His liabilities are about $1500, assets over $1000. The first meeting ot creditors will take place at Referee FitzGerald's office in Peudleton December 11. At the convention for the nomina tiou of candidates for Milton city offices to be voted fcr December 11 the following nominations were made N. A. Davis, mayor; I. C. Cbilders and A. M. Elarn, councilmen; W. R Craig, recorder ; T. C. Frazior, trea surer. , . -'Mrs. Claud Hanscom, nee. Bertha Baker, was recently operated on in the Peudloton hospital for relief from an affection of the cervical gland of the neck. Mrs.. Hanscom withstood the operation nicely and is gettiug along as well as oould be expeoted, ABy a decision jnst given by Judge William Smith of Baker county, iu trie m-eewator saloon case, me sine ui the looal option people has been up held throughout and no saloon will be allowed, to operate there unless the deoision be altered by the supreme court. 1 i Zoe Hduser is in Pendleton from the Qnartiburg miniug district, and reports that the Standard Consolidat ed company will start up its 100-ton mill iu a few days. Mr. Houser, with nardouable pride, displays a bar of cold taken from the Preseut Need mine. J The regular annual city election of Adams will be held next Monday, December; 10. The following candi dates are iu the Held : Mayor, T. A Lieuallen j recorder, J. D . Grogoire; treasurer, Dr. E.. R. Todd; couucil meii. H. A. Richardson, J. O. Hales aud J. A. Winn. WLFarniers Line No. 5 of the rural Lxelephoue system is being made into a high line. The owners of this Hue have organized with A. L. Swnggart, president ; J. M. Hays, secretary; J. M. Swaggart, treasurer, ' and Joseph Key, Amiel SohuLert and Alex Jobu sou, directors. -For the purpose of transacting rou tine business aud electing officers for the ensuing year the members of the UmatilJa Couuty Caledonian Sooiety wilk njeet ; tpmonoAtf evenog -fc toe office of 0. G. Chamberlain. All members Who can do so are requested to attend the meeting. Dr. J.' G5 Buddoley, the veterinary surgeon, Will be in Atbeut aud Wes ton between the 18th of December aud Jauuary 4j During that time be will be prepared to answer all culls for professional services. Dr. Baddeley is now taking the veterinary course at the Washington Agricultural col lege iu Pullman. . ' Boo'b Laxative cough syrup con taining honey and tar, is especially appropriate tor children, no opiates or poisons of any obaraoter, conform to the conditions of the pure food and drug low, June !)0, 1908. For croup, whooping cough, etc It expels coughs and colds by geutly moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Pioneer drug store. ; - Items in Brief. I'harn Bros, nrn nt. work nn the first rtheif new combined harvesters. fTbe frame work of the machine is well under way and the castings will arrive j shortly. Wheutraisers who have seeu the plans of the new ma chine are nuauimous in the verdict that the harvester will bo a suooess. The now comLiue will be ready for a thorough test during the harvest sea- sou next fall. i Couuty Judge Gillilaud and Com missioner Walker were up fiom Peu dleton yesterday, inspectiuu the new bridge recently put iu ou Wild Horse creels; weHt of town. It was fouud satisfactory aud the court accepted the bridge from the contractor, Mr. Ebeihurt. Bids will be opeued Fri day", Deo; 14, for the construction of a 60 foot steel bridge to replace the one uowiuuseiu the southwest part of Fresh Bread at Ely & Scott's. Fresh bread and doughnuts at Dell Bros. f Those pillow tops at Manasse's are beauties. j Everything for Christmas presents arriving at Manasse's. The Heney buggy is built for the western trade, i V. A. Barrett & Co. Don't overlook the low prices of clothing at Manasse's. i Our runabouts are of the latest pat tern and standard stock. C. A. Bar rett & Co. j The largest furniture and carpet store iu Eastern Oregon is that of M. A. Radcr, Pendleton. The best values on clothing ever offered in Athena are now found at Mauasse'n. j I will sell for cash at absolute cost my entire stock of saddles. I am going to close tbein out Charles Norris. -'. Wanted-!-An opportunity to lehse wheat land and purchase for cash, stock and farm maohinery. For par ticulars call at the Press office. ' New boys' suits at Mosgrove Mer cantile Co. B. H. trading stamps with each, cash purchase. Dade's jittle Liver Pills thoroughly dense the system, good for lazy livers, makes clear complexion, ' bright eyes and happy thoughts. Pioneer drug store. j: New Men's suits at MosgroveMer oantile Co. Greon B. & H. tradiDg stumps wtb every cash purnbase. Pine Salve Carbolized, aots like a poultice, highly antiseptic, extensively used for eczema, for chapped hands and lips, cuts, burns. Sold at tbe Pioneer drug store. i Largest stock, leadi ng styles, lowest prioes at Pendleton's poular place: U C Rndor tbe furniture and carpet man. I' ' ' MauZuu Pile Remedy put np in con venient collapsible tubes with nozzle attachment so that the remedy may be applied at tbe very seat of the trouble, thus relieving almost instant ly bleeding, itohiug or protruding piles. ' patisiaotion guaranteed or money refunded. Pioner drug store. I For sale One half section of good wheat laud, summer fallowed, located five miles from railway station. For information call ouPeebler & Cham berlain, Atneno, uregon. New line of the populor Chiffon Broadcloths in all the new shades and blaok, at Mosgrove Mercantile Co. Green B.; H. trading stamps with every oasti purchase. Iu evrey clime its colors are unfurled Its fame has spread from sea to sea ; Be uqt surprised JfiUj .world xou near or .Kooky Mountain Tea. . flADB FROH NATIVE ROOTS. JQ SAFE AND RELIABLE. That the root of many native plant, growing wild in our 'Aiiiorioan forest. pos'fss reniarWnlilc pniirrtii'S for tho our of li iman maladies is wi ll proven. ven the untutored Indian had learned the curative value of some of those and taught the early settlers their uses. The Indian never liked work so he wanted his 8iU:tw to get well as soon ax possible, that she might do the work and let him hunt. Therefore, ho dug "papoow root for her, for that wo their great remedy for fe male weaknesses. Dr. Pieroe uses the Mme root called Blue Cohosli in his "Favorite Prescription." skillfully com bined with other agents that make it more effective than any other medicine In curia? all the various weaknesses and painful derangements peculiar to women. - Many alllicted women have been saved from th operating table - "id the sur geon's knife bv the timely use of Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Tender ness over the lower pelvic region, with backache, spells of dizziness, fulntness, ' benritiK down pains or distress should not go unheeded. A course of "Favorite Pre scription" will work marvelous benelit in all such cases, and generally effect a permanent euro if persisted In for a rea sonable length of time. Tho "F'avorlte Prescription" is a harmless agent, being wholly prepared from native medicinal roots, wuli. nit ji drop of alcohol in its make up. whereas all other medicines, put it) ,(or sale through druggists for woman' cciiliitr ailments, contain large quantities of spirituous liquors, which are very harmful, especially to delicate women. "Favorite Prescription" con tains neither ufcohol nor harmful habit formingvdrggs.,. All Its Ingredients are printed en each bottle wrapper. It is a Iiowerful Invigorating tonic, imparting lealth and strength in particular to the organs distinctly feminine. For weak and sickly women, who are "worn-out," or debilitated, especially for women who work In store, ollice, or school-room.-who sit at the typewriter or1 sewing machine, or bear hjeavy household burdens, and for nursing mothers, Dr. Pierce's ' Favorite Prescription will prove a priceless benetis because of its health - restoring and strength-giving power. - ' s "' For constipation, the true, scientific cure Is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet, Mild, harmless, yet sure. PETERSON & PETERSON,' Attorneys-at-Law ATHENA. - - - OREGON Pioneer Drug store. Your stomaob obnrns aud digests the food you eat and if foul, or torpid, or out of i order, your whole system suffers from blood poisoning. , Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea keeps you well. 35a tea or tablets. Pioueer Drug Store. All SoCIEftiDljW t imported Japanese with purchases of Kinds of Money IDLE and INDUSTRIOUS Ready money is idle if cariied in the pocket, house or in a bauk where it does not draw interest. Ready money is indutrious. when it earns a fair rate of interest all tbe time and yet available at any time. Our special DEMAND CERTIFICATES solve this problem as they draw THREE per cent, a fair rate of in terest, and may be cashed at any time without notice. M. Ira peu fSIISKEY s recommended by tbe leading physicians as a Tonio and Stimulant for family use. Has been used in the hoepitals of the U. S. Army and Navy for the past fifty years on aooount of its purity. - THE CORNER SALOOs ATHENA, ORE. V ROBT. GENEVA Y, Prop. Sole Agent biii eiia OREGON Siioir Line ma Union Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY rbrough Pullman standard and Bleeping cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping oar dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining chair cars, seats free, to the east daily irom Peudleton. AKKIVE TNI 8CHEDULX8 ""PART Daily. ATHENA, ORE. Dallr- Walla Walla, Day Ion, Pomeroy, hew tston, Colfax, Pull- ..v. 11:55a. m. man, Moscow, the il"-m' t x Couer d'Alene dis- 5 trlct, 8pokane and , all points north. Walla Wal.a- Pen- ' 8:10 am dleton Special ; . , Fast Mall for Pen- ' dleton, LaUrande, Baker City, and all ' polntseist vlaHun tington, Ore., Alio for Umatilla, Hepp 4:53 p ro ner. The Dulles. 4:5.1 p. in Portland, Antoria. Willamette Valley Points, fall Corn la. x Tanomu.Heatlle, all Hound HoiptK. Pendleton - Walla 8:30 p In Walla 8jecial J. 8. Dohle Agent, Altera Peebler & Chamberlain Successors to the Umatilla Implement Co. " Agricultural Implements WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ENGINES, MACHINERY, THRESHERS ETC. ATHENA, tmrnrnmamm OREGON ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton Milling Co. BEAUTY j B Flour is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest and best equipped mill in tbe west, ot the beBt selected ' Bluestem wheat grown any where. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells American Beauty for . . t ' FOR SALE 'BY ELY & SCOTT For Children A more lasting gift than toya can be found in this store. Something that can be kept for years and not destroyed and gone a few days after Christmas. . 50c to $2 50 : 65c to 3 00 Children's Gold Rings . Bracelets '. . Silver Mugs , . Silver Spoons Neck Chains Set Knife, Fork and Spoon . .$100 to . 1 00 to . 2 00 to . 1 25 to 3 50 2 25 8 00 5 00 Royal M. Sawtelle, JEWELER. ... ; PENDLETON, ORE. S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN ' AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls, both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Office ou Third i Street, Athena. Oregor $1.00 per Sack BLACKSMITH AND . REPAIRING SHOP A. H. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Bare, Athena Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers .., :. Athena, Oregon S Waitsburg.fWash. Jones Machine Co. AGENTS FOR THE MINNEAPOLIS THRESHER A Specialty of General Repair Work All Kinds of Machinery Bought and Sold 511 South Second St., Walla Walla Phone 502 ;vu. Thu That ptuues make a craottiug good fire is vouched for by . York , Dell, the gioaer. A large quantity of damuged prunos were stored inthe warehouse at the Dell grooery aud fuel being scarce, a quantity was dumped into tbe stove. They burued well aud gave up an abundance ot beat This is oue ou the Press man. He always held that pruues were suitable ouly to appease the appetite of a cdrtaiu Wes ton editor. ,- , Notice Tbe tegular annual meeting of the stockholders ot tho i'iist National Bauk of Athena, Oregou, for tbe eleotiou of directors tor tbe eusuiug year and for the transaction of sucb other business as may lawfully oome beforo it will be held iu its oflioe in Athena, Oregou, on Tuesday the 8tb day.ot Jauuary, 1907, at the hour of o'cloolr p. m.. DaleJ Uc. J, 100J. ' ; . F. S. Le Grow, Cusbier. Card of Thanks We take this method of expressing our sincere thanks for tbe Kindness ehowu us by Athena Iiieuds in our sreaveiueut. ' Bruce Wallace, : Wis Belle Wallace. FnFev's Hnnev and Tar I for,sure No opiates. irst National los of Athena Bank CAPITAL STOCK, . SURPLUS $50,000 17,500 liWe do Strictly a Commercial Business. -We Solicit trie Accounts or individuals, firms and Corporations. '-,f OFFICERS H. C. ADAMS, Presideut. : T. J. KIRK, Vice President, F. S. Le GROW, Cashier, I. M. KEMP, Ass't Cashier. Directors h. c. adams, t. j. kirk, f. s. le grow, d. h. preston, p. e. COLBERN. , I , . J ',' . 17649 Extraordinary Watch Values! DO YOU WANT A WATCH? Most every one does. Everybody needs one. Some people, however, don't feel like paying a large sou of money for oue. They try to ceUalong by depend ing on tbe publio clocks and their fiiends for the time. Iuoonvenient. of course. I have a fine selectiou of Watches tbat I shall sell from ''now until after holidays at bottom prices, farther excuse for you going without i grove Mercantile Co. NOTICE SPECIAL We have had the most successful Cloak season of our lives. We . had the right garments at the right prices as hundreds of satisfied customers can proclaim. In order to clear out the entire stock and carry nothing over, we are now having the greatest Slaughter Sale of Cloaks ever known at this season of the year. No reserve; every thing in the Cloak line goes. All the very lotest of this season's novelties in plaids, plain colors and black included in this N Record La dies' Cloaks Note the prioes on this season's latest novelties in tbe new plaids and checks. 112.00 Ladies' Plaid Cloaks, 7-8 length, now $11.25 $13,50 Ladies' Plaid Cloaks, 7-8 length, now 10,00 $10.50 Ladies' Plaid Cloaks, 7-8 length, now 8.25 $8.75. Ladies' Plaid Cloaks, 7-8 length, now 6,75 $6,50 Ladies' Plaid Cloaks, 7.8 length, now 4.25 $13.50 Block Broadcloth Cloaks, 7-8 length. 9.75 $7.50 Black Broadcloth Cloaks, 7-8 leneth, -5.25 $13.50 Castor Kersey Cloaks, 7-8 length, - - 10.00 $9.50 Castor Kersey Cloaks, 7-8 length, - - - 6.75 MISSES' and CHILDREN'S CLOAKS There's no nniuu. i Jeweler mul Optiolan f. H. COOLIDGE I mm SI 11 ; V i ! i Atbenit' S H Ore. II $10.50 Plaid Cloaks, 7-8 length, now $6.50 . Plaid Cloaks, 7-8 teugtb, now $7.25 4.75 $5.75 Heavy Kersey Cloaks, 7-8 length, now 4.95 $3.50 Fanoy Colored Kersey Cloaks, 7-8 length 2.85 On another table will be shown a line of Ladies Jadketa carried over from last season. Short Jack ets and 3-4 length garments. Tbey are of excellent quality anp well tailored. During this great Sale we will offer them at redicnlonsl low prioes.They are notjtrash or rubbish, but high grade goods both in workmanship and quality. If yon want a garment of durability aud warmth now is tbe time to get one for almost nothing. $15.00, $16.50 and $18.50 Ladies' Jakets now $4.95 $10.50 and $12.50 Ladies' Jakets now - 3.95 $5.00, $6.50 and $7.50 Ladies' Jakets now - 2.95 Children's and Misses Cloaks in all colors and sizes, always sold at $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00, now $2.95 Children's Cloaks, great variety of styles and colors, goods always sold from $2.75 to $4.00, now $1.95 If you want to keep warm, or if you want to keep the children warm, visit our Record Breaking Sale r losgrove Mercantile Co. SOUTH SIDE MAIN ST. ATHLNAr OREGON i r s. y- ,'. A