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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
Unlit,-arWA. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING We extend to all an invitation to visit our store wben in Pen dleton. Cur etook of Holiday Uif ta is large and we are sure we can please all from grandfather to the smallest child. Especial ljjare we proud of onr Ready to We a Department where you can find every thing from a 10 oent corset cover to a $10.00 silk lined broad cloth coat We have received especially for the Holiday trade a large shipment of SKIRTS, SUITS and SILK SHIRT WAISTS. And by ail means don't forget our . j s MEM'S DEPARTMENT EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY TO WEAR TEUTSCH'S DEPARTMENT STORE ST The Fastest Growing Store in Fastern Oregon A 9x12 Brussels Art Square at the above price is a snap. The Holiday trade is now on and our stock, including fine pictures, makes it easy to select SOMETHING TOR CHRISMS! N. A. MILLER, Furniture Dealer - Athena, Oregon CITY MEAT MARKET C. II. Sherman Prop. Church of Christ V. E. Hoven, Minister. Servioes every Lord's day. Bible school at 10 a. m. ; preaobing at 11; Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:80 p. m. ; preaohing at 7:30 p.n. Prayer meeting on Wed nesday evening at 7:80. The publio is invited to attend all of these services." Our Growth. Not in the spirit of boasting, but simply to place before the reader some t aots, do I present the following. Speaking of our movement, a writer in the New York Independent says, "that this religious reformation has very seriously influenced the theolog ical and ecclesiastical developments of the last half century, and woo for itself a significant place in the re ligious movements of the age, and affected all churches, no one can deny." As there ia some question as to the comparative growth of the Church of Christ, I submit the fol lowing table, copied from the Ameri can Home Missionary: ,' stand as follows: Churches, 11,198; ministers, 6,070; members, 1,269,591; Bible schools, 8,952; enrolled in Bible schools, 870,622; gain ia mem bership this year, 81,076 (only about one half of gain in membership was reported, so the gain would be over 60,000;) missionary receipts, $989, 609; education and benevolence,$190, 645; local church work, $8,575,000. It may be asked how have we grown from a small congregation of 81 to a present membership of about 1,800,000 in a little over three fourths of a ceutury? We reply: By evangelism ; that was the spirit of the New Testa ment ohuroh. By presenting the bible way of salvation, viz: Faith in Christ, repentance from sin,; confessing Christ before men and immersion in to Christ; this is plain and rational; young and old can understand it. By wearing no other name but Christ's. He said, "I will build my ohuroh;" this He did and it should wear no other name but His; this speaks loyal ty and honor to Jesus , only. By as sembling every Lord's day for the Lord's Supper, proclamation of bis word and living His life; this woe the life of the early chuicb. By pleading Baptists. 13 bodies -Catholics. Roman. Congregationalists Church of Christ , Ounkarda. 1 bodies. Evangelical, 2 bodies, Friends. 4 bodies. German Evangelical Synod Latter Day Saints. 2 bodies, IiUtberans, 22 bodies Methodists. 17 bodies. Presbyterian, 12 bodies, Protestant EnisoDoal Reformed, 3 bodies, United Brethren, 2 bodies Unitarians - Universalists - 1890 - - 3,594,093 6,228,579 512,771 641,051 - , ' 73,845 - 188,313 N - ' 107,218 187,482 167,125 .1,228,283 -M - 4,588,662 1,278,332 533,054 819,458 - 225,158 ' - 67,749 - 49,224 1905 per o. 4.974,047 88 10,785,496 ' 687,042 1,242,690 116,311 .166,978 120,415 222,002 344,247 . 1,841,346 6,249,815 ; 1,728,871!-35 827,847 55 405,082 , 27 , 274,102 28 71,000 6 58,641 9 73 34 94 .57 25 ' 12 19 100 51 40 Of the six great bodies wbioh have over a million members each, the Church of Christ shows more than double the gain of these bodies. . The Roman Catholics and Lutherans gain largely from foreign immigration. Up to Sept. 30, 1906, our statistics Nothing too good for our pat rons. We cut the best meat tnoneyi can buy. Finh and oysters in season. Give us a trial.' COMMERCIAL LIVERY STABLE HARRY M'BRIDE, MANAGER Best Stock and Rigs in the City. ' Competent Drivers. Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month at Reasonable Rate. 1 1 ' , 1 , NORTH SIDE STREET, ATHEAN, ORE I r fl O pO o n Cures gS All Kidney am Bladder Diseases Foley s Kidney Cure will positively cure any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. If you notice any irregularities, commence taking Folefs Kidney Cure at once and avoid a fatal malady. A Herohant Cured After Having Given Up Hope. Foley & Co., Chicago. ' . Gentlemen: I was afflicted with Kidney aad Bladder trouble for six years and had tried numerous preparations without getting any relief and bad given up hope of ever being cured when FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me.' After using one bottle I could kct the effect of it, -and after taking six fifty-cent bottles, I, was cured of Kidney and Bladder trouble and have not fell so well for the past twenty years and I owe it to FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. James Smith, Bentons Ferry, W, Va. A Veteran of tha Civil War Cured After Ten Tsars , of Suffering. , R. A. Cray, J.P., of Oakville, Ind., writes: "Most of the time for ten years I was confined to my bed with some disease of the kidneys, s It was so severe I could not move part of the time. I consulted the best medical skill available, but got no relief until FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me. I am grateful to be able to say that it entirely cured me." Rcfuso Substitutes BO Cents and - 81.00 with all Christians in all the deuom inations to. become one in Christ, thus answering Christ's prayer in John 17:20, 21 to the speedy conversion of the world; this works out the great desire of Christ V. E. HQVEN. ; For CivillWar Heroes ! V Blind and helpless, Sandy'Blakeleyj who served a full enlistment in the United States army and was honorably discharged in 1859, has beeu thrown out of the state soldiers' home at Olympia by orders of Assistant At torney General . A. J. Faulkner, who direots the board of control that tbe home ia only for Union soldiers and that the law must be construed to in clude those only who participated iu tbe civil war iu tbe defense of tbe Union. ' ; ' ! ' Had a Close Call '-"V '.J "A dangerous surgical oporatiou, involving the removing of a malign i ant uloer as large as my hand from my daughter's hip, was prevented by tbe application of jBuoklen's Arnioa Salve,'.' says A, , C.4 Stickel oi. Milaj tus, W. Va. " "Persistent use of the salve " completely oured it" Cures outs, burns and injuries. 25o at Mo Bride's. . . , . , Made Happy for Life (ireat happiness came into the home of S. C. Blair, school superintendent at St Albans,, W. Va., when his little daughter was restored from the dread ful complaint he names. He says: "My little daughter had St. Vitus' Dauce, which yielded to no treatment but grew steadily worse until as a last resort we tried Eleotrio Bitters; and I rejoice to say three bottles affected a complete cure." ; Quick, sure cure for nervous complaints, general de bility, female weakness, impoverished blood and malaria.' Guaranteed by Win. MoBride, Palace drug store. Price. 50o ' Famous Strike Breakers. The most famous strike breakers iu tbe laud are Dr. Kiug's New Lite Pills. When liver and bowels ro on a strike, they quiokly settle the trouble, and the purifying work goes right on. Best oure for - constipation, headache and dizziness. 25o at MoBride's drug store. ' A Year of Blood The year 1003 will long be remeiu bfired in the home of F. N. Tacket ; of Alliance, Ky., as a year of blood, wbioh flowed so copiously from Mr. Tacket's lungs that death seemed very near. He writes: .-.I 'Severe bleeding from the lungs and. a frightful cough had brought me at death's door, when I begau takng Dr. King's New, Dis covery for Consumption, " with tbe astonishing result that after taking four bottles I was completely restored and as time has 'proven permanently cured." Guaranteed for core lungs, coughs and ooldatat the Palace drug store. Prioe Bfto-and trial bottle free. Settle Up. Those knowing themselves to be in debted to Win. MoBride, tbe druggist, are expected to call and settle by Oc tober 15.' Otherwise cost of. collec tion may be added. Tako Notice. . Those .having i bills of aocount against; tbe Pr:e ton-Par ton Milling company will 'liereaf ter present tbe same for collection oil tbe 6th day of each month instt ad of the 1st day of tbe month as heretofore. The change is made, for tbe convenience of the clerical force at the mill. ; Piestoo-Parton Mlling Co. mm (M Why more men in Umatilla county wear our Suits and Overcoats than from any other store. If you have never traded with us, now is the time to start We are sure we will make it an object to you. All we want is a chance to show you when in Pendleton and we'll make a customer of you. REMEMBER, we guarantee every-; thing we sell. Our best advertisement is our pleased customers, WE SELL SATISFACTION r Try The TROY I.AUI1DRY For GOOt) riWORK IIENRY KEKNE, Agent, ATHENA, OREGON WITH EVERY GARMEkT PECIA1 200 Men's Suits, $15, $17.50 and $20 values, all through Nov. your choice for $12.50 125 Men's Overcoats, $15, $17.50, and $20 values, all through November $12.50 Come to 'Store The next time you are in Pendleton. We know we will get your trade sooner or later, because we keep dependable goods, so make up your mind to come. mdfi '' dp 1 dp Special Attention Given to Mail Orders mm Bros. The Leading Clothiers PENDLETON OREGON JO) NO P0I80N3. CONPORM8 TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUG LAW. ' . The Original Laxttlva CourfK Syrup containing Honey end Tar. Art Improvement over ell Cough, Lund end Bronohul Remedies. Pleasant to the taste and food alike for young and old. Ail couiiK,, syrups containing opiates constipate the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar moves the bowel ; and contains no opiates. Prepared by PINE-VLB MEDICINE COMPANY. CHICAGO. V. S. fit - Cut Grlass -Silverware A. fine line on display, One piece of Out Glass each year and you will soon have a ni ce collection; 5 C. A. BARRETT & CO. 5s 1 Athena, Oregon. THE 1 OF DR. ECING'S . : JJOHSSS 8BLB8 AWD ALL THROAT and LUK DISEASES . . . . . PREVEMTS AND CI 1 "Two year ago severe cold settled on ray lungs and bo completely prostrated me that I was unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. Kin&'s New Discovery, and after using; one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was." W. J. ATETKS, Banner Springs, Tenn. PRICE 50c AND $I.C9 SOLD AND GUARANTEED DY JZTZl w7 McBK 1 DlC" TilL ' l'AL ACE DRUG STOltE. SOUTH SIDE MAIN STKliLT Allll-NA ; -J. it . u "1 I1'- It A