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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER the age of matrimonial consent should be fixed at 13 and 16. Twiob-a-Week Tuesday aud Friday v F. B. Boyd, Publisher. Entered as second-class matter, March 1 HKH, at the postofflce at Athena, Oregon Under ao Actot Congress of March S, 1879 Subscription tatt I p t year, in advanot Single copies in wrappers, 5c, 12.00 Locaireadlng notices, OrstlnserUon.lOcper 'las. Each sabsequentlnsertion.Sc. ATHENA, ORE., DEC. 7,. 1906 PITH OF ROOSEVELT'S MESSAGE "I recommend a law prohibiting all corporations from contributing to the campaign expenses of any party. :. "The crime of rape or assault to commit rape should be punished with death. "It should be onr aim to steadily rednce the nnmber of hours of labor with as a goal tber general introduc tion of an eigbt-honr day. "The ownership (of coal lands) should remain in the United States, which should mt however attempt to work them but permit them to be worked by private individuals under a royalty system, the government seeing that no excessive price is charged consumers. "The best way to avert the very undesirable move for, the government al ownership of railways is to seoure by the government on behalf of the people adequate control and regulation of the great interstate common car "There is no more legitimate tax for any state than a tax on the fran chises conforred by , that state upon street railroads and similar corpora tions. ' . "The national government sbonld impose a graduated inheritance tax and if possible a graduated income tax. "The whole questiou of marriage and divoroe should be relegated to the authority of the national congress. , "Out present system of finance is seriously defective. "This hostility toward the Japanese is sporadic and is limited to a very fow places. Nevertheless it is most discreditable to us as a people, and it may be fraught with the gravest con sequences to the nation. "To shut the Japanese out from the publio schools is a wicked absurdity. "It is only a very small body of our citizens that aot badly. ' Where the federal government has power it will deal summarily with any such. "1 recommend to the congress that an act be passed specifically providing for the naturalization of Japanese who come here intending to bocome American citizens. "I do not ask that we continue to iuorease our navy. I auk merely that it be maintained at its present strength." The Press would advise that Atbena be properly represented by a delega tion at the organization of the District Development League, comprising the counties of Umatilla and Morrow at Heppner, on Tuesday, December 11. The purpose for which this league is to be organized is broad enougn for assistance to be given it by the differ ent commercial bodies of the two counties and the Atbena commercial association should see to it that this city is represented. Washington Chat Special Correspondence. Caruso says almost any woman in New York would be willing to opeu a flirtation with turn, , which proves that while the talented Italian sings like a bird, he thinks like a monkey, talks like an ass, and aots like an un mitigated ruffiau. Genius, like char ity and the possession of a title, cov ers a multitude of sins, but the Amer icans have not reached that stage where they are willing to accept it as an excuse for insulting thoir women. Miss Edytb Hildreth, of Portland, a slender, refined young woman, oue morning recently, says The Dalles Optimist, donned lace boots, short skirt and with rovolver in belt started from Hosier for an eight months' stay upou her homestead some 15 miles book in the mountains. Collier's Weekly, the national broiler, has stretched Seuator Fulton over the coals for a "roast." The senator is charged with standing in with the late Seuator Mitohell in the practice of Brownell and Campbell in laud fraud matters. The Dalles Chronicle, in narrating the suicide of a young man, says lie j "bad domestic troubles in whiob a young woman figured." But did anybody over hear of domestic troubles without a woman in it? The uatiooal divorce congress, which began its session at Philadel phia the other day with the object of initiating a uniform national divoroe law, bad a membership of 120 dele gates from nearly every state. Seven causes of divoroe to be incorporated in the Jaw were agreed upon adultery, bigamy, conviction and sentenoe for crime followed by a continuous lm prisonment for at least two years, ex treme cruelty such as to endanger life or health, . habituul druukNness for two years and wilful desertion for the same length of time. On the question of age thero wus much dis cussion. Several men advocatid the ages of 31 uud 18, respectively, for meu and women, but this wus opposed by two woiueu delegates, who thought Depending upon the railroad there are perhaps not more than half a dozen families in Sherman county with a fuel supply sufficient to last over February. This is a serious mat ter, says the Moro Observer. An implement firm at Madras has ordered six sub-surfaoe packers, whiob is ample evidence that the farmers io that region intend to give the Campbell system a f trial next season. The editor of the Toledo Reporter claims that the state is not out of debt because he has a- warrant for money due from the state. Lucky editor. It is reform with a venganoe to say that newspaper advertising oan not be used to pay for railroad transporta tion. It is not right, just or fair. Nor is it necessary. The Japanese war olond, whiob at first was no larger than a man's hand, is gradually assuming tho proportions of a' correspondent's typewriter. "Me no wantee selle," said a Ma rsli field Chinaman when offered f 21,000 for a piece of property that be paid $1,000 tor four years ago. A Nebraska exchange exclaimed: "O, Caruso, what made you do so?" Being a genuine he is unlimited with bis liberties in a monkey bouse. If Hdrriman wants to make Ore gon a welcome Christmas gift, says an exchauge, let him eeud 2000 friegbt oars. Somebody has rooently predicted a titauio war between this country and Japan. There is nothiug iu't. A weather prophet prediots a bad December; howling storms, cold wenthar, big snows, oto. Chinese have "China for the not? ' raised the Cbinumou." cry of Why SB ( etpice in nous furnisliiiid In selecting furniture and carpets for your home let quality be the first consideration seloct pieces of distinctive grace, beauty and sterling worth, that will be a pleasure to look upou and that will serve their pur pose, not for a mouth or year, but all through life. Such styles and qualities are now shown at our store, inlurger varieties than yon can find within mauy hundred miles ot Walla Walla. Come iu the next time you are in the city and give us an opportunity to show yon through our store. WE PAY the Freight wbeu bill amounts to 10 or over. I Use Our Rest Rooms THE DAVIS-KASrii CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. 12-J4-16-18 20 22 Alder Street, WALLA WALLA, -:- WASH Make Your appointments Here Much speculation is rife in all quarters as to what congress may 0o and may not do during the three months session just begun and which will adjourn - March 4tb, 1907 As there are so many government supply bills to be passed it is unlikely that there will be much of a chance for general legislation. Possibly the river and harbor bill, oairying about sixty million dollars, stands the best show. Next comes the Philippine tariff bill and tbeu the immigration bill. Out side of these three measures and the passage of general appropriation bills, both houses will be content to do little else than talk, thus sustaining the reoord established in the first half of the session in which it is. estimated that "hot air" was let loose to the ex tent of fifty million words. Plenty of material is still waiting discussion and it is probable that con derable talk will result from the reoent dismissal by tbe president of a batallion of negro troops. The Smoot case is to be aigned in the senate and a vote bad if possible. The Santo Domingo treaty, which has been be fore tbe senate two years, will receive attention, also tbe Isles of Pine treaty. Tbe bill limiting the hours of con tinuous labor for railroad employes will come up early iu tbe session. Tbe question of bigger battleships will be oue of the important subjects dis cussed and of course tbe Panama dan al will always be a lively topic. It is hardly probable that muoh headway will be made in measures for reforming tbe currency as it is tbe oonsensus of opinion that neither the eighty-hour law or tbe anti-injuno-tiou measure, both advocated by labor organizations, will become laws until late in tbe session, if at all. One thing is certain, congress is now open for business and will speak for itself. Tbe deplorable conditions existing in tbe government printing offioe are far from being settled and the publio printer contiuues to be tbe target for all the oritioism, with the result that be has asked of congress a complete investigation of bis management of tho office since taking charge. The employees are in a constant state of unrest, spend much of their time in relating real or fancied grievances and most of them never know when they report for duty in the morning whether they will be discharged "without cause" before the day is over In consequence of this long drawn out state of recklessness, the state committee on printing will shortly fake matters in its own hands A bill will be .devised ahulishing the offioe ot publio printer and provide that tbe administration of affairs be vested iu a resident committee of three, to be appointed by congress, and which will act as a court of last re sort in tbe settling of differences. It is believed the establishment of such board to tako obaige of the big plant, will eliminate all personality aud do away entirely with dissatis- laotion, disoontent and unrest among tbe several thousand employees. Grievances will go before the three beads and when decisions are rendered the employees will have no reoourse and oanuot resort to tbe plea of per sonal animosity when ruled against, sucb as is now the case under the one man power." Considerable iuterest is beiug manifested iu tbe preservation of the Key Mansion, located on Pennsylvania Avenue iu Georgetown and in whiob Franois Soott Key, the author of "Tbe Star Spangled Banner" lived for many years. . Tbe idea to purchase the property by a memorial association was suggested by tbe faot that the legislature of Massaobusetts appropri ated a sum sufficient to preserve the home of Dr. Samuel Smith, the author of "America." The owners of tbe Koy mansion were planning to tear it down and build small stores on the site but local patriots were inspired to prevent what they felt would be a desecration aud prevailed upon the owners to suspend building operations for six months, bv wbioh time it is 1 expected to nave the purchase price raised by puHio subscription. Publio iotorest has been steadily iucreasiug iu this historic old man sion ever since President Boose Talt decided that VTbeStar Spangled Ban tier" was the uatioual anthem. This question was settled at tbe time that several foreign governments requested tbe United States to furnish a copy of its national air. State department officials were in a quandary. Some held that "America" was tbe national song, others claimed that "Hail Columbia" should be destined but tbe presidont declared for tho song written by Key and in this way it received official lecoguitjou. Simplified spelling, as advooated by President Roosevelt, has received its first real set .back in the house com mittee on appropriations. It is tbe plan of tbis committee to iuflueuce congress to refuse from tbe govern ment printing office all doonments and reports in which the new form of spelling is used. The estimates for tbe cost of printing are submitted to tbe committee iu question and it now appears that there will be consider able iuorease in the expense of docu ments if they are tet up and printed with two distiuct forms of spelliug. Tbis faot alone will carry great weight with both houses as each is determined to do its best to reduoe the cost of publio printing. The opiniou is universal among committee members that all reports transmitted to congress from tbe department tbat are to . be used as congressional documents and that all laws passed by congress, should be printed in the old fashion way. :AV' " B Tura (.oiiatipatloik roreven Tiskitesi'urcts Camlv Cathartic. 10c or Stat it C C. C. tail to cure, diruggi&ui reluud wone I From the Largest and Best Assorted Collection of Men's Women's and Children's High Grade Wearing Apparel To Be Found In Eastern Oregon Men's and Boy's Clothing TheTvery best makes of Clothing only arc found here. They are guaranteed the best in quality, the best made and the best fitting Clothes Manufactured. We show a particularly strong line of De pendable Boy's C othing. In Men's Suits see our Banner line of new Suits at $15.00 In Boy's, our $5.00 Suits are unequaled for sty le, fit and wear. Women's and Children's ; Clothing The best of material and work manship guaranteed. , We have our own alteration rooms where none but the best tailors are em ployed. Every piece of work turned out must be up to our standard of efficiency. When you come here you are assured of none but the latest styles, and vou have a much wider range of selection. Late fall Millinery Our Millinery Rooms are show ing the swellest of Fall Hats at greatly reduced prices, which makes your selection of Fall Hats one of profit as well a pleasure. y Neck furs Over 1200 pieces of dependable Neck Furs" are now being shown in our Suit Rooms. Every piece new and the very best of Reliable Furs. Santa Claus will make his headquarters at Pendleton's Biggest and Best Store. In a few day our Toy Land will be opened where you may see over 1000 new (Mechanical Toys in operation. A A Our Qualities, Our Styles and Our Prices will Admit of No Competition Whatever THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE pendleton, Oregon. WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE VVWYVVVWVWWWW1 THE Eagle Bar BERT CARTANO, Prop. GOOD LIQUORS A SPECIALTY Hourhound Bock and Bye Holly Tom Gin Three Star Coguao Bine Stem Whisky Famous Pilsner Beer Best Biands of Cigars. BERT' r AT THE ELECTRIC SIGN Don't Cut a Corn. Blood poisoning; is liable to result when corn is cut with s knife or razor. Cutting or trimming' a corn affords but temporary relief because the corn comes back. The only safe and sure way to be free from corns and bun ions is by the use of Indian Corn Leaf. This manic leaf applied to the corn eases the pain instantly after which the corn is removed entirely, permitting the foot to resume its natural shape. Recommended by all who have tested its merits. Send 20 cento for large site package and obtain free our booklet HOW TO TREAT THE FEET." If bothered with piles, send 50 cents for "INDIAN PILE 01NT MENT." Sent by mail on receipt of stamps or coin. Agents make money selling these guar anteed remedies. Write for terms. Address ; THE BOND SUPPLY CO. Bond Building Washington, D. C X THE jST. NICHOLS HOTEL I X J. E. FROOME, prop. I in . Only First-class Hotel in I the City. , Tt? THE ST. NICHOLS Is the only on. that oan accommodate noromarolal travelers. I , ! W ' v can be leoomended for It clean and X - WH ventilated rooms. - i : - i : Con. Mam and Third, ATBSHA.Or. ATWWvWWvv)yVyVvVyy .. mmammmamaBasssx ; HENRY KEEN'S I i . Barber Shop . : i Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage . I fell 1 Jyf . T- jf for Face , and ' Scalp. Wfef .HOT BATHS j C .......... ... Shnn Nnrfh Sidft Main 5 1 Street, Athena, Ore. S I I rt&-M,. , n ,.i J MWm W Mi vJlw lK SShSSfej.-.- t 1 Wkv Mill 1 K ' ! . ?tg--H-- Saving at the Spigot Wastipg at the Bung" That's what buying poor paint means. Paint may be low priced by the gallon and be extravagant to use owing to to it's poor covering power and wearing quality. After the paint is applied it's too late to save. Start right and use The Sherwin-Williams Paint MADE TO PAINT BUILDINGS WITH, OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. It covers more surface, spreads easier, and lasts longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed lead and oil. ,"r , '. CALL FOR COLOR CARDS ! Umatilla Lumber Yard If tbere is no Fiano in tbe honae, one should be purchased or at least hired. And it should be one of the BEST PIANOS shown iu our rooms. These instru ments are the perfection of mechan ical workmanship and are unexcelled eor sweetness and richness of tone. STANLEY PIANO HOUSE, Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE yf A. J. PARKER SIMM ! f I'MiWf fc ?w: STREfT ATHENA 1 yvua ir&n rtiE&ra PENDLETON WILL SAVE YOU MONEY GOOD HORSES AND RIGS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER3URNISHED WHEH DESIRED- . Horses the day, week or month Stables on 2nd street, South ot Main street J. F. Wright, . . .-- Proprietor- Edurate Tour lMvrels Willi rascareta. Candy Cnthsrtt", enro ronstipfttion forevor. Ko.2$c. 1IO.C.C. (ail, druggists refund mdney- ind best thfngs the 20,000 square feet of floor space filled with the latest i Market Affords in , FURNITURE and CARPETS Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back ; . Yours to pleat e M. A. RADER, - - . PENDLETON, OREGON. unaenasing Jfariors in;onnection 1 I I X J "A?