The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 04, 1906, Image 2

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    fa JMhf nil xt s
Entered M second-class matter, March 1J
19W, at the postoffice at Athena, Oregon
Under an Actot ronitress of March 8, 1879
Subaorlptlon Ratti s
p i year, In advance 12.00
Single copies In wrappers, 5c,
Looaireadlng notices, nrstlnserllon.lOcper
Joe, Each subsequent Insertion. 5c.
k It may be stated that coal land
frauds now beiug investigated at Salt
Lake may be iustrumetnal iu turning
tbe western coal fields under govern
ment control. Tbe feature of tbe in
vestigation was tbe testimony of George
. Holliday, tbe original locater of
tbe SunnyBido rniuo, now owned by
' tbe Utah Fuel company. He told tbe
story how he located tbe mine iu 1897
aud was visited by agents of tbe coal
oompany and given tbe alternative of
telling for a few hundred dollars or
of being driven off. Holliday went to
Salt Lake and interviewed tbe officials
of tbe coal company and tbe Bio
Grande railroad and told tbem "God
never made a man who could take
from me what I honestly came by,
and If yon jump my propnrty I will
come and settle with yon, and not
with your hired assistants." The
witness organized tbe Holiday Coal
company urd started development.
He left for Alaska, but at Portland
received a wire uotifing bim that tbe
property had been jumped. He le- j
turned and was advised by tbe stock
holders of tbe company to go over to
the Suunyside property peaceably. He
was met by seveu men armed with
Winchesters and fired upon. Litiga
tion followed and tbe majority stock
holders decided to sell out to tbe Bio
Grande interests for $20,700. Other
witnesses testified to tbe existence-, up
to August last, of a secret rate for the
Utah Fuel company by tbe Bio
Grande, making a difference iu some
cases of $200 a car on all supplies for
tbe mines aud company stores.
department's invaluable work for tbe
improvement of seed aud of cultiva
tion methods. At an average of 10
cents a bushel, this year's crop will
return to the furmerg tbe tremendous
sum of fl, 125.438,000, as against $1,-
116,696,000 estimated by the depart
meut of agriculture .os to the- income
from the larfieet previous crop, that
of 1905, when the yield was 2,707,
993,000 bushels.
Stockholders of tbe Pennsylvania
railroad have been paid a semi-annual
dividend of 3 1-2 per cent on their
holdings. This dividend completes a
remarkable record of 50 years, during
which time tbe Pennsylvania has
never failed to pay a cash dividend at
each semi annual period. Tbe first
dividend in May,' 1856, of 4 per cent,
was on $10,886,004, and amounted to
ida,4io. roe dividend or 3 1-2 per
cent just pafd ia on $:105,794 500 stock
and amouuta to $10,702,807. Includ
ing tbe present dividend, tbe total
cash dividends paid by tbe Pennsyl
vania during the half century aggre
gate $269,116,854. Tbe total cusb and
scrip dividonds together are $294,
628,993, an amount nearly equalling
tbe present capital stock.
An exchange says there are many
farmers iu all seotions of tbe oouutiy
who do not study tbe proposition of
saving t.beir strength or tbat of help
in their employ, but go at their work
like a steam shovel into a buuk of
eaitb. Suub men will often be seou
closing a gate in tbe field and after
wards jumping over tbo fence; they
did not tbiuk uuont passing through
until after it was olosed. They will
paok fodder corn ou tbeir back into
tbe barn and feeding yard from tbe
field without a thought ot using a
push cart or stone bout aud horse for
tbat purpose. Tbey will be seen with
water and slop pails in tbeir bauds
carrying drink to the stock where an
open trough or underground pipe would
conduct the same into tbe pens nud
' yards at a email expense and a groat
saving of strength aud tiuio, wbicb
means money, when help costs two
dollars per day the prevailiug price
for anything who wore trousers iu
the field this sum met regardless ot
his ability or willingness to ,do farm
work iu au intelligent man nor.
Tbe November Crop Reporter, pub
lished by tbe agricultural depart
ment, estimates the year's corn crop
at 2,881,096,000 bushels, or an aver
Bgeof!t0.2 bushels pur aero, ua com
pared with an average yield of 29.8
bushels as finally estimated in l!IO.r),
208. bushels iu 1901 and u ten year
average of 23.2 bushi'ls. This indi
cates a steady ineieiistv in the corn
crop per year, duo iu large pait to the
A town tbat never bps anytbiug to
do iu a publio way is on tbe way to
tbe cemetery. Any citizen who will
do nothing for his town is helping to
dig tbe grave. A man who curses tbe
town furnishes tbe coffin. Tbe man
who is so selfish as to have no time
from his own business to give to the
city affairs, is making the shroud.
The man who will not advertise is
driving tbe hearse. The ma"n who is
always pulling baok from any public
enterprise throws .boquets on the
grave. The man who is so stingy as
to be howling hard tiaies.p teaches tbe
funeral sermon, sings the doxology
aud thus the town lies buried from
all care aud sorrow.
Iudustry waits closely upon legisla
tion. Already western farmers are
considering tbe planting of crops from
which they can manufacture alcohol,
to be denatured and used as a source
of power. There is a great desire for
some cheap and effective substitute
for gasoline, the supply ot whioh is
limited aiid tbe price of whioh has
steadily udvauoed for several years.
There are two ways of spending a
dollar. You can spend it at home,
gain an easy conscience, make another
friend and perhaps get the dollar baok
tomorrow, or you send it away, feel
that you have sinuod, offend tbe home
merchant aud forever lose tbe dollar
aud tbe blessed influence for Rood to
yourself aud neighbor.
Corn cobs are for "maple syrup"
aud denatured alcohol. Corn and
wheat are now to be used for making
artificial rubber fur automobile aud
bioycle tires and for golt balls iu fact
for any use to which rubber is put.
Belvu Lockwood says it is just as
necessary for women to study the law
us to loam to cook. A good many
other women soem to tuke the same
view of the case, aud tbey are not
studying luw either. s ,
Naturally be president hopes that
tbo couutry will not become so in
terested iu tbe dismission of the fact
that he is iu favor of spelling reform
as to torgot that be is opposed to ince
'I he bank exauiiuer is a good deal
like a streak of lightning. The worst
has alreudy happened when we hear
the report.
. All our udvojutes of ship tiuhsidy
are iu the position of those who make
complaint that our ocean carrying
trade is done at too clamp a rate, aud
lepce in House
In selecting furuituro aud carpels tor your home let quality tie the
first consideration select pieoes of distinctive grace, beauty and sterling
worth, tbat will be a pleasure to look upon and that will serve tbeir pur
pose, not for a month or year, but all through life. Such styles aud
qualities are now shown at our store, in larger varieties than you cau
find within many huudiod miles ot Wolla VVallu.
Come iu the next time you are iu tbe oity and give us an opportunity
to show you through our store.
WE PAY the Frelgbfwhon till amounts to $10 or over.
. Here
Everything to Furnish the
12 11 1t 18 20 22 Alder Street,
the government therefore ought to
step iu aud pay subsidies out of
tbe treasury, iu addition to tbe freight
money now oharged against the goods.
This ia preoisely what all tbe argu
ments for ship subsidy come to.
It is complained that American ships
oan make no money in carrying the
products f our country to foreign
markets because foreign ships carry
tbem at so low a rate. Hence our
subsidy advooates are actually con
tending tbat freight rates on our pro
ducts to foreign countries ought to be
raised, by taking money iu large sums
directly out of tbe treasury, and turn
ing it over to shipowners.
We are iu a continual fight with our
tailroad managers to get lower rail
rates, aud are reduoing tbe rail rates
by law, all along tbe line; yet we are
told tbat ship rates are too low, and
must oe increased by direot payments
out of tbe publio treasury. Tbe. miser
able foreigner is doing our ocean serv
ice, or much of it, for us too cheap,
and we are oppressed thereby.
It is tbe shallowest argument ever
made for , loot of tbe publio treasury.
Tbe object is enriobment of hew syn
dioates, formed for plunder. Every
thing ou land having been appropri
ated, attention turns toward tbe sea;
but since tbo sea is the free highway
of natious, monopoly in tbe carriage
ol our products over it cau be had
ouly through tbe subsidy method.
It is "protection" gone mad. A
proposition of this nature is, however,
notice, acknowledgement or proof that
the essenoe of the so-called priuciple is
enrichment or a few among us at the
expense of the many. Since foreign
ships oan and do carry our products at
rates admittedly low too low for our
own competition why uot permit
them to oontinue it? Why pay sub
sidies and build up a new set of mil
lionaire monopolists and plutooratio
syndicates at home, ' at the expense of
toe people on either side of tbe game;
who are to be charged ou the one
baud higher rates for transportation
of tbeir products, aud then are to be
robbed ou the other hand by takinsr
money tbey nave paid in the. form of
taxes into the treasury and putting it
as freight money into the pockets of
tbe ship subsidy exploitation? '
Secretary Boot, in - bis speech at
Kansas City, seemed to think tbat tbe
argument for subsidy was complete,
when ho remarked tbat England was
paying to steamship Jines several mil
lion dollars a year, whioh makes com
petition by us costly and difficult
But Great Britain is an island em
pire; her chief thought always must be
of the sea ; her political situation and
her vast colonial interests require her
to pursue a policy not necessary for
us; ana, after ' all, the few millions
she pays fcr assistance of steamship
Hues is but a bagatelle in proportion
to her vast commercial, shipping and
naval interests. With her colonies
and dependencies she must maintaiu
couueotious; aud incidentally she is iu
position to do much of our ocean
transportaion at lower rates than we
can ever do it for ourselves.
Strange to say, we have people
who are dissatisfied because England
and some other countries are in posi
tion to work for us so cheap. Yet tbe
whole agitation tor tbe ship subsidy
bill uow before cougress has its origin
in the designs of a body of franchise-
grabbers and subsidy-mongers ou the.
treasury of tbe United States. Ex
haustion of other schemes has con
centrated their efforts upon this one.
Portland Uregoniau.
It is said that the new railroad rate
law, which wliJ be presented to the
legislature in January, will provide
for the creation of a railroad commis
sion of three members, each of whom
shall receive a salary of $5000 an
Such a salary may seem large to
many, but if there is need of such a
commission tbe individuals composing
it should be ot the very highest char
acter aud should be paid accordingly.
Wo have bad cheap railroad commist
sioners. We have paid tbem $3000 a
year whou us a matter of fact tbey did
uot euro $1000. It is to the advantage
of the railroads as well as to individ
ual shippers tbat tbe personnel of tbe
commission shall be meu of not only
the highest iutegrity, but meu of
souud judgment aud a knowledge of
the business thoy are to supervise.
Muu cau be secured to serve the peo
ple ut a salary of $5000 a year who
cau be dopended upou to do tbeir duty
and who will be above the possibility
of enrruptiou. A commission com
posed of men williug to work for two
or three thousand dollars a year might
prove to be in evety way worthy tbe
coufldcuco reposod iu them, but tbe
people cauuot afford to take chances in
hiring cheap meu when taere is so
much at stake us there is la the con
flicts that constantly arise between
the railroads and their patrons.
With tbe sea trials of tbe huge
Dreadnought exoeeding expectations
and three new fighting monsters
contracted for, tbe big battleship
theory has become a formidable con
dition iu England. The example of
increased naval armament is there for
other nations to accept or confess tbeir
limitations. Tbe fact that our bureau
of naval construction is working on
plans for a 20,000 tou battleship to
match the Dreadnought and tbe an
nouncement tbat Americau battleships
may be built to equal tbe new English
craft iu fighting efficiency show the
drift toward naval "Jumbomania"
Where is the eud to be it eaob new
battleship is constructed with a view
single to is superiority over its prede
cessors? Tbe 21-knot Dreadnought, a
floating fortress with the speed of a
cruiser, dooms soores of battleships of
au old pattern to tbe scrap heap, as
our own 19-kuot Virginia and Bhod
Island, together with the new Con
necticat, havf tbade our best ships of
the Spuuish war obsolete. -New York
World. '
From the Largest and Best Assorted Collection of Men's
Women's and Children's High Grade Wearing
Apparel To Be Found In Eastern Oregon
Men's and Boy's Clothing
The very best makes of Clothing
only arc found here. They are
guaranteed the best in quality;
the best made and the best fitting
Clothes Manufactured We show
a particularly strong line of De
pendable Boy's C othing.
In Men's Suits see our Banner
line of new Suits at $15.00
In Boy's, our $5.00 Suits are
unequaled for sty le, fit and wear.
Women's and Children's
The best of material and work
manship guaranteed. We have,
our own alteration rooms where
' none but the best tailors are em
ployed. Every piece of work
turned out must be up to our
standard of efficiency. When you
come here you are assured of none
but the latest styles, and you have
a much wider range of selection.
Late Fall Millinery
Our Millinery Rooms are show
ing the swellest of Fall Hats at
greatly reduced ' prices, which
makes your selection of Fall Hats
one of profit as well as pleasure.
Neck furs
Over 1200 pieces of dependable
Neck Furs are now being shown
in our Suit Rooms. Every, piece
new and the very best of Reliable
Santa Claus will make his headquarters at Pendleton's Biggest and Best Store. In a few day our Toy
Land will be opened where you may see over 1000 new oMechanical Toys in operation. A SP SP
Our Qualities, Our Styles and Our Prices
will Admit of No Competition Whatever
PEOPLES WAREHOUSE . pendleton, Oregon.
Eagle Bar
Hourhonnd Bock and Rye
Holly Tom Gin
Three Star Cognac
Blue Stem Whisky
Famous Pilsner Beer
Best Brands of Cigars.
Don't Cut a Corn.
Blood poisoning is liable to result when a
corn is cut with a knife or razor. Cutting;. or
trimming a corn affords but temporary relief
because the corn comes back. The only safe
and sure way to be free from corns and bun
ions is by the use of
Indian Corn Leaf .
This magic leaf applied to the corn eases the
pain instantly after which the corn is removed
entirely, permitting the foot to resume its
natural shape. Recommended by all who have
tested iU merits. Send 20 cents for large size
package and obtain free our booklet HOW
TO TREAT THE FEET." If bothered with
Riles, send 60 cents for "INDIAN PILE OINT
IENT." Sent by mail on receipt of stampsor
coin. Agents make money selling these guar
anteed remedies. Write for terms. Address ;
Bond Building
Washington, D. C
.Barber Shop.
Shaving, Haircutting,
Shampooing, Massage
for Face and Scalp.
i ........
Shop North Side Main
Street. Athena. Ore.
J J. K. FROOME, prop. T
. ' I
Only First-class Hotel in
the Citv.
In the on ly one thai can accommodate
mtnm.roisl travelers.
I Iff
Can be teoomended for Its clean and
I eii ventilated rooms. 4
t s I
X ' X
Cob. Mais and third, ATBii,Or.
Saving at the Spigot
Wasting at:the'Bung";.
That's what buying poor paint
means. Paint may be low
priced by the gallon and be
extravagant to use owing to
to it's poor covering power
and wearing quality. After
the paint is applied it's too late
to save. Start right and use
The Sherwin-Williams Paint
It covers more surface, spreads easier, and lasts
longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed
lead and oil.
Umatilla Lumber Yard
If there is do Piiino in the bouse,
one shonld be purchased or at least
hired. And it should be one of tbe
shown in our rooms. These instru
ments are the perfection of mechan
ical workmanship and are unexcelled i
Bor sweetness and riobness of tone.
Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash
BC.-SP i34i-c&SK sfiUT" SIDE MAIN
nil A R? A H-m fF- EPfi s. 1
(1 iViB -KMlJCn:s-1
Horses boarded by the day, week or month
stables on 2nd street, South of Main street
J. W. Wright, - - Proprietor
Educate Tour Jlunrels VTIUi Cnscartots.
CnndT Cntharti. rir" oonstfreilion loreviit.
I Ko. 23c. II O. C. C. fail, druggists refund nrmoy-
ivii r-MB
; 2- JiJ Sc
20,000 square feet of floor space filled with the latest and best things the
Market Affords in
, Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back
i Yours to please ;
I uuaertaKing manors in Uourw&ion
; r"-l