iS&rJVtltfMi grass; AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Twios-a-Week Tuesday ad Friday F. P. Boyd, I'i hlishkr. Entered m secoud-class matter, March 1 lfllM, at the postofflce at Athena, Oregon Under an Actot Congress of March 3, 1879 Subscription Hate t p r year, In advanot I2.U0 Single copies In wrappers, 5c, Locaireadlng notice, prstlnsertlon.lOoper ne. Each subsequent Insertion. Sc. the tariff on United States goods will be 20 or 80 pe cent above that on Canadian goods. On bioycles, ga and oil engines, gum boots, printing paper, railways and tramways, sail clot l, canvas, surgical and dental instruments United States products win be taxed a duty of 20 per cent while tbe Canadiaa products will en ter free. Washington Chat Special Correspondence. ATHENA, ORE., NOV. 30..... .. 1906 "Keep up your courage, George. My strong spirit will keep my body strong and the babies shall not suffer. Dor will it be long until I have enough money to'help their darling father. " Thus wrote Mrs. Geo. L. Blodgekt, to her husband who is in jail at Port land, sentenced to bang for tbe murder of his mistress, Alice Mmtborne. Be cause she believes in her husband's iu . uocenoe, and to earn money for an appeal to save him from tbe gallows, Mrs. Blodgett drives a rural delivery mail' wagon 25 miles over loeely country roads through the . wintery. wind and rain aud snow that lias already set in bitterly in tbe highlands Of Montana. Two little children must also be supported, and uncomplaining ly the frail little woman, weighing not over 120 pounds, sets out betoie sunrise each morning, perobed alono on tbe seat of tbe rough road wagou with its burden of mail bags. Aud this is tbe personification of fidelity and oonstanoy of a brave little woman who buries herself in hardship with tbe hope of saving the neck of her oonvioted husband, ness of her life's tragedy be brightened - any by his acquittal? A Jackson oounty man packed 100 boxes of apples in five hours. An other packed 113 boxes in eigb nours. Other records nearly as fast are repotted. Tbe price, usually paid for packing is five cents a box. Ship pers are discovering that the quality of the packing as well as tbe fruit cuts a big figure nowadays. , A Benton county man started 12 years ago with one $15 cow and now has a herd of 12 choice Jerseys bring ing in for cream alone over $700 i year. In addition he has made con sideraule from bis pigs fed largely on tbe skimmed milk, and also from the sale of calves and cows, as be improved his herd. Many a home in Athena has enjoyed a cheerful fire the past tew days, owing to tbe fact tbut tbe city pump iug station which is not at present in uso had a surplus supply. In small lots the coal wout a long way toward alleviating the stress paused by the fuel famine. The next time you "tip" a railway porter, says an exchange, remember that if tbe change went the wrong way you'd be guilty of reoeiving a re bate, and see what a glow of thank fulness tbe thought rises up. Attorney General Moody is boriug for oil and may strike a gusher. Let tbe eood work no on until all "unlaw- Would the black- j fui rjg,ts aud criminal privileges" have been cut out and tbe people are given tbe square deal. As a matter of illustration of tbe advantage of baving a willing plant with pretentious and magnitude in volved in the Preston-Partou plant, comparison may be mude in the volume of money circulating through trade avenues iu Athena and other towns of like size which do not possess a large milling plant. In Athena the Pieston-Parton company has purcbased nearly 90 per cent of tbe wheat raised In the tributary territory, while in other towns of tbe wheat growing section, not over 30 per cent of tbe wheat has yet been sold. In those places, as a result of wheut not mov ing, money conditions are cramped to the extent that business is dull. A Crook oounty rancher, who has lived there 60 years, says thi climate has chauged greatly; that !!0 years ago it was 85 degrees below zuro aud the Golumtiia froze over at. The Dalles so that cattle could be driven aurons Dearly every winter; that 25 years ago do small fruits could be ruined in Crook county, while now thoy tire raised 'with but little trouble; that tbe ohange occurred not. gradually, but about 1886, since when the winters have been waimer' and the summers cooler than before that year. So mo others ooufirm this but still others tbink the change is imaginary. Plenty of turkey graced Atbeua tables Thuuksgiviug day, but there was an absence of cranberry sauoe. The cause? Either a abort crop or a corner on tbe market.' )n exchange for a stamp tbe editor of the Oatiby Trihnno offers to send any one a receipt "to prevent sweoring every time you run tbe mucilage brush into tbe in fe bottle." A main irrigating ditch near Echo- is 15 miles long, 83 feet wide and will carry soveu fuet of water; it has over 25 miles of luteruls and will irrigate 10,000 acres. The man who lost his head, heart and baud by falling in love doesn't regard himself as headless, heartless or haudless. He was a gainer by losing. . ' i Heaist's campaign cost bim a quatter million dollars. It was, we believe, worth that much as an ad. Besides this, see tbo tun be hud. There is still unrest iu Cuba. Tbu men all want office aud would rip tbe country up to get it. The latest cry down there is for a proteotorute. They want to be free or restraint but want the Washington government to protect them from outside and itiside troubles. They are a peonliar people are those Cubaus. The Cuuadiun commission reports that substantial preferences are given to Canadian goods over those of the United States in the now tittitl adopt ed by New Zealand. On niuuy oliiH.itm Maybe Boui would like a job ou the canal. Don't overlook the low ptioes of clotbiug at Manasne's1. Take Notice. Those having bills of account ngaiust the Preston-Partou Milling company will hereafter present the same for collection on the Ctb day of each month instead of the 1st day of tbe ..mouth as heretofore. The cbauge is tnado for tbe convenience of tbe clerioul foice at tbe mill. Piestou-Fartou Mlling Co. Had a Close Call "A dungerous surgical operation, involving the romoviug of a malign ant uloer us large as my hand from my daughter's hip, was prevented by the application of Bucklen's Aruioa Salvo," says A. O. Stickel, of Mile tus, W. Va.' "Persistent use of tbo salve completely, cured it." Cures outs, but us aud injuries. 25o at Mo-Btido's. leqance in House Furnishing Iu selecting furniture aud carpets for your home let quality bo tbo first consideration seloct pieces of distinctive graoe, beauty aud sterling worth, that will be a pleasure to look upon uud that will setve their pur pose, not for a month or year, but all through life. Such styles aud qualities are now shown at our store, in larger varieties than you nan find within many bundled miles of Walla Walla. Come iu the next time you are iu tbo city and give us an opportunity to show you through our store. WE PAY the Freight whou bill amounts to 10 or over. I Use Our 3 . Rest I Rooms THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to 'Furnish the Home. 12 U-16-18 Alder Street. WALLA WALLA, : WASH Make Xour appointments ; Here Considerable surptise has been caused in official circles over the an nouncement that tbe president had decided to make at the opening of congress, all tbe cabinet changes neoessary inoident to fllliug tbe va cancy ou tbe supreme court bench by the appointment of Attorney General Moody. Tbe plan to bave these changes made now, instead of at tbe olose of the session, indicates tbe de sire on tbe part of tbe president to have as many of the transfers as pos sible made at tbe beginning, so that eaob member may be in his new office to look after sucb legislature as bis department may need. Aooording to tbe present program, the nomination of Attorney General Moody as justice of the supreme court will be sent to the senate on the open ing day, instead of waiting until after the holiday reoess. It is believed that tbe president now feels there is little dauger of tbe appointment failing of confirmation, and immediately that action is taken, Mr. Moody will as sume bis duties ou the benob, thus giviug to tbe supreme court its full membership, a thing much desired in deciding important cases. Then, if all goes as per schedule, by December 10, Secretary of tbe Navy Bonaparte will beoome attorney general, Secre tary of Commeroe and Labor Metcalf win uecome seoretary or tbe navy, and Oscar S. Straus of New York, will beoome seoretary of commeroe aud labor. The other cabinet changes that have already been decided upon will not bo made until tbe close cf tbe present congressional session. Many complaints are being received at tbe agricultural department in which it is charged that various rail roads are violating tbe thirty-six hour law regarding tbe transportation of stock. Seoretary Wilson is turning in the complaints and such evidence as bw agents gather to the depart ment oi justice and prosecutions are expected to follow, resulting, if tbe charges are sustained, in heavy fines against the railroad companies. The law requires that a railroad company shall not carry live stock on its trains more than 86 hours without providing suob stock food and water, but if the reports that bave reached Washington are correct, sixty, aud in some cases as many as 90 hours with out being unloaded to be watered and fed. Tbe charges apply to nearly all the big railroads, both in tbe east aud west, some of tbe worst violators being eastern roads runuing out of Chioago aud St. Louis for New York and Boston. Seoretary Wilson has doolared his intention to insist on an observance of the law and will extend no leniency to roads that break it. A surprise is iu store for the presi - dent wheu be returns to tbe Wbite House from bis visit to Panama ana Porto Rico. He will find that during his absence, the campus just to tbe rear of the executive mansion and where tbe mansion band gives its con certs during tbe summer months, has been turned into a football grounds aud here duriug four afternoons iu each week, this strenuous game is played. The captain of one of tbe teams and the prime mover in tbe sport, is Arobie Roosevelt, son of tbe President. His play mates are 80 boys about bis owu ago from tbe Friends' Select School at whioh Arobie is a . pupil. Temporary goal posts bave been ar ranged by tbe youngsters and soon after the close of school in the after- ujou a full Hedged game is under way. Each of the players has a egulatiou uniform aud while all of the plays perhaps, are not scientific-' ally carried out, a great deal of en thusiasm is expended, to say nothing of the noise. Tourists have been as tounded at tbe sight of boisterous boys whooping aud yelling iu the shadow of the exeoutive manaiou, but when told it is all a plau of the president's son, tbey manifest considerable inter est in tbe games as do the policemen nd atteudauts ou duty about the place. Some of these say that -it is likely the president himself will take a baud iu tbe sport as Lis liking for j football is well known. . Sightseers in Washington as well as residents are greatly interested iu the freakish plaut now on exhibition at the government botanical gardens. This strange specimen of tbe Lotanioal world is popularly called tbe "niotber-iu-law plant" because it is so closely related to tbe venerable mother-in law joke. It is the only plaut of its kind nourishing in the United States aud was originally brought to this country from South America by a Prussiau traveler who discovered tbe peculiar properties of the bush by biting into -its large stock, the result being that he was deprived of bis power of speech for about a week. ' The sap of the plaut causes tbe tender nerves of the tongue to beijome swollen and produces temporary loss of speech. So far, but one visitor to tbe government garden has been will ing to try the experiment. This was a woman, the wife of a former gov ernment official who doubted that tba plaut contained tbe power to silence the tongue. She bit into a piece of, tbe ttuuk, and as a result her throat and mouth required medical attention for several days. Settle Up. Those knowing themselves to be in debted to Wm. MoBride, tbe druggist. are expected to call aud settle by Oc tober 15. Otherwise cost of collec tion may be added. Public Notice. Notice Im hereby given thnt I will apply to tlm Mayor amt cuiumon council of the City ot Arii, Oregon, at n meeting thereot'to be held on t he .ith .lay of December, Mutt, for a liivnse to Bell spirituous, malt and vinous liquor.) In less quiintltles than one. quart, said liquors to lie sold only In a builtlinsr situated on I he eiist one-half of lot No. 8. tn block No 5. ol wild citv. Dated, tk-U S6, im. J. W. liavis. :CT YOUR .CLO From the Largest and Best Assorted Collection of Men's Women's and Children's High Grade Wearing Apparel To Be Found In Eastern Oregon Men's and Boy's Clothing The very best makes of Clothing only arc found here. They are guaranteed the best in quality, the best made and the best fitting Clothes Manufactured. We show a particularly strong line of De pendable Boy's C othing. In Men's Suits see our Banner line of new Suits at $15.00 In Boy's, our $5.00 Suits are unequaled for sty le, fit and wear. Women's and Children's Clothing ,The best of material and work manship guaranteed. We have our own alteration rooms where none but the est tailors are em ployed. , Every piece of work turned out ' must be up to our standard of efficiency. When you come here you are assured of none but the latest styles, and you have a much wider range of selection. Late fall Millinery Our Millinery Rooms are show ing the swellest of Fall Hats at greatly reduced prices, which makes your selection of Fall Hats one of profit as well as pleasure. Neck Furs Over 1200 pieces of dependable Neck Furs are now being shown in our Suit Rooms. Every piece new and the very best of Reliable Furs. Santa Claus will make his headquarters at Pendleton's Biggest and Best Store. In a few day" our Toy Land will be opened where you may see over lOCKfnew cVlechanical Toys in operation. A i Our Qualities, Our Styles and Our Prices will Admit of No Competition Whatever THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE mnasm, Oregon. WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE THE Eagle Bar BERT CARTA NO, Prop. GOOD LIQUORS A SPECIALTY Hourhound Bock and Bye Holly Tom Gin Tbiee Star Cognao Blue Stem Whisky Famous Pilsner Beer Best Brands of Gigars. it IS AT THE ELECTRIC SIGN. Don't Cut a Corn. - Blood poisoning; is liable to result when a corn is cut with knife or razor. Cutting or trimming a corn fiords but temporary relief because the corn comes back. The only safe and sure way to be free from corns and bun ions is by the uae of Indian Corn Leaf. This magic loaf applied to the corn eases the pain instantly after which the corn is removed entirely, permitting the foot to resume its natural shape. Recommended by all who have tested iU merits. Send 20 cents for large size package and obtain free our booklet ' HOW TO TREAT THE FEET." If bothered with Riles, send SO cents for " INDIAN PILE OINT IENT." Sent by mail on receipt of stamps or coin. Agents make money selling these guar anteed remedies. Write for terms. Address; THE BOND SUPPLY CO. Bond Building Washington, D. C s4A4AAAA44A4AaAA4AA4aU4AA THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL X J. E. FROOME, prop. it? ? Only First-class Hotel in the City. It? HE ST. NICHOLS Ih tin- "iiiy one that can accommodate V ooraraexolal travelers. ' Iff' CantHneoomended for Its clean and i well Tentllatad rooms. ... Com. MIW AWBTHIBD, ATBBNA.Or. llENK X x KEEN 8 . Barber Shop. Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. .HOT BATHS Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. v F rY Saving at the Spigot Wasting at the Bung" That's what buying- poor paint means. Paint may be low- priced by the gallon and be (extravagant to use owing to to its poor covering" power and weariner , aualitv. After the paint is applied it's too late to save. Start right and use Tut? Qifrnitnr liln i inure Dmiut i t nC U7CI twill-WW lUUHni O I Mini MADE TO PAINT BUILDINGS WITH, OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. It covers more surface, spreads easier, and lasts longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed lead and oil. . . 1 iS. If there is no Piano in tbe bouse, one Bhonld be purchased or t least hired. And it should be one of tbe BEST PIANOS shown in onr rooms. These instru ments are the perfeotion of mechan ical workmanship and are unexcelled eor sweetness and riohness of tone. STANLEY PIANO HOUSE, Main Street, Walla Walla, .Wash THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE CALL FOR Umatilla Lumber Yard .1 51 MM 35 s;l COOD HORSES AND RIGS. REASONABLE PRICES ,, DRIYER3URNISHEDWHEN DESIRED- Horse boarded by the day, week or month Stables on 2nd street. South of Main street J. F. Wright, - Proprietor- JEUurateTour rtttwela With Cris. Candy Ontharttr. cnre eonstlpation forever. SGciSc liaC-C.tuil,dniggisisrunnione Sv , - A- J- PARKER 'vli' AX SOUTH SIDE ' MAIM' I VU 9 PENDLETON WILL SAVE YOU 1 "' TV MONEY Ml -JNy- wax 20,000 square feet of floor space filled with the latest and best things the Market Affords in FURNITURE aM CARPETS oaubiaciion guaranteed or Your Monev Yonrs to please M. A. RADER, - - . PENDLETON, Undertaking Pallors in Connection , , , , K ' f Back OREGON. Applicant. ( A 1 J vJr i i 1 -4 - :,. L a , , - x.