DIVIDED JH p Democratic Leaders, Stillman & Pierce, Dissolved NO LONGER PARTNERS IN Li Men Who for Tears Were Prominent ly Associated in Politics and Law Have Heated Words. Tbe politioal and law firm of Still niao & Pieore, by mutual consent aud heated words, according to tbe Peudleton Tribune, was dissolved Sat urday. This Information will be of more than ordinary iuterest to tbe people of Umatilla county, where both meu bave been promiuent in . politics aud law. For years a sort of Damon aud Pytbias combination existed be tween A. D. Stillman aud Walter M. Pierce. Politically, both men trained "in tbe democratio cnmp, dominated county politics, and both men gener ally got what they wauted in tbe way of oftioe, and particularly so did Pierce. In the praotioo of law it is reported that the firm was eminently success ful, but apparently the bond ct friend ship has been shattered, dissolution naturally followed, and tbe two men stand divided. Tbe Pendleton Tri bune says: Tbe law firm of Stillman & Pierce existeth no longer. In street language, "it is off in a thousand places" An other split in tbe democratio party. "Get out of tbis office and get out quick." "Get yonr things put of tbis office aud get them ont quick." "Yon had better get ont" These and many other similar expressions, just as expressive and all given in a tone of voioe which could hardly be designated as conciliatory, might have ' been heard yesterday afternoon issu ing from the rooms which have been used as law offices for many years by A. D. Stillman and Walter Perce. A few minutes after open hostilities commenced, tbe part of tbe furniture and books belonging to tbe ex-state senator were being rapidly moved to vacant rooms in another part of the building. Tbe removal was no less spirited than the war of words and in almost loss time than it takes to tell it tbe complete segregation aud transfer had been effected. For a time the offloe rooms retained by Mr. Stillman looked rather bare in spots and were especially short ou chairs, but by tbe aid of the f urnitnre man they quickly regained, a part at least, of their old time appearance. Tbe exact canse of yesterday's cyclouio earthquake like disturbauoe is not .known nor was there any par tioulur effort made to asoertain it. It seems, however, that the firm of Stillman & Pierce was dissolved July 21, 1005, and tbat since that time tbe two men bave retained their offioes as before and had tbe same steuograpber aud tbat there was some difference of opiniou i'J regard to the payment of the office rent aud tbe stenographer's salary, which resulted in Mr. Pierce's beiug invited to move ont, which he did;oriu Mr. Pierce's dedarnig he would seek other quarters, which he did. Auybow tbe partnership is not only dissolved but tbe two democratio war horses who have pulled so long in tbe harness together are ooonpyiug differ ent suits of rooms in the same build ing and about as far apart as it is possible for them to be. OVER WESTON WAY From the Leader. A. F. aod T. W. Turner have re turned from their trip into northern Idaho. Tbey were much impressed withtbe present prosperity and future prospects of Graugeville and may de cide to locate at tbat -point, having disposed of their farm property near Helix. ! Mr. and Mrs. William Albert, who reside on Weston mountain, were call ed to Echo Tuesday by a sad message aunonucing serious and perhaps fatal iD juries to their grandchild, the little son or w. W. P enry. The boy was accidentally scalded, and it is feared that be cannot reoover. George Carinicbael's team ran away last evening from tbe bitching rack ou Main street near tbe Weston Store, drugging bim for some distance. After tonring pell mell through the npper end of town, tbe team circled back to Main street and collided with a telephone pole. No great damage resulted. Tbat farmers hereabouts are dis posed to heaatify and improve their nlaces is indicated by the dozens of orders for frnit trees and shrubbery now being distributed at N. Love- ridse's barn. Tbat so many orders were filled here by tbe Milton nursery is an encouraging sign, as it indicates thetendancy of Weston farmers to spare a little time from wheat raising in order to get an orchard started. And it has been demonstrated that fiait is a success here, if proproly cared for. James Compton baa a promising crop of potatoes on Reed aud Hawley mountain, consisting of about thirty acres, and exnecta to harvest in tbe neighborhood of about 1800 sacks. Consequently he is keeping an eye on the market, and wonld like to dispose of his entire crop to one buyer for sbipmeut Some of the "spuds" al ready dug went, neatly 100 sacks to the acre, bnt Mr.' Compton does not expeot tbis average to be maintained. MILTON NEWS NOTES. From tbe Eagle. Prof. J. E. Cherry has moved bis family up from Pendleton and is oo onpyiug tbe B. L. Wright resideuoe on upper Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Cherry have many friends in tbis city wbo are glad to welcome them back J to Milton. Work on tbe eleotrio line from Walla Walla is somewhat delayed owing to the non-airival of material. However, grading work is being push ed and the oompany expects to have the load compeletd to this place by tbe end of the month. Mr. A. M. "Elam was showing a peanut vine this week wbiob was grown on his plaoe and on which were'clnsejred'a lrage number of fully developed peanuts. Tbe peanuts were a Mexioau variety which Mr. Elam brought from Texas and he states are the ouly ones he has ever planted that would thoroughly mature in this climate. Eleotrioiau .Taylor has placed twenty-three more lights on tbe streets of Milton, which brings the total up to 58 25 candle power lamps amount ing to 1158 candle power. This would cost if bought from any private com pany, $87 a month for tbe eleotria current and globes, or $1,014 a year. The tax payers of Milton can see from this what benefit they are getting by the city owning its own eeotrio plant as they would be taxed to this am ount if the lights were bonght from a private company. COMMERCIAL LIVERY STABLE HARRY M'BRIDE, MANAGER Best Stock and Rigs in the City. Competent Drivers. Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month at Reasonable Rate. NORTH SIDE STREET, ATHEAN, ORE J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Barrett Building, Athena, Oregon FURNITURE N. A. MILLER, Furniture "Saving at the Spigot Wasting at the Bung It covers more surface, spreads ; easier, and lasts longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed lead and oil. CALL I roLOR. Umatilla Lumber Yard lira Why more men in Umatilla county wear our Suits and Overcoats than from any other store. If you have never traded with us, now is the time to start. We are sure we will make it an object to you. AH we want is a chance to show you when in Pendleton and we'll make a customer of you. REMEMBER, we guarantee every thing we sell. Our best advertisement is our pleased customers. i ir i& 5P iP Jr WE SELL I SATISFACTION With every 1 Come The next time you are in Pendleton. We know we will get your trade sooner or later because we keep dependable goods, so make up your mind to come. & Special Attention Given to Mail Orders For the next thirty days, closing November 15th. I will give, abso lutely FREE, a four section Clothes Rack, on exhibition in. the show window, with every $25 cash purchase of OR CARPETS Dealer - Athena, Oregon That's what buying poor paint means. Paint, may be low priced by the gallon and be extravagant to use owing to to it's poor covering power and wearing quality. After the paint is applied it's too late to save. Start right and use The Sherwin-Williams Paint MADE TO PAINT BUILDINGS WITH. OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. FOR CARDS BE NOV The Leading Clothiers to Our Bond Bros. 1 Gut Grlass - Silverwear C. A. BARRETT FOR COUGHS FOR THROAT nn FOR SCiPJCl :nnn I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am all sound and well MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Price 50c and $1.03 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottla Frsa W. MciiKlDE, THE PALACE DRUG STOKE, SOUTH SPECIAL 200 Men's Suits, $15, $17.50 and $20 values, all through Nov. your choice for $12.50 i 125 Men's Overcoats, $15, $17.50, and $20 values, all through November $12.50 PENDLETON OREGON Store A. fine line on display, One piece of-Cut Glass each year and you will soon have a nice collection, & CO. ac$ iX - THE WONDER WORKER DR. ECIWS Lurjcs COUGHS AND COLDS PREVENTS PflEUQOHIA SOLD AND GUARANTEED SEE THE YORK DENTAL PARLORS If you are in need of a competent . Dentist. We won't atari a piece of work if there is any doubt about it not lasting a sufficient length of time. You will remember our high doss work a long time after you have forgotten the price. Our prices are astonishingly low. We will examine and estimate your work free if you will call at office. NEW YORK DENTAL PARLORS Third St., Between Main and Alder Walla Walla Phone M. 494 r THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL I J. E. FROOME, prop. Iff Only First-class Hotel in t the City. f THE ST. NICHOLS J U the only one that can accommodate ooramei-olal travelers. m Can bieoomended (or Us clean and well ventilated rooms. Cob. Main and Third, athkna, or. PETERSON & PETERSON. Attorneys-at-Law ATHENA, - - - OREGON BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Propiietor. Shop WeBt of King's Bam, Athena Athena, Oregon. FOR GOLDS Arm BY SIDE MAIN STREET A 1111.11 A ) ( 2 ( o) ) (o o) o) ( o) o) ) 5